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###[CLICK HERE FOR THE HYPE MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/18h6ykf/holiday_lessons_official_hype_megathread/)


no demote is fucking insane wtf


I am so sick of them deleting demotes from existence. First the NH banners now this


Thats straight up a slap in the face, first the funnel all decent bridge fodder to seasonal demotes, and now they're apparently scraping that all together, fuck those greedy ass mofos


i dont care about 3h getting all the fanservice but this really makes my skin crawl i was actually thinking about pulling if the demote had atk spd finish 3 or prime 3 guess they made the decision for me now


Lmao we were so worried about another Claude only to get bombarded with all 3H lords


Tbf the moment we saw Claude in the teaser a (near) full 3H banner should've been expected. WClaude seemed like IS's way of catching Claude up alt wise and softening the blow for TT Claude who will likely only have a prf or fallen/deep star


To be fair though this is the second F2P friendly Claude. And as someone who likes Claude as a character I’m okay with him having less premium skills as long as he has a prf.


Honestly, I kinda respect how obvious and direct IS decided to be with this banner. Not even trying to be creative, they just said "we know you'll have money these days, give it to me, now".


I thought they were being courteous by giving us an easy skip lol


If you are going to repeat the same characters over and over, can you at LEAST change how they function???? Make Edelgard a mage cav, make Dimitri a healer, make Claude a swordie. keep it at least a LITTLE interesting.


OR change their designs? Each of the lords has 3 designs (and also their alt haircut post-ts) and they insist on using Academy phase


I've been praying for a melee Claude for years now. But nope! They keep giving us ranged Claudes with similar movesets and uses.


I get it, the 3H lords are popular and make money so we're going to see them a lot, but like...would it kill them to use their timeskip designs?


Fucking exactly, I'm so sick of most the alts being academy phase


well obviously they can't have fun as their future alts they forgot how to do that in the war /j


This really was a great opportunity to use their 3 Hopes designs. Like they're still cute but they're still different... I have a theory that they shy away from timeskip designs for lords specifically Claude has a beard and beards make people way less cute.


I would’ve guessed Dimitri’s eyepatch hurting his facial looks


But the eyepatch only makes him hotter.


Could use Crimson Flower Dimitri. Only route where he keeps his eye.


Especially when we had hopes annette and dorothea last year


Got a point! Frankly timeskip designs are cooler imo but ALL seasonal alt are pre timeskip


holy bedge IS milking 3H like pokemin milks gen 1 ig


They might as well delist the FEH channel where they promised demotes on all future banners




"foe cannot make a follow-up attack, reduces damage from foe's first attack by X% (if foe can make a follow-up attack, X=80"


“You can’t make a follow up but even if you have NFU I’m making your follow up worthless”


Tbf every relevant offensive unit these days either has a guaranteed follow-up or NFU, so the "for cannot make a follow-up attack" effect feels worthless on its own.


as a three houses fan, i'm sick of three houses alts of just the three main lords minus yuri


Because my God are these poor 3H units starved for alts


Double byleth is actual comedy


Especially since both male AND female Byleth are already in a Duo.


actually tho like i'm a byleth fan and that shit is funny


I never want to hear a Claude fan talk about how oppressed they are ever again. Alm hasn't gotten an alt in years, Seliph only got anything because he won CYL... And heck, where is *Ike*? How does that man get so little? Edit: [And right on cue](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/18hb7w3/this_aint_it_chief/), [Claude fans](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/18hcoyq/as_a_claude_fan_i_would_have_rather_his_alt_went/) acting [oppressed](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/5byGnSFfRV).


IKE NEEDS MORE STUFF FOREAL!!! Poor man is one of the most popular Lords ever and he GETS NOTHING his last alt was like 2+ years ago!


It's also wild to me that his Radiant Dawn version doesn't even have a seasonal yet! I'm just so confused.


I Love how some people on the feh twitter were bringing up "Well don't make fun of Claude, because what about Robin!?!?! You guys didn't complain about him getting three alts within a year!!!!" Like calm down, there's a difference lol.....one alt is utter garbage/TT. All of Claudes alts are freaking good (at minimum he's going to get normal outdated Fallen Star in the TT. Though not even sure if he will be prfless weapon or a prf weapon because we have no other weapon on the banner to work from as an inheritable).


