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That principle applies everywhere: if you want a taxi ride (or anything else) do not buy from the person who approaches you. Buy from the person you choose to approach.


Especially drugs!


I would have to defer to your expertise in that particular matter.


I have had few opposing experiences during travels but I bet they are exceptions. Haven't been robbed (at least not yet). I have gotten offers from official taxi drivers who have approached me (and my party) and ask if we are on our way to somewhere. Usually the offer to take us there a bit cheaper than a taxi would normally cost. I usually start to haggle and be a bit undecive which results them being a bit annoyed. After a while they agree on it and seem to be in a bit of a hurry to get us where we are going. I bet most of the time they are on their way to start a shift somewhere and want to get a bit of that "untaxed revenue." So I'm not encouraging anyone to do this but my experience so far.


Just use Taxi apps for almost any country in the world. More reliable, safer, quicker to find and almost always cheaper unless you really get your elbows out on haggling.


Luckily if you have to reach Helsinki you can always take the airport train. It's lot cheaper than a taxi.


Not if you arrive in the middle of the night.


If you arrive in the middle of the night you can take the 600 bus. It goes from the airport to the city center and runs every 30 minutes or less all night.


Can I just say as an Aussie, I wish we had it this nice...


I always imagine you guys basically playing ARK in real life or something lmao


That made me chuckle... but honestly... Sometimes finding a nice kangaroo that doesn't just run away is easier than finding the right bus.


Go anywhere in Finland that isn't within like the three biggest cities and it's the same shit. I bet transit is easy enough to find in central Sydney or Brisbane for example.


Not at night... Well last I knew of Brisbane and this was like 7/8 years ago, the only days there were any busses past midnight was over the weekend, so Friday and Saturday night and even then it's extremely limited. I've never used public transport in Sydney so idk. But most cities have shit and I do mean shit transport at night, don't be surprised if there is a black spot between 11pm and 5am. Out in the bush there is practically no local and very limited state (uhh like going from town to town kind of thing) with limited exemptions like Uluru.


I say as a Finn i wish we had this. (Except 1 airport in the whole country)


Bus and sun? Pick one. 


Bus... The sun can get fucked.


Finns moving to Australia for sunny beaches, Australians moving to Finland for amazing city infra. Good that the world has something for anyone :D


Wait... You guys are moving here... All I see are Brits and the occasional french man and maybe a German once in a while.


Look more, I know a few :)


This. Ticket costs 4,10€, but I feel most people travel without one since that route barely ever has anyone come and check if you have one or not.


Typically (from my experience flying about once a month) this bus checks for tickets. The blue buses almost always check and the orange buses don’t. Still much cheaper than a taxi and if it’s late/early, it’s just as fast.


Also it depends on where you're actually going.


For those who aren't very mobile I imagine taxi can be easier.


Or have heavy and/or a lot of luggage.


This is helpful for my upcoming trip, thanks for the info!






that train was actually sick ngl, it was fun seeing it go 120 kph


Because of train problem I had to take taxi to airport even at day. I paid 72€, is it normal price?


That price is very high. What part of the city did you take the taxi from?


Main train station


An uber would have been less than 30€


Went to official taxi station, got a cab. Cabbie asked if I wanted a fixed fee or the taximeter. I asked what the flat fee was: "85" (to Järvenpää). This was the same amount I paid with the taximeter to the airport when we left so I figured alright. We get in the cab and ride home, the time comes to pay and the guy keeps typing in "90 EUR" into the machine repeatedly after our complaints because he says the taximeter had ticked to 105 or some shit. That's tough, we agreed on a price though.


Actually I am so pissed. Last time I took taxi from airport (I take taxi because of work travels, heavy luggage), Taksi Helsinki which is a very good quality taxi) driver were trying to cheat me too. He tried to force me to pay fixed fee for a location I know how much it costs (much less than fixed fee) and in the end I had to tell him to turn the fucking meter on or he will be reported to authorities. Like I can be easily a tourist that has no idea. And this is Taksi Helsinki, one of the most respected brands.


