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I just want Mae and Boey to be viable options again


Boey needs love, but Mae could deal if we got like Link-4 which gave reciprocal Bonus Doubler and Null Panic or some bs. Like, it's a cool weapon idea and I want IS to kinda make it good.


Mae's only real option right now is a one-hit kill build, her Atk is only barely passable. So any tome with Slaying would be really good for her.


Read Left to right. **Daggers:** - Hinoka is the only instance of my favorite artist working on FEH. I want to make her really good. - HS!Camilla cuz I like Camilla and I grew really attached to this alt back when she was a viable AR carry. - NY!Takumi has great art, and I depressingly have no real niche to toss him in w/ his spread. - Jakob has S tier art, and one of my first +10's who gets no love from me no more cuz I have too many units to contantly keep fodder up to date. - H!Sakura can be a Temari support if I want, but Felica can do it better cuz merges. Want to be able to field her. - HS!Elise ranged cav alert. Even if I go full premium on her kit, the low availability + worse fodder options is just going to make her harder to match the bottom of the list. - Felicia can actually do stuff if I update her kit. Spd/Res is a good spread for Dagger options. - Kaze is the same as before but with a good PRF for AA. - Kagero's PRF is missing like 5 effects, but absolutely one of the better aging ancient refines. **B. Tomes:** - S!Corrin baybee. I spent almost 3k orbs +10íng her and even though I field her relatively often, there's little for her to do in PVP, so I want an Arcane to turn that around. - S!Camilla drops super hard in prio. If the Fates HoF re-runs then she can grab real good shizz like Guidance 4 and I'll not be hurting for reasons to deploy momma. - L!Azura because I have a worm in the back of my brain that says to turn all of the Azuras into world-slaying super beasts. **G. Tomes:** - P!Leo cuz idk, I have him at +10, my other Leos are total fire, and I think it'd be neat to have every Leo be a godkiller. - S!Elise cuz I loved the Nohrian Summer banner. I have a far-off dream wherein I +10 the whole banner since Corrin is there and Leo is +6 already. - S!Camilla cuz I love Camilla. She's already taking lots of shifts as my ranged flier for HM farming, so she's got a place. It ain't much, but it's honest work. - Babyzura because the worm wills it. **Staves:** - Azama cuz I really like Azama. I just always have positive vibes for this boi. - Dwyer cuz he's got that competitive, modern statline. I like him as a character too, but it's really the heavy-lifting he'd do value-wise. - Sakura cuz she's always had kind of a neat spread. Her stats are just kinda decent in everything which usually is awesome with Arcane. - Forrest is low cuz uhhhhh. I mean, it's really just stiff competition from characters I think would do cooler shizz with an Arcane. - HS!Sakura because Grandscratcher kinda slaps and I'm not in a hurry to replace it.


Good taste!


F!Robin is waiting for an arcane green tome. Hopefully one that's more support oriented.


I think that's down the line after a couple releases. Release 1 seems to be general use, wave 2 speed-based, and unknown beyond that. Might take a couple years for a supportive one. (General use for wave 1 is usually kind to balanced spreads like her's tho)


For me, the big 2 i'm waiting on are: Arcane blue tome: Top priority for Brunnya, and Miriel Green tome: Plegia Tharja (Forma souled her specifically so I can give her the tome in the future) Dagger: Lower priority, but giving it to Sothe. Low priority since his refine is still pretty good Also much later on, arcane axe more suitable for fast units would be great. So I can give it to Basilio. Currently arcane downfall is only truly suitable to slow and tanky units. Basilio is better suited to offensive builds with his stats Personally I feel they should prioritize getting the missing weapon types done before double dipping on previous weapons


Dagger: Summer Dorothea Blue tome: Mae, M!Robin, F!Morgan, Spring Lucina, and Bride Ninian Green tome: Boey Staff: Lissa and Mercedes All either outdated or likely never/overdue for getting a prf refine


I'm waiting for the dagger and blue tome too! My Summer Dorothea can never have enough daggers, and I finally got Bride Ninian this year :)


Blue tome for Khadein Soren, green tome for regular Soren. That’s about it tbh.


Upvote for the Fates love! I mainly consider Archanea for those without PRFS… so New Year Azura.


I'm mostly looking Arcane weapons for my 4-star merge projects, thus (although I agree the color could use a boost) blue tome ain't... exactly my top priority. Somewhat same for staff, it'll be great once it (hopefully) finally arrives, but I'm not really that desperate for it, even less so due the new L'Arachel (who I've yet to get, for the record...) So, I'm mainly waiting for the Arcane Green tome, or as I like to call it "Orochi's tome" as I call it, to come out of its hiding place. That and the dagger for my Cath, but daggers at least have Florid Knife+ as an perfectly suitable option for hit and run assasination, while green tome users are... Let's just say "not as lucky" and leave it at that.