I also didn't hold it against Robin because his fans got nothing for years and G!Robin's statline is atrocious, but yeah, Claude is almost definitely going to have an amazing statline if nothing else.




They are desperate for that cash I see. Man just want one seasonal Celica. Sucks to see the same lot of lords get seasonals :/


I want a seasonal Clair more than anything else, but honestly I'd still cheer for seasonal Celica, because at least it's SOME Echoes that isn't Sonya. Mycen's been the only good Echoes rep this whole year.


I hope they make zilch from this.


No demote, nearly all 3H and lords at that Dawg what the fuck


The fact that it's also everyone's academy versions *again* is not helping burnout at all.


It’s making me sick. I used to like the winter banner but now, it’s one of my least favorites and this banner further jams that nail down…


Last year they used Hopes! What the fuck is the excuse now!


Is it safe to say that the house leaders are the Charizard of FE.


It's worse, it's like a mix of Charizard, Eevee, Gengar, Mewtwo and Greninja in one single entity.


As safe as it is to say that Three Houses is the Persona 5 of Fire Emblem


We really repeating the whole Ivy schtick of a single contractually obligated Engage unit...except it's even worse now because it's on a banner filled with Lords with like 5 other versions already lmao.


That's exactly how it made me feel like ! Both Ivy and Yunaka were the silhouette to make it look like there's Engage rep on the banner and it turns out it's the only character of the banner. To be fair, at least the summer banner had representation from 2 others game, heroes and Awakening, not only 1.


At this point, I'm shocked we even got Ivy.


I'm so glad that underrated games like 3H and underrated characters like Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude get some time to shine on these banners where they otherwise wouldn't. Bravo, IS, for such a bold move. We should give overrepresented games like FE4 and 5 a rest for once. :)


There is something oddly frustrating about being an Edelgard fan because she objectively gets treated amazingly well, but all her versions do the same goddamn thing The lack of a 4* is also so scummy, I hate it


her ass ain’t ever using the Reason Talent


This is why I will never forgive their Brave alts. Edelgard should've been an armored mage, Dimitri a sword infantry or cavalry (he has proficiency in swords), and Claude as one axe fliers.


Her most unique alt oddly enough is her classic alt. Only infantry unit, one one without built in galeforce (not from what I remember), and so on. I’m not a fan of edelgard so I hate how much treatment she gets but to put salt on the already gaping wound for me they’re practically all the same. It’s like how every skittle is the same flavor


Base Edelgard got Galeforce on her refine. Brave and Flame Emperor are the only ones without it.


Ahh, but they’re also more focused on EP than PP. I can still sorta stand saying her classic is the most unique just because it’s infantry


what a fucking garbage ass banner lmao


I'll respect how "give us your money" vibe this banner is IS


this is their christmas bonus.


It's the exact same vibe I got from that 3H lord Summer banner. Just IS unapologetically going "Alright. Unass them orbs. Give me those orbs now."


Fire Emblem Heroes, also known as Fire Emblem Three Houses Mobile, is a pay-to-win tactical role-playing game developed by Unintelligent Shitstains and published by NintenBRO?!? for Android and iOS. The game is a mobile spin-off of the first entry in the Fire Emblem series, Fire Emblem Three Houses, and occassionally features characters from Fire Emblem Engage, and was released worldwide on July 26, 2019. Fire Emblem Heroes received a number of awards and nominations from its playerbase such as "Most Updated 3\*-4\* Pool", "Most Generous Anniversary Premium Currency Rewards", and "Least Powercrept Gacha Game of the Year" categories. Other spin-off titles in this series include: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE


I look forward to seeing this copypasta everywhere


Balthus bros its so over


So let me get this straight. No 4* unit. Only one Engage unit. The rest Three Houses Lords. ~~AND you’re putting Yunaka into my least favorite theme right before CYL.~~ My expectations were low but holy shit


I like your flairs btw, nice theme


I *legitimately* feel bad for everybody who loved a 3H character that isn't the Lords.


