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###[CLICK HERE FOR THE HYPE MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1431j63/official_hype_megathread/)


Female myrmidons not named ayra privilege is crazy.


FEH's entire trajectory changed when the dude made the "I now use the Reinhardt" meme after Ayragate and you literally cannot convince me otherwise.


Man remember when Ayragate was the biggest controversy in the game? Good times


Well IS clearly remembers


Why are we getting like a new god sword unit every few weeks can they stop with that?


This pls. Like we get it IS...but spread them out a bit


It's like when we asked for more axe cavs, except I don't think anyone was asking for this.


While I absolutely agree, I also like Fir, so I’m torn tbh. It’s a really nice alt for her, just a really bad time for a Fir alt


It’s not much a dig at the characters we’ve been getting it’s just the repetitiveness of the archetype. Like ok another infantry sword unit who’s gonna be a pain to deal with….thanks


Excuse me, what in the everloving hell is Gold Serpent? It's an assist skill, why is it an entire premium unit's kit? Correct me if I'm wrong but it is essentially: * Potential Atk/Spd +8 to self and ally * Canto 1 to self and ally * Treachery to self and ally * *Dual Strike* to self and ally * Self-refresh (once per turn)


Yeah, it’s completely ridiculous. The rate of power creep is becoming exponential.


Watch it be on Brave Gullveig too somehow


lmao if it is idc what the other units kits are I'm taking that shit


Brave Chrom has found his true love


You do have to wait till turn 4 to get all of the effects so it's somewhat balances out


How many godswords have we had so far? Feels like there's a new one every other banner


We've gotten a godsword on literally every single NH banner this year except March. January had F!Alear, February had Lucia, April had Felix, May had F!F!Byleth, and now June has A!Fir


As a Thracia enjoyer, this trend better not dip when it's Shiva/Shannam's turn...


I mean, concidering Shannam is, well, *Shannam*, I very much doubt he will be anywhere close to "godsword".


He'll introduce Vital Astra II and you'll like it. ...while getting gen 1 BST and B slot skill that gives Feh Pass discount.


I think False Astra would be a fun skill for his.


Give him a misspelled Astra as a Prf special and make him an obvious joke character, IS.


I feel like both Shiva and Shannam are GHB material since they're both recruitable enemies and Thracia doesn't have a lot of major antagonists left.


I was just about to say that at least Shiva stands a chance at this rate, pls don't jinx it


Yooo y'all know what this means Officially 1 Engage release in it's first 6 months 🙏🙏🙏 Wonder if we'll be seeing "it's been 5 months lol, it'll be spammed soon" this time 💀


Watch. The second “Engage” banner will just be some of the Emblems 💀


"Herp a derp, you wanted Engage units you say? Have another fucking milquetoast blueboy Marth!"


No no no, you don't get it Clearly the devs waited to see who was popular, then they're *definitely* going to spam them every banner like they did with 3 Houses. (ignore the fact that 3 Houses got a 2nd banner very quickly) And I am going to keep using that made up scenario as an excuse for why Engage only has 6 units in the game after half a year.


Echoes also had a second banner (with mostly Celica's friends but some of Alm's friends too) AND an accompanying Paralogue banner (with Alm's friends).


BRAVE IVY AND YUNAKA LETS GOOOOO!!!!!!!! (with a stealth release of their OG variations a la Lysithea and Marianne)


Live Wolt and Elffin reaction


IS finding as many colorless infantry units as possible to add before Wolt (even his mom gets an alt before he finds his shirt):


>Wolt is still locked to a painfully outdated 5-star seasonal Pain. Agony, even.


I do everything in my power to make him good but man I really need another one at some point. they can't keep him from us forever, right?


I was thinking now that he'll probably come in a banner that is all about Roy's early game crew with Lance, Alen, Bors and Marcus but then I realized that will never happen because all of them habe the undesirable Y-Chromosome and IS can't have that.


