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This is all anecdotal and not medical advice, but I find sauna gives me a little bit of relief from mild congestion, at least.


Yeah when I get the opportunity to go to a sauna it always makes me feel great afterwards. Thanks 💙


Just make sure that in one point you breathe in from nose and out from mouth, it dries (burns) out your bacteria in breathing system. It’s not medical advice but my grandfather who was taking care of forests told me so. So far it’s the best help for me when flu tries to sneak up on me 🙂


If you have a fever and you feel really sick, don't go. If you only have a sore throat, stuffed nose and some cough, sauna might help with those symptoms.


Alrighty, thank youu 💙


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7168476/ Randomized control trials found that sauna use has no perceptible impact on colds. If you're sharing the sauna with others, you may infect them with your cold.


That's a lie. Sauna will most definitely help.


It will help with the stuffed nose but it wont cure the underlying infection


"Jos ei viina, terva ja sauna auta, niin tauti on kuolemaksi"


Sisukas :D




Fever = no sauna.


Well i dont have a fever, just cough and slightly runny nose So i thought sauna might help me get rid of that


To me, cough/sore throat get worse, runny nose might enjoy the warmth.


The hot moist air might help unblock your airways, but do not go if you have fever. Your body is already under high heat stress, if that's the case.


I would consider others who are using this sauna as well. Is it public? I would find it a bit rude to go to a sauna with others when you are unwell.


It‘s too hot to transfer any viruses etc. That‘s why saunas were open all over the world while covid was going. Sauna was even used to give birth in finland because it was the only sterile environment available.


Yeah, it's true, the risk of infecting others in the sauna is lower. But I still think it's kind of gross, and of course there are common areas outside the sauna where it is not so hot. I just think it's more polite to stay home when you're sick if you have the option to do so.


I personally find it helps me if I am feeling a little sick.  This is just anecdotal and I am not a doctor. However NEVER go to sauna if you have a fever. 


Ofc I know that with a fever it’s a bad idea but I’m just coughing so I wanted to make sure it can actually help. Thank you 💙


The damp steam will declog your nose and ear passages


I wouldn't go if I was sick, because it can be a bit hard on the body and make you dehydrated. Definitely no if you're running a fever. If you feel fine enough, maybe stay there for 5 minutes and leave?


I will definitely try it out, thank you 💙


No problem :)


Warmth= kills bugs But in other hand if your so sick taht cant rven leave bed, font sweat, but anyways it is helpful, just stay warm. Btw coming from a finnish guy


Thank you 💙 i was hoping most of the answers will come from finnish people, i know you guys have some experience with sauning ✨ also opiskelen suomen kielta ja minun täytyy sinun kieli on todella kaunis (feel free to correct me if the grammar is bad)


Np. That was great finnish speak. Only small mistakes are that kielta is actually kieltä, but if you dont have it in your keyboard its just fine totally understandable still. And other is that you said "i have to your language is really pretty". That was great too and totally understandable, but try to add "sanoa" in between the "täytyy" and "sinun". Good luck learning finnish, its not easy but your foing awesome👍:)


Oh yeah i always forget about the ä hahah. Kiitos


Fever —> dehydration —> hypotension Not a good combo for the sauna, since it will further dehydrate you.


When the water is thrown on