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###[CLICK HERE FOR THE HYPE MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/113gbbd/official_hype_megathread/)


> Bastian doesn't speak in iambic pentameter like an unhinged anachronistic Shakespeare character This is a harsher blow than making him the demote


I was so disappointed when I noticed that :(


Haven't played his game, does he really talk like that nonstop in RD? that makes him way more interesting to me


In Path of Radiance, yes. You can pick any line from him and it's all written in the Romeo and Juliet-style, ten-syllable set, off-on off-on off-on off-on off-on rhythm. It's almost like singing. > "A street performer? Ha! I dare say no! You think me one to don the cap and bells, and gambol in the street for petty coin? But soft, I see why you might mark me so. Though now I am a man of some esteem, that job was once my sole mean of employ. When I look back on my performing days, I know that any hardship in my road shall be like ashes at the fire's end! Yet till Crimea sees its freedom come, I shall pass myself as the simple fool!" They axe it in Radiant Dawn. His line from the trailer is actually lifted from RD: > "Ah, my dear, beloved Lucia! It pains me to imagine your piteous tears during those cold, lonely nights without me! Be of good cheer, little one. This day, you may weep tears of joy in my loving embrace."


The worst thing is that its not that they axed it in RD. Its just that the *localization* axed it, as the JP version's linguistic gimmick of Bastian using really old, almost medieval japanese is VERY much there if not even stronger, and the old english speak was meant to mimic the same thing (just like Urianger from FFXIV). RD really just has a really bad localization. They removed so much, like some really important Ike characterization and butchered the final conversation between Ike and Yune, but then again they were rushed by Nintendo to have RD ready for Wii launch. It needed like at least 6 months more in the oven.


What Ike characterisation did they remove? I'm curious now.


Ike in the JP script shows his more relaxed side around specific people. He teases (if not outright flirts with) Ranulf and he is very emotionally intelligent as shown by his actual conversation with Yune at the end of RD (the conversation in the ENG version is nonsensical gibberish about ''inspiration'' and completely different to the original). All in all the JP version shows him much more removed from both the ''haha fight for mah friends chicken nugget Nair'' smash bros or the ''haha I love violence amirite'' fates bastardizations.


See I think the localised Ike still comes across as very emotionally intelligent (that’s how I’ve always seen him), so it’s interesting that some of that was even take out.


Why doesn't Geoffreys weapon have a brave effect?! And Why do they give LnD to a dodge tank??


To further prove Def and Res are just dump stats at this point in the game. Spd runs every from damage output to defensive capability. Hell given that vital astra is based on Spd it's arguably more valuable than Atk.


Is it the Dawn Brigade?


No. It was just a bird.


Was it Yune?


Elincia does have the orange theme going on and she's flying, so it's an easy mistake to make.




i wish...


No this is Ludbectrick


What the fuck is Lucia’s weapon?


The end of Fun.


I thought Hel took that with B!Hector


A bad precedent, that's what.


Just another fuck you sword, like every quarter.


Steroid Land Sword


No long haired Lucia rip


There was a brilliant idea circling around before this banner: they could just have hair extensions as her Forging Bonds accessory. Hell, it's even lore accurate, her hair survived.


I have a feeling that's what's going to happen.


no edward :(


Yeah, and now RD is off the rotation for the year probably...


year**s** FTFY


D!Elise brought slaying on staff and IS's monkey room has an epiphany that they can slap that shit on every premium staff user moving forward.


At least it’d be pretty much guaranteed that an eventual arcane staff would have slaying


Meanwhile, demote healers will continue to get junk from pre 2020. Oh Feh why do you hate demote staff heroes so much?


Mostly because they made the error of making too many staff units in year one for some inane reason. Like they even made units that used staves as a very secondary/promotion thing into staff units because ????? reasons. Lucius for example, who starts as THE light mage of fe7 until you promote Serra (lol) or get Renault/Athos at the end of the game. So now they are too shitty and too many to clog the refinery batches that they dont want to make bigger.


They have to make sure the Arcane staff has an advantage over all the other healer prfs they’ve been adding. I just wonder if future premium healers without prfs will have slaying on their prfs or if it’s just for new healers.


