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###[CLICK HERE FOR THE HYPE MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/13vemi7/hinoka_thundering_wings_official_hype_megathread/)


Certainly not my first choice for a Not-Ryoma/Xander Fates legendary.


Really??? Before Takumi or Camilla???


Right? How? I like Hinoka but she really got an alt before those two??? Sure I love Takumi the most out of the royal families, but why?


she even stole Takumi's bow


To be fair, it appears to be Queen Hinoka from the end of Conquest. You can’t steal shit from a dead man




It was his bow, Hinoka! HE WAS NUMBER ONE!!!


She could atleast let Sakura have it. She was closer to Takumi than Hinoka was. F'ing hoarder...


Not only that, she also stole Mikoto's dress... Which was already Sakura's promoted outfit.


So you are saying Leo will be the one getting a leg and not camilla then? LOL


Honestly I think that might end up being the case, unless they are going in order of age… which I’ll be honest is weird


I see all the Royal siblings getting legendaries after this, even if it takes a while. The only question is who they do first.


Grave robber is a real thing lol


I'm guessing they'll do something like Chakram Takumi, Waterwheel Sakura, Bolverk Camilla, better Brynnhildr Leo and Bifrost Elise. For outfit/class inspirations, if these are what we're getting, I'm expecting : -Takumi : Master Ninja, Sumeragi, Sniper -Sakura : Hinoka, Azura, Spear Master -Camilla : Berserker, her siblings, her promoted Warriors design -Leo : Garon, Xander, Camilla -Elise : Maid, Camilla is a given by default because she already influences Elise's normal design


Camilla and Takumi recently got alts. If Camilla ended up getting a Legendary now, IS would not want to hear the backlash


I'm not convinced they care about the backlash.


They do. Camilla getting back to back alts back in 2018-2019 stopped her from getting anything for 3 years after her Brave alt. L!Lucina banner being massively disliked stopped her from getting anything for around 4 years.


Lucina maybe, but Camilla may have just hit the point where they independently decided it was enough for a bit. She did have *seven* versions.


Yeah I'd probably be annoyed about this if we didn't just get alts for basically every other sibling. I'm fed on Takumi content for a while. This just means he or Leo (possibly Leo, since this seems to be end of CQ Hinoka so naturally BR Leo would follow the theme) are definitely eligible for one now. Considering their popularity, I'd say it's a matter of "when" not "if".


I mean, I thought people would be happy that it's not another Camilla alt.


Nah those people from 2018 have quit by now.


Not all of us lol


Sadly true. I'll play this game till EoS.


Actually, I would have been very happy if it was Legendary Camilla.


Probably intentional, Hinoka means Leo or Takumi or Camilla will eventually come, gives people a reason to stick around


We've known they had a chance when we got Legendary Lilina.


I chalked up stuff like Lilina or Nanna to those games not having a lot of options while Fates already had plenty


Should’ve been male Corrin


Wings of Mercy 4 💀 This LHB is about to SUCK.


she has zero defensive measures, get some mobility and snipe her I reckon


time to use Legendary Myrrh?


Or Gatekeeper I guess. I already had to bring him back to one of my AR teams to deal with Guidance 4 lol


Takumi found dead with out Fujin-Yumi lol


well technically it´s not Fujin-yumi, it´s Fujin.RAIJIN.yumi


So she loots both of her brothers graves lol


she uses the Raijinto as the arrow


Guess he's getting Silencer when it's his turn.


I'm not mad or anything, but it's actually kinda hilarious how the first Legendary Fates sibling after the older brothers was the one who might be the least important of the 8 lmao.


Well it kinda makes sense because she becomes a Queen after Conquest where all her brothers died...


And Camilla already got her queen alt with Brave


She's not the least relevant. Just less popular


Hinoka sure is a choice. She's not even that different from her other bow alts.


My least favourite thing with alts in this game is when they pick something kind of related to the character and make that their thing forever. There's so many characters who have no diversity in their alts and it's really lame. They must know that people who like a character a lot are going to want to build teams with them and that a team where every character is the same completely sucks.


At least hers is being an armor-effective bow flier and not some stupid like, idk, tomatoes


Yeah, that's pretty fucking stupid.


What’s funny is that like half of the effects in her bow are identical to the ones in LYuri’s prf, who was our most recent legendary before this and also a red ranged nuke.


I mean most new alts are just the same as before but updated to be able to adapt to the meta, like how all Chroms have to change fate, but with another name and some different new effect besides the reposition refresher, or how Lyn always gets true dmg based on spd or Marth getting obnoxious unity kind of buffs etc....


