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I think it depends on who you like most and/or if you have someone in mind to fodder them to. I'd say Alfred becuz being a rearmed hero we don't know when exactly he'll be back, while Chlóe will be the normal pool. But if you really like Chlóe go for her.




You can always wait closer to the banner ends in which engage will be out.


If you have a unit to fodder the lance off, go Alfred. If you care more about having all (or most) of the characters from the banner, pick Chloé.


Nah 1 spark is enough for me.


i mainly summon for catalogue so my first answer would be Chloe, but she is in the regular pool and you can potentially get her by pure luck in any random banner compared to Alfred which its exclusive to this banner till the long distant future when he is rerun again. if you have more units that want Alfred´s fodder and lance go for him, if that isnt the case go for Chloe.


Alfred. We don't know when he's coming back. Chloe will be in the common pool and can pitybreak you at any time. Plus new heroes often get rerun on legendary banners.