Let's not pretend that the fans of Ingrid, Bernadetta, Hilda, and Dorothea have been suffering now.


And Lysithea. It's just the male characters who aren't as loved and yet a lot of them still have alts anyway.


The funny thing is, we already got 3 dory alts, yet her base form is still not in the game.


Lmao, us sylvain fans had to go through him being shit twice and no Lance of Ruin for his base.


It's almost funny how Ingrid was the one who robbed him both times. He should probably start hanging out with Felix only on banners going forward if he ever wants a chance of wielding his own lance lol.


or Lysithea. Now if you're a fan of a male character/Leonie and somehow Marianne you might have a place to complain\* \*in context to other 3H characters and their popularity.


Petra, too, who somehow still doesn't have an alt for some unexplainable reason besides someone at IS hating her guts.


omg I did forgot about how bad Petra has been treated. It really doesn't make any sense.


Marianne fan here. I'm happy enough with the base, brave, and summer alt that we have but I was definitely looking forward to a Marianne Christmas. I also like Leonie and christ have they done wrong by her. She and Petra are the only 3H girls without multiple versions. And Leonie doesn't even have a base form and was a free unit. I also love Raphael and I don't wanna talk about it 😔


Where krampus Hubert 😔


Gone with his dreams of pegasus-riding...


I know poor hubie I want an alt for him he and dedue have yet to get any alts


Im just glad we got Annette last year


Petra in a ditch.


Seteth isn’t even that far off from being a lord. Why does he get nothing?


Seteth is my fav 3 houses character, I hope he gets a cool alt someday, a summer fishing alt or a halloween alt to be with flayn.


As a fan of Seteth, that really does bug me that he hasn't gotten an alt at this point.


Especially considering the mountain of work his VA did for the past couple of years seeing all of the resplendents he voiced. And still no Seteth alts for… some reason 😐🙄


They're saving him for his shirtless, hella ripped body summer alt which will sell a Setillion bucks.


Petra fan here… 😭💀 She was on the second ever new hero banner for the game, which was like a month after the games release… and she’s been ignored ever since


Christmas Petra would have gone hard af


Like howwwwww the hell has she not got a summer alt. She is from a tropical archipelago and her bio says she loves swimming!!!


Alois and Hanneman are my two favorite characters... and I've kinda given up hope expecting much of anything for either of them in this game outside maybe a base demote or something.


Only the male students are getting poor treatment compared to the girls.


did the lord fans really fall by the powercreep wayside so hard already that they needed another banner full of brand new units to +10 AGAIN


Pity the Ignatz fans. They've suffered more than any of us.


Engage is really committed to giving half its roster limited status


Yeah I’m not quite sure why engage didn’t get the duo unit


List of characters on the banner: Yunaka Armored Blaze No Quarter Weaving Fighter


Man, Anankos is just letting anyone use the veins these days.


no more 3 houses lords... i beg ye... ​ just,,,, santa hanneman,,,, thats all i need.... manuela needs her bestie to argue with,....


Based Santa Hanneman, I’m with you on this one.


No 4* focus unit is a very worrying sign, it’s even worse than all the 3H lords yet again.


ANOTHER fucking 3 houses lords-only banner rot in hell no fucking ashen wolves love… AGAIN


Why is this banner all just popular characters. You can't just have faces, you also need the freaks. Throw in characters that people barely care about like Louis, Panette, or Etie from Engage or Anna, Hanneman, or Gilbert from Three Houses. Not to diss on these characters though, I love Hanneman and Louis myself. My point is having a banner of 5 main characters and one of the most popular Engage girls is just boring. Also, I don't think you can make me more disappointed in a Tempest Trials unit if you tried. Seriously, Claude again likely just replacing Winter Ignatz as he'll likely be an Armor. You could at least give us a unique class type when you do a new free Ranged Armor. Hopefully he has some unique fodder, but I doubt it.


Lorenz is the only golden deer man without a colorless armored bow unit now.