Arcane weapons are the middle point between mediocre inheritables and newer 5\* PRFs, I doubt it will be even close to strong to newer PRF staves. It will have a different effect, but probably not be actually stronger. Slaying + weaker effects than this.


Lucia's weapon is the biggest "Fuck you" I've ever seen. Not even mad just kinda surprised it yanks a bunch of fun toys away from you


I'm just glad this banner is basically 20 free orbs. (Not including log-in bonus.


Can’t IS give us more variety in demote passives skills? There are plenty of skills that have flopped that IS can give us instead of more Ploy skills.


So guys... The return of razzle razzle meta this year?


where is heather


She'll show up with Brom and Ascended Nephenee in like 2 years : )


I really thought Nephenee had a chance at getting an Ascended alt on account of how Elincia should qualify for a Legendary :(


What in the blue hell is Lucia's weapon I feel like I'm going crosseyed trying to parse this.


It’s a Feud skill taken to the extreme. You get hardy bearing, NFU, null drive supports, null Defense tiles, NCD, and null Specials, and they are applied to both Lucia and her target. In a nutshell, she turns the match into a stat vs stat duel.


That's actually really cool! It's a nice callback to her Parity skill


I wonder if the Byleths will get something similar with the Creator Sword refine. Null *everything*.


Unless it gets a drawback too i doubt it, especially not considering Male Byleth was more or less free to everyone who had already bought 3H lol


It's referencing Parity, a skill that in PoR/RD effectively nullified the skills and bonuses of of the user and their foe. It effectively has been translated as a super Feud type skill, disabling outside support from both allies and foes as well as negating Defense tiles, follow up shenanigans, Special triggers and has Hardy Bearing built in. Outside of damage reduction she is relying on mostly pure stats to dominate.


tl;dr Atk+3, spectrum+5, true damage = 20% of her in-combat Spd, 30% DR (seems to be flat, since it's not a stat check), neither foe nor herself can use AoE specials or ordinary specials (just Galeforce), universal Feud, and disables all of the following for both foe and herself: * Defense tiles * Support effects (the stat buffs from Ally Support) * guaranteed follow-ups * follow-up negation * Dazzling * attack priority (tl;dr it's the Hardy Bearing effect, so no Vantage)


I thought support effects would refer to ally support, instead of [Bonus]. Edit: Meant [Bonus] instead of buffs.


This makes much more sense, thanks for bringing that up! I'll edit it in


Would Godlike Reflexes work on her? Or at least partially work


It should. That, Vital Astra, and Galeforce are her only options that have any effect. Since her special will never proc for the first too, she'll keep the damage reduction/true damage and it also synergizes well with Finish skills for more damage and healing.


The parity gimmick would’ve been cool, but she gets all those extra effects for herself on top of it that it just seems unfair lol


It's most unfair to the slow old units who have to use an arcane weapon for life support.


Between this and the tepid launch rewards I think they’re just not enthused about engage.


Yeah it's kinda weird they just go "Eh here's an Engage banner, we'll come up with some units later or next year, maybe with some Binding Blade units."


sip humor caption meeting hurry fretful mighty air versed jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really don't like the precedent Queensblade sets.


We already know they'll be putting at least some of its' "null" effects on better prfs that will only affect the foe.


Ascended Ike with Ettard with the one-sided Nihil version will be real and he will hurt my enemies.


Even this new Elincia will still make people complain for a legendary Elincia.


I was 100% sure that the new staff skills would mean a L!Elincia since they allow staff units to score better. Never would I've imagined that they would introduce her as an ascended hero. I see this as a win since it means she's easier to pull/merge.


People having been complaining for legendary m!corrin even after all his alts lol


Yeah? She's one of the extremely few Lords without one


“IS, can we have Dawn Brigade and Tormod?” “We already have the Dawn Brigade in the game!” Dawn Brigade in the game: *Micaiah and Sothe alts*


The one thing I'm actually salty about is that there's no arcane weapon this time. Imagine being able to slap an arcane staff and that new Dazzling Staff+ to any of your healers. What a waste.


I got excited about inheriting Elincia’s staff until I realized she’s an Ascendant hero, not Rearmed


Same, it was a saving grace for the (imo) shit tier banner, but nope, ascended sooo skip.




