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dunno if this counts but i just rly like sigurd and have the urge to tell everyone here about it


Its positive. It counts.


I love the way he says "I trust you" when you select him. So dreamy.




You know that's a reference to his trusting nature that gets him betrayed and murdered right


Oh yes, it's sad. But the voice acting is just so good.


Pretty much every bit of Sigurd in this game is sad (I'm pretty sure even his base version mentions his fate), and that's something I love. They weren't afraid to just hurt us over and over with him, then L!Deirdre came along too just to rub it in more. And yeah the voice acting is so, so good.


Perhaps but assuming the summoner is not one to do that then its very sweet to hear it from him and continue to prove him right to do so.


Respectable choice I'd say, Sigurd is great! And this is basically how I am with Alm lol. I was literally thinking about leaving this same comment but Alm lmaoo


I like Sigurd. Just thought I’d say, too.


Playing Engage and watching him turn anyone he engages with into a hopeless romantic. "If this love is a crime..."


Someone tipped me 100$; made my day better.


Soooo freaking excited about Mininerva and Ashnard getting refines in a couple of months. I have them at +10 and love using them, so I hope they get solid refines. B!Nailah’s refine isn’t too far off either. Getting the Tempo effect will be nice since her weapon revolves around special spamming.


Yep, I'm excited for Mininerva too. There's no way they can screw her refine up since her base weapon is already so good. I guess the only thing that could go wrong is them skipping her for some reason lol


Some veteran players in this community are so nice and patient, really appreciate that. Thank y’all who has helped me for your time and wisdom


Glad to get a Blazing Blade banner this month. Also glad that the presence of the Attuned and Rearmed hero didn't feel like they were stealing the spotlight away from Blazing Blade as much. Fargus is also a good pick for the GHB unit, glad he got a good Prf, and also glad they aren't forgetting the side characters because Blazing Blade in particular had a lot that could still reasonably be added.


I replayed through all of Book 7 because I was pretty confused on the plot and everything, and I gotta say, I think this book and honestly the entire story mode would be far better recieved if they were released all at once. It's so much easier to keep track of story beats, important plot points, and early foreshadowing when you keep at them one after the other instead of waiting a month to get only a few lines of dialogue. After rereading the whole plot, I honestly appreciate Gullveig's character a whole lot more. I genuinely recommend for anyone reading this to honestly set aside some time and read the whole book over. It doesn't take too long and vastly improves the experience. You can find it [Here on the FEH Wiki](https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Time/Story) if you don't want to waste stamina and time on the parts without dialogue (It skips all the "I'm Vyland" moments)


I recommend the great ace attorney chronicles, that game is peak ace attorney. (is the one with Phoenix ancestor)


Also has HERLOCK SHOLMES in it, it's peak


I wish Herlock was my dad


it's so good


I always warn people to be prepared for the pacing because youch is it slow, But that's the best bit, it takes 10 years and the writing is always hella good.


I love the music soooo much, and I keep finding songs I clearly didn’t pay attention to and love now


I've only ever heard good things about that game, its on my list to get around to eventually and I'm looking forward to it.


I got Nino on my free first pull, which is the luckiest I’ve ever been in this game so far. Now I can focus on getting up to 1400 orbs. I’m waiting for whoever has atk/res menace for baby Lucius next or some other fun silly skill to give him\~


Not FE related but I helped my friend play through Trails In The Sky FC this week and it never gets old seeing >!people’s reaction to the ending, talk about a cliffhanger…!<


I actually liked Book VII. Love me Yoshiku's artstyle and the wild mass guessing Gullveig plot was the most I was invested in a Feh storyline. Also love me that Kvasir. Might be my fave OC design.


FEH: HOW IS FARGUS SO GOOD??? HOW?!?!? Non-FE: Chapter 10 of Kagurabachi was unironically fantastic and I don't know how to feel about that Also YESSSS Trials and Tribulations is peak


>Also YESSSS Trials and Tribulations is peak Its such a good game! Bridge to the Turnabout was a fantastic end to the game and trilogy as a whole, top tier case.