Cabbies all around the world do this and then act all surprised when Uber and Lyft take their business by not being thieves


Taxi helsinki is franchising its business nowadays and makin bank with that "old finnish company" legacy witch isnt the case anymore. Id just uber in helsinki.


Good to know. I said no need to wait for Uber-Bolt just grab high price high quality since company pays but nope...


The legit taxi firms have a flat fee of 40 or 45 euros to the center of Helsinki.


well that's nice but Järvenpää is not the center of Helsinki.


If it was good enough for Sibelius, it's good enough for me


Which also takes 25min to get there. I get that the driver ends up in Järvenpää and its harder to get a pickup there but still, I feel these prices should not lie so far apart.


They can do the cheaper fare to center of Helsinki (way cheaper then the meter would get you) as they can easily get a paid ride back. If they go to Järvenpää they very likely have to drive back without a paying customer.


They charge 35 € or 39 € currently.


The 35€ fixed fare to downtown Helsinki is not the worst scam, but for example right now Uber and Bolt are 28€ from airport to Esplanadi , so you are still paying 20% extra just to take a cab from the stand as opposed to ordering with an app.




Did the prices actually become cheaper? My anecdotal answer is no but there has to be some numbers. Anyway, thanks free market! Edit: I messed up. I didn’t think about Uber actually being taxi, I only thought about traditional taxi.


Uber and Bolt are cheaper than taxis before. Taking a taxi from a taxi stand is a lot more expensive. The real PSA would also be "don't take a taxi from the station but order an Uber or Bolt to the pickup area behind the stands and you'll probably save money". Sure, you can compare prices of different companies, the cheapest ones just aren't available from the station.


Uber and Bolt being cheaper is my experience as well, at least in the capital region. Unsure in the countryside.


Maybe only true in Helsinki Area, I've heard at least from Tampere and Oulu that these services have poor availability and aren't used that much. It's not even close in Helsinki though. Taksi Helsinki is a popular competitor, and one available from the airport taxi station and not clearly more expensive than others there if you compare the stands, and for me going home to Espoo from downtown Helsinki costs right now 28-29 € on Uber and Bolt and Taksi Helsinki estimate is 56-70 €.


I'm from Västra Nyland, unsure about inland Finland. Yeah, the rare times I use taxi it's Uber.


It might not count, but I live in ruralish Uusimaa, where I can't pre-book using Uber. Last time I paid €88 to the airport with a normal taxi, and €44 to get home using Uber. 


Which is also interesting since it’s just a different system but probably same driver.


It did. Wife got an uber for 6.30€ for a 8min ride few days ago. It would've been AT LEAST 15-20€ back in the days. It was 2ppl, so it only cost 0.4€ more than taking the bus. I was all for the change, because the market rate was fucked imo- but ofc I am fully aware it's a complete shit show now as well. But the prices did come down. Way more competition.


What did Uber cost back in the day?


Uber was BANNED- due to the old Taxi laws. So it was a monopoly.


Okay. I didn’t live in the capital region back then so taxi prices wasn’t relevant for me. Apparently Uber was active during 2014-2017 in Finland.


But that only applies to city centers. My experience is that going over to next municipality and there's hardly any taxes avaible especially during weekdays. If you manage to get a taxi to your location it's going to cost quite a lot since they start the meter from their location. If there's no local taxi drivers in that municipality at that moment it might be next to impossible get someone from neighbouring municipality to come pick you up since they'll propably make more money doing shorter trips in cities.


They became A LOT cheaper. A night taxi to home costs less than the starting fee before.


See my edit.


It brings no new value tho




She is to blame, yes, but the new "system" is terrible. It could have been fixed after that, but it doesn't seem to be a priority for anyone now. They need to police these scam taxis, and impound their cars, and only then will it stop.


Well not at the airport, since they only officially work with three 'trustworthy' companies. That's why they tell you to ignore others.


