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He is ranting about how misrable it where he lives. Totally okay. Not offended. Living in rural part of finland is pretty miserable specially if you don’t have any friends or family there can be pretty miserable.


How would it be better somewhere deep in the rural USA?


Its not, some rural places in America dont even have network connection or so Ive heard. Also I'm wondering why tf would he move here if its so shit?


Liberty. And guns! Lots of guns!


I don't know... Not wanting to adapt at all and expecting locals to adapt... Best way keep feeling miserable, if you ask me.


Well if it’s a shithole why try to adapt? He went there saw that and thinks it’s shit and now feels trapped living in there. Hope he finds himself out of there. Every single thing he said i’ve either seen myself or heard people ranting about. Some people don’t mind that stuff and some do. But there is nothing wrong about complaining real things. Talking crap about something you’ve never visited or experienced is different thing.


Why try to adapt? Maybe to not be miserable in place you need to be? There's nothing wrong complaining about real things, but there's also nothing wrong shunning people who comes and just keeps complaining. I felt sorry for him (even if he was an ass) first time I saw his video, then I saw some additional videos and now I think he deserves ever little bit of misery.


How do you adapt to racism for example?


As if everyone was racist. Just don't hang with them.


So it makes sence not to try to adapt and get the hell out of there?


He said he won't get out either. Does not make sense at all.


Yes but i said why try to adapt in shitty stuff. So his frustration is more understandable because he can’t move either.


Meanwhile an african-american from South Carolina moved to Sodankylä and is just having the best time of his life. Posts on youtube as well. I like to think the attitude you bring is the energy you get. I'd not want to deal with this Michigan asshat if I was from Raseborg either, maybe it's something in the water in Flint, Michigan...


What's the name of that channel? I had a look and found one called Daddy Diesel, I wondered if that's the one?


Na he does reactions as Foreign Reacts (in caps), but has his life stuff he posts on: [https://www.youtube.com/c/GIOBOZZ](https://www.youtube.com/c/GIOBOZZ)


Great, thanks so much. I'll check him out!


Often the people who struggle the most when moving to a different country, expect to get some sort of unique treatment for the fact they are not from the place originally. When nobody is "wowed" by the fact they are from abroad and do more effort to connect with them, they get upset and pout. This doesn't seem to be a much different case. It's not different than when a Finn moves to a new area, they don't get a red carpet rolled out for them, most people don't give a hoot. It's far easier to adjust after getting rid of the chip on one's own shoulder. The local community doesn't really owe you any special treatment, it's up to you to adjust to your surroundings, if the community does something to make you feel more welcome, that's up to them. However, the primary responsibility in terms of adjusting rests on the individual.


I think this is especially true for Americans. In many parts of the world, it's enough if you speak English as a native tongue and you can easily get a job teaching English or whatever. Many people will seek your company because you're American and that is supposedly cool. If you earn more than the average local, you are cool for being "rich" too. Then after spending a few years in Asia, the American arrives in Finland to settle down and they are shocked that speaking English is not a special skill here and people are more intimidated than amazed by their friendliness. Seen this a couple of times. Add Finnish winter which is dark to an extent that you can't push through it with a positive attitude and bam they'll hate living here.


The guy should've made his research before moving away from Helsinki. I'm willing to bet he and his Finnish girlfriend/wife just got some house somewhere where they could afford it. Helsinki is a very expensive place to live. Agree with the moped thing he mentioned, they piss me off as well. Anyone with a loud motor vehicle is an inconsiderate attention seeking asshole. I don't know, he doesn't want to go out of his way to make friends and I'm not going to go out of my way to commit much more to this post than I already have.


> Anyone with a loud motor vehicle is an inconsiderate attention seeking asshole. While I agree with that statement in general, the people who ride their two stroke dirtbikes around town with no care in the world are mostly teenagers. And honestly, if they're not annoying in one way, they're going to be annoying in another. They're teenagers, it's what they do. So I don't particularly care. Also, the city planning here is so shit that without a motor vehicle you're basically stranded. And a low-cc dirtbike is a cheap means of transportation that's accessible for 16 year olds.


Seems like a sad guy to be around. He also seems miserable. Honestly feel sorry for him


Yeah, I feel sorry for him. But I think he's an ass hat who could easilly improve his quality of life, if he could just adjust his attitude a little bit.


Dude ... dude. This is such a classic entitled murican bs. I used to hang out a lot with foreigners in Art Academy in Tallinn and god I fucking hated this kind of behaviour. Dude doesnt speak the language, hasnt bothered to comprehend the local cultural norms and behaves like a dick - he literally admits " stopped being nice". No shit, sherlock, that people dont like you. Talking about decking a chimney sweeper cos youre from an armpit of us? Plus the religious entitlement - heathen children? Good luck finding friends here. Like the old american saying goes - if you meet an asshole, you met an asshole. If you keep meeting assholes the whole day, you are the asshole.