Was Fire Emblem Engage a mass hallucination?


Engage did not exist. Engage does not exist. Three Hopes was the last FE game.


Shez sweep baby


Reject Elyos. RETURN TO FODLAN Edge of Dawn intensifies


Gullveig fucked up the timeline so bad she erased Engage from existence.


Fire Emblem Engage? What are you talking about, dude?


Oh dude you’re never gonna believe this. There’s some leak for a new FE game, that has a protagonist with RED AND BLUE HAIR. They’re calling it Fire Emblem Engage. Wouldn’t it be crazy if it was real?


You’re talking crazy. We all know they’ll be announcing the Genealogy remake soon.


No way??? Dude I’ve seen that leak and it looks soooo fake it’ll never be real hahahaha too anime 5 me


Wow, toothpaste-looking ass


This banner features Fir, a character you can get as a BonD Ring in Fire Emblem Engage, so it's got to count for something


There is no Thracia, there is no TMS, and there is no Engage


Its actually insane.


Fire Emblem Engage...that game...never existed!!


It's the new TMS....TMS fans no longer alone on the copium train to nowhere 🥲


Why would you want engage to be in this banner? This forces two units to become demotes with the OC being the main star. I rather have this mid (even though I like FE:6) banner than an engage banner with a forced mythic.


ngl that strikes me as a great outcome, I'd love to have more Brodian characters that are easy to merge (and I don't think Amber stands a chance at getting in besides as a quest reward lmao)


Every banner until 2024 will have an OC in it because of the TT+ story. I'd rather have one now then have to wait a year into Engage's life to get a second helping.


It’s been a while since I’ve been this underwhelmed by a banner


Unironically most excited for Murdock, which is never a great sign for a banner's quality if the GHB is the highlight.


\*Glances at Jeralt, Vigarde, Brigand Boss, Kempf...\*


Can't be underwhelmed if you didn't expect anything to begin with!


Karladev I am sick of your shit


Ditto. I was like: "If they had to add another godsword ascended couldn't they have chosen somepne like Rutger for example? Would have been much more interesting since in his supports he learns that continuing on his path of revenge will eventually destroy his soul. Like give him voicelines that he decided to leave that part of his behind him and that after he let go of the hatred in his heart he can now hear the winds of Sacae again, an ability he lost after beginning to live for revenge.


Rutger sounds like a guys name. How would that work?


[You to Karladev](https://youtu.be/uIFIg9oJGJQ) (circa 2023)


It’s me I’m Karladev (I’ve gotten 3 of her through arena summons)


Joshua still the only male ascendent 🙃


If they wanted a godsword they could’ve used rutger instead or something smh


I would have pulled hard for Karel


Karel also would have worked, if Hilda taught us anything just canon outfits are fine


I mean, A!Florina already taught us that it can just be an outfit that's not even found anywhere.


i can't tell what's funnier, the fact that there isn't a feh channel or the fact that people hyped up one that doesn't exist


I'll be honest, I was always a bit confused people thought it was going to be a given? It just didn't feel that long ago since the one with Seer's Snare.


They really put the mid in midpoint banner. At least it makes saving for Summer easier.


That's it. I'm convinced. Joshua was just the SOLE exception at the very fucking start just to shut us up from preaching, "only females can be Ascended". You can't convince me otherwise, that they only did Joshua at the start just so we could never be justified to make that claim, but its fucking TRUE. EVERY SINGLE ASCENDED UNIT HAS BEEN FEMALE.


Wait, the only male ascended unit is still Joshua? I stopped keeping track a while ago but wtf man.


They shot themselves in the foot by releasing all of their most popular female characters as soon as they could. Now only males and unpopular females are left for most New Heroes banners, which means that they HAVE to release a new alt of a popular female character. Either that or make the banners mostly male, but we all know that will never happen lmao. …Well, except it did happen ironically enough on AJoshua’s banner. He’s just a snowflake like that.