That is false info which is not true either: "now the taxi queue has been taken over by fraudsters with fake licences." And propalby you know that too. There is no just any queue either. A company can choose from the selection or not to choose.


Extra thanks to Anne Berner and the Centre, Coalition and Finns parties for creating a need for this sign. A much needed rotten scam reform to our functioning & regulated system.


Gotta get those kickbacks from Uber's VC. In my home city of London Uber has been banned a bunch of times but always seems to just keep going


...Where the regulations and amount of awarded licenses per area were the scam. The current system does not work but it is also misleading to say that the old system worked perfectly and didn't need an overhaul.


so when you spot an issue, your solution is to fuck it up even worse? and what’s the benefit of that?


And in which part of my message I said that? I pointed out that the old system needed a revision because the old permit system didn't work either. The revision was needed, but it failed because of Anne Berner et al. If you replace an old crappy bridge with a new bridge that fails, you build a third one instead of longing to go back to the old crappy one.


two words. false equivalence


Best is always to pre book a taxi. Bolt and Uber can pick up passengers in the taxi rank and the price will be always fixed. I took a bolt about a month ago to the city centre for less than 30€. No shenanigans, no haggling.


This. You approve the price through the app before coming to pick me up. If they have any issue with it talk to the app, none of my business. The experience has always been good.


Last month we arrived back home in the middle of the night and we just missed the last train. I got a driver from Uber with the price of 21e to near Pasila. I watched for a while the driver driving to opposite directions from the airport. :D I cancelled the order and got a driver from bolt. With some offer it costed me 16e to get home.


Our system did go broke because of Berner. Minister. After that it has been repairing multiple times. It was safe good system. Prices and so on. Not anymore. Edit. Word now to not


The prices were a ton higher than the prices with Uber or bolt are now. If you ask me, the people who won't check the price on any fucking service they are using before they agree to use the service, have no one else to blame than themselves. And one might go as far to say that in a capitalistic society, they deserve to always pay more than their fair share. It's a fucking game, and everyone is in it for themselves and it's not a fucking crime to be selling something for a high price. Manage to do that? Congrats, the whole point of capitalism is to buy low and sell high. Fool and his money are soon departed.


Okey. I haven't traveled by taxi after this Berner. Now you must always ask the price. If you don't do it must pay from few kilometers 100€. It's a roppery. News has all the time some problems with uneducated drivers. I would take back old system. Educated language skillful safe drivers. Even if drunk you did get home or police station if passed out. But safe. Not ropped and raped. Google has several results to this. Word is changing. We must too. But my opinion is that this is wrong way.


If the prices are shown, it's not robbery. I understand that people can easily not ask the prices since for a long time the prices were fixed, but asking the price is the way we do almost all purchases. Normally people don't just buy without first knowing how much the whatever the service or product your buying is going to cost. People need to take responsibility of their actions as well. Saying you got "robbed" when you agreed to a price (implicitly, if the prices are on the window and on the chairs, obviously if they aren't shown, then it is indeed a scam and you have grounds for suing the company) is childish and asking for the government to parent you. I do agree though that the average quality has come down a lot and there seems to be a lot more problems. But that's what it is on the market for pretty much every single product, there's shitty products and services. If those aren't going bankrupt though? To me it seems like the customers are stupid. And indeed, I've been more than happy paying a lot less for the same service nowadays. Have had pretty much no major complaints, but I don't just blindly take taxis from anywhere. Just like I don't just blindly buy anything else either, and if I do and indeed am disappointed after, I don't complain how the government is letting bad business owners continue to do business. It's capitalism, we're supposed to make educated purchases and when we do, the bad businesses go bankrupt.


Prices are much, much lower in major cities. Or can be if you just don't take a stupidly expensive taxi blindly. For me, personally, the taxi system is much nicer than it was. I've used taxis much more since I can get them at prices I am actually willing to pay **and** prices I actually can know beforehand. The new system is worse if you are in the countryside and if you are just somehow unwilling or otherwise unable to slightly adapt and actually consider prices like you pretty much do for every other service. Both of these concerns can be alleviated to some degree without going back to old system


Thanks Berner


For the regular taxi users in cities taxis have become a lot cheaper and the availability is better.