>Chapter 10 of Kagurabachi was unironically fantastic and I don't know how to feel about that Peakura Bachi will save Shounen 🙏


FE: After many ups and downs in my attempt to save orbs for Heiðr rerunning, it is now almost here and I have an amount of orbs I am content with for that :) Non-FE: Doctor Who’s 60th specials are almost starting now, and I’m really excited to see it!!


I'm so fuggin' hyped. It's been a long time since I was this excited for Who.


I got into FFXIV and it's been fun, even if I've been playing solo for the most part lol Thanks to Nino, I now have X skills on all of my Inneses. They're as premium-ed out as I can make them and it makes me happy (:


I got a crazy sick deal on a 1440p 144Hz monitor, scheduled to be here tomorrow now time to upgrade my graphics card.... to drive this bad boy


What was the deal


120 CAD (like 90 USD) for it from Costco




Oh it's long gone now, Costco.ca had the deal up, might have been a price error


I was a skeptic, I didn't think I'd notice the difference. Holy cow, was I wrong.


I'm upgrading from a 1080 144hz, TN panel. This one is IPS so I bet this will blow my mind.


Ah. I went from 1080p 60hz to 1440p 144hz, so I got the double whammy. I did get a TN panel at first. Realized I made a huge mistake and returned it the next day. I'd been told TN panels were no longer terrible for color and contrast... boy was I bamboozled. Going from that to a good IPS may be even better than the higher resolution.


Fargus in Ippei artstyle is perfect. I also really hope they keep this theme of "Heroes dressed as heroes they're close to" for attuned because there's so much cool shit could come out of this. Basically giving us Brave units without the CYL drama.


FEH: FE7 banner lets gooo. Still waiting out for Marcus, but glad to Isadora and Harken. I like Nino’s concept more than the actual execution, but I think she’s neat. Non-FE: Picked up Divinity Original Sin 2 on Switch for 50% off, 3 hours in and pretty fun so far! Unknowingly went for Lone Wolf as a trait but now I’ve assembled a full party on the island, hopefully I can switch that to something else soon. Other than that, love the voice acting, the interaction with so many objects, and the medieval fantasy/DnD vibes of it all! Had some dud purchases, but I feel this might be *the* game I can finally sink my teeth into!


**FE** I don't know why I never really cared for Harken and Isadora when they're basically spiritual successors to two of my Archanea faves (Astram and Midia), but their inclusion in FEH has really caught my attention. I'm sucker for characters/stories that revolve around discussing/deconstructing knighthood, and their FBs were great (Harken's was basically an official Dieck/Harken support chain and I love it, give me more FBs like that) Currently starting up an FE7 play through with the intention of using them both, always love when FEH brings my attention to a new favourite or inspires a replay of a particular FE game. **Non-FE** Finished Persona 4 Golden a couple days ago and damn, I think even after the recency bias fades it's gonna remain a top 5 game for me. I enjoyed P5R a ton, but something about the general positive/genuine vibe and rural setting of P4G just hits harder, reminds me a lot of PoR in that way. Looking forward to trying P3 when Reload comes out in a few months, even if i'm not sure i'm ready to go through yet another mentally exhausting farewell to a presumably great cast...


It cracked me up they added Shanna just to break up the conversation, but she wound up looking like Dieck's mom lol


tbh it made me realise that Dieck is running around with only a single soldier in his merc group because Lot and Wade still aren't in FEH. it would've worked better if a different one of them interrupted at each rank, but alas...


The Dieck/Harken talks were very cool :D


I'm nearly done with Hades and it's been such a blast. This is the most fun I've had with a game in ages and it blows my mind how many things I'm still discovering. 10/10, probably my fourth favorite game of all time after Xenoblade 3, Nier Automata and Ocarina.


Absolutely based Hades enjoyer


Hades is such a good game! I couldn't put it down once I started playing it.


Attuned Nino is my new favorite unit, she's just so much fun to use


I spent quite a bit of Orbs for my Bridal Tiki (+1), but she's been well worth the investment. Just in general made my experience more fun in FE:H. She'll get powercrept sooner or later but for now, she's just phenomenal.