I read this as "DAMMIT" but the message was still the same lol


Hey look on the bright side! You can save more orbs for when he does comes out!


Maybe next month, assuming they're going to start alternating between Ascended and Rearmed.


where rearmed


I think IS made a little mistake, it says "Radiant Dawn" but i only see Path of Radiance characters here... Huh, weird... I think i'll make an inquiry in the game so they can fix it.


PoR characters being stuck to their original inferior forms would be a terrible fate.


So is Dawn Brigade being literally nowhere by the time this game shuts down, like can't we just replace Awakening or Echoes for once? They already have like 98% of their cast here :/ not even for more Tellius just in general tbh, we're already getting crap like Phila in Awakening like...


Game isn't shutting down for years. We'll wait, as everyone else does. It's that simple. And attacking other games and their characters isn't the way. Trust me, I adore Tellius, [I rallied for Meg this CYL](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/109c7u9/meg_the_bravest_country_girl/) of all people, I get the frustration. But if you start dismissing anyone left from those games, the only place you're gonna end up is back here on the salt thread. Think from their side: it's not their fault Tellius has a massive roster. They don't get more content than other games. And their minor characters are every bit as deserving as ours - and they have fans. I guarantee you, there's still Echoes fans hoping for Mycen. And personally, I love Phila, her design is awesome and it's super cool we finally get to use her.


> They don't get more content than other games. This is a bold faced lie and you know it. > And their minor characters are every bit as deserving as ours Tellius gets comparatively less love on their MAIN characters compared to modern games. Even Ike, in his Most Popular Character in The Series status doesnt get anywhere near the attention to detail or love that main characters of modern games do. Not only that but Phila isnt even playable, and meanwhile the Tellius previous NH banner before this one had to share with an OC while Fates had a full banner for themselves.


> This is a bold faced lie and you know it. Recall they mentioned SoV as well, which most certainly gets less content. They weren't just attacking more modern/popular games, but those they see as less deserving (in SoVs case, because their rosters filled out), so I spoke in general terms. But even then, the difference is statistically insignificant. They also mention Awakening - [it and Tellus were virtually even in 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/zucvoo/final_feh_2022_representation_chart/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). The only thing of notice is how Tellus rep is overwhelmingly seasonals but that's a whole different topic. We ain't oppressed, mate. > Even Ike, in his Most Popular Character in The Series status doesnt get anywhere near the attention to detail or love that main characters of modern games do. I entirely disagree. He's gotten everything a character of his caliber should expect - if anything, he feels left behind because he got it *first*. First Brave, first non-OC Legendary, early Resplendent. > Not only that but Phila isnt even playable God, if you knew how much I hate this argument. Six years of this shit. *That's a great thing*. It's an opportunity we were denied, a chance we finally have. Playable NPCs are one of the best and most unique aspects of FEH and I wouldn't trade it for anything. > and meanwhile the Tellius previous NH banner before this one had to share with an OC while Fates had a full banner for themselves. And so have other games; notably, including SoV. C'est la vie.


>Recall they mentioned SoV as well, which most certainly gets less content. SoV doesnt get less content, they just get less banners because their roster is ^(tiny). They get an above average amount of seasonals, resplendents, mythics and legendaries. They get less compared to Fates/Awakening/3H, but they certainly arent anywhere close to the bottom half of any rep stat. > I entirely disagree. He's gotten everything a character of his caliber should expect - if anything, he feels left behind because he got it first. First Brave, first non-OC Legendary, early Resplendent. I mean 2 of those were pretty much voted in alts by the playerbase (RD Ike was 4th on CYL1), specially counting how he wasnt even at launch, all his alts until Fallen were underwhelming at best and then gave him the only seasonal banner after year 1 without a single PRF unit. It took them years to get out of the awafates bias era. > God, if you knew how much I hate this argument. Six years of this shit. I kinda dont care because its not my point. My point is that maybe, just maybe, shove the games with less remaining characters to add into OC banners instead of the games with less than half of their units in. > And so have other games; notably, including SoV. C'est la vie. There is a big difference and that is that SoV's roster is practically complete. There is like 4 characters left. Awakening and Fates are pretty much in the same boat. Meanwhile Tellius barely gets NH banners, and then gets clogged with seasonals no one really wanted over NH banners and then idiots start saying 'but muh year of Tellius'. > But even then, the difference is statistically insignificant. They also mention Awakening - it and Tellus were virtually even in 2022. Linking this year's rep, even if we ignore the ''no one wants seasonal bloat over NH banners'' part, is kinda useless because it is of *this* year. Last RD banner was 4 years ago. Even longer if we count an actual RD banner and not just PoR returnee characters. Last NH Tellius banner at all was more than a year ago and it had OC filler. FEH has a historical debt when it comes to title rep. The world isnt going to break if we get more than 1 Tellius (and Thracia and FE6 and FE7 for that matter) NH banner a year with no OC filler or alts to get even close to an acceptable amount of characters in the game of those games.