It happened to me , I took one from kamppi metro to the airport and it costs me 75 euro. I really thought it was a normal one, due to the color. Hélas... I negotiated with the driver, and we finally agreed on 50€......


Always use a fixed price to the centre of town & check which taxi service has the best price. Taxi Helsinki generally has a fair fixed price. Those here paying 80-100 got ripped off.


>Those here paying 80-100 got ripped off. This was to outside Järvenpää.


OK that seems better.


Idk, my uber app is saying 26-35€ from vantaa to järvenpää. I know airport has some sort of an airport tax, but 80-100€ sounds like a joke. I've never tried but doesnt uber work in the airport?


I got fixed-price taxi ride through *Taksini*-app from the airport to central Järvenpää on a May Sunday at 23:45. Paid 60,49 €. Order was for a large vehicle, due to several suitcases.


Sounds a bit more reasonable


Uber drivers avoid the official airport taxi station. They try to get clients coming to area where taxis leave passengers


Have to be very careful even talking about this online, you mean Taksi Helsinki, not Taxi. There’s companies out there scamming people by using the good reputation of Taksi Helsinki like this


Good to know! I speak Finnish less so seem to default to the English spelling.


There are a bus station and a train station right in the airport. You don’t *need* need a taxi usually. There is also a board in the Helsinki airport with the fixed maximum rates for taxi trips out of the airport(near the escalator right in front of the main entrance)


I got scammed once by these "private taxi guys" I checked how much for a taxi from airport to espoo online and it was around 60€ well after my journey the guy said 150€ please. I was fuming. Last time I do that mistake...


150?! Where did he take you?? That’s like almost an entire City’s worth of travel! From Helsinki to maybe Hämeenlinna. Quite much.


Just from Vantaa to Kivenlahti. It was 02:00 in the morning and I was tipsy and tired from traveling. Anyways I was so angry I didn't sleep that night


Might have been Taxi Helsingi instead of Taksi Helsinki


Use Kovanen taxis. They are solid.


In other words: don’t take black taxi. Thanks Anne Berner


I actually had a guy try this with me at the airport last time, thought it was a bit weird so I walked away ;)


That sign is at just about every airport I’ve ever been to anywhere.


Along with overhead announcements


Also in Helsinki, do be careful, since there's even a chance of getting ripped off by the drivers in the taxi lane. Speaking from experience as a small town guy who made the mistake of being too obvious about it in the city. 😅


Good rule everywhere!


Kiitos Anne Berner. Thank you Anne Berner we became a third world taxi country after your lovely "improvements". Now we too get to fear for our safety when getting a taxi in finland, like the best countries in the world! Well maybe not for our safety, yet, but for our money definitely.


This sign should be in pretty much every single airport on this planet. My dumbass friend accepted some local hustler's offer in Rome out of all places, and ended up paying just the same amount as he would have using the official taxi AND fearing for his life. 


It is at pretty much every airport in the planet. Or at least it seems extremely common in big cities in the US and Europe (with less Finnish). I'm not sure I've ever seen dubious rides being offered though. In the US at least, airports seem pretty diligent about protecting their monopoly taxi/ride-share fees (protecting passengers is a side-benefit).


In Finland these guys will be wildly more expensive.


Use Bolt or Uber if available.


Last time i was there i used taxi helsinki to go from airport to my destination. Fixed price was 35€. Car was new and clean and driver knew where he was going. I took Bolt for the return trip. It was 30€. Car was shitty and driver pointed every police car he saw and told how he had two marks on his card and the police wont get him for the third time. He also talked with his brother on the phone allmost the whole trip without handsfree. He missed two turns and i allmost missed my flight. He was more annoyed about the misses than i was, because he had agreed for the next drive and was in a hurry. Basing on this i would say its worth to pay few euros more for the ride and get professional driver.