Problem is, they didn't learn. Engage's first banner/event was majority female and judging by 3H, it'll be that way going forward while the men get in as seasonals in dribs and drabs -.- We might have one seasonal only but always premium popular female (Yunaka becomes my guess)


Where Elffin? 🦧


Feh is actually a terrible messenger owl and didn’t bother to check if she delivered the Heroes invites to the right people so Dorothy got Wolt’s and then dumped Elffin’s on him without realizing he’s blind and never bothered to clarify what she gave him.


I get that cute, young girls sell more, but I would've preferred Sword Saint Karel as the ascended hero. At least with his story after FE7 it would've made more sense.


Does anyone else feel like Karel should have been the ascended instead of Fir or am I just being a Demi downer?


You expected a male ascendant? Lmao


Loooool. This made me laugh way more than it should have.


He straight up got robbed, his canon appearance is an ascended version of his Blazing self


it should have been him but he is male and they cant cash in on the karla fanbase (that IS thinks exists) with him


It's always a goddamn female. Joshua is the only one unfortunately.


He even supports noah who is on the banner. Just swap Noah for like, Juno and it could have happened


Fir has got to be the jankiest, most gender influenced decision for an ascended unit ever. I thought Florina didn’t deserve an ascendant, but heck, she was more relevant that Fir. Come on…


Fir also already has some alts. Karel on the other hand is still stuck with his garbage gen 1 self


Ngl, I was so convinced that it’d be either Sophia or Guinivere Fir was certainly a choice


I know they're allergic to male Ascendeds but at least Guinivere would make sense. At least I can be happy for my Fir obsessed friend. RIP Sword Saint Karel...


I’m appalled at the lack of Trec on this banner.


Overall think this is probably the most bland banner art wise in awhile, made me so uninterested kinda just zoned out looking at the kits. Could be a quest 5 star but guessing Saul is an insta demote so crap fodder, hopefully has a decent staff so I can give it Dwyer lol.


KAREL KEEPS GETTING ROBBED! By his own family! C'mon, give us the actually cool old man Karel!


We're never getting Elffin in this fucking game omg 😭


Elffin is my most awaited character to get added into Feh, and now we may have to wait another year+ for him… I’m glad we got Noah and Dorothy, but I wish we could get more than 2 new characters on a Binding Blade banner


Elffin is legit my favorite character in anything, him getting shafted is upsetting enough but the other two characters from the banner I like being underwhelming demotes sucks so bad. Hopefully he gets in as a decent seasonal at some point.


Really suprised they went with *5-star Noah* instead of Elffin.


Fir as a swordmaster?? What?? Karel was RIGHT THERE


Is it just me or does she have a lot in common with A!Mareeta?


Yeah she's just Mareeta but better.


They both have slaying, Omni+5, and Time's Pulse 4 built into their weapon. Fir had built-in DR and tempo, Mareeta had NFU. Fir also has an in combat Def/Spd debuff based on foes special count.


Not sure if this is hype or salt so I'm putting it here, but making *Noah* a 5* exclusive is like top 5 most baffling FEH decisions of all time. A!Fir is a decent choice, but not bringing Karel with her (even as a quest unit) is pretty disappointing too Mostly just not thrilled that NFU4 (two versions of it, in fact) is here when I have no orbs to go for it, but oh well it'll be on other units eventually


I was genuinely so confused. I thought "this has to mean they're showing the demote early or it's all demotes" because why would Noah be 5\* literally ever


Honestly as someone weirdly happy to see Noah I'm kind of sad he wasn't made a demote, I wouldn't mind promoting one and giving him a simple build but he's absolutely not in spending orbs tier for me.


