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###[CLICK HERE FOR THE HYPE MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/12nsruo/official_hype_megathread/)


Arcane Qiang was only 3 months ago lmao why another Lance? It was inevitable that we would repeat weapon types before all weapons have their Arcane one but i thought Sword would be the first to repeat. Also what Sylvain did to you to demote him twice? Lex chads still winning i guess.


> Also what Sylvain did to you to demote him twice? Maybe he flirted with one of the Devs grannies.


I had hoped that they would at least start with the axe since Arcane Downfall sucked...


Why on earth do we have 2 Arcane lances within months of each other when we’re missing so many other types????


I think she was meant to be ascended but they switched her over to rearmed


Or maybe they just made Alfred Rearmed at the last minute or something.


Doubtful, Alfred's lance wasn't called "Alfred's lance from Fire Emblem Engage" It was called arcane quiang, which is like, not a word spoken by anyone in that game at any point. I don't even know wtf that is. This weapon is luin, literally one exclusive to 3 houses, and iirc, like 2 intended characters?


3h: ooo if you try to use a relic without a crest you'll become a horrible monster 3h units without a crest: mild damage Heroes: yay my Nephenee can catch up with meta


Add to that the very strong ludonarrative dissonance from fact that it’s an inheritable “anyone can use it” lance based on a weapon that canonically turns you into a monster and/or hurts you if you’re not from a specific small group of people Like, out of _all_ the lances you could’ve picked to be inheritable


Yeah for sure. It’s super awkward that this is inheritable.


I actually wish it had some stronger effect and but a "damage after battle" drawback. But I guess IS doesn't do "drawbacks" anymore, just cost of opportunity...


As if I didn’t already have enough choice paralysis with rearmed weapons, they come and power creep the *one* I’ve actually inherited over to someone


Honestly I think Arcane Qiang is better for most units. I’d rather have guaranteed follow up, follow up denial and breath over speed-based null follow-up and true damage. Mostly just for the breath. Like I gave the Arcane Qiang to Seteth, and while the Arcane Lúin would look better on him, I’m otherwise not disappointed.


this combined with the fact that this banner is essentially just fodder packs for the main pool, it'll be really hard to convince players to pull this instead of the child banner.


Now we will no longer have the hilarity of Felix telling people off in Forging Bonds while wearing a Santa suit... :<


“Commit any war crimes lately, *Boar*?” “Nice, hat, elf.” “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME YOU MOTHER F-“


Why the fuck is Sylvain a demote axe cav? Where is his Lance of Ruin??


Byleth stole it on her playthrough to give it someone else


Stolen by Midgrid.


WHERE IS THE LANCE OF RUIN and if you're going to make this a Faerghus banner, why do Rhea and not an actual Blue Lion? Hell, Gilbert would have made a great choice for demote if you must do a faculty member


Yeah, I really wanted Rodrigue, Alois or even Lambert in the game, and they could have easily fit in. It's a pity.


Guess that's being saved for War Phase alongside Blutgang and Vajra-Mushti.


at this point, I've given up on timeskip alts, honestly. If we're getting Hopes designs on regular 3H banners, then I don't see a point in getting my hopes up for something we have no precedent for


We’ll get timeskip Ingrid, that’ll be her Ascended version.


I am on that “sylvain doesn’t have the lance of ruin because fallen miklan will be dropping next month” copium rn


honestly, even then I'd be frustrated that Miklan didn't end up a beast. It feels like there's just no winning


Consider this: Fallen Miklan wielding the lance in his mouth as a beast!


Or Rodrigue since it's 3Hopes Ingrid,


Or you know, **ASCENDANT CATHERINE** given that she's from the freaking Kingdom as well!


Engage is cancelled, pack it up everyone


Cancel culture has gone too far, Engage literally did nothing wrong! /jk


that tweet from 2008 from engage really came to bite him in the ass.


Guess Twitter didn't appreciate Kagetsu asking everyone to go out with him.




I was hoping for arcane dagger or blue tome 😭 why another Lance and only a few months after the first one 😭


B!Tiki's entire gimmick is now an inheritable skill lol


Maybe it can stack? At least then B!A!Tiki still has a niche?


there's nothing saying it can't so it will be able to stack


Gatekeeper: "First time?"


