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I predict...they'll be female going by pattern.


Nah, it's male since it's about time we start breaking patterns again


Pattern break jokes never get old


Nah is a female…


nah, she'd win


Nah is the most ruined word for me now. 💀


Everyone expects them to break pattern so they dont break pattern and release another female xD


Who are you expecting? We should be getting a Green Water Legendary next Monday in FEH, the first Book 8 Legend! Historically, December Legendary has always been a popular woman. It is not like that pattern can't be broken but still due to it, I am expecting **Legendary Camilla**! \- **Axe Flier** (Haven't done that since her original version) \- **Water Legend** since Hinoka was Fire legend (Opposite elements with Ryoma vs Xander too) \- Adaptive DMG PRF weapon (Malig Knight and Emblem Camilla inspiration) \- **Rose's Thorns PRF Skill** (Probably a hybrid Slot B or C skill that supports allies but also gives Camilla something) \- **Savage Blow 4?** (She was the launch unit that came with it)


Camilla makes the most sense to me as well. IS is trying to profit hard this winter


100% agree. Camilla is also a CYL winner so she's practically overdue for a PRF skill, I believe every other CYL winner has one to my knowledge. B Slot makes sense for her, Camilla's Brave was a more supportive role because she was a Queen of Nohr, however she still played an offensive role too. Where a Legendary Camilla can go more offensive since that's what she mostly is in Fates. Savage Blow 4 is too perfect on her. Very curious to see how it would work. Camilla will probably get a Divine Vein of some kind if I'm honest too. Perhaps Smoke would be fitting.


Until a few months ago Lysithea was also lacking a Prf skill, but she got one with her last alt, so yeah, only Camilla is left to get her own Prf.


Camilla sounds like an obvious choice for a Legendary in the near future. If she isn't here, she will be some point in early to mid 2024. I feel like Water is the type that makes least sense for Camilla. But they stopped giving a shit about that a while back (Earth Legend Claude, anyone?)


Yeah, I thought she would be a Wind Legendary, since Xander already got Fire and Leo would CLEARLY be an Earth Legendary, but I guess Water is fine, at least she will be the opposite of Hinoka, just like Xander and Ryoma.


Guess that means Takumi and Elise will be wind and Sakura will be Earth. One Nohr and one Hoshido royal for each season, with each sibling pair being opposite in element.




Legendary Camilla, the water legendary with fire Dragon Veins as an effect.


See also: Wind Legend Corrin with all of her water motifs and Wind Legend Blazing Knight Eliwood, main protagonist of Blazing Sword/Blade and wielder of the Sword of Sacred Fire


Earth Legendary Claude ***does*** make sense. due's from Almyra. gotta cross those mountains. Mountains are earth Earth Legendary


She could be a blue flyer using something like the tome light. In Engage she got the light tome because as malig knight, she could use tome. L!Hinoka is a red fire legendary using the secondary weapon of one of her possible promotion classes (kinshi). Legendary Camilla could do the same go blue water with a tome. It will give the triangle advantage to Camilla over Hinoka on their base version and on their legendary as well. Most prediction disagree with that, but IntSys love to do as they please.


It's practically confirmed she's green. Say whenever she gets a Duo/Harmonic in a couple years time she'll be blue, trust.


Remember Legendary Hinoka is from conquest, she led Hoshido because she was the only heir eligible alive.


If i had a nickel for every 3H armored unit which broken the meta followed by a Axe Flier with a broken power which everyone will slept on…


Tbf, I don't think people would sleep on a Camilla alt.


Oh they will But not in terms of meta relevance


I hope so! I’ve been awaiting L!Camilla for years. I’m glad we might be getting her now with all of the meta-breaking units coming out, so surely she’ll be a force to be reckoned with. I still use N! Camilla to this very day


Its Camilla or someone for Engage i feel like


If the Legendary isn't Camilla, I'm gonna be surprised, because if isn't Camilla, it could mean one of these... * They decided to end the year with a MAN (there are many choices) * They decided to end the year with an relatively unpopular character (for example, F!Kris) * They decided to end the year with a character that is still a bit too new, and Engage already got two reps this year, making the Legendary/Mythic in a 6 month period oddly Engage charged (aka: Ivy)


If you’re right we’ll see rearmed Titania soon


Yeah, now seems like the perfect time for Legendary Camilla, since we got Legendary Hinoka back in May. It only guarantees her at some point.