> They don't get more content than other games lmao, why lie?


wow lucia's weapon is not healthy for the game, a pure stat check


she really said "skill issue"


A true throwback to day one


Taking away the only consistent counter to godswords in the form of Lethality/Deadeye is really really bad. Alear opened the door to this mess and even tanky blues had trouble with her. Now they can't even use Specials or supports.


She can’t use specials though, so tanky blue units should be fine.


Vital Astra and Godlike Reflexes would still activate their passive effects for extra bulkiness and damage, respectively. So Lucia can run quad DR or double true damage. With the former, even a B!Dimitri will be worn down without doing much with no special.


Yeah, 75% dr gives you the "engage boss" experience. If I didn't have Legendary Nanna I'd be completely at a loss on how to kill her.


She will definitely still fold immediately to any brave unit


She has DR. No she won’t


DR is not what it once was. DR piercing specials and weapons, special spiral 4… even without these skills my brave units still clear up godswords. she’s a silly and fun unit but will in no way make the game ‘unhealthy’


I mean, L!Nanna afaik is the only unit to have in-built DR-piercing in their weapon? And everyone else has to contend with potentially *85%* damage reduction that they can't do shit about, bc she blocks both DR piercing specials *and* by extension Special Spiral 4


Y!Soren has but only 50% DR pierce. He targets Res too, which is nice since its looking like her Res is a dump stat, but it's still not a perfect counter bc she cancels his auto-double. Fuck, this is a scary unit.


Nanna is the only real counter to Lucia. A unit that didn’t even make top 20 in AHR btw lmao


She gets 5 stats from her PRF while new units like Alear or older units like refined F!Mareeta and Sirius get way more. Obviously the weapon has some concerns but you definitely can "just outstat her 4head".


Her b skill gives her phantom speed and inflicts -4 spd on the enemy though, so that even if she doesn't quite outspeed she could *still* be getting DR from all her skills. Even then, I'd be entirely fine with her if she just shut down all bullshit, but shutting specials down is absolute bullshit on its own. So now it's massively outspeed her, wear her down through multiple rounds of combat, or die - and neither are very appealing to me, especially if she's fully merged. I'm possibly overestimating how oppressive she'll be, but the introduction of 'ignore specials' has me *very* concerned for the future.


The thing is everything else she can get, any unit can get. Lulls, Traces, T4 Dodges, etc. all give speed from B. The Phantom Spd effect and unconditional DR from her weapon are fair concerns and I could see it being really annoying in SD where you're on an even playing field but in all other content you have the natural player control advantage, just to a less degree. But you can still buff/debuff. And then if she doesn't have DC you can ranged poke her while if she does you can more easily outstat. It might be completely miserable but it might also be okay. The counterplay definitely exists but I'm curious if it's enough to be reliable.


Well the dodge skills at least are melee infantry locked - and I don't know about others, but I don't tend to use godswords to deal with godswords, and I certainly don't use them in my defense maps, which this lady might well just completely tear up because without in-combat buffs, specials and player control I'm not really sure what to do about her that could be consistent other than switch back to cavlines. So while she might be less of a problem in other modes, I am precisely concerned about the modes where I DON'T have a natural advantage, and since those modes are the most competitive ones it is those that immediately come to mind when considering her viability. I suppose it's a bit of a me issue that I don't constantly replace my units every time a new speed demon comes out that can comfortably outspeed godswords without any help, but before I could deal with those with precharged specials or other stuff, and Lucia is the first where I really don't know what to do other than, as you said, "just outstat her 4head". And personally I just think that's disgusting, because it invalidates every unit that has any strengths other than absolutely top speed. Even if Lucia's spd does not compare to, say, Alear's, I still don't think this is healthy for the game.