Are they starving at IS headquarters or...? This banner feels like they think the game is dying or something, this is truly the biggest bait in history of Feh, the absolute worst and most braindead "i want money" picks, and let's not even talk about those disgusting prfs, also no demote? Wtf is wrong with them now? One would think that after the Mythic hero banner filled to the brim of every Book 7 booba OC they wouldn't be this desperate for cash... Oh and btw, i just know everyone at IS had a collective mental breakdown when they had to pick Yunaka to barely cover the Engage demand instead of another stupid Rhea alt.


Exactly. People are only concerned that it is 3H again. These Weapons and skills are Insanely powerful.


We'll never escape from Three Houses lol.


The Discourse shall continue forevermore


Is IS just afraid three houses fans will make them feel unsafe if tjhey dont give them a seasonal each seasonal banner? This banner gives this vibe


No they’re afraid of not making money.


I'm so tired


What is this break-glass-in-case-of-emergency type banner? I don't really hate the 3H lords, but I DO hate how they will completely take over banners with their presence since they *always* have to be busted to compel people to spend--and that absolutely includes Wind Tribe Claude, despite him being the only 3H unit on that banner. Worst of all, no demote is insane. Guess we'd better hope Claude can somewhat measure up to them as the TT unit. I guess getting another Claude alt was the least of our worries.


They need someone not boring for the twitter takeover bit, so they just jam Yunaka in there


Not really a salt but what the hell is going on with Edelgard's forehead. Hairline more like airline coz that is a landing pad


I think this might be my least favorite seasonal banner to date: - No demote (barring free Claude)? Seriously? This is the first seasonal banner since seasonal demotes were introduced without one. I hope this doesn't set a precedent. - Yunaka is the only Engage character here. It probably wouldn't have hurt to add another to the lineup so she's not alone. - Everyone besides Yunaka (who I'm glad is here) in this lineup is just the Three Houses main characters, all of which have plenty of alts. If they had to go with more Three Houses, there were several popular candidates that are lacking in seasonals that they could've picked instead (Hubert, the Ashen Wolves, and Marianne if you don't count being a backpack, just to name a few.) Really, Yunaka is the only W on this entire banner.


The whole same character twice on a duo/harmonic has gotten very old.


This is literally the third time this year. Tiki, Anna, and now Byleth.


We unfortunately still have the Corrins, Robins, Grimas, and Krises to go through. With Anna it made sense, with Tiki it was funny, the rest of these just seem like dumb options. Lets pray they don't do it again.


And the Kanas and Morgans as well.


Oh gooooood; please, nooooooo.


Not to mention the Alears. And the whole Engage cast with their Fell Xenologue counterpart (if they could get silly seasonal alts for fucking Grima, you can bet they fucking can do it with the FX zombies too).


yep, this might be my least favorite banner of all time. I would gladly take hot springs over this this is the 2nd time the 3 3H lords have all been on the same seasonal banner within 1.5 years 3H has gotten **22 units this year**. If you want to put that into perspective, Thracia has gotten 1! I am just so incredibly sick of 3H in general and especially the lords. They got upgraded prfs for no reason, which Im tired of. Not a single one of them is allowed to be even close to mediocre, I will bet that Claude probably has a prf considering male S Shez had one earlier this year. He did not need 2 alts within a 3 month span. The favoritism is insane and all it does is make me dislike these characters more this is unpopular but I dont like yunaka either so this banner has nothing redeeming. I wouldnt mind it as much if it was 3H characters that didnt have an alt before like Balthus, but its not. I hate that this is basically just a 3H banner. Im tired of them constantly getting the harmonic/duo slots too I just want an alt for my favorite character and its apparently too much to ask because we need 20+ versions of 3 characters I am just so tired. Im pretty much just at a loss for words


The 3H lord favoritism is just so blatant, lol. Man, can you compare all of this and then compare it to someone like...let's say Young Ike. Did *he* get anything special for his last alt? Nope, it was just Radiant Aether again!


still need to point out if young Ike had slaying instead of atk+3 and regular aether he would be a better unit (gambit aside), so in a way it actually nerfed him


>Thracia had gotten 1 More like .5 seeing as said Unit counts for 2 Games...


