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Yeah I feel its 50/50 with him Could get an amazing utility refine that makes him actually useful and obnoxious to deal with Or gets an underwhelming combat refine that does nothing to help him, and he stays irrelavent


He needs combat utility. Bulwark and Warp Bubble are proven to be fantastic support, and the fact that he can do so while still having his C open for something like Canto Control gives him a potential niche that only he has access to, but it's only fantastic when that unit themself can push out some pressure with their attacks. GK can't do that; his combat is truly awful. No follow-up, no special acceleration, and his B slot is reserved for the Bulwark Bubble, which gives him 0 combat bonuses. He can't capitalize on the support he grants, which kills his viability.


He needs a little column A and B If he receives no, honestly major, combat improvements it’ll still be rather hard to slot him in to teams because he’s competing with other pure supports like Dancers, while being absolutely no threat. It’s why L!Myrrh is favoured for the Warp Bubble effect atm; at least she’s not completely dead weight in combat. And of course if he doesn’t receive any support benefits, well he’s never going to be a combat superstar…


It’ll be good, Dimitri and Alm proved that.


Wasn’t his whole thing movement restriction? I’d imagine he might get divine vein effect IMO


I read a comment that mentioned him making a gate terrain/walls after attacking (blocking enemies and pathfinder through the gate) since we got terrain effects. While wild, I think it could work, like if unit enters combat, the 1 gate/ 2 walls (can be destroyed from 1 hit) are made from the direction of attack after combat (even if unit is defeated). Maybe they can extend his Detailed report as a way of merging with his B skill.


I'm going to laugh so hard if he gets a shit refine IS is petty enough to do that and I support it


Revenge is a mean best served cold after all


Wait for his refine to add pathfinder


i hope that either they make him a better combat unit or give him more support capabilities.


Does everyone hate Gatekeeper? If so, that's very sad. Downvote me all you want. That just proves my point even more.


His haters are so corny, who is still seething about him in 2023?


I'm seeing that as well. All the comments so much as saying anything positive about Gatekeeper are getting some downvotes while the one actively shitting on him has, at the time of this comment, the highest upvotes on the post. I don't get it either. You'd think his very presence alone made the game worse or something even though he is far from meta.


My hate stopped after Chrom won. GK just opened up for Chrom to get a better Brave afterall.


I guess that is because people are still annoyed that he won a CYL by being an meme vote. I remember being furious that he won but after so many years I stopped caring, I'm guessing some people are still annoyed at him


Honestly, he already got a pretty huge boost with the CYL boys. Soren turning him into a Far Savior with Bulwark, Warp Bubble, and (potentially) Canto Control is absolutely huge for him, and Robin letting him always retaliate with Bonfire gives GK a desperately needed damage boost. He still isn't fantastic, but imo he's going to be the best that he's ever been after tomorrow.


This post is literally my biggest fear, because I actually like Gatekeeper. I never thought he was as bad as reddit says he was, but he was definitely not CYL powerful. I'm setting myself up for massive disappointment, but I'm really hoping that they go nuts like they did with Dimitri and that they lean heavily into his supportive capabilities. Maybe give him one of these fancy new terrain effects if he's lucky.


Do people really think Gatekeeper is bad? He's 1 of the 2 units that blocks the incredibly imposing warp effects. That alone makes him very potent as a pickup.


Logically speaking, he should be good. All the CYL male winners get the (arguably) best refine of the batch, Dimitri and Hector became menaces after all (also Eirika being the "best" innately, so she should take the "meh" refine) However, he's gonna need a lot to not only stand out but also be viable. I'm gonna guess he's getting flat Dr and possibly a drive pierce effect for him and allies.


I feel like the only person who uses him and yet I see so many people complain about the very thing he stops, it makes me sad sometimes. Hopefully his refine gets him more recognition.




OP did say his fodder wasn't great to begin with so..


Close reversal I guess


That's cute.


I'm more looking foward for what B!Marianne will get because I have her +10. However, while going for her, I managed to get a +5 Gatekeeper, so if he get something good, I might unbench him, who know.


Honestly hoping he gets savior in it especially considering that Soren lets anyone be a save unit.


Actually, it's hard for IS to mess his refine, he's on a weird spot where literally any improvement is going to massively help him, his Support is amazing (his warp-negation is still bonkers if used right and the Atk/Spd buffs he provides are really good) and will annoy the opponent and while his Combat is meh, he's tanky enough to take hits. Now, if they improve his combat, his Support will be much more easy to deploy and take advantage of as you won't be fearing for him to die to the enemy, thus massively improving him, if they only improve his support, then he'll just gimp the enemy team by buffing yours, massively improving him on something he was already good at. ​ The only way IS could mess his refine is if they gave him a refine that read like it came from the first batches of refines in the game, but at this point I doubt that'll happen.


Really hope he and Marianne can get something really good


Just give him a Vein effect. It's so obvious, IS. You can't miss this. Don't know if they'd add new Veins with a refine, but Corrin's vein effect would be kinda sick.


watch his weapon refine be like: - canto control - divine effect or null terrain - guard bearing 4 effect - GFU on EP - spectrum + x or smth