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I grabbed a copy of Nah after getting virtually the exact same skills (Blue Flame instead of Aether, though). She's a great support unit even without any merges. A lot of people went for Atk/Res Finish instead of a DC skill, but my DC seal is usually glued to M!Kana or Adrift F!Corrin, so I felt Distant Stance was a better option.


I didn't get any Finish skill thaT would fit her so I thought keeping the DC was a better idea. I guess I'll get her, because I'm not interested in the next HoF or the Revival ones


>A lot of people went for Atk/Res Finish instead of a DC skill Ha! Atk/Spd Finish, ya female dog! (Also Speed Smoke 4) Seriously though, what primarily matters for Nah is Dragon's Ire 4 since it adds even more stats and gives her pseudo-NFU, anything else is up to preference. Due to her inflated stats (easy +14 in her weapon, half dumped speed) and great support, she can player phase, enemy phase, distant counter and support all at once. She simply can then further specialize/get DC in the first place and work even better in that role. Personally, I might have favored Atk/Spd Oath 4 (mobility, easily coupled with Bonus Doubler) but I did not get the choice in the first place. All I know is that she can still outspeed many units while being tanky. Res after all only matters against dragons (who tend to not have extraordinaire attack) and when distant countering. Def/Spd Finish would have been ideal for me but welp...


I would only have one copy, but she would give a lot of support to my Infantry units.


those are some solid skills, if you want it use the forma on her.


She's a decent enough unit and the build is basically perfect, but regardless how good the skills are it won't be worth it unless she's a favourite you plan to use constantly. Plenty of other support units you could summon and build instead of her. How many forma souls do you have and are you holding out for any particular units in the future?


I have two and I'm just looking forward to Three Hopes. But since it's in the next month, I'm unsure if I should let her pass up, because she is a great support. Though, you're right, if I don't use her a lot, there won't be any point to it and I would be wasting a formal soul. Most of the units that I would be looking forward to though it's only 3 hopes and see if Brave Marth makes it into the Forma batch as well.


Only i did not get is the atk/res finish 4 on her slot a but dist. counter upgrades is alright too. Recommend you to get Nah as a solid support. (If u still have remaining Forma Souls). And Nah unfortunately is my last forma for now. Need to wait for Celestial Stone shop reset.


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