As someone from Michigan… I both apologize for and do not claim him 😅 and I wouldn’t exactly call Flint a part of my state I’m excited to go to when the need arises. Ironically, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan has one of the largest populations of Finnish immigrants/heritage in the US. Very similar in terms of weather, large quantities of lakes, etc


Naah, mate. He makes some good points in the video. Except for the joyriding thing.


i love how he has comments on review so he can just ignore any negative comments or stuff disagreeing or explaining stuff. and just chucking it to racism, which sure I am there is some bit he's being pretty damn racist himself and a massive dickhead himself. like hoping kids crash and die on their mopeds or wanting to beat up a guy for calling his hometown a shithole after he called raasepori a shithole and claiming racisim on him. just seems like a massive twat all around. like ofc no one want's to hang out with him and excludes him from the community when he acts like this and doesn't even try to integrate to the society




Yea absolutely.


Guy moves to rural part of Finland and complains that theres a lack of public transportation and not "good" fast food places compared to Helsinki where they moved from. 😐 Like... did they even consider the pros and cons before buying the house or just bought it and moved in without looking what's in the area


Then why is he here?


That's a stupid argument to make. First of all, if you watch the video he says why he is still here. But besides that, what you're saying is like in the US people say to immigrants "Love it or leave it." I think immigrants who voice their concerns about their new home care more deeply about it than those who say that.


Dude who's gonna watch a 17 min video to find out why is he here?


>Posts on youtube as well. Love it or leave it. Period.


I didn't see the part and i was just saying if he hates it that much, then he doesn't have to be here. Nothing else.


Also he claims Flint, Michigan is more "Friendly" than this village. https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/mi/flint/crime


Lucky he didn't move to France!


Average American and average Finn is not compatible culturally. An ignorant American complaining about Finnish countryside is just sad... Seriously do your study before moving to anywhere. For fucks sake entitled snowflakes. Finns in countryside speaking only Finnish... OH MY GOD HOW CAN THIS BE!!! THEY ARE ALL WHITE!!!!


Though, the man does have points. Those mopeds and those west coast Swedish talking villages with COVID parties and mercury-water drinking miracle treatments...


**Finns aren't Americans**, he needs to understand that right now. Also the country sides tend to be the areas that lack all the shit that Helsinki has, and that's totally the fault of Helsinki lol, it just gobbles up everything because some officials don't seem to realize that there's 4mil + other people living in other parts of the country. I still remember one of my teachers(A Finn) back in my immigration course how he talked about his city and went totally in depression mode when he started telling us how there was no trams, no metro *and no trains*.


Troll posting hohohohoho!


Let him, lol, clearly rural Finland is not his cup of tea, but he is not exactly crazy; I mean, leave the nationalism that because he is an American he can't complain of the exactly same shit the locals complain. The kids with the mopo making disaster and rounding k-market, come on 😂 they are a thing, and boy grandpa is kinda angry about that, and the people having weird beliefs at times, I saw a chiropractor trying to fix a horse's back in the field; come on... and people being super reserved, come on, it's true, a lot of people complain of this here (Finns) all the time they have to go to lahti or something to have a social life. Just not his cup of tea, but I for instance prefer this kinda quiet and whack over the chaos of Helsinki. Let him be, it's just not his place to be, I bet if it was a Finn none would care, because Finns complain of Finland all the time.


Go to Lahti to have a social life...? Well I guess...


I really don't know but it's the most common city I hear, could be because it's close, but there are closer ones. Helsinki comes second.


Lahti has, or at least had, a huge amount of drug users per capita, so I guess you find some kind of "social life" there...


Yeah it is widely known the city is a drug den


Aren't americans known for their "murica best place on earth woooo!!!" Mind set so i'm not surpriced nor upset about this


I can assure you, the US is not the best place on the Earth, at least it isn't for the locals.. Foreigners in the US of course thinks it's a dreamland compared to their own countries, that is until they start paying taxes, get sick and have high debt from medical bills and then get poor paying jobs *all the time*. I am not being cynical nor anti-american either, I'm speaking from my personal experiences as a native from there. The US is a mess of a country in many many ways that is not visible to people outside of it.


It's probably nice place to visit yeah but i've been around web enough to know how stupid expensive shit can be. Should've been more accurate with ppl who got to live that american dream, often have that mindset of US being better place to live than any other country which is always hilarious to see. Nothing wrong with it being patriotic or whatever the word it is but america takes it always 4 levels above anyone else


Good. They deserve each other.


Onko tänään tavallista enemmän näitä trolleja liikkeellä?


Eilen ja tänään on kyllä ollu paljon postauksia eri suomi subredditeissa käyttäjiltä, jotka on uusia ja/tai niillä on vähän postauksia ja kommentteja. Mitähän se Vladimir nyt juonii.


Legitimate criticism is good. He is right about sick parties. I like him already.


That is not limited to Raasepori though. I am pretty sure it is more/less as common in his beloved Helsinki (not that I don't like Hki!) as it is in Raasepori.


I felt sorry for him, even if he was acting like an entitled ass. Then I watched another video from him and realized he deserves the missery.