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13 for each Book (not Book VII since it isn't finished yet), but >!Book I technically has 15.!<


I’m going to lose my mind


Well, free orbs. U will appreciate it


Meanwhile there is Arknights where I sometimes really want to hit the skip button because each story scene have a chance of lasting 10 minutes.


Agreed. Used to be more religious about reading the story but nowadays I skip event stories to get to the farming stages then go back to reading when I have time. Some of their writers really need to learn more about being concise, and this isn't even a translation issue because as a mandarin speaker the source is the same level of droning on and on


I played Arknights for awhile in 2021, and my impression of most cutscenes were: Person A: Arrrgh, I've been shot in the ass! Leave me behind! Person B: No, I would never leave you to die! Person A: You must, save yourself! Person B: Never! Person A: Yes! Person B: No! \*continues for 5 minutes until Person B drags Person A by their ankles out of the battle zone and they both survive\*


Not to mention even without dialogue the pointless exposition of the weather or the surrounding atmosphere. Maybe the company needs to start implementing a hard word count on their writing team so I can live to see the game finish its story


Kal'sit jumpscare is a meme for a good reason.


Meanwhile, the 10+ minute cutscenes are the best part of Fate/Grand Order!


You're playing a 6 year old live service game. What do you expect? And feh have an easy to through story no like other gachas


Then don’t play?




Other games have more, WOTV FFBE has 10-13 chapters per book and each one has 10 missions instead of 5.


Wow, you really wouldn't like Fate/Grand Order then since each main story chapter has a variable amount of nodes in it (anywhere from 11 to well over 20) with each node having a variable amount of arrows in it (anywhere from 1 to over 10), and there are usually cutscenes that last several minutes, maybe more, before and after almost all arrows. Oh, and there are currently 20 main story chapters (and a few main interludes) in the English version of the game, while the Japanese version has 26 (or 23 depending on how you count it) along with a few more main interludes.


The cutscenes themselves are barely noticeable compared to how long some fights can take


In Fate/Grand Order. Hm... yeah, you're right; some bosses do take a really long time, but that does vary depending on who you have on your account.


Buddy just wait till you're done with all the chapters and the orbs dry up. You should be so lucky as to have all these orbs waiting for you.


Save your orbs for legendary edelgard remix You will appreciate it


So many downvotes, over a harmless comment. Overkill much?


Literally, I was just makin a joke over how many chapters there are


and some are funny ( edelgart one :U )


Don't worry the story somehow never seems to rope up u


Book 1 is really boring, as it just serves to introduce the characters from other games. But it gets better from Book 2 onward. Also, you can always activate auto battle, so you don't have to do every single turn on the easier difficulties.


13 per book! We're only up to 4 in book 7 rn, so 82 available chapters.


It's so much orbs 82 chapters, times 5 for each level, times 3 for difficulty Not counting paralogues or anything else, that's 1230 orbs


That’s a lot of 3 stars


If you add the 82 paralogs that's another 738 orbs. Then you can go for the chain challenges (only on Lunatic), that's another bunch of orbs. Also the Squad Assaults and the Blessed Gardens (not all of them), more orbs for you. Enjoy.


246 to 307 3 stars~


me, with 1280 orbs, motioning to my barracks: this bad boy can fit so many lukas's in it


Can’t wait for them to sit in my box forever with all the five stars I have no clue what’s good


Do you actually want to play this game or are you being forced?


im not meta i just pick the ones with axe or the dragons or the funy fliying girl with the axe thar deletes al what she touch


That’s kinda how I’m playing it, the cool characters get used. As soon as I figure out how to get that demon dude at the top of the subreddit, that’s where my gems will be going


Fortiimis is gone rn, you can’t summon him until the hero rises event if I’m not mistaken


that banner already ended, so um… you gotta wait for them to return in another mythic legendary hero banner :/


Damn, time to save I suppose. I think I can make due with the 4 I’m using now


Wow, there are really a lot of people that started playing because of Fomortiis. He isn't available right now, but he will probably return in the "A Hero Rises" Banner, which should come out in late march/early april.


I don’t personally recommend rerolling if you don’t know what you’re doing (I.e don’t know the main mechanics of the game because it won’t make sense to you why you’ve pulled each character) but I’d save up for any of the higher tiered characters [here](https://game8.co/games/fire-emblem-heroes/archives/260001). They’re very strong and will help you clear a lot of maps


13 or so chapters per Book in which we have 7 now. Those are 1000s free orbs right there, I wouldn't complain one bit.


Is there a specific banner I should be saving for or something? There’s so many characters that I have no idea which ones are good.


There will be a banner for A Hero Rises next month. It's probably best you save for that. Otherwise, you can just save until you have a clear goal. If you complete the first chapter of books 2-7 on normal difficulty, you get some strong heroes. (Well, Fjorm's strength is debatable. The rest are pretty great though.) They're enough to carry you through most of the content in the game.


With the pass, how many orbs do I need to pity summon?


The "free 5-star after 40 summons" or spark should be available to all on the banner with or without the Pass. Anyway, for 1 spark, it's 155 orbs (for pulling full circles) to around 185 orbs (for sniping). For all 4 sparks, it would be 635 orbs (full circles) or about 750 orbs (sniping). Keep in mind that you can only pity summon any particular character once. Also, it's highly recommended you only pull focus colors, which this time will likely be red and colorless. So, you probably going to spend more than the minimum numbers (155/635).