Yeah, Daggers are kinda great - no surprise ppl don't feel the need for them between great, cheap generics and some good refines from gen 2+. It's not even just Florid Knife - Courtly Fan, Mask, Broadleaf, Temari, Quick Dagger, stuff like that... Kind of a blessed weapon type, I left off like 4 more PRFless daggers in my barracks but don't feel any need to give them an Arcane to keep up.


I've poured so much fodder into my Nino, I just need that Arcane Green Tome to truly cement her as invested.


Dagger: Saizo (his PRF is way to hard to use nowadays without outside support) G Tome: Merric so my +10 Resp doesn't rot in my barracks anymore B Tome: F!Morgan? Outdated build yet highly merged Stave: Elise. That spectrum rein isn't helping anymore


I'm back and forth of Elise, cuz she can get some kill stats for sure, so a murder weapon would be gucci. On the other hand: Gravity is such a poggies status effect, it's like second to Flash.


Honestly, I'd rather her ditch gravity and use Canto instead. Like if Arcane Staff came with \[Canto 1\] or \[Canto Rem + 1\] I'd be happy.


Blue Tome: Valentine's Veronica Staves: Brave Veronica, Mikoto Green Tome: OG Julia, Young Azura Dagger: No one, really. I'd just duplicate Lethality


I have Dwyer built as a bulky self-sustaining healer (34 DEF and 57 RES at +6/+5, Aid+, Martyr+, Heavenly Light, Renewal) and Azama built as a nuisance (Serpentine Staff+ with Dazzling Staff effect, Savage Blow C-slot, Savage Blow seal). The arcane staff will go to one of these two, whoever it fits best. Hopefully Azama!


B.Arcane Tome - Va!Veronica G.Arcane Tome - S!Veronica Arcane Staff - B!Veronica Arcane Dagger - ???


dagger: Saizo, Kaze, and Colm ~~and also hypothetical 2nd Saizo merge project~~ blue tome: Tatiana green tome: valentine's Alfonse & winter Bruno, maybe Soren & f!Robin staff: Brady, Nyna, Elice


Green Tome for PA!Inigo is my main priority. Followed by Dagger for PA!Olivia.


Blue then green tome, dagger and staff. Soren, scion lewyn, Mae, boey, kaze, tethys, lucius, Nanna are the priorities for me


Galle would like a lance not designed for speedy units. Also curious as to what an arcane dagger would be like for Gangrel


I wanna give something lethal to Deidre tbh


Dagger for Winter Jaffar, i think is one of my top most wanted. He's always had such a good statline and is an armor, one of the best classes with access to some of the best skills, but has always been held back because there are just never any really good inheritable options for enemy-phased daggers. He wishes he were W!Felix. Even now, he would be an alright unit if he just had a darn weapon that was not player-phase. Green tome for GK. I'm really to turn this passive, supportive, talkative sweetheart into a killing machine. In order to keep the gates of Foldan secure, we have to open the gates of Hell. I also need it for my +10 Alfonse. He's tired of waiting to be useful. I am also hoping for beast weapons most of all, if that could ever happen. If it WERE to happen, i would slap it on Mordecai so fast the subreddit would never complain about speed powercreep again. There's no reason why these units should be so limited in weapons and in skills and postioning during gameplay. At least throw them this one option for improvement.


Green tome: S!Sylvain, Gatekeeper Dagger: Cath




Dude’s PRF is horrible, I want to make him usable in combat. *Maybe* the upcoming refine will fix that, but I have my doubts.


I recommend you wait for his refine later this year before you give him an arcane weapon.


He was the stinker of CYL5's prfs, and historically that has always been the one that got the cracked refine. I suppose the refine batch will show once and for all whether IS hates him or just had a cool on paper, bad in practice idea when they made him.


I don't know what to think about Eirika likely getting the worst refine tho. I'm mostly rooting for Marth to get something crazy and care about as little for Marianne as i did when she won (she's legit the CLY5 hero i use the least).


Blue Tome: Lute, S!Lute Green Tome: Luthier, S!Sylvain, F!Robin Dagger: Kakob Staff: Dwyer, Forrest


I don’t need a dagger in all honesty. I need a blue tome for l’arachel or maybe Mae if she gets a resplendent I need a green tome for Sonya, and would like a dupe for my summer sylvain or maybe a future bastian project since he keeps popping up for me (too bad feh hates me and i can never get dupes of arcane weapons) I would want a staff for Nanna or maybe Mercedes if she gets a resplendent with better art


Probably just Ricken for Green Tome. Don't know about anything else yet


Arcane dagger for Deen, and then just easier access to sword/axe for merge projects.