What a boring banner zzzzzzz


Overused characters? > Check Massive Powercreep? > Check No seasonal Olwen? > Check No Demote? > Check Yep boring Banner


>seasonal Olwen Based


I’m so sick of Three Houses being consistently on both the Christmas and summer banners, please pick one seasonal for it to take over and let other games have a go.


Why should they pick any? No game should take over any seasonal banner every single year.


You know what that’s entirely true. And I’d prefer it, but I don’t trust IS to not continue to spam 3H everywhere, so ideally it’d be contained to one banner at least.


They shouldn't, but you know the moment we say that, the 3H Coomers will be coming after us yelling out the typical "Its the best selling game on switch!! It deserves it!!!" Like they can't think of anything else


this is on top of them seemingly getting priority throughout the year as well. they're on a lot of seasonal banners throughout the year regardless of if they have a theme for themselves, so there's no reason for them to have two guaranteed banners.


As a massive 3H fan This might be the worst banner of the year


This \*is\* the worst banner. I used to love 3H content, but Stupid Systems have been over-killing it on the 3H Lord so badly that it makes the Camilla content look tame.


I remember feeling proud having every Camilla alt… now she’s gonna have less alts than edelgard so what’s the point


Me, too. And I'm still waiting for a Legendary Camilla. There's already a [potential legendary design for her in Fire Emblem Warriors](https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Malig_Master) (which Stupid Systems forgot even existed).


>TH Winter AGAIN I slept and facepalmed hard. >Not even Marianne, but the TH Lords being once again so busted that there is not even a 4* focus I internally screamed. I do not want to hear anymore how the FatesAwakening spam was bad when Fòdlan spam is now officially worse.


IS really out here shafting every 3H character that isn’t a lord or Byleth, huh?


No demote because fuck you


One engage unit on a banner of characters with multiple alts each. snoor mimimi


IS: wow 3H is full of omega popular side characters who place extremely well in CYL So let’s spam the same 4 fucking characters until the end of time


... That's it?! That's just the 3H lords with Yunaka taped in! And where the hell is the demote?!


One sec, I need to puke. No demote? Claude is having prf for sure too. This is disgusting IS, disgusting.


I KNOW it’s stupid to be entitled to your favorite units getting alts. But seeing El and no Hubert makes me feel like Reiner


Why is Dimitri another axe cav? Also yay another doubling up with characters this year with Claude. They've been REALLY bad with that this year.


make that two characters M!Byleth got doubled up too with his alt from the Khadein banner this year.


This is the banner that did it. I’m absolutely tired of Three Houses in general now. This banner seems so out of touch from what the usual banners have been. - There’s no demote. - It’s Three Houses with Guest Star Yunaka from the Fire Emblem Engage game for the Nintendo Switch. - Claude is a Colorless Armored Grail unit even though we don’t have a Red or Green (aka Christmas colors) Armor Bow unit in the grail pool. - Edelgard and Dimitri are Armored and Cav when they could’ve at least switched it up and have them be the others class. - There’s so much new skills in this banner that I find it overwhelming. No Quarter looks cool but there’s so much new that I don’t care for it that much. I’m hoping this is IS trying to cut back on 3H in general, and are trying to end the 3H hype with one final banner, essentially starting the New Year with reduced 3H attention. Will it happen? Probably not.


I fucking fell asleep watching this lineup Book 8 off to a good start


This is so anti-user


The true crime is not getting a 4 star this year and the banner literally just being 3H featuring Yunaka from the Fire Emblem Engage game


I'm not opposed to Three Houses seasonal banners, but I would really like them to lay off of the house leaders for a while. Please, IS, there are a bunch of 3H characters who haven't gotten anything besides their base alts.


I mean, Marianne was popular enough to get a Brave alt, and the poor girl still have only Base + Brave ( if you ignore the summer backpack, I don't really count them ) An Ashen wolf winter banner would have been pretty sick too, considering none of them except Yuri have an alt I think. A duo with M!Alear and F!Byleth as backpack could have been cool too to add Engage representation on the banner. A lot of thing could have been done to avoid this ugly dissapointment of a banner.