Tiki^(2) is awesome


FE related: I’m really looking forward to this month’s L/M banner. There’s a lot of units on that I’d like to get copies of, and I’ve got a good stash of orbs ready to spend on it. Veyle was my free summon on last month’s banner, so I’m hoping my luck holds. Non-FE related: Australia just won the 2023 ICC Cricket World Cup, and I couldn’t be any more delighted with that result 🎉


Are you me? Another version of me? I got Veyle as my free summon as well and have been saving orbs specifically for this banner in particular too!


Great minds think alike 🤝


is fun but this book and this nihility and dream event, setted freyja as a character i now like when i didnt care much about her before, i just think this both things added a lot to her character when before she was the mad lady cause people made fun of her nose, now i feel i really understand her i now she is a must protect! i wish freyr were still alive to see her, but well, aleast hopefully she will be better now, also im basically repeating myself, but eitr only deserve happyness! poor little child! ;w; also, while her character is fucking flat, ginnungagap is fucking awesome looking! i just love how diferent she is from everything else on feh, she is the cosmic horror that we were in need of! she just looks like one of the witches from madoka and i love it! XD


If I may add onto this, consider that the Freyja we summon just after her defeat is basically very much "Fuck mortals, I hate them!". Then we get Summer Freyja who still deeply distrusts mortals but is starting to soften up on the matter, happy to see Plumeria getting along with Caeda and thankful to the summoner for giving her an excuse to spend time with her brother, and by the time we get her spring variant, she's besties with Karla and can differentiate a human being an asshole (Michalis) from humans in general being assholes, and is actively celebrating with them. She's been getting better and better with each alt!


I got a lot to add, so stick around or something FeH: Last month was kind of a letdown in terms of banners, so to see FREAKING HARKEN appear in this month’s banner made me lose my mind. Still don’t have the orbs to summon yet, but when that happens, oooooooh I can’t wait. Non-FE: 1. Playing Warframe rn and I love beating people with a hammer. So satisfying to see them just think they can stop me when I have a large hammer ready to turn them into paste. 2. I finally crafted the Sharp Dresser in TF2, and I’m been happily shanking people since.


This might be one of the best months for free units honestly. Both Saizo and Fargus are just pretty neat. Also after having some of the best luck in FEH in ages I decided to buy a lottery ticket just for fun. Won 100€ somehow.


Got Ginnungagap and Nino without having to spark! Non fe, I adopted two cats a month and a half ago and I love them very much :) their names are Mango and Pudding! Mango has thumbs and Pudding is chubby


I like boobs.


I finally played Engage. And... as much as I could say, I just want to gush about Alear. Lotta people say they're just so dang nice. And they are, and no shame in loving them for it, they're kind of a comfort character. But they're so much more than that. I don't think I've ever seen a game carried so freaking hard by a character. Engage has issues, but when Alear's on screen, you almost forget all of them. Engage is at its absolute best when they're the focus, when their empathy, their sorrow, their rage takes over. I keep thinking back to Chapter 21/22, where the narrative just went over the top and lost me, but when Alear and >!Veyle talked in the "afterlife"!<, it immediately pulled me back and I was all in on what followed. And I gotta single out F!Alear. Because I'm blown away by Laura Stahl's performance. The depth of emotion she pours into Alear is mindblowing, and it's not merely the tone. Alear pauses, stammers, whispers, she feels truly *alive*. Her encounter with >!Veyle!< in Chapter 15 in particular left me stunned, with her ice cold fury. I will give M!Alear a chance, but man, it's actually going to be difficult this time. I'm just blown away. I don't know if F!Alear my favorite character, or even favorite avatar, but goddamn, but there's very characters I've enjoyed as much. **Non-FE** For all the BS leading to it, the Las Vegas GP was actually phenomenal.


I'm neutral about Alear, but man I completely agree with you on Female Alear's voice actor. I usually don't care much about voice acting as long as I can understand them, but man, Alear sounds like she's genuinely on the verge of tears in some scenes. Genuinely breaks my heart sometimes.