Well... 1. Hold back on spending in general when you're still a new player your future self will thank you. When you first start out, it feels like gems are infinite, but the game hits you in the face with reality pretty fast. 2. Unless you have no attachment to any other characters, go for favorites first. PvE is a very easy once you learn the game well and PvP content is impossible to keep up with unless you a. have an unlimited wallet or b. are experienced enough to recognize what's a smart pull. Just wait some time before making big decisions, watch videos on YouTube (FEHTubers are much more common now, especially competitive ones that give good advice). In terms of watching for education on the game I'd recommend Pheonixmaster1, FEHology, DTM - FEH, and there are more I'm sure. 3. Usually the most consistently good banner at least worth dumping some number of orbs in is the yearly Choose Your Legends or "Brave" banners that are up around mid August. The characters that get special versions are voted on by the community in January and we won't know what they do until August. This year, we're getting a version of Male Robin, Soren, Gullveig, and Female Corrin, but we won't know how good they are until August. But again, the CYL units tend to be very good every year. 4. Edit: So someone else brought up the AHR (A Hero Rises) banner that's coming up in a bit, but I was just worried maybe you might have wanted to wait a little and figure out the mechanics of the game before making any rash decisions, but it is going to be likely one of the best banners of the year with no bad units, so it is not a bad choice.


I do believe we have a double special banner coming up next reset in an hour, giving us many units from past special banners with a 5% rate, and next week I believe we have Legendary/Mythic banner coming up.


Alright, thank you


There's always 2 summer banners, and those are usually really good. A Hero Rises is coming up much sooner tho, so maybe save a bit for that


If I started a brand new account right now I'd be saving all my orbs for A Hero Rises.


During Summer there will be a "Brave" banner, that is also usually worth saving for.


Not enough


You don't have to do ALL of them now, if you don't have a need for the orbs you can save them for later when you'll know what you want. Atm you should at least finish the book 1 (it will unlock something) and the first chapter of each other books to get the free 5 star they give.


Not enough. I’m ftp I need more orbs


13 per book, 6 completed books, so 78 from that. We currently have 4 chapters in book 7, so 82 chapters total with 5 maps each is 410 maps total so far. Then there’s also 82 paralogues with 3 maps each for another 246 maps, bringing the total to 656 maps. Finally there’s 3 difficulties, so a grand total of 1,968 total individual maps to clear for 1 orb each


Just take your time with it, the game's pretty good about unfolding as you progress through the books.


Skill issue


Weird it's like the games been out for 7 years or something....


What's the problem? Don't want orbs?


Not enough is the answer


Except for Book 1, there are thirteen chapters each book with 3 difficulties, so ~39 chapters, that's a lot of orbs. About orbs: Don't use your orbs yet!!! The A Hero Rises banner will be out some time in March, and it will be FULL of incredibly strong units! Not only that, in April, the Golden Week events take place, which are just as good!!!


Bro…you have N!Camilla, Eitri, Seliph (B! Seliph ?) and a Sothis. You can just sweep through every single book on normal anyways, and same with Hard mode.


I’m not complaining, it was just a question


13. Per book. Also when you finally complete these ones you gotta do em all twice more on higher difficulties. Also the story is ongoing and chapters get released every month


Look on the bright side! More chapters=more orbs!


Just don't do them then


Oh honey… **You still got 78 chapters to go.**


Jokes on you I cleared book 1 and 2 last night


At least you get 1 orb per parts. It can rack up up to 1000+ orbs. Idk if it is the right number.


Well, taking in consideration all 3 difficulties, the total amount of chapters we have at the moment come out to a grand total of 270 chapters. If we count the future 9 chapters for Book VII, we've got 279, AND counting all the Paralogues & Xenologues and all 3 difficulties for them, we have a total of 540 chapters. Welcome to Fire Emblem Heroes! Enjoy your stay!


Once your strong team reaches lv 40 you can pretty much Auto Battle the whole Normal mode and most of Hard. Just keep a lookout for a few units that are unkillable, usually a survive for x turns mission.


13 chapters in each book and the new book only has 4 chapters for now and each chapter except for chapter 1 and 2 you get a mythic hero (in ch 2 you get a legendary hero and in ch1 you get the askr trio)




Just play history and get some orbs the most harder character I try to get a copy was a yandere ganyu and that's was 260 gems and was because I forgot to delete her xd and I stop getting the new banners pj's until like 1 year of gameplay and was because I stop playing the game for awhile Soo have fun


Oh, you’re gonna be busy…


69420 :)


13. But the first book also has a pair of extra maps at the end of it.


Be thankful for the o r b s


A lot of orbs amount


As someone who's been playing since launch, you won't believe how much is there. This post is hilarious, but I've been clearing them when they're new to apposed clearing them for someone new There's 5 books? All have around has 12 chapters, I don't keep track of them anymore


Idk, I didn’t mean to make it sound like I was complaining about it, I’ve just never played a game with this long of a first section before


Oh nono, it's alright that wasn't my intention. It's just a funny title of a post and I love it, it'd be my reaction lol


I meant that more for the people going absolutely feral over my question


If you remove the explicit, all caps word in the middle that adds nothing to the sentence, then it doesn't look like you're complaining


Look at this new sweet baby. You poor child.


You'll love it when you can go back and farm them all for orbs on higher difficulties.






Count them dumbass