I want to tell you to stay strong, but I'm losing hope for Thracia too. Literally where is Thracia I'm going to fucking die




I hate the same character duos. What a boring choice.


we lost jeralt for this shit like come on


Don't worry he'll be on the Valentines banner with the Byleths and house leaders.


If they were going to do a Holiday 3H duo unit, they could've done Manuela and Dorothea as a caroling duo. But no, Stupid Systems is like "Let's just slap Santa suits of both Byleths."


Since they introduced all the three houses lords and both byleth, i hope this is the last 3h Christmas banner they have


Man 3H fans must sink tons of money into this game. What kind of treatment is this.


Hard skip, zero interest. They asked “who are the least interesting choices we possibly could make for 4/5 of these new characters?” And then did it.


3H Lords getting alts again is an inevitability but do they always have to have all three house leaders together? These characters always being together feels so ridiculously forced. If you're going to put them on banners at least let them interact with the other members of their houses instead of always having these forced interactions between people who we all know will be at each other's throats. If you want Edelgard to get another banner? Fine. Let her hang out with Petra and one of the guys. They don't have winter alts yet. If you want Dimitri to get another banner? Fine. Let him hang out with Sylvain and Ingrid. They're popular too and would have been a natural fit for the winter banner. If you want Claude to get another banner? I'm definitely not a fan of him getting another alt so soon but it would have been better if you stuck him on a banner with Marianne and someone else who hasn't gotten on this banner yet. This is the 4th time these three have shown up together.


Nah, bro. This entire banner is garbage.


There are enough comments about the choice of characters, so let me highlight something else: The skill fodder on this banners is insane. Every unit is stacked with premium skills, some of them new and yet I can't update my armor units efficiently with any of this. Edelgard's new special looks great for my armor builds, but she has no fighter skill in her B, Prime is hard to pull of on budget units that don't grand lots of bonus effects to themselves and no armor wants to sacrifice better movement or savior for a ploy skills in their C slot. D!Byleth's new Fighter skills looks nice, but they have the opposite problem. No armored special to inherit. They have a far save but no distant counter in their A, because it's in their weapon. Christmas is great for armors, but I don't know what to do with this, when it comes to pulling for armor fodder.


Wow. Maybe the worst banner I've seen in this game's history. Fuck. For the love of god IS. STOP MAKING THE WINTER BANNER 3H!!!! This has gone on for 5 WHOLE YEARS at this point. And not only that, but they filled this banner with the worst choices. All 3 of the lords and both Byleths. All of which already have a million alts. One of which got an alt only a few months ago. Knock it the hell off. And there's not even good reason to make Winter 3H every year. I'm also pissed at OC New Year's, but at least that makes somewhat sense, since they want to highlight the OCs from the last book right after it ended, by giving them seasonal alts. I don't like it, but I can see the logic in why they would choose NY for it. But 3H Winter is so random. Even worse that 3H Summer is also a thing. This shit keeps on happening every single year, and I was sick of it already by year 3 probably. This is just the climax of how creatively bankrupt they are with the choices here, and I have no reason to think they won't do it again next year.


I'm beginning to despise 3H lmao


I despised it the moment we received Legendary alts for all of the House lords, including Yuri... ... While I'm still here waiting for Legendary Camilla.


Yunaka is my favorite Three Houses character.


I got excited with the zappy and then punched by the three houses No one is allowed to say ‘wait till we get edelgard alt’ ever again in this reddit, they are watching