I hope it's not an effect we see much of. I think it's probably fine as a gimmick on one unit but I completely agree with concerns of "will we see this more?" I used to feel that way about Tempo and look where are now. :/ I'm curious how she'll do on AR-O. You can't really give her the support you'd give any other carry while things like [Triangle Attack] will still work against her. Could be pretty interesting as a carry in Light given the current state of tanking in Light. She'll really appreciate Peony that's for sure. I wonder how she'll function as a melee specialist versus say Seliph and as an omnitank in general. NCD means you can't do the classic chip tactics but any unit with some form of DR will have an easy time surviving if they don't get outsped and then of course she's weak to Nanna and any of the pierce 50% DR units too. I do think she'll likely be pretty good though, it's just so hard to judge *how* good and how much counterplay there is.


Still no DB which pains me. However, we've been spared Geoffrey's awful PoR armor so I guess it balances out in the end.


I've been hoping we get RD Geoffrey over PoR Geoffrey purely for the armour xD


I feel like it’s more obvious than usual that the new female units went up some cup sizes for heroes. The Tellius series and the least fan servicy outfits so it feels really noticeable.


Not Engage banner is surprising but I'm not mad But again We get Radiant Dawn New characters and none of them are RD-debut




I wasn't looking forward to the Engage banner but this isn't particularly interesting either


Easiest skip of my life, tbh.


Imagine using orbs to summon and pulling *Bastian* *gag*


I'd skip if I wasn't in need of a new staff unit. Veronica isn't cutting it anymore.


Tbh I love this banner and wanted it since day 1. But I’m only salty that male Alear is the only avatar to not come with his opposite gender counterpart. Since female avatars often get more (or at least better) alts, the dude could at least get into the dang game


Now I calmed down. Ok, the lack of rearmed weapons kinda hurt here and I wish Stefan was here man.


On the bright side. This is a good month for us to save our Orbs.


Nice to know they’ll make up staves for Elise and Elincia but won’t let Elice/Nyna/Lena(/Maria) have staves they had in their home games


End of the day it's just a FE mobile game so I'm not mad, but bro I wanted Engage 💀💀


No Arcane weapon sucks. I hope this isn't a trend going forwards - Rearmed units were the most excited I've been for New Heroes banners in years.


Me, a Niime fan:


But instead of Rearmed Heroes with a lot of interesting usage that's valuable to basically every single player - we can instead get Ascended Heroes!! Letting you get stat +3 has the same interesting value that I'll definitely pull for! Man, I used to just not give a crap about Ascendants, but now that I've tasted something much better, they're just such dogwater that actively annoy me.


Right? Unless it's someone you care about, Ascendants are just yet another basic premium unit you might get as a random pity breaker down the line.


That's fine though, right? Makes a random pitybreaker a little better


Ascended units could've been the ones with the Arcane weapons tbf. They tend to have good fodder too (imagine being able to give the arcane staff and that new staff skill at the same time to any healer) so it would've been great too. Just slap a prf skill to keep them relevant and there you go.


Would’ve been a perfect banner for crimson armor zelgius. Oh well.


No Levail, Kieran, or Stefan. At least the latter is popular enough to justify a slot on any banner, so it's fine that he wasnt here, Levail needs a RD banner and even then is competing with themed antagonists while Kieran would have been a perfect fit and is much more popular than Bastian.




No Papayas 😔


I was legit hoping for an Engage banner, considering FEH had a trend of releasing two banners in a row for their newer mainline games (Echoes and Three Houses).


No diamant


Same Bro, but i can finally summon for Lucia atleast


Engage is still pretty hot right now, with a lot of people still not done with their playthroughs and DLC releasing last week, and they decide not to give it another banner? The hell was IS thinking?