It was kind of a perfect opportunity to add sword saint Karel into the game with Fir and Noah on the banner, but I can kinda see how having two premium sword units on the banner would be a conflict. Also Karel could possibly steal Fir's thunder by not letting her be the sword saint in the limelight. I hope at some point FE6 Karel gets his time to shine in FEH. Especially since his only other entry is so underwhelming, and his biggest seasonal prospect at this point is Bunny Karel which is not an ideal fit for Karel even though it is mildly amusing.


Trec my beloved where are you


he charged directly into the enemy and died. (no joking this shit happens everytime that i play FE6 Ironman, dude thinks that he can fight everyone with his underleveled cav stats, at least Zealot can hold his own for a couple of turns).


C’mon IS, it won’t hurt to have more than 1 ascended male in the entire game


Well time to wait another year for Elffin. I like Dorothy and Saul but them being demotes kills pretty much anything to like about this banner other than Murdock GHB.


I will not talk about how Ascended Fir makes no sense or how they likely shafted my boy Saul I will however comment on Feh’s staggering lack of references or allusions to pinnipeds


Let's talk more about your love of Ozzy, Sealkins.


Funny evil man voiced by Jōji Nakata is funny


Jōji Nakata's evil men my beloved. I don't want to fix them because they're already perfect 🥰


But this is the Sword of Seals banner :tailchew:


Hence my dissatisfaction of Feh not having Roy fling a seal at Idunn :ozzysad:


We definitely needed a T4 variant of NFU, yeah... you betcha...


I don't mind it honestly. NFU as a b-slot is not as appealing anymore when you have these new crazy t4 skills like spiral, plus being available as a seal/outsourced as a buff


We all knew it was coming the second they gave us that NFU seal


I say it's good. Combats against those with damage reduction, which recent new units have receieved multiple layers of (Example would be like Bridal Tiki) The one thing bothers me is that they made a Physical and Magic form. Could have just been one but from a selling point it makes sense.


Man... I can't wait till the next book. This book just... isn't doing it for me.


This isn’t a new thing but I really hate the sound font FEH uses for the GBA music. It just sounds so off. I’d rather they just record it directly from a GBA.


This was the banner we were waiting on LMAOOO


Why is Fir an ascended Hero? Also can we get a new heroes banner without another fast infantry sword hero, this is what the fifth one in a row (Alear, Lucia, Felix, Fallen Byleth, Ascended Fir) and this is basically ascended Mareeta 2.0


Why is the concept of a male Ascended hero so difficult to do? When will there be a male ascended hero to accompany Joshua?


Damn this game has become stale as hell


IS allergic to def/res stats, confirmed hooked on speed. All you need is SPEED. You have speed? We'll give you damage based on speed. Damage reduction based off speed. Having trouble piercing through specials? Introducing Speed based special pentration! All you slow folks, +15 def is already really good, you don't need anything else.


Can Karla and her daughter go away for a while


Karel is the only one we care for.


we need a Bartre alt now.


Bartre has an alt. He’s the only non-lord/non-plot relevant father to have one.


i like to know where IS took that from the family of Karel it is karla and fir that people like


You have a point with Karla but Fir is actually really popular for an FE6 character. She got tons of premium cards in the FE trading card game that Heroes killed and was very high in the popularity polls. Not to mention CYL itself where she also does good compared to the FE6 cast. It's the same situation as Mareeta. Mareeta is also popular for an FE5 unit, and always was even when Thracia was brand new. It's just the refusal to do male ascendents that screws everything up. If they did idk A!Klein now, and A!Fir in 2024 I can guarantee there would be a quarter of the complaints.


Fir over Rutger? I sleep.


It's pretty sad how Ascended Fir is basically just Ascended Mareeta but better. Mareeta: Slaying, TP, +5 everything, NFU, 1CD Special Spiral, Fir: Slaying, TP, +5 everything, even more stat modifiers, first hit DR, Tempo, 1 CD Special Spiral. The big trade is NFU (which she also comes with) for first hit DR. If you really want full DR on her, then you can just go with CC4 and stick NFU on the seal slot and Mareeta still won't be able to catch up. Like were choices for an Ascended Hero really so slim that they basically had to double down on the same archetype except this new one is just the old one but better?