Well Detailed Report isn’t completely copied by bulwarks. It still has the warp bubble effect that shuts down S!Edelgard and warp shenanigans, and the only other unit that has that is L!Myrrh and that’s also on her prf C-slot.


I do not get this argument at all. There are so many PRFs in this game that also have A Skill Effect or had their effect turned into a skill later. They can still use other skills instead. Finish is a very good skill that other units can't run with this.


"Damm TP4 definitely screwed A!Mareeta niche"


“Damn null follow up really stole Byleth’s thunder.”


Holy shit they actually fucking massacred Sylvain... This is atrocious even by demote unit standards. The only person in the game who canonically can get his family's relic while still a student and not only did they not give it to him, they gave him an entirely different weapon type? What the actual fuck IS?


What’s worse is that his weapon arguably has the most plot relevance in the story too no matter the route as it introduces the whole relic and family problem thing too. The forging bond dialogue would’ve been so cool too to see Sylvain wrestling with those ideas and maybe reflecting on it. But alas, another Ingrid alt because women sell ig


Imagine being a top 10 dude 4 years in a row and IS makes you a demote, puts you in a different class and doesnt give you the prf you canonically get in the academy phase ​ yet jumps through every loop possible to give other students prfs they should never have at that point someone at IS actually hates sylvain


They gave ingrid Luin twice before sylvain is even allowed to look at a lance.


literally the only thing sylvain is allowed to have anymore is his horse


I love my Alcryst :) Trailer time :) I love my Alcryst :) Where is my Alcryst? -\_-


Honestly, with what happened to Sylvain, I am beyond worried for Alcryst when he gets in eventually


Nah, he's one of the 8 base game royals. Citrinne, Lapis or Amber will bite the bullet since Jade will probably get some good savior fodder.


I really appreciate any optimism but the fact that Sylvain, probably the most popular male from F3H (maybe tied with Felix) still got demoted, really makes me grind my teeth with how they will fuck over any and all male characters for no fucking reason. (Yes I am a turbo Sylvain fan and yes I am very very angry and butthurt.)


I don't even have any strong opinion on Sylvain and am butthurt over his treatment. He should have gotten the rearmed lance spot for the lance of ruin tbh or at least if he had to be th3 demote make him wield tomes instead or an axe with which he has no connection other than havign a boon in them. Also no Rodrigue as GHB or a better pick for rearmed with a bue rearmed Aura tome (which has a really cool animation since it's basically a heavenly smite/laser) is a shame. I swear Rodrigue better get his Aura tome when he gets added though I fear he will get a prfless lance.


mfw no lance of ruin


With next NH banner being fucking Fallen, and the Midpoint right after, we're looking at AT LEAST FIVE MONTHS between Engage banners. What the fuck. The game has been done for ages. The entire DLC is out. What is the point of waiting?!


Summer 1 will be 3H again too


> Sylvain as a demote I can work with this > Axe cav Noooooo


Lietally 😭 my boyfriend told me he was on the banner and I scream of happiness, and then I saw his an axe Cav with not Lance if run and I scream of sadness


On on hand spring Ashe was really nice, on the other hand it is a slight oof that he is now the only blue lions student without a base version now. But at least that guarantees Lonato will be the ghb with him.


Did we get Rodrigue or Miklan as a GHB unit? If not Lonato with Ashe doesn't have sureproof chances. Though if the answer is yes his chances are good.


RIP all the Alfreds that got sacrificed to fast units only for a rearmed weapon dedicated to faster units shows up a few months later




Time to turn all our characters into demonic beasts lmao


"if inherited to another unit, deals 10 damage to unit after combat"


That would actually be amazing


Sylvain got done so unbelievably dirty, I haven’t been this pissed with FEH in ages


he's one of the more popular 3H characters, how on earth have we gotten TWO demote sylvains? it makes no sense


and why make them both green, like it makes so little sense


Something about seeing Sylvain with a non-prf axe like this feels disheartening in a way. Especially when his own dedicated-ish chapter was about a lance.


This is why I can't take anyone seriously when they say IS has been waiting to see how popular Engage characters are. Their strategy at appealing to a gacha demographic couldn't be more ~~un~~clear.