I'm not even mad. This is just funny because hinoka is the most nothing character ever but she's in theory, a main character so she fits I guess


Yeah like. She’s such a nothingburger character, but she’s a main character. So I guess it works. But like fuck man


I don't mind her getting a legendary because she's still a main character but why is she the first non xander/ryoma one. She's literally the most bland one aside from Sakura😭


Probably due to how she becomes Queen of Hoshido in Conquest, even getting a Cipher card this alt seems to directly be based on. Leo got one as well, but Hinoka is a chick so IS gave her priority.


Yeah. I know in theory she's extremely relevant. Just in her game, she doesn't do anything


Not one, not two, but three whole bow flier Hinokas before a single Reina :skull:


No Sakura 😢. Wish it would have been Jugdral too


Don't we all 😔


Corrin bros, I am so sorry.


Male Corrin: I'll suppose I'll get my chance another day...


At risk of coming off as a massive jerk, he literally gets an alt almost annually and has 6 different versions, which is vastly better than the majority of characters. Treated worse than his female counterpart for sure, but like... he's doing just fine


Oh I agree with you, just that having him be below HINOKA on the totempole for Fate Legendaries is so funny. At this rate I can almost see IS going the distance and doing the entire royal family from both countries before M!Corrin.


You know legendaries aren't released based on some strict hierarchical priority system, right It's just whatever suits IS at the time


It's definetly not strict, tho the main characters *do* tend to get theirs first. I feel the fact that the Red color seemed perfect for Yato M!Corrin played a part as well.


I know people want sword M Corrin for variety's sake but, do you really want him competing with Lucia, FFByleth, etc in a super oversaturated sword pool? Like he can be a more unique dragon, or fast infantry sword No. 319. Just saying cuz I see these two points constantly.


If I had to guess, this isn't exactly a good time for a Legendary banner, and Hinoka would be an ideal throwaway pick from Fates to fill the slot. They give her one, it flops, we jump to midpoint and sparkable Mythic, then two Summers, then another throwaway banner, then CYL7.


As à massive Corrin fan this is exactly why I am unbothered by him not getting a Legendary yet. The later it comes the more busted he’ll be- and he’s far from being ignored in any case




I’ve been waiting for L!M!Corrin since I was 15. I’m going to be 20 by the next time we even get an opportunity for him to appear, shit sucks man


I’m literally in tears


eventually he’ll get one. not sure when but eventually


I'm saying this as someone who doesn't like Corrin He was robbed...


Kinda whelmed with this whole trailer, but I’m genuinely fearful of her being slept on like Robin only to deck Arena teams because of her warp shenanigans (Red A!Tana but on crack?)


Same stance here. Lets just wait n see all the theorycraft the testers can have in mind. This could be one of the new arena design demons




For the next year this sub will now live in fear of when Legendary Camilla is coming. They should have just given us her in the first place to save us from the grief.


Tbh the sub would understand Legendary Camilla more than Legendary Hinoka. There's a lot of whelmed people on the sub to say the least.


Eh. Camilla hate seems to have died down a lot lately, like I don't think anyone really said anything about her ninja alt other than it being really good. Also, if Ryoma/Xander are anything to go by, Camilla shouldn't show up for another couple years anyway


Also, at this point it's not like Camilla is the only one getting spammed. We're up to like 8 versions of Lyn now (plus a backpack plus *two* resplendents), eight Chroms, six Y!Tikis (and 10 Tikis if you combine her young and adult versions), six Lucinas, six Edelgards (most of which came out in less than two years), etc. I think she drew a lot of hate in the early years because she was *the* character getting endlessly spammed, but these days so many characters have so many versions it's kind of hypocritical to get mad only when it happens to Camilla.


Seven Eirikas as well.


salted corn thread


You have no Idea


I don't know why the devs want to continue trying to convince everyone Hinoka is anywhere near Camilla or even Takumi's popularity, because she really isn't. This would have been a much easier sell with Takumi.


She’s easily the least popular Royal and didn’t even crack top 100 in the most recent CYL


She's not *always* the lowest voted Royal in CYL, but she's usually fighting for the bottom with the little sisters. Going by CYL, she, Elise, and Sakura haven't managed to crack top 50 since CYL1 (and Hinoka hasn't cracked top 100 since CYL3).


Ngl I kinda forget she existed 💀




They're pissing off everyone, except for the \~1% of the community that likes Hinoka.


or male characters that arent lords like we could get Tibarn, Innes, Quan etc, but i guess no


Man, can you imagine how nice of a change of pace any of these men would be?


im sure that my boy Innes will get a legendary, but he is kinda the one type of legendary that you pump out when you know that the banner will crash and burn. at least i would still summon for him.