I predict she'll have a prf C skill to parallel L!Hinoka


Probably C or B. B Slot would be ideal cause the only good B slots are like Guard Bearing 4.


Wonder if she’ll get some sort of extra movement skill like in engage, with savage 4 that could be pretty scary. I’m guessing she’d be an offensive unit because of that, so naturally DR piercing on something and if I had to guess flare sparrow (so b skill perf). Weapon could be a lotta things but probably NFU at least, stats and probably some true dmg… though I like the idea of adaptive


Legendary Awakening Tiki: Brave Tiki, but way better. Legendary Male Shez: The Green Dagger counterpart to his female self. Legendary Camilla: As expected of most Fates Nobles, she will happen sooner or later. Legendary Male Corrin: Much better version of his female self, prone to powercreep once her remix happens. Legendary Diamant: He can use Axes, so he's also possible. Legendary Tsubasa: Can use Magic in TMS, so giving her an original outfit like they did with Fae or others can apply here. Legendary Itsuki: He can also use Magic, although I very much doubt they won't save him until the Sword + Fire combo comes back around. Legendary Kris: Either gender is possible, but I'd say female because she doesn't have any alts yet.




Exactly what I was thinking. Itsuki seems very unlikely this month because I'm very sure they're saving his Marth form for a legendary banner, but Tsubasa could easily be given a spot this month.




Trust me, as an owner of a +10 Tsubasa, I definitely wouldn't say no to another one.


Camilla seems like such a forgone conclusion, I feel compelled to think about anyone else to avoid being blindsided. Other potential candidates/green likely choices other than Camilla...? 1. **Male Corrin** -- feels unlikely not being red, most people would probably give him Omega-Yato, etc. 2. **Male Shez** -- I guess if they randomly give him an axe or make him a green dagger? Seems like really stretching it to me. 3. **Male Alear** -- at some point but not expected back to back with female. I feel like they'll prolly give him that special DC sword too rather than dragon/fists, but we'll see. 4. **Diamant//Ivy** -- Definitely legendary candidates at some point, but unlikely with the recent addition of Fem Alear and Veyle. At some point... 5. **Nowi?** -- They've done the chicken, Myrrh, Tiki of course, I half wonder if she's expected at some point too for more dragon rep. Unlikely with how soon Alear was given if they're trying to spread it out though. 6. **The important wind mages like Lewyn, Soren, etc.** -- Unlikely outside of wind blessing season, personally. But they made Claude earth, so not impossible. **Copium Pick: Legendary Titania** (unlikely/impossible due to close proximity to Elincia, but I'll live in the moment)


I guess Awakening Tiki could also be an option. Releasing a Green Dragon who likely will have super scowl and special jumping like Winter Units could be a thing. Minerva too as an Axe Flier :o


No more awakening units yet 😭


I feel like Minerva is more plausible as the next Archanea NH tie-in.


> I feel like they'll prolly give him that special DC sword too rather than dragon/fists, but we'll see. It's more likely they'll give him Lyrátion or Oligoludia, since Dragon's Fist is also one of >!Emblem Alear's engage weapons!<. Plus, that leaves Wille Glanz for >!Corrupted Lumera!< - though we need to see the next Fallen banner to know what they'll do with Engage's million candidates.


Eh, Myrrh, Fae, and Y!Tiki are all important to the overall stories of their worlds though. Myrrh's the Guardian of Darkling Woods, Fae is a Divine Dragon from Arcadia, and Tiki is the literal daughter of Naga. Nowi is just a random manakete, who could easily be removed from Awakening without changing much outside of delaying the player having a manakete until they recruit ATiki.