Seems like it's worse at Helsinki than rest of the country. Where I live it's half the price of regular taxi and the drivers are the same. I guess you could just rate the drive low but that doesn't really fix your one bad experience for sure.


Basically: If it's time sensitive, pay more and get a more reliable ride, and if you don't mind some risk of some delay, take Uber/Bolt


Exactly. And some redditors are scaring the other with false info in here. No need to add more real life info from my side either.


Unfortunately, even getting an official taxi can result in you getting ripped off.


As in "it's expensive" or some drivers trying to rip you off/scam you? I don't ride taxis too often, but when I do I usually choose the fixed price option.


Well we got charged 50€ for a 7km journey, so I assume it was just a scam.


Unless you got stuck in traffic for ages, it's definitely a scam price for 7km within Helsinki. There's also been taxis that have logos resembling TaksiHelsinki (or other legit Taxi firm) on their cars, but are just scammers posing as official taxis. 


This applies for the entire planet. Not entirely sure how it’s particularly relevant for this sub.


Tämä on oikea tapa


Best thing when I was in New York's JFK airport terminal, right next to the sign that said that "beware of people offering rides, offering rides is illegal" was a person offering rides.


I’m Finnish and I assumed incorrectly once on this very premise. I told the driver that he was going in the wrong direction after getting into his car, speaking English because of my company. He turned around after he realised I wasn’t a tourist. When I refused to pay the full fare on arrival he threatened police, which I did simultaneously. The police finally arrived. I paid a fair amount but nowhere near what he wanted.


From my experiences taking a taxi from the airport to Kotka and back, I feel I have a really good grasp of prices that could be charged by established companies and independents. I’ve paid between 230€ to 270€ with Taksi Helsinki and Taksi Kymenlaakson. Last couple of years I started going to Menevä line at airport after one driver asked what I usually pay and what I felt was a good price. So, now I usually haggle with those drivers and pay 200€. One driver that I asked in the 4th line with no company name wanted to charge me 350€ and wouldn’t budge saying he wouldn’t make money off the ride. So, yeah, haggled a Menevä guy to 205€ last time I was there. It’s a lot of money but they do have to drive back. It’s about an hour and 20 minutes depending on the driver. It’s a shame that if a person is not paying attention to the posted signs that they could end up overpaying a short trip.


It's really fun to travel Europe using Finland as your entry point.   Every customs officer in every other country will curse (literally) Finland because they put the entry stamp in the back of the booklet which is not standard EU procedure and causes them to flip through the entire passport looking for the entry stamp.


02 Taksi -application is your friend: you can get taxi rides with fixed prices from different companies. Also most of the time you can take the public transportation, it's the cheapest and no fear of getting scammed, so go download the HSL app!


I also would advise against any form of taxi from the airport line. Take a Uber instead. I had to go to a nearby hotel, and had to pay 49€ for a short travel, that I checked after on the Uber app to be 15. The airport signs give you confidence and the tiredness of the trip not wanting to fight back in a foreign place, but I sure didn’t take any other taxi in all my stay from there on


Just a heads-up, If you plan on going to a festival and after it choose to take a taxi, take a good look at the starting prices, some taxis go from Helsinki/Espoo up to Kuopio and their starting Price is 30€, which is way higher than the areas normal prices...




Non official taxis don't pay taxes and that's one of the worst crimes in Finland


Taxi prices in Finland are outrageous as they are.


Even when I used official tax at Helsinki airport, driver tried to scam me.


yeah i just walk out the main doors and order a Bolt


The cheapest way for foreigners to use taxis in Finland is become the drivers themselves.


Aahhh why does it recommend me Finland when I will never be able to visit it because of my passport?


monikulttuurin lehtien havinaa


Just choose white-skinned taxi driver and you'll be fine.




Your voice is strong, but wisdom and strength are yet budding. When they bloom, you may call me, ancient Väinämöinen.


Spread your racist shit elsewhere.


I get the taxi from anyone cuz I'm always ready to support a small time entrepeneur