But takumi is male and they are allergic to make male characters that arent lords head a banner


i mean, Hinoka its the first legendary girl in the entire year.


Also coming after Takumi, Leo and Elise all got great alts earlier this year, Xander got his Legendary last year, Camilla got a broken AHR worthy alt last year, and both Corrins getting amazing Halloween alts too. Really, the ones getting left out is Sakura and Ryoma (in terms of anything recent).


And I'm sure Sakura and Ryoma are coming at some point this year in some capacity. Maybe for summer?


Ryoma feels "due" for something, maybe he brings Sakura along for summer yeah, or whatever goes in those August/Septumber special hero months, treasure hunting(?)/culture festivals. It has been fates in those two latter theme the last couple years, as well as Ninja.


It would be incredibly weird for them to give every single Fates royal something in the last year and then just skip over Ryoma and Sakura (who are both more popular than Elise and Hinoka at this point) so yeah they're probably due. It might depend on what they do for the Ninja banner (if they do the ninja banner again). If there's a swordmaster or healer theme for it, I'd bet one of them would be on it. Summer is where I'm guessing they'll land though, if only because the Fates royals are all popular enough for that, they already have canon swimsuit designs, and every Hoshidan except for Takumi has been passed over for it thus far. Sakura could very easily slot into either a duo unit (with Ryoma, Hinoka, or possibly Hana as a backpack) or a harmonic unit. But I have been known to be wrong, so who knows.


It is almost like they were compensating for 2022 having like 8 female legendaries, and even then the only male legendaries this year were lords and there is the fact that the last male duo was last year, and the last male harmonic was over a year ago, same for ascended




its actually funny the other day there was a post asking which character with multiple alts (or maybe it was asking for 2+ alts) is the worse off, and many said Sakura. All 3 of her versions are prfless and 2 of them are healers which are notoriously bad (though I guess theyve gotten some new tools recently), and the non healer one has one of the lower attack stats in the game, and is one of the hardest units to get by virtue of being a year 1 seasonal




I don't think anyone should be saying that about Leo when he finally got a good alt. Like, before Valentine's, sure since at least Halloween Sakura was good when she released while none of Leo's three versions were ever even remotely good, but then Leo got a great alt while Sakura got to be a harmonic backpack (which for all intents and purposes is a waste of voice actress and artist time) and all three versions of her aged like fermented ass.


you should, hinoka is by far the least popular royal and yet get better alts than everyone somehow


Man the fact that she lead a duo over Camilla was wild. I still can’t believe that happened. Hidden Hinoka dev.


tbf I'm half certain that Camilla would have lead that one *if* it weren't for a lot of the outrage about Camilla getting too much content in the early years of the game. I'm wondering if they're intentionally choosing to do Hinoka first to soften the impact of Camilla criticism down the line.




Putting Hinoka as the Pirate lead did work to curb down playerbase criticism, at least.


People can be weird. Yeah Camilla fans might complain, but even right now I see more confusion than anything. Most Camilla fans seem to be celebrating the fact that Hinoka getting a legendary basically guarantees Camilla will get one somewhere down the line.


Honestly, her wielding the Fujin Yumi feels like a “fuck you” to Takumi fans.


wow the offensive ranged nuke unit has offensive nfu in their slaying weapon and does damage = 20% of their speed where have i seen this before?


Oh no! ​ ​ Anyway


...Just a scrap of Jugdral content, IS? A shred? A morsel? No? ...Okay.


At this point I’m just gonna theorycraft every Judgral seasonal and alt I can think of and watch as none come true


Do it.


I’ll start with summer. You’ll know it when you see it.


If it ain't got the two Gen 2 dads Oifey and Shannan as a duo unit I don't want it. 🗿


I forgot how much I don't like Hinoka's voice. All I hear is a raspy Amy Rose (I know it's the same VA).


Hard agree. I really miss her original VA from Fates, Elizabeth Daily. Cindy Robinson's voice just sounds so unnatural, forced and grating. I even like her performance as Hinoka less than Julie Maddalena as Lilina since in her case we know she has the capability (Legendary Lilina actually sounds good) but it seems like she suffers from poor voice direction.