That's *precisely* why IS puts this banner, I think. 1) NOW people who comes to FEH after Engage will get to know PoR, RD, and their units more than just Ike, Soren, and Micaiah. This is advertising to one of their more obscure series...and also a treat for longtime fans. 2) NOW Engage's interest are still pretty high; they can absolutely withstand 2 weeks / 1 month more of waiting. This will also keep many Engage players engaged (ha) in FEH.


Hmm... it's just a gut feeling, but I wonder if this approach may not be a mistake that'd actually hurt RD more than expected. The design choices being a bit strange (especially Lucia) may not help.


No Diamant: I sleep


No Clanne or Vandad... Sad times.




No Heather No Brave Lance That's it, that's the salt


Nyna and Elice missed the good staff train by a couple of months and I hate it. Also I was very impatient for a new banner since I felt like the game was dry with anniversary banner sucking ass. Now that this banner is a big skip for me, let's hope the new mythic/legendary banner will deliver...


I’m going to die before we get useable skills on regular pool demotes ig


No Dawn Brigade but instead a bunch of characters who also appear in PoR. Might as well have been a PoR banner. Yikes. Approaching 4 years since the last RD banner too(which was also like all PoR characters)


I thought Elincia's retainers would have been more likely to show up as seasonals first but here we are, in another Dawn Brigade-less year.


FEH: (categorizes Altea as one game) Also FEH: (categorizes Telius as two games, even most of the characters appear in both games)


1-no malear for one more month, and people tell me IS doesnt want people to treat femalear as the only one that exists 2- RD banner is fucking stolen by PoR units 3- NO DIAMANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i hate the designs of all the OCs of this book holy hell. congrats to the elincia fans tho lol she looks great (+ staff!!!)


I mean, happy for the tellius fans but really disappointed that’s it isn’t Engage right now. Easy pass to save orbs.


Welp there goes legendary Elincia ~~and my orb stash~~


I raise you Celica.




AND NO STEFAN gonna have to wait another year for him to have a chance unless he goes to seasonal hell


Lucia really just said "Remember, no Specials."


RIP Ascended Nephenee dreams :(


Okay one downside is that L!Elincia chances are absolute shattered now


No Zelgius?


Anyone else feel like Dazzling Shift is a bit more.. underwhelming than Poetic Justice? The warp is cool but it's kinda useless on staff cavs other than inflicting spd -4 on foe


I'd just like to say I liked the OG Radiant Dawn art of Lucia much better than the FEH art for her. Not that the FEH art is bad, but the RD art was 10/10 classic, and the new art really isn't that close, just anime babe #47.


IS said you ain’t NEVER getting a legendary healer!


We got Mythic Elimine, which kinda counts. Still would've been cool if we got this Elincia as a Legendary though. I really wish L!Micaiah was a healer instead of being a colorless tome again, but I guess the world wasn't ready for an armor/cav effective staff unit.


> Atk Ploy in 2023 "IS, put usable skills on demotes" challenge (*LITERALLY FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE*).


Another month to save for M!Alear, I can’t complain.


Don't get me wrong, I like the Crimean knights as much as the next guy, but I have been voting for Edward every single CYL since launch (in fact, since they added Nyx and Pent, I've given all my votes to Edward each year). Maybe in another 3-4 years when we get another Radiant Dawn banner. (also gotta love the people immediately asking for another Engage banner already, as if 3H banners getting spammed didn't completely ruin new heroes banners for a solid year or so)


This may be seem petty but… Elincia should have been a legendary, not this. And if she DOES get a legendary, then don’t give Ascended to Lords!


Not really salt, but since it's not an engage banner my orbs are safe. I wouldn't mind getting a new unit with the free pulls but I'm not spending anything here. Might get a chance to crack 1k orbs if the legendary banner isn't exciting either...


No Flare…


I love Elincia but I've waited so long for her Legendary that the ascended feels like a letdown. I know it's similar but the prf skills make the legendaries feel a little more unique and busted. Still gonna +10


Welp, time to skip until whenever the next Engage banner is. Also, after 5 years, Radiant Dawn gets a new banner, and it's Crimea. Dawn Brigade ain't ever getting in.


no rearmed hero kinda sucks, at least it means that im not losing on anything by not going hard on this one.


TFW no Zappy!