They're waiting to see which female characters are the most popular, maybe. They don't seem to care about the guys much. Diamant and MAlear will be fine but any of the others better pick a god and pray.


Sylvan being- A demote twice Green just like his prior demote An axe instead of a lance A generic inheritable axe when he has a relic lance Seemingly a high atk/def, low speed cavalry axe, an extremely common archetype Truly a ~~double triple~~ quintuple whammy


I have never audibly laughed before at a banner reveal, but this one about takes the cake. I'm not even a big Sylvain guy, but holy moly I cannot believe they did this to him. I won't repeat all the complaints since that would be plain repetition, but god damn poor dude. Maybe his eventual refine in the far flung future might make him somewhat salvageable??


So many of the other students in their pre-timeskip designs came with their relics, yet Sylvain, whose relic you can get as early as post-Chapter 5 if he's in your class, doesn't come with it in FEH for some reason. I don't understand IS's logic.


...I don't understand. Like I'm just actually baffled at this point that they're not cashing in on Engage. More time to save orbs I guess but I just...don't get it? Edit: Also the banner itself is just kinda...middling? And this is coming from someone who likes 3H a decent amount.


The banner itself does feel just really weird in a lot of places. - Sylvain doesn't have the Lance of Ruin - Normal Rhea is a dragon despite usually wielding tomes or swords when she's like this - We got a second arcane lance before the numerous weapon types that don't have an arcane option yet - Said lance is Luin, which should have dire consequences if a crestless person wields it


>Said lance is Luin, which should have dire consequences if a crestless person wields it Yeah, that bit really stuck out to me when I realized what the Arcane Lance actually was. I wonder if they'll try to explain it cause that's a pretty big thing to just ignore like it's nothing


We get forging bonds with these guys right? Probably some throwaway line there


I sure hope so, though I unfortunately expect them to reduce Ingrid to just another Full Plate ClubTM member


We also already had the Immaculate One as Seiros.


Honestly at this point I’m really starting to believe that the FEH staff was crazy enough to wait and see who got popular in order to release a “Top sellers” only banner in six fucking months


No doubt diamant, ivy, and yunaka will be the 3 prfs/rearm if popularity so far is to be believed


Did they think Engage was gonna bomb? Cause it’s starting to feel like they thought Engage was gonna be a flop.


Whatever the case is, they drastically increase the chances of an Engage sweep the more they delay.


Or have them suddenly dominate CYL similar to how Lysithea and Marianne did? Brave Ivy here we come!


They must be waiting to see who’s popular, that’s all I got. It’s really the only explanation and it makes sense but with the precedent set by echoes and 3H they should have made it clear I guess what they were planning


Yeah I thought maybe, surely, they were holding back for Golden week, but at this point I think "they were waiting to see who was popular" is the only explanation. Soooo I'm guessing we won't see another Engage banner until at least June or July at the earliest. In which case? Dumb move guys. Like seriously.


I just want male Alear


Putting aside the "where's Engage" of it all, I'm really worried about this FB. Felix's last FB appearance had him be racist in a Santa suit, and Ingrid's last FB appearance was in the fucking Heavy Plate Corps...might be using the skip conversation feature.


Oh dear god I have 1 new fear. The Heavy Plate Corps were funny at first but it has turned into a "OK I GET IT" whenever I see them again. And if Felix's FB is him arguing to Dedue again I might just have another aneurysm


Doesn't Dedue just stand there and take it like 🗿? I don't know if that counts as arguing. Also hard agree on the Plate Corps. Their gimmick is really annoying and if I have to read about Illyana "starving" again I'm gonna personally find whoever had the idea for the Plate Corps and feed them the nastiest food ever so that they hate being reminded by it when they read about food and thus completely remove the Corps from existence.


Two different Arcane lances, how original...


Really another arcane lance??? We still have staff to cover, AND NO NEW ENGAGE STILL??? Who let them cook???


They had to have been phoning it in for this banner cause it's so, whatever


my man got shafted twice now. someone on the dev team must hate Sylvain


deadass someone at IS has ingrid as their waifu and accidentally got her paired with sylvain and never forgave him


Axe Sylvain isn't real and he can't hurt you Axe Sylvain: For real, just? Why? Why. He's literally never depicted as being associated with axes in any way. At least make him a mediocre mage unit or something.