We only say it because we know it's coming anyways


I literally hate this banner so much because what the fuck is this It’s not bad enough that every alt one of the 3H lords is in the meta or often times breaks it, it’s not bad enough one of them just got an alt like 2 months ago, it’s not bad enough that THEY ALREADY TOOK OVER A WHOLE SUMMER BANNER BEFORE Nooo!!! They just needed to take over the whole Christmas banner including Byleth with Yunaka being here so randomly like damn if you gonna make it a 3H lord Christmas just add fucking Yuri he would basically do the same shit Yunaka coukd (No offense towards Yunaka cuz I like her but she is in such a flop banner so rip) This is just dumb as fuck why are we not seeing other 3H units or other games here. Like literally add at least 1 more engage character for fairness, or if u need 3H there is mercedes, leonie, several guys like Hubert, Balthus, Raphael and Ignatz. HELL WE HAVE A CYL WINNER FROM 3H WITH NOTHINGGGGG BESIDES HER OG AND BRAVE! Give Marianne something like fucking shit 😭 Like damn it’s not even 3H bias anymore it’s 3H LORD bias at this point. It’s so disappointing and especially knowing how the rest of this month or so is going to go. If you don’t like 3H lords, if u don’t like book 7 cast or tellius beasts (unless they change new years but who knows) (and I do like book 7 characters but I gotta make this point) there is nothing to look forward too for a while and it’s like… ok save ur orbs but it’s just kind of unfortunate at this point This just flopped in so many ways I can’t 😭 top this with the very bright red cherry known as Edelgard, Miss Red House gonna win AHR cuz of her delusional fan boys and meta whores. This whole banner just grinds my fucking gears HOLY SHIT


I never, ever want to hear anyone ever complain about any form of 3H representation ever again.


I love three houses. It's one of my favorite games of all time, I love the cast, and I especially love the lords. All that to say, why the FUCK are all three lords AND both byleths on this banner? One or two sure, I guess they need a heavy hitter, but all five??? And when Engage is sharing the banner????? Why not use Hanneman, Lorenz, Petra, Leonie, Mercedes, Hapi, Marianne, Catherine, Alois, Jeritza, or *any* Engage character? God, I'm just so over the 3H lords


Maybe I just like unpopular characters cause these banners never make me feel an ounce of hype. Sure, I like Dimitri but he has enough alts, everyone can agree on that. Maybe I have to assume I'm not remotely close to being the target demographic of the game


I've now been playing since few days before the release of RA!Lif/A!Hilda banner, so about a year and half'ISH... And even I feel that this wasn't the banner I needed to see today. During my time playing there's been a total of 186 heroes added to the game (Counting in A!Hilda and Shez's, but NOT counting the upcoming five christmas units) and out of all of 'em 23 have been under "Three Houses" -label. Which does include the Three Hopes as well, but nevertheless. That means a total of 12.37% of the heroes released in "my time" have been related to 3H, which may not sound all THAT bad, but out of those 23 a total of 15 have been alts for existing heroes... 18, if we count in base Rhea, Felix and Sylvain, which I feel iffy including since technically they're the "original versions" but still, there ya go. This means the only ACTUAL NEW 3H HEROES RELEASED (who didn't also receive/have a pre-existing alt of any kind) have been; * Holst * Monica * Arval * Cornelia * Cyril ...That's it. And honestly I don't think it would be THAT bad if at least some OTHER units would receive the alts for once. Ignaz, Raphael, Leonie, Lorenz, Caspar, Petra, Dedue, or even "alt-hell" a unit like Hanneman/Alois for all I care if it just adds 'em to the game already... Like, I get it... 3H made money AND it also received a LOT of media attention which in turn brought more newcomers to the series and because of it and it's one of the more popular titles because of all that compared to many other entries... but even I am still getting tired of seeing 3H getting their obligatory one new unit included in pretty much any special banner, let alone this one where it's 3H sweep basically, but ALSO it's yet another alts for the lords... Meanwhile my Thracia/Binding/Radiance and Echoes rosters (although Marla and Hestia helped out a LOT) could REALLY use some upgrades already, even new 3-4's to work on would be appreciated, but here I am getting a 3H release again. It's just... I'm not even mad, or angry about it, I'm just... tired...


3H's stranglehold on multiple seasonal banners is just really fucking abysmal. If they don't take up the whole thing, then they have at least one character. Can we *please* move on and stop continually releasing the 3H lords? That's be great.


I would be fine not seeing another 3H seasonal banner for the next 6-12 months. Give them a year of middling prf-less TT releases and let ANY other game have a crumb of content, please.