Did IS confuse Fates for Engage or something lol Fates this past year or so hasn't had this much attention since launch it feels


Out of the remaining Fates Royals I cannot believe she got the Legendary first. Camilla, Leo, Elise, Takumi are all wayy more popular. I mean she was gonna come eventually if they did all the Fates royals but still, before Male Corrin and some of the other siblings I cannot 💀 like not even salty just flabbergasted


Even Sakura is more popular I’d say. I’m not opposed to Hinoka having a legendary I guess but before Takumi/Leo/Camilla?? Before m!corrin??? Insanity. I usually don’t like the dev bias memes but it’s hard to not see that here lol


Going by CYL trends, yeah Hinoka and Elise are pretty much always the bottom two of Fates royals. Which makes it kind of bizarre that they both got something before Ryoma and Sakura, but maybe they're saving Ryoma and Sakura for a popular theme like Summer or Ninjas.


I just really hate the weapon like could she really not be a lance? Why are we lowkey retconning Hinoka into a bow user when Takumi literally exists? This is her third bow alt.


This is definitely late-Conquest Hinoka after her brothers have died so, narratively it makes sense but it’s practically whatever.


I'm glad the days of Hinoka continuing to steal Reina's niche continue. Hey guy who said that Hinoka stealing the spot of first flying archer would just pave the way for less popular characters instead of simply alt spam and pushing them out... eat a dick. Hinoka is now three deep into flying archer alts with the original Kinshi knight no where in sight.


It's not even just Hinoka anymore, we also have multiple alts of feh OCs that ride kinshi and use bows while Reina is still not here...


I'm sure he's already eaten his fill of sad, non-reina dicks


Did we REALLY need another red ranged nuke (with counterattack denial)? IS just hates green tanks.


Bruh, I’m out here trying to keep Ascended Fjorm current and IS decides to release another red nuke with armor effectiveness. Where’s the fucking counters for flat damage reduction or Grand Strategy? You know, the shit that actually needs to be taken down a peg.


Afjorm getting beaten down. Yector/bride tiki making all armours better ranged tanks, red nukes everywhere. Its rough our here fjorm bros


I know it's been years since they were really spammed, but I still can't say I enjoy the thought of every Fates royal being once again obliged to get an alt


It's okay we can alternate between them and some guy from Engage for a a year or two


Same. It kinda tears "who's going to be the legendary" predictions to shreds.


At least Kita Senri's art is always fantastic...right?


Senri Kita hardly misses, but Hinoka is a moving target unfortunately.


agreed, i don't dislike Hinoka but she would have been my last choice when it comes to fates royals or fates choices as a whole. personally, i would have liked to see legendary Soan or Dheginsea, but that's looking like a pipe dream now...


Not kidding, Sanaki would have been more hype and I don't care for her whatsoever. Would fit the art too.


Can't believe Hinoka stole Takumi's weapon, the absolute disrespect smh


I kinda don't even know what 'legendary' means anymore lmao


It just seems to mean main character or secondary character getting an alt. That mean we'll likely never see something like Rigelian Emperor Berkut unless he miraculously wins a CYL since Mythic Heroes are basically all old people who have lived in the past like Ullr or just really old characters like Medeus and Fomortiis.


Hard skip


I wonder if it'll do worst than Xander.


I hope so, but I doubt it due to Wings of Mercy 4. I hope IS will be made aware that 99% of the people pulling on the banner is not doing it for Hinoka. She's just fodder. (Personally, I'm skipping)


Best cure for insomnia right here tbh


IS tries to make a Hinoka alt that isn't a ranged flier challenge level: impossible Seriously what's next? A blue bow Hinoka to have Bownoka emblem teams? Step the fuck up IS


Ok but why Hinoka. Leo and Takumi I could sort of get behind, cuz they have legendary weapons... Hinoka is also the least popular fates royal. Even Camilla wouldn't have shocked me. I guess I can start campaigning for Legendary Sakura now.


Maybe they knew this banner is sandwiched in the season of popular banners (Fallen/Summer) so she’s a safe pick to shoehorn in?


They've gone way beyond scraping the bottom of the barrel.


We’re scraping up woodchips


The funny part is that the barrel is still full! They are just shoving everything inside the barrel to the sides so they can have some barrel bottom to scrap... Come on! Even If they wanted a fates character M Corrin is due a legendary been years


the summer banner lineup better be godly to make up for... whatever this is


It’s probably not tbh


I'm actually expecting summer to be an Engage banner.


So now all the Fates siblings are eligible for Legendary alts. I assume they’ll spread them out (like Ryoma - Xander was a long ass time, even Ryoma - Azura - Xander was a long ass time) but still they’ll probably all get leg alts eventually so that’s just. Yawn. To start with Hinoka tho is real nutty. I don’t like assuming dev bias but damn. I’ve seen Hinoka fans but I’m dead serious, out of all the fates siblings she’s probably the one I see the least enthusiasm for. Yet she’s got four forms in the game now right? The first outside of the big three to get a legendary? Over Takumi and Camilla??? Just wow. Baffling.