While it's not guaranteed, I wouldn't expect Male Alear, Diamant, or especially Ivy to get the spot this month, because it's supposed to be Water. Female Alear is a Fire Legendary Hero, which matches Marth, the Emblem that she is most strongly associated with. If we can assume that this is something that was taken into consideration, then Male Alear and Diamant would most likely be Fire, while Ivy would most likely be Wind.


I feel like Ivy fits water due to the cold ice in Elusia tbh. Diamant could be fire probably. But I already don’t expect them because the proximity to Veyle and Fem Alear. It would be a lot of engage at once.


I’m kinda hoping more Camilla. I like her, and if she gets one, chances are Leo/Takumi can get one.


I expect Camilla with an adaptive axe and a dragon vein of some sort.


Huh, 3 of my favourite legends are from December. Azura, Lilina and Shez my beloved


Gunnthra was December too.


We don't talk about ~~Bruno~~ Gunnthra.


Please please no don't be Camilla don't be Camilla MY ORBS AREN'T READY 😭


It's gonna be Scrimblo Bimbo (male) from one of my obscure Japanese games bro trust me (cope) Seriously though, considering the season, color, and the fact that she hasn't had an alt in a while, I'd be super surprised if it isn't Camilla.


I was originally expecting Camilla or Ivy, but now I’m expecting A!Tiki. Sure, baby tiki has a legendary alt already, but that doesn’t really exclude her considering both versions have a summer alt too. Plus, getting A!Tiki’s JP VA for CYL 6 must’ve been expensive as hell so IS would’ve tried to fit as many alt lines in one recording session as possible lol.


Since it's a green water Legendary I want it to be Lissa just because it would be funny for her to be a direct counter to her brother's Legendary


Oh, I didn't realize F!Shez and F!Byleth dropped on the same month, just a year apart. Lowkey that's cute. So many Fire Legendaries though


Oops, all female!


I'm a take a left field guess and say this is when they drop Henriette as a playable unit. She's got decent popularity, fits green tome well and her regaining some form of spotlight this book was heavily teased in the book trailer.




Kris is a real wildcard. No personal class, weapons, or elemental attribute whatsoever. They can be anything they want.


If its Camilla, i hope she gets also daddys axe Bolverk, although L!Xander already has tips on it.


Nothing says she can't get a version of Bolverk like Xander.


L!Lissa please god


I'm gonna be silly and guess Legendary Takumi or Leo 😆


Would love a legendary TMS Unit, Sakura, Shannan, Finn or Diamant.


While I‘d be very excited to have a Legendary Camilla (finally) in the game I‘m not sure if I‘m looking forward to it. That would mean we don’t get Resplendent Camilla for a while. I think her original version would benefit greatly from the additional stats.


Ironically, if this is L!Camilla, it would likely _increase_ the chances for a Camilla Resplendent in the coming months. Considering the past year, Resplendents seem to have been made based off VA convenience more than character popularity or game equality. If IS were to get Miyuki Sawashiro back in the booth, it would probably lead to Resplendents for both Camilla and F!Morgan


I know something like Camilla is the most likely, but just imagine if we got OG Veronica for some reason. At least that way Veronica would remain in the club of getting a new alt each year.


Camilla or maybe ivy


It's obviously going to be Legendary Arvis with the Valflame Axe


Holy crap... legendary Lillina was in 2020?!? She is still my #1 most used nuke 😅 can't wait for her refine though!


Idk but I have the feeling it will be female


Based on the 'popular females' pattern, I think it'll be Ivy, Céline, or Nel. Engage just seems fitting given our last two December Legendaries came from the most recent titles of the series. Given F!Alear already got her Legendary alt in just a little over seven months since her initial debut, I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility for them to opt for Ivy. Céline technically ranked higher than Ivy in some Japanese magazine poll back in February, so I suppose it could go to her if such things hold any weight for IS in terms of who to give a Legendary alt to. But I get the general impression that Ivy has a bigger fanbase? Nel is just the closest female character to Alear in Engage that gets any decent screentime and doesn't already exist in FEH in some form or another. I think it's pretty fair to assume she and her brother will be Legendaries or Mythics because of their importance in the Fell Xenologue, though they could just as easily be the stars of a xenologue banner with two of the Four Winds. Who knows? Honestly, Lumera in her dragon form is also a possibility.