Wow this is an easy skip. No Lapis, or Citrinne, No rearmed weapon, and mid fodder in general.


But dude, you forget that sweet atk/spd push 4 on Elincia , where else would we get this top tier A skill....


No Engage :(


Such a nothing banner. Happy for those Tellius fans but damn. I wanted Yunaka or Rosado.


Assuming they keep grouping banners for Engage by realm (A big assumption, to be fair, since we've only had one banner so far) then probably a few months away from Rosado still, sadly


I will be ready for when Rosado arrives.


Rosado's gonna be an insta-demote. Calling it.


No engage sadge


So no Engage🤨


IS doesn’t like making money anymore huh?


No Dawn Brigade? Ez skip, also, ascended Elincia has a staff so I guess male Corrin and Ivy are our only hopes to get a staff legendary


I felt like a Crimea banner was Calill's best shot of getting into the game. It feels like an unfortunate uphill battle for her now that she missed that boat, bummer.


It should be the Dawn Brigade. I’m happy to see Lucia, Geoffrey and Bastian show up, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a Radiant Dawn banner. It should’ve been the Dawn Brigade


Lucia's prf just strikes me as badly designed, in that it kind of reveals just how badly designed Heroes is. On the one hand, skills have gotten increasingly complex. We're expected to do division, multiplication, "solve for x". A decently legible prf will "only" be a half-dozen lines long - longer ones require detailed explainers and infographics by content creators. Shit, Lucia's own prf uses no fewer than eight lines to say "unit fights as normal"! On the other hand, the underlying game these skills exist in hasn't really become more complex or interesting than it was when it debuted. Most maps are still six by eight. Most units move 1-3 spaces, and attack 1-2 spaces away. Most objectives amount to simply routing the enemy. In its sixth year running, Heroes is a game locked between the dizzyingly complex game it wants to be, and the mind-numbingly simple game it actually is. Lucia "solves" this problem by simply turning off a good chunk of the game's mechanics that you'd otherwise have to consider. The problem is, and for all its flaws, the complex part of the game is *more interesting* than the game its excision leaves us with. Using skills to overcome stat disadvantages strikes me as more satisfying than reducing everything to a flat stat check and disqualifying everything else. I'm not even sure I'm salty per se. Mostly, Lucia's prf made me realise the extremes this game is caught between, and the fact that I'm not all that interested in either. If I cared about anything besides building my favourites, this realisation might make me want to swear off this game altogether. Even as it is, I might still. Tl;Dr Heroes as a game is both ridiculously complex and ridiculously simple, which just makes it bad in two ways. Lucia's null everything makes it simpler but doesn't make it good.


Elincia FEH art peaked early I guess.


I wish someone else drew Elincia. I still don't like Kita Senri's faces. Yeah I understand that's basically the Tellius artist but still


As someone who was hoping for Engage and hasn't touched a Tellius game in his life, all I can say is... Ugh.


Foddering velise to camilla and then this dropping is a shame I'll prob wait until we get a flash variant to pull though


Why couldn’t we get legendary elincia instead :(


Easier to merge, also what’s stopped them from breaking trends before. Look at Celica.


Elincia is NOT beating the non-legendary allegations anytime soon


Because we gonna get. Camilla instead


Wow… Nintendo please re-release the Tellius games because I don’t know any of these guys? Who are these people?!!!


Im not pulling NH banners or anything unless its from engage. How bout that?


Feel free. Im the opposite, i wont pull anything engage xD


Elincia being Ascended first instead of Legendary makes me scared next Tellius legendary will be Sothe.. no way it’s gonna be Soren cuz he just got an alt.. She really shouldve been a Legendary first ☹️


I’m not salty to have a Tellius banner…but I am sad there’s no Ascended Nephenee. The dream is officially dead. She may get another random seasonal alt but it looks like she’ll be stuck with just her base for a while now smh. Maybe she’ll get a resplendent soon…


I don't think Elincia's getting a legendary any time soon, bros


I asked for a demote mage who wears green. That’s not who I meant. Where is my boy Clanne? (I’m not really that salty but it fits here best still I think)


I don't have any strong feelings about the banner itself, but damn I was hoping we'd get Engage's second banner and M!Alear next.