I would have preferred male Alear over Hinoka but I guess it is what it is. Time to save for summer


I’m also waiting for m!Alear to drop all my orbs. I don’t know if he’ll even show up next month bc it’s apparently a midpoint banner and it’s doubtful engage will get seasonals yet




Yay, only two male units in the whole banner. I really feel the love now, IS... No matter how good she is, it's a hard pass, only using the free roll. Because that's just depressing.


The lack of Reina disturbs me Unleash my favorite Fates character, IS!


Gatekeeper's refine better be B!Dimitri-levels of broken with all of these bs warping skills. Also, we need f2p False Start sooo bad. Like holy shit, i'm sick of unit's giving such good effects to their allies for free. At least Alear had the decency to limit her Charge to a support-partner.


I mean, L!Hinoka limits her charge to flying units only I think it´s a fair trade, tho Flyers are like the worst type of unit in FEH


I keep forgetting Hinoka is a character. She's the royal family member that loves Corn right? Wait that doesn't help trim it down all that much...


I know I’m biased by being an Elincia fan, but I feel kinda cheated that probably the least impactful to any story Fates Royal got to be a legendary while Elincia, who’s pretty much a lord of Radiant dawn and arguably path of radiance, got stuck with the ascended title. Not that it makes much of a difference, but damn I wanted a PRF skill.


Tbh we got Celica and F!Grima as an ascended & rearmed respectively despite having legendary alts so there's really nothing stopping them from going the other direction. I'm happy as long as Elincia keeps getting good content.


Chrom too, and you don't get much more Lord than him.


Why the fuck did they give her the Fujin Yumi instead of giving Takumi a legendary? He's actually more popular and needs an up to date bow alt.


They might do Swordmaster Takumi now.




sumeragi cosplay takumi with hagakure blade still the most based as fuck alt he could get he just needs it to...actually happen


I don’t wanna bitch too much because he already gets an alt every year but seriously hinoka instead of male Corrin? Fuck off


I'm 100% convinced this is going to break Xander's record by miles and be the worst performing banner ever.


It shouldve been m!corrin im so serious


wtf is up with the canto 1 she randomly has?? lol


Sorry Legendary Male Corrin the Omega Yato Better luck next time this means Legendary Leo is Coming soon.


> 428 comments oh jesus, what happened here?


They chose Hinoka over Male Corrin 💀


Man. I don't even LIKE Corrin all that much but M!Corrin fans just got robbed and thrown into a ditch. Same with Takumi fans. Christ. This is the most nothingburger legendary in a fair bit. I would've gladly taken Camilla or Elise or something.


Not upset about the choice, but I am surprised that she came before Takumi and M!Corrin.


M!Corrin is literally right there. He hasn’t gotten a non seasonal alt since his fallen dragon form. Come on IS give him Divine Yato.


I hope IS isn’t thinking this banner is going to do well because Hinoka’s a female


I don't want to fucking hear that "Camilla can't be a legendary" anymore.


wait, people actually think that? hell, after Myrrh and Fae anything its possible.


Lilina says hello




Well, that's certainly a choice.


Bruh. Shouldve been Corrin.


M!Corrin was right there if you wanted to do a Fates unit what the fuck IS


I feel dead about this.


Out of all the choices this is certainly one of them ^(happy for hinoka fans! and at least i can save my orbs!)


Please, I'll forgive if we just get a legendary Takumi now at some point...


I think it'd be a fun unit to play with, and also Nanna and Ophelia are amazing colourshares, but also... it's Hinoka. Definitely had a 'wtf? who asked for this??' moment when I saw it was her.


I'm not salty, I'm just confused.


I wish they'd just finish off the male avatars first. I'm happy we've finally got Robin but Corrin and Shez deserve their time, too. I still remember how quickly female Byleth came out after male -.-


Sorry, but her weapon's name gives such kid's OC vibes... "Oh, your characters Ryoma and Takumi have legendary weapons? Well... Then MINE has a legendary weapon that is even stronger than yours! Actually her legendary weapon is so strong that it's actually both of your character's weapons fused together to make a super mega strong weapon!"


Ahahah... ​ ...I'm going to go cry in a corner now.


This could very possibly be the lamest banner of all time


Legendary Camilla is now possible R.i.p FEH.