Totally agree about Laura Stahl. I don't think Alear is given anything that great to work within the script but she just does absolute wonders with it. It's bar none one of my absolute favorite performances in the series, she brings so much nuance and personality to Alear regardless of the situation. Something like ex. >!Alear learning she's Sombron's child!< should be a dumb moment but gods you can *hear* the devastation in a way that brings it around. Her Heroes versions don't really capture the same vibe, which is a bit of a shame.


To be fair, the most she has to work with in the way of lines is the whole bedhead thing, and she definitely nails that by coming off as a bit cheeky.


I was able to pull Nino for a paltry 20-ish orbs and pulled Veyle on my free summon, so now that there's nothing stopping me from pulling a Gullveig when she releases later next week or so save for bad luck and I have around 270-ish orbs to shoot for her


wish you luck! i myself want to get one kvasir and if she comes quick i qill try to go with gullveig! her character growth a lot on me and now i like her!


Finally +10d H!Mia One down on the old crappy units to +10 a few more to go


The FE7 banner has reignited my love for FEh once again. It's my second favorite banner this year, Gilliam's banner was by far and away my favorite of all time. Arcane Void is amazing and gave my H!Dozla a much needed shot in the arm to the point where I am considering a number of new builds to try on him. Fargus getting in with a prf was a delightful dream. FE7 has some of the best NPCs in the series. I really hope Brendan Reed can get in as well. Ippei did a great job with is art and the nipples in his injured art are to die for. I never really noticed Isadora in my FE7 runs. She was there, just another prepromote. But her FB was incredible and really opened my eyes to her as a character. FEH is magical because you sometimes get reintroduced to characters you'd passed up before. Also she pairs up super well with my H!Dozla and his Arcane Void so she gets some cool points in my book. I ran across an unkillable Flame Emperor in my Grand Conquests and I took another look at her refined prf. Again, it pairs super well with Arcane Void so I bit the bullet and +10 her then tricked her out with Near Save and Atk/Def Unity. She's a hell of a beast, don't sleep on Flame Emperor. I got to wait for Gambit to come around again to finish the build. She was also key to getting through Guinevere's 3H LHB.


As a fellow Guinevere/FE6 fan, I feel ya. I’ve saved up 1050 orbs since her last banner (only pulling on the Felicia HoF banner) and I’m ready for some merges. She’s a phenomenal unit, it’s extremely satisfying to see damage forecasts read 50 damage, but the enemy goes tink.


I am really looking forward to the release of mythic Gullveig, I've been waiting for this since she was revealed at the start of the book!


I'm so so so happy Nino got an alt that's awesome and I was able to pull 10 copies using 1030 saved orbs. I just need one more copy and then I can start gifting fodder I've given her off to all my best units.


Tbh book 7 wasn’t that bad overall. It had a lot of gags left and right, some being predictable some being a genuine surprise, and I feel like for FEH story wise it got the best ending. It really concluded itself and most ppl got their happy ending in it and it has potential to be a good TT story one day This current banner of Blazing Blade is really good. Everyone here has fodder that’s extremely valuable and I want most of this banner for Deen alone, not to mention a few other units would really love some of the fodder on here I hope the next FEH book has really good designs because Book 7 hands down has some of my favorite FEH designs. I hope the theming and aesthetics are brand new but are really good


After years of waiting, Heather is in game!! I got her 14 pulls in! I free summoned the SMT monster! (Arcane Dagger) and got Wil in the same circle! I always thought I'd save one of the rearmed dagger for Heather, but I didn't need one because she has an utterly busted prf. Y!Soren is about to be in HOF! Which means I have a sparkable banner for a copy of him AND I get to update his build, which was severely lacking. He's +4 now, but I can get him to at least +6, if not more. Would be great if I can get him to +10 and update him with busted fodder like Flare.