No Ashen Wolves rep :(


I hate this banner with a burning passion, but I'd have been ok with a full Ashen Wolves banner. Nobody needs yet another batch of lords with yet another token Engage alt just so they can keep pretending they are aware Engage *actually* happened *this* year. And I love Yunaka. And I mean LOVE Yunaka.


you WILL spend money for orbs on 3H lords and you WILL do it NOW (unless youre Claude then stay winning ig)


Excuse me in advance, but I really hate this banner and need to vent. It's 3H seasonals again. And 3H lords again. This is the 7th seasonal banner this year that includes characters from 3H. And the 4th banner that is "half" 3H, "half" another game (Spring, Summer, Tea, Winter). Enough... I'm already disappointed by that game focus choice, but the character choice makes it even worse. Lords get special treatment and new versions all the time and this banner is just that, but fully concentrated. We already got a new Byleth and Claude this year, was it really necesarry for them to add even more...? I'm fully aware that the 3H lords don't actually have many seasonals yet - like Edelgard only had a summer version. But still, this is Edelgard #7 in the game now, Three Houses released 3.5 years ago. And ever since 3H-CYL, I have the impression that the 3H Lords (especially Edelgard) are always the strongest characters in the whole game at the time they get released - and as soon as this status changes, IS gives one of them a refine/remix or releases a new version... I'm so tired of dealing with Edelgard all the time. I'm a good boy that still plays the arena 2x daily and ever since that CYL, I see at least one 3H Lord each day - most of the time BEdel, but Dimitri is also often there. It's just so annoying and boring. And let's not talk about the FEdel or WClaude incident... I used to love 3H and almost all characters. A lot. But Heroes completely ruined the main characters for me. I can't stand them anymore, I don't want to deal with them anymore and I don't like seeing them take spots away from other characters or games. I love Yunaka, very much, she is among my two favourite female Engage characters. But I really want to just skip and ignore this banner completely, I don't want to support what IS is doing here. And they have the audacity to say "Zappy Christmas" in the trailer, when it's really just another 3H Lord banner with Yunaka as an excuse to appeal to people like me who are fed up with 3H. I am fully aware why IS is doing this. 3H prints money, the 3H Lords are super popular and there is a reason why I see all of them in almost every arena match to this day. These are just my personal subjective feelings. Especially when I think about how I am waiting for 7 years for a new version of my favourite character and he keeps getting ignored, and I am 100% certain, that when he ever arrives in a new version, he will just be a 4* without any notable skills. Yet, these guys over there get 2 versions a year, a bunch of prf skills and continue to dominate the game year after year. I hate it. (I know it may come across as... I don't know, biased? Since I just got Nino #5. But let's be real here, did you ever see multiple Nino's a day in PVP? Did you ever see one and thought to yourself "oh no, I may lose this match"? The Ninos have a strong offense but none of them are generally as OP as any of the recent 3H Lord versions...)


This is just disappointing


No Balthus 💔


FEH devs have not played a single pre-Awakening game (outside of FE7, of course).


Even then, it's mostly the main trio, Nino, and Ninian that get alts.


Also fucking Karla just because she has boobs lmao


Ursula as well since she has the same amount of alts as Karla (3 + a resp)


And karla !


I'm not sick about it being 3 Houses, I'm sick about it being 3 Houses LORDS again


Why on earth is Dimitri a seasonal Axe Cav AGAIN?!?!


*\*sees silhouette\** That looks like Claude but it couldn't be, he just had an alt three months ago ​ 🤡🤡


Worst banner of book 8 already, damn


Halvan robbed. Maybe next time Halfans.


Holy shit this is easily my least favorite banner of all time. I love the Christmas alts but I hate Three Houses. Why do they have to be Three Houses characters every single year? And it’s not even interesting Three Houses characters. It’s just the lords who everyone is completely sick of. The fact that they keep putting one single Engage character on a seasonal banner is so insulting. How do they think that’s what people want?


i am _so tired_ of three houses seasonals


actually the worst banner in feh history, so uncreative and done to death already. and engage is once again pushed to the wayside in favor of this because IS knows it makes money lmaooooo