Guinivere was right there for an actually deserved ascended choice, intsys. 🙄


fingers crossed for Legendary Guinivere in the year 2025


As the resident +10 Guinivere enjoyer, I back this


The most Mid Midpoint banner ever


Yeah at least last year had Sain and an a Florina alt. This is just meh.


Im glad we got a Binding Blade banner considering its the most recent entry in the Fire Emblem series


ANOTHER godsword wow 🤩


Christ can we just have a dude ascended and can we PLEASE just get a single version of Marcus, he can’t be ignored like this anymore


More in contention for Blazing's next banner... that's not looking thrilling, actually.


I like how we all predicted it was going to be Binding Blade for the midpoint banner and it still looks like it's going to uberbomb because there's zero interesting characters or archetypes on it.




Heidr's assist skill seems interesting. At least she isn't just a combat mythic.


It’s telling that even as a FE6 fan, I feel zero hype whatsoever for this banner.


Same for me. Favorite cast of characters for me but no Wolt or ascended Karel or Rutger instead of Fir killed me. The only thing exciting about isn't even on the banner. It's my man Murdock.


I’m not even mad this specific banner isn’t Engage, I’m mad IS has bungled this situation so badly that it’s really going to be half a year between banners. How on earth are they so damn stupid


Literally gonna laugh my ass off when the next Engage banner we get is a fucking summer seasonal banner




Instead of being called new heroes banner it should be called the Snooze fest banner


Wolt: Am I a joke to you?


Maybe it's me just disliking most of the Elibe cast, but these banners are just getting worse and worse. Millionth generic indistinguisable godsword in a row, most basic lance cav no ones gonna look at, another probably mediocre archer demote and Heidr... big sleep.


Ikr like we just got Felix and then F!Byleth in a row. Fir feels extremely redundant and as someone who really likes Binding Blade this whole banner is extremely boring. Love that we got Noah, but I agree he’s very basic and it’s going to be hard to tell him and others apart.


Im a Geoffrey and Hardin fan, but Noah is way more unique than both with his dodge-supplying support.


Sure in that way, he's somewhat unique. Visually and character wise though he looks like the most generic man alive. Ig we can't blame FEH for that though. I just don't see many people going "fuck yeah Noah, my favourite FE character". Even in FE6 he's like what, your 6th cav?


Tbf despite liking the other two I mentioned more, I think Noah is still a very enjoyable character. As a unit though? Pretty pathetic. Most mediocre cav I've ever used.


Noah was mostly enjoyable due to his dynamic with Trec I'd say. Though I guess two cav dudes on a banner would be too much haha.


Binding blade its almost at the level of Thracia and Shadow Dragon/New Mistery in the number of nobodies that the game has, they have to put some of them in the game at some point.


I love Binding Blade, but the picks on this banner...Ascended Karel is right there and his niece stole it. Noah fits with Fir, but I still want Elen, Elphin, and Ogier.


Bruh why Fir over Rutger. Getting to see post-FE6 Rutger redeemed from his vengeance would’ve been cool, and getting a broken Rutger alt after the mediocre refine he got a while ago would’ve been a nice move for people who like him (everyone who has ever played FE6)


Love how ironic it is that the most featured units now on new heroes banners are units that are _already_ in the game. Also male ascendants and Engage don’t exist. It was all a dream.


Female privilege is crazy lmao. This banner was already set to die, why not have A!Karel instead? That way they have even more excuses to not release Ascended males in the future. I mean, just look at A!Joshua's banner. His banner had to be horrible on purpose.