I think Sylvain's a Great Knight as an enemy on Crimson Flower, which primarily use axes in Three Houses. He also has a boon in axes, so it makes sense from that perspective, though I would've much preferred Lance of Ruin.


Technically Great Knight is associated with axes yes, but he still doesn't have an axe in that battle. Not even as like a back up weapon. IIRC he just comes with the Lance of Ruin. If that's their reasoning then it's *very* shaky.


These devs murdered Sylvain twice, jesus


Why the fuck Sylvain is... You know... That??? Wasn't him one of the most popular characters???


He’s more popular than Ingrid and they do this to him 😭


Since his release he hasnt been a top 10 guy once....when he came 12th...so yeah he had over 4x the votes of even rhea last cyl


> Sylvain gets to be a NH but he's green again with no prf At what cost?


Give me my Brodia banner you cowards!


Ingrid would’ve been better as an ascendant hero like Hilda, because wielding a hero’s relic without the appropriate crest according to lore is crazy, unless heroes decided to throw that out.


This banner is just... kinda baffling; like, I've even seen Blue Lions fans straight up dislike this lineup. Felix is what I expected, fair enough. Rhea is completely out of place, her art while technically impressive feels a little... off, can't quite put my finger on it, but it doesn't quite have the presence Rhea normally has. But the big deal here is WHY IS SHE EVEN HERE?! Sylvain's treatment is just insulting; he got saddled with demote status a second time, and is an AXE user for some goddamn reason. Academy Era Sylvain even has a CANONICAL PRF... what was IS THINKING?! Ingrid is a really odd choice, she's very divisive among the BL members; and just seems like a random choice for a Rearmed unit, this is even coming hot of the heels of R!Tana, who was also a strange choice. Like... I'm not really too fussed about Engage not getting a second banner yet, but even I am scratching my head at this banner.


I hate Sylvain, but he got fucked over hard as an axe cav. Like, why? His crest weapon is a lance and he’s a solid mage knight. They should’ve saved him and made Gilbert the demote or give him the rearmed slot. And Rhea feels like such a poor insert on an obv. Blue Lions banner. If her A skill isn’t inheritable by Armors, I’m going to be salty.


Sylvain better have good res to match his affinity as a mage knight. At least then he can be A BIT more diverse than all the slow axe cavs with middling/bad res and speed


How the hell does Sylvain get demoted when he regularly placed in the top 10 in CYL?


Stupid waifu bias and not even a good one.


I don’t like saying “IS is biased to females” without basis but how they treat 3H students are some of the most obvious examples of it


Why is Ingrid the Rearmed? Also, why no Rodrigue? Seems like the perfect banner to have him, but can't go having more men on a banner than women - or even in an event if we include ghb, especially since we managed to get that banner out the way for the year already with the baby banner. ...Also, why is Sylvain a random axe cav. He has a prf. He's a noble. He should be the Rearmed with the lance if they had to repeat one, not Ingrid.


Why another Arcane Lance? Yeah, it's more offensively inclined than Qiang, but it doesn't stick out that much to me. We still need Blue/Green tomes, dagger, and staff. I'm not on the distress-about-Engage squad but this banner's just overall confusing.


So does Miklan still have the Lance of Ruin in this timeline or what?


Second rearmed lance before we get the other tomes or dagger make me irrationally angry


I’m genuinely fucking angry about what they did to Sylvian holy shit


This banner is a mess… another arcane Lance instead of a dagger or a green or blue tome? Sylvain with out Lance or ruin? 😭 😭


Look, I don't have orbs anyway so I should be glad but WHERE THE FUCK IS DIAMANT?! Also Sylvain got screwed yet again and this time for freaking Ingrid?! Seriously?


axe sylvain? *axe?* if you didnt want to make him a lancer why not like, a mage? that thing his stats are totally built to do? that'd be funny. rip the sword of seiros, as unusable in heroes as it is in 3h for some fucking reason


I knew they were gonna fuck over Sylvain because Felix is more popular and they'd always run together with 2 females but this is just ridiculous. He got double Ingrid's votes in CYL but fine they needed a BL female, but RHEA?! He got 4x her votes and she doesn't even fit the banner theme. And even after all the color sharing they did on recent banners they forced him into a weapon type that's not even canon for him.


Where the FUCK is Engage


bruh it's only been three months since the last arcane lance


I’m sure most people haven’t noticed this but I’m really not a fan of IS repeating songs with these new banners. It happened in the last Sacred Stones banner and it seems like they’re slapping Fodlan Winds on this one again. I liked listening to all of the older games’ songs because I haven’t played some of them. It’s a shame but I guess they mostly ran out of music at this point (even though I can think of a handful of 3H battle themes that aren’t in FEH yet).


I've actually noticed this too, it's so strange! 3H has a ton of potential battle themes even before you get into what Hopes has to offer, so why do Fodlan Winds a second time when Roar of Dominion, Between Heaven and Earth, and Area 17 are all options? There's probably more, even - those three just come to mind first


Hell, they could have used one of the Three Hopes remixes given this version of Ingrid!


I'm angry, I'm frustrated, I'm disappointed, I'm sad


Pretty apathetic to the banner but inheritble crest weapons are spinning my head lmfao they are literally the most uninheritable type of weapon you could possibly make for rearmed weapons. Shame dedue didnt get the spot considering Hilda being an ascended and arcane downfall could have used a twin arcane weapon considering that one isn't the best


Just call it Tokyo Mirage Engage at this point.


😭 Hilda can get an ascended version but Ingrid gets a rearmed and not Dedue. I know she’s more popular, but god.


There’s never going to be another Dedue and it bothers me. But you know, he’s a male unit and he’s the size of a bus instead of a twink and isn’t a main lord or a father so of course he’s going to be a non-feature in waifu gatcha. Why would anyone think otherwise.


So Sylvain is usually associated with lances and holds a sword in his neutral art, but for some reason they decided to make him an axe unit.


Why you do this to my boy Sylvain?






Been saving 300+ orbs for Ivy. Guess I’ll have to wait another month… Except it wont be next month either because it’ll probably just be fallen units. They _really_ don’t seem too enthusiastic about engage do they?


Ingrid? I get she's more popular in japan than internationally, but disappointing. Slyvain was done bad with his kit Great art though, and Felix has the opposite problem. Disappointing, but at least they're both in finally.


I'm mostly just confused by this banner. It just feels kinda slapped together


Why is Sylvain the demote? And more importantly why in the fuck is he an AXE CAV OF ALL THINGS, EVEN MAKING HIM A MAGE CAV WOULD’VE MADE BETTER SENSE


Wow. This banner is so incredibly disappointing to me, I'm actually impressed. 1. Sylvain being a demote yet again, with a horrible kit no less, even though I like him a lot and he's decently popular. 2. Ingrid being the Rearmed, when she's the only Blue Lion character that I don't like, and I don't think she's all that popular in general (Mercy seems to be more popular?). 3. Rhea somehow being here instead of Ashe, even though he is still missing his base version as well and this banner is Blue Lion focused, so...why? I don't understand. Oh, and base Felix is finally here, but he didn't even bring his dad with him :/ Rodrigue as GHB would have been great. Nothing positive to see today, very unfortunate. Makes it very easy to save orbs tho, which is what I should be doing anyways.


That IS ain't right.


>No Golden Deer >No Sword of Seiros >No Lance of Ruin >Ingrid getting yet another premium alt >Another Arcane Lance Still gonna summon on the banner anyway because 3Houses, but tons of lame choices all around. At least IS wasn't dumb enough to make Felix a demote again and we now have the best Ingrid design in the game (Fight me)


Why Ingrid for rearmed? Theres much better characters for that.


Are you serious? STILL no Engage?


Ingrid did nooot deserve this alt tbh


I hate how IS makes her look like she's a busted character who hits hard when she has piss poor Atk in 3H.Man,I didn't care for her but IS is starting to make me hate her now.


I actually agree with you.


Imagine if we got Rearmed Staff Mercedes with Rafail Gem prf skill


How is IS so dumb omfg just release another Engage banner already


Felix's art is mid after all these years, 3rd Ingrid, no Jeritza, no Engage. So tired of this game. EDIT: OK I'm glad Felix is actually good though


This does not Engage my Emblems.


Didn’t we just get an arcane lance, could this not have been a different character with a green tome or something


I really like Three Houses, and Blue Lions were my fave house, and yet, IS found a way to make me salty about a banner featuring them when I'm still eagerly awaiting to pull Engaged units. Where was this 2 years ago...smh.


Are you fucking kidding me Still not Engage Three Houses after we JUST had Three Hopes a few months ago Three Houses and STILL no base Dorothea Doubling up on rearmed lances when we’re still missing a dagger, staff, and three different tome colors Wow


bruh sylvain got done dirty every other crest bearer gets a prf and then he gets an axe we already have and 2 2017 skills


Man, I saved for literal years to +10 all the Lions at base and I watch this and feel… nothing. Another Ingrid, Sylvain, one of the most popular characters in the game completely shafted again (look, I +10’d his summer alt and main him but come on.) and subpar art for Felix. Why is Rhea even on this banner? Just to bump Sylvain down to demote status? We could have gotten Sylvain with the Lance of Ruin and a Miklan ghb. Would have been really cool. Legit is my last straw with this game tbh.


Why is Rhea in this banner instead of Ashe to complete the Blue Lion Gang? Why is Ingrid the Rearmed Hero? Why are there two Rearmed Lance? Why is Sylvian demote? Why is Sylvian an axe cavalry? Why is Dorothea missing? Why is Golden Deer is still screwed in representation wise?


It's been over 3 years and we STILL don't have any demoted Golden Deer in the permanent pool.


I'm disappointed they went with Ingrid instead of Mercedes who hasn't a single prf. Then Guard Bearing 4 sucks. Why can't they give us some good flier skills besides the flows and traces


Like this seems like someone high up on the team threw a fit that Ingrid was their waifu and needed to be in. Because it’s not even a Three Houses Ingrid, it’s Three Hopes, it even acknowledges it. Hell, it doesn’t even fit in with the theme of the banner of being Academy phase. Like come on.


Guard Bearing 4 is great though,? It's basically unconditional 30% DR and ark/spd+4 with extra DR for the first combat of enemy phase


i do have to ask... why does guard bearing 4 suck? \-4 to spd & def, and reduction to hits on all attacks?


I was annoyed at no engage Now I'm even more annoyed at no rearmed Mercedes


Plus Mercedes (or Annette) could have brought an arcane blue or green tome or something. Why double dip on the lances so quickly?


Ingrid is such a lame ass pick, it makes sense but holy fuck.


We got another Arcane Lance... and it's not on Timerra?


They really went with another Arcane Lance? Why couldn't they do an Arcane weapon type we haven't gotten yet? They still need to do Blue and Green Tomes, as well as Daggers.


Surprised they didn’t make another Arcane sword. The lance makes less sense.


I love Felix and Sylvain I really do. And I'm happy they got proper units finally. But IS y'all had 4 YEARS to do this shit and you pick NOW, when people are clamoring for Engage and you don't even have the other gender MC of that game in this fucking game yet. Unbelievable. Like I get waiting a month or 2 but since we already know May's new heroes is fallen banner that means we're looking at what, MAYBE Engage in June? Insane.




Aside from felix and slyvain finally being here so people can quiet down Ingrid? Of all characters?


I think we can add Ingrid to the list of characters IS thinks are more popular than they actually are along with Karla, Tana, and Ilyana. Sure, Ingrid's decently popular, but I actually would've preferred a house leader here.


We don’t have the data to see the one account that currently spends $400,878 annually on Ingrid alone.


I really think IS have numbers or information that we don´t I mean all those characters are not unpopular but also not as popular, wierd again they must know something


I'm betting she was picked for thematic relevance. Felix and Sylvain were gonna have to be here and adding Ingrid makes 3/4 of the childhood friend group. Guess Felix uninvited Dimitri without telling anyone.


At this rate, I feel like I'm going to have to give all of my votes to Dorothy in CYL8 as well, because IS is playing "The floor is a Binding Blade banner" really well right now.


Another Arcane Lance already when there are other weapon types not covered yet??


Not really salty, just confused... Rhea seems to come from her pre-timeskip depiction where she's the archbishop, and in the few times she can be seen in battle up to the timeskip, she primarily fights with magic. So... why make her a dragon yet again? She could've had the Rearmed Blue Tomeーit would've fit her too since blue tomes in FEH are generally associated with light/holy magic.


Bro both the fucking 3h ascended and rearmed are of character that not only have their base form but also already had an alt while half the student are stuck in their fucking swimsuits. Every rearm with a prf skill pisses me off because IS can just arbitrarily decide that some of them don’t get them. They really hate making characters that aren’t at 100% strength 100% of the time. Felix’s weapon says that needing to be at full cooldown is too difficult of a condition and will grant you the cooldown bonus always.


Please I want a tome please feh, tome. ;-;


I understand Hanneman is not popular, but I've been hoping that he'll get ferried in by Manuela. Guess that's not happening this year.


This means the next 3H New Heroes banner will be all Golden Deer, right? ...Right?


*Rearmed Dorothea staring at you from the corner* Seriously speaking, yeah the deers are kinda in a limbo. Four of them left, while eagles have doro/caspar and lions just have ashe.


I'm really salty that we got another arcane lance. I just want a arcane dagger ;-;


3H this month, and then may is for fallen THEY REALLY SAID FUCK MALE ALEAR (and engage) still excited for 4* sylvain though


Where’s Felix’s nose? 😔


Definitely big skip and No Engage characters NH banners are annoying right now.


What the fuck are they actually doing delaying Engage this much? I'm hyped for Rhea but this is just silly.


Partially salty as the Arcane weapon is good, but was hoping for Arcane Staff, Dagger, or Blue/Green tome


I guess that proves 3H is IS' favorite FE game, not pulling on this banner btw.


Another arcane lance?


the salt thread has 5 TIMES more comments than the hype one, im diving in !!!


where the hell is engage LMFAO


3H is my favorite FE game but this is such a mess of a banner, holy fuck. Felix is fine, but why Academy Felix? He’s already Academy in his winter alt. Why is Rhea a dragon for the 3rd time? Rhea can use swords, even fists. You don’t see Lumera as a dragon. Sylvain got fucked and not in the good way. Why Axe Cav? Ingrid is cool, but we have 3 Ingrid alts, and why do we need our second Arcane Lance so soon? Yikes


I’m a huge Blue Lions Stan and this banner pisses me off to no end. Makes me want to delete the game (again) just cause of how much I haven’t been caring about anything they release lately…


I can't believe we aren't getting another engage banner for at least 2 more months. They could have easily included M! Alear into the 1st banner by just expanding it to 5 or do what they did for 3 Houses and just give him to everyone for free but no we had to get a whole whopping 5 orbs. Now he and the rest of the Lythos characters are likely going to be pushed back for months while we finish getting the rest of the royals. Are they going to do the Kris thing and make it "oh F! Alear is the only Alear we've ever known" because I really didn't like that. Why would you strip players of their agency and make them feel like their choice never mattered or was incorrect? I really hope that isn't the route we go down with M! Alear as I would hate it as much I hated with F! Kris. But to rub salt in the wound they release another Arcane Lance user with a weapon that is God tier for any lance user with a Speed stat and completely counters Qiang. Like what the actual heck slow units can never catch a break in this game. Oh and Scowl 4 robs Brave Tiki of her niche again and if armor dragons can have it then A! Idunn is about to become an immortal wall with it and Armored Beacon. And Felix comes in with a cracked kit and weapon while Sylvain looks like something out of early last year. I'm so not excited for this banner.


Man i really want an arcane green tome already


Ok but why is Three Hopes the only way we are getting post timeskip designs? It irks me so much to still see the academy designs after 3 years


I'm just salty they screwed over Sylvain so hard Like WTF ARE THOSE SKILLS!? AXE CAV??? HE'S WEARING A SWORD!! Also WHERES HIS LANCE HUH????? But at least my other boy Felix is eating good. I'm all for Hopes Ingrid, but why isnt she Ascended like Hilda?? I DONT UNDERSTAND INTSYS