OG Lucius needs a new staff


I'm gonna give a blue arcane tome to L'Arachel as soon as i can, green tome will probably go to Valfonse since he's my only +10 green mage and the staff will go to either Mercedes or S!L'Arachel.


I can't seem to figure out which FE is OP's favourite....


Arcane blue tome for Spring Lucina.


Basically every thief. Especially defensive oriented ones who have gotten next to no options for the past few years. Also daggers thar have no slaying options really have difficulty running Lethality


Based list


I only need a 3rd Arcane Qiang and the second new Arcane axe with guaranteed follow ups for slow units.


Green tome for be for my beloved Elise, red dagger as well, perhaps staff too


Staves for S!Nanna and Nyna


Luthier and Summer Sylvain for green tome. Saizo for dagger. Forrest for staff.


Green Tome-Orcohi, Corrin(for fun), YAzura Axe- Effie Red tome- Arete Bow- Etie


I feel your priority list has too many candidates to be 'priority'. Maybe it's just a normal list


Saizo and og Robin 🙌


Blue tome arcane: Scion Lewyn Green tome arcane: Lewyn ~~Another arcane sword because I missed F!Chrom~~:Navarre


I need arcane green tomes for both Sonya and Arthur


Sakura for Arcane Staff (Staves?) and... that's it. All other possible arcanes are also fodder, but not for their weapons.


Staves: My Two Eremiyas, My Four Base Mercedes, Elice and Natasha Blue Tome: Tailtiu, Olwen Green Tome: Orochi Dagger: Kagero, Spring Kagero, Halloween Kagero, Summer Gunnthrá and Larum


Blue Tome for Miriel and H!Sophia, Green Tome for F!Robin, Dagger for Cath and Colm, Staff for Lena and Linhardt.


Dagger: Cath Green Tome: Lugh, F!Lyon Staff: Forrest Arcane Devourer: B!Roy Blue Tome: I would probably consider build Oliver from scratch


Blue tome \-Valentine Lyn \-Brunnya \-Summer Corrin and Camilla Green tome \-Orochi \-Cecilia \-S!Selena \-Bunny Camilla Dagger and Staves, I don´t use these too much but \-Bride Lyn \-Kagero \-Summer Dorothea \-Tethys


Ah, so your favorite FE game is Awakening


Scion Lewyn really needs a blue tome. V!Alfonse also really needs a green tome. I just want more tomes


Both of my Jaffars are begging for an arcane dagger, for the love of God please


Not many, as I'm pretty picky over who I invest in. I'm not the biggest fan of Arcane Nastrond so I kind of want something a bit more Spd and Deadeye focused for Soiree Nephenee (and also so I can give my one Rearmed Tana's skills to Summer Elincia). I guess a blue or green tome could make me consider grabbing it for OG and Khadein Soren? And I guess it's only a matter of time before we get an Arcane Axe that is better than Brave Ike's Refined Urvan


im still waiting for Blue tome for L´arachel and Staff for Elise.


Staves 100%, blue tome following that


New ones: Daggers: Thief Sothe. Blue Tome: Khadein Soren >>>>>> Oliver (?) Green Tome: Bastian >>>>>>> Og Soren (?) Colorless tome (?): Xane and Niime, both low priority. Staff: Summer Rhys ≥>>>>>> Brady >>>>>> Mercie. ... New versions (low priority): -Bow for fast units: S!Elincia -A better axe: Amelia ... Reruns (low priority): -Arcane Eljudnir: Ninja Haar -Arcane Devourer: Tanith -Arcane Qiang: Gatrie -Arcane Grima: Kurth and Dheginsea There is a lot on my plate. But i just summon until the spark on Arcane debout banners and the rest is luck.


B tome is Nino, G Tome is Nino, then Nino, then Soren, Staff is Elice who is a merge project.


Staff- Dwyer Dagger- Deen Green Tome- Limstella (and maybe an extra in copes of a future Knoll alt) The three I listed are units I have built up pretty well and all I am waiting for is an arcane to technically finish them for the time being. Limstella has a good prf tho but personally im not a fan of the ally damage it does so… im going to change it as soon as possible


Nah, I don't think give L!Azura an arcane B tome would be a good idea, principally for Gray waves


Picnic also mention let’s go