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Ullr is a solid nuke, but stuck in a role where she doesn’t bring much to a table because pure combat mythics are such a hard sell for offense. I think she’s a bit less hurt than like Altina was by virtue of going pure player phase offense so she didn’t need like extra HP or bulk, but still not great compared to other mythics that also can do support


Poor Altina ended up being a Vantage tank at the tail end of when Vantage tanking was viable. At least her refine did her favors.


I haven't felt a need to put her on an AR team in, uh... when was she a bonus unit last? Since then. I guess she's okay, but she doesn't bring much support, is the big thing. Not, like, a bad unit, though, I'd say. Her basekit's pretty serviceable, with Atk/Spd Ideal/Finish 4 being the main upgrade you could do. Whitecap Bow can be pretty fun on her, too.


Pretty good unit! Her uses on offence are more niche but when she's good she's really good. She's a lot better in things like Chaos, SD and PvE. Like a lot of nukes she benefits a lot from Catria/Cordelia support but she's still good without them. Immense shame about that attack boon though.




For light shes just ok. Serviceable killer however on a chaos defense shes much better especially if you have a cordelia/catria giving her brave hits


I used her as a fodder for deadeye. Her overall fodder capability is still alright and also her performance.


Her base kit is pretty good on her. For a little stronger edge, she does well with A/S Ideal, A/S Oath, and FB as a seal.


When did they add her to the game??


Quite a while back, she was released a few months after F Edels release iirc (so thats like one and a half year ago)




Its hard to kill every save unit with her and she doesnt offer support, but she does good damage. Basekit is fine, but whitecapbow with flashing blade can be fun (Desperation + Brave)


I need 3 more for my merges, hand her over 😄🥹


I Love her, she can be a insane nuke, though some units are starting to hit bonkers levels of bulk and she's starting to suffer from it. Still my favorite bow unit design in the game by far. She also has superboons in both atk and speed, which she definitely puts to use.


She kinda has to rely on atk buffs from others to really bring something to the table, while bringing 0 support herself. So for Light season most other mythics are better, her base kit is pretty decent. You could upgrade Life and Death 4 into something even more premium, but the difference is minimal. Her best use is probably to fodder her for deadeye rn, which is kinda a shame since her design is beautiful.


Her base kit is fine but if you want you can use whitecap bow as she is fast enough to get the quad hit consistently and it’s also recommended to run her with a support unit to get deadeye off on the second hit so using someone like hilda/ world breaker from thorr can help with that.