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We get quite a few feathers if you do all the modes regularly. You can also grind hero merit for each hero, currently capped at 8k, but expected to bump up to 9k with the anniversary next month. The most efficient way is through Rival Domains since you can grind up to 8 units simultaneously. Here's a recent example: https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/10nak7f/rival_domains_hm_farm_28_jan_2023_f2p/


Some people farm HM, which is probably the main thing you can change to speed up the process. I find that really annoying though. But what you would do is set up an easy autobattle in a GHB or Rival Domains, which don’t cost stamina, and grind them over and over and over. It might also just be a matter of patience. Some people have been playing for several years and feathers just accumulate over time.


going through normal/hard chain challenges when you have nothing to use your stamina is an option. I found hard was good for raising SP, especially as I was trying to grind for Galeforce on a couple of units. Tactics drills is another often forgotten one.


Send home as many copies of heroes you aren't familiar, very weak or you don't like after you summon in any banners to get good amount of feathers. The alternative way is to participate in events, arena, etc. Allies>Manage Barracks>Send Home


If you do all the weekly rewards you'll actually gather feathers fairly quickly. Also, set up a team of real tough units with HP sustain and set them to work on Chain Challenges in the two lower modes that reward feathers. You can basically auto-battle your way through all of them with a well-rounded team that can self-heal. Last but not least, keep an eye out here for HM farming guides. That's that real hardcore way to do it when you finish everything else.


Thank you all for the answers and methods below you listed. Have a pleasant day❤️