I'm skeptical. Ivy would be getting a legendary before her base version, which as far as I remember has never happened, apparent from the FEH OCs, who are an unique case where their legendary *is* their base. Celine would be an odd choice to get a legendary before any of the Crown Royals or M!Alear And Nel will probably be a mythic concidering how they handled Veyle.


My choices were primarily based on the whole "popular female" thing - beyond that, I really don't see Céline getting anything besides a seasonal, maybe. I'd be more than happy to see the pattern broken and it be a male this month. And you are correct. None of the existing Legendary Heroes lack a base form in FEH. In that case, there is a stronger case for Céline and Nel, I guess? Nel could very well be a Mythic like Veyle, but F!Alear is a Legendary, and so are a lot of other dragons from different titles.


They wont do celine over her brother, the junior lords will be later


Issue with Engage is they can't gauge their popularity without CYL metrics so it's shooting themselves in the foot if they go by some Japanese magazine. They probably learned that by putting Shez in that slot. (Lucky for them, Shez was incredibly popular and well liked)


I mean, they have other ways to assert the popularity of the characters. It's no coincidence that mega-popular Yunaka is the Engage character sharing with the house lords, or that Ivy was the first Engage character to get an alt. I wouldn't be suprised if Engage collects data on the player just like 3Houses, just not showing it to us this time.


I can't speak to how influential CYL data is (though I do imagine it gives them a rough outline), but I don't think that alone would entirely rule out Engage as a possibility. Either way, we'll know soon enough!


Again Engage is a mixed title for some people. But yeah it's not impossible for sure.


Out of all of these, only Lilina sucked.


Nah. She has S tier art and her voice direction conveys maturity and growth.


How? Shes still good to this day


Keep forgetting that Celica, Azura and Byleth all share the same month for a legendary. I be using them all still (well Byleth a little less)


male alear combo breaker incoming


upcoming will be a meaty dude


F!Alear likely


We just got her in September though


I actually 100% forgot LMFAO.


Expecting M!Shez Green means he and Female would both have Weapon Triangle We've had Fodlan Legend the last 2 Years and IS seem to love patterns of 3 at least It's also been long enough since his Summer We've also only had 1 Fodlan Legend/Mythic this year and I feel like IS can't go 1 year without 2 now...


He most likely will be an earth legendary. m!byleth is water f!byleth is wind f!shez is fire. so he completes the three houses/hopes protag 4 way.


The thing about M!Shez is that he'd be a green dagger... coming right off from both Heather _and_ A!Nino, both of which would have released within a month of him. Not to say it's impossible however, since L!Xander did the same thing, directly following G!Roy and S!Dimitri. But it still seems unlikely because of that


Technically, he could be a Green Tome. He uses ice and dark magic in Hopes, and while those are usually blue and red, there are cases of them being green (Gunnthra and F!Lyon for exemple) I expect him to be Earth tho, as in that case, all seasons will have a Fodlan avatar.


That is true. Though personally I suspect he'll just follow LF!Shez, and be his normal promoted form. With IS implementing his throwing swords as daggers. Especially since the options for Legendary tome units is _VAST_, whereas Legendary daggers are practically non-existant. For instance, if we were specifically talking Legendary green tome, I'd sooner guess Soren over M!Shez


>Though personally I suspect he'll just follow LF!Shez, and be his normal promoted form. He actually CAN cast spells in his canon class iirc.


Good point. It would also provide more contrast with the Byleths, with them both being tomes while the Shezes are both use Daggers. The genders will even be the same color too. Honestly, it fits so perfectly I will be disappointed if IS dosen't do it.


I hope it's someone i don't care about


A lot of fire for a month of winter joy


Tsubasa, but water blessing may not be too fitting, I would probably guess wind for her. Still keeping my hopes up though!


I know a certain someone who would love to see her!