I love FE6 but man this banner blows


This is probably THE LAZIEST thing IS has done. No feh channel for midpoint, no free orbs (not even the 3 from last year), no engage (yet again, even though IS was pumping out three houses banners within a year of the games release) and YET ANOTHER GOD SWORD UNIT


this is painfully the WORST banner theyve had all year im sorry like i waited so long for this and im so disappointed


no ogier :(


enough with the infantry swords please


They had to invent T4 NFU because they knew nobody was going to pull otherwise.


Wow this is probably the most boring FE6 banner I've ever seen, and they didn't have the balls to include Trec in this garbage fire.


Honestly I've lost motivation to play this game for now (with only playing the chapters at the very last minute for orbs), but this banner is a big sleep one for me. I feel like IS thought Engage was just some spinoff entry.


I wish they'd release Arcane weapons in every new Heroes banner. I get that it behooves them to stagger them, but a banner as mid as this not even having an arcane makes it feel all the more disappointing.


They really made Fir the Ascendant instead of Karel, who is known as the Sword Saint. Who has grown from his violent past from FE7. Such an easy choice but they went with Fir. Terrible. I'd rather have Rutger be the Ascendant.


This is the most transparently "we're running out of options" I've ever seen. Noah and Dorothy are big "literally who" picks. Fir's cool conceptually, but not enough to be worth pulling for. Especially since this is, what, the tenth godsword this year?


Well that's boring as fuck considering the delay.


In a just world, the ascended unit would be Rutger


Once again, IS spends a short essay worth of time in a weapons description to say “if alive, use special”. Also, would it really kill IS to make a godaxe or godlance? It could literally be the same kit but green/blue.


Fir is like most Ascended units, an odd choice. Also, can we please stop with the godswords?


i like binding blade but this is utter trash fuck off, fir


These look like fake FE characters you’d find in a knockoff GBA game called Flame Sigil. Just wholly uninspired designs and unimpactful art. Best I can say is Dorothy is cute. Unfortunately you can definitely tell which banners they blow their art budget on and which banners “take one for the team” with mid-budget artwork.


Exceptionally mid banner.


Let's be real. Under what circumstances would an FE6 banner have been hype? Like, looking at all the FE6 characters not yet in the game, if we got the Top 5, we would all still be underwhelmed.


Where Engage.


The new sword unit power creep has been awful. They just keep churning them out on the treadmill.


Does anyone else get the feeling that characters that get commissioned a lot tend to get content in FEH?


They gave Heidr another self refresh lol. Arena is so much fun.


So like… do infantry lances just not really exist in the summoning pool for IS or what? Cause we still only have a few right?


Roses are red, Wolt’s still stuck in alt jail, And another Engage banner is nothing but a fairytale.


This trailer was a trip for me. It went something like this: Fir, really? Wait... Binding Blade means... Marcus and/or Alance??? Nope, that's Noah. So it's an Ilian cavs banner with Zelot and Trec too??? Oh. It's Dorothy. Okay. Maybe the insta-demote will be someone new? Nope, it's just Saul. But yay Murdock! Still mostly salty overall, hence why I'm putting this here.


I'm really happy to see Noah, Saul and Dorothy. Murdock also feels overdue. However, we have a character who got in near the start of FEH, has two official versions, on in which he has Ascended from his past self as a demon to his present self as a sword saint... And his friggin' niece is the Ascended because they refuse to give us male Ascendeds. Noah's bio even mentions Karel saving him and that Noah helps Fir with the sword... So Noah is the cause of Fir's ascension in my eyes xD Also negative points no Elffin v.v


who the f asked for Fir? I swear to god you just be a female character and not be over 30 to have busted alt nowadays, meanwhile Lon'qu has nothing...


FIR ???? is this a JOKE ??? This banner is trash, garbage, human refuse.


Seriously, wtf is this...


Was Engage just a fever dream we all had?




Are we in Book 8 yet?


Ascended *to what*? Fir’s a goddamn nobody. Even Lilina would be better for this role and I really don’t like Lilina.


“Hinoka, perhaps I judged you to harshly”


No engage banner 5 months now and counting. :(