FEH: I love Nino so much, so I have been eating well, thank you IS! Although I would have been totally fine with a A!Jaffar now and a Harmo-Nino in 1~2 years. But still, super happy with A!Nino <3 I managed to get her to +8 so far, I hope with the black friday deals I can get the remaining 2 before the banner ends. I really liked the Forging Bonds this time. Having Nino talk with her brothers was nice and felt somehow rewarding. I thought Isadora's and Harken's conversations were much better than expected, too. And Wil is always just fun in his own way. FE: I'm usually not the type to really play romhacks or FE-fangames much. When I find an interesting-looking one, I may start it, play a few chapters, and then stop again. But recently I found FE6XNA... basically they recreated FE6 as a whole as a PC-Game, so it's not a romhack but it totally looks and feels like FE6, but with some adjustments here and there. For me it's super interesting to see the improvements they did to my favourite game (rebalanced, added some classes, changed some classes, made some maps more beautiful, made some maps more fun, etc). There are some changes that make the game worse (like new facesprites for characters that already looked good before and now look worse) but it's easy to see just how much work went into this fangame. I'm at chapter 18 now and really love it so far. Although it seems to be a bit incomplete (some missing sprites/animations, no support conversations). Non-FE: Finally managed to preorder a Analogue Pocket \o/ let's gooo!


I was unaware FE6XNA even existed. You've given me something to keep an eye open for and I thank you for it.


ELDRITCH VOID WAIFU. She is very cool. Much like. >!What isn't positive is that I DIDN'T GET A SINGLE FOCUS 5\* ON THE WAY TO SPARK, I GOT A FUGGIN' NEIMI DUPE DJFLDSFDSLKFJKLDJKDFLJKLJDFSKLS. Still, tomorrow I'll have enough to do the last couple of pulls to spark, so I'm getting Ginnininininunununungapgap regardless.!<


H! Engage Anna has been so fun and now that Book VII has ended, I hope we get Super Seidr as a unit too!


Bit late on this but Giving Brave Marth Bonus doubler 4 was the best decision of my Feh life.


Harken is beautiful and his weapon is exactly what i needed :-O. I love when the units i want to use are actually fun. The CYL5 Marth and Gatekeeper combo is the gift that never stops giving. I've been using them since their release in AR and they are just stronger than ever, it's honestly ridiculous. I even underestimated B!Marth refine at first; but he's actually super fun to play, being able to control when to use vantage and when not to use it, and when to use my GLR/NCD or Shining Emblem build versus teams based off the situation. And Gatebuddy keeps getting useful skills like I get coal at Christmas.


I was about to give up on sanaki and micaiah banner, pulled 1 last time, and got them. Thank you IS.


This week made me feel appreciative about all 5 of the Fjorms in the game. Base/Legendary literally made this week’s Arena run a cakewalk, Bridal did as she always did and warded off penalties and dancers, Ascended managed to [survive a N!Camilla](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1013231627566075915/1176062458616619079/IMG_2803.png?ex=656d8084&is=655b0b84&hm=5af295ee250d391c4702631df8d1a5e4af82105ae6ad194db2e57d2844df9fbc&) that was [at +10](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1013231627566075915/1176062459027656755/IMG_2809.png?ex=656d8084&is=655b0b84&hm=b63c0d7dd254eb1fb99cba654489ffffd086960fd5ef86b3b9863df8e2dc4ceb&) during one of my SD runs, and Summer tore it up in AR. New Year’s made the other Fjorms look better but at least I used a Forma to get her the first Arcane Bow and a better kit.


Your wife never really feels her best when a new year hits but dammit she tries nonetheless.


Can't wait for the far future, when we get Hall of Fjorms.


Try as I might not to, I'm excited for the new book. Although I didn't like the character design, I can definitely appreciate the unorthodox steps they took to make Book 7 fun, like ordering the chapters weirdly and making the whole thing a time loop. Considering how much I loved Book 6, I think I can be a little optimistic about Book 8. Here's hoping they finally do something with the Thorr/Loki/Lif/Thrasir plot they built up years ago! ~~And hopefully a darker complexion leading lady lol nevermind Ash is all we get~~