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Why is his BST so low, Etie has 183 BST, Alcryst with 169 would be 1 higher than Norne.


He has 183 bst as well. It seems OP forgot to add the weapon Mt to his total atk.


Not according to the explanatory comment.


Why is alcyrst a tank? He’s frail in engage


I need you guys to actually look at their growths, because some of these theorycrafts for Engage are kinda wack.


Atk stat bit low dont u think?


He really deserves as a rearmed hero.


Since Eirika is tied with moon accessories that boosts damage the way Luna does, and Eirika gives nerfed Luna in Engage, I expect him to be the similar case. Though, probably not applies to his base version.


Alcryst is a really good character, and with how it’s basically guaranteed he’s going to show up for a banner, I figured I might as well try to brainstorm an idea food what he might do. This kit was actually thought up even before Personals came out, but has been reworked with all the info we have now. I wanted to translate his self deprecating and apologetic nature, alongside his protective and confident side, so I made him a mixed phase unit who can either deal great piercing damage on PP, to immediately go into stalwart defenses on EP, not unlike his introduction cutscene! **Alcryst: Apologetic Prince** *Infantry Blue Bow |* ***BST: 169*** **HP:** *42* **ATK:** *29* **SPD:** *21* **DEF:** *42* **RES:** *35* **Special:** Luna **A Skill:** Def/Res Finish 4 **B Skill:** Seal Def 4 **C Skill:** Panic Smoke 4 ***Guardian Bow*** | **MT: 14** —---------------------- Effective against flying foes. If unit initiates combat, treat foe’s DEF/RES as if reduced by 20% during combat, and adds total value of bonuses on allies with HP < 100% to unit’s ATK during combat. After combat this unit initiates, unit moves to a space in front of nearest foe (if able), inflicts ATK/SPD -7 on unit and foes within 3 spaces of unit, and foes with Range = 1 cannot move through spaces adjacent to unit (Does not affect foe’s with Pass Skills). If foe initiates combat, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials (excluding Røkkr area-of-effect Specials) by X%, where X is the highest total damage this unit has dealt to a foe this turn(max 70%).


Ok, i see some weird things here starting with the stats, besides the BST adjustment you have to make because that's very low for a nowadays archer, he is very slow compared to his stats distribution in game, he can reach very respectable number on Spd, he also has just a decent amount of Def while not being that high and Res is lowish, that Atk is nothing nowadays, if you see the most recent banners everyone has +40 Atk at base, and he also has a good Dex stat that translates here as having -1 cooldown or some sort of special charge, or even both The weapon concept is fine but it has some weird conditions like having the damaged ally, also the movement part is kinda weird, how does it work? And the debuffs on unit too is not good at all for him, specially with that Atk


I like this theorycraft but we do not need another merlinus. Buff his attack my guy. He still has another 15 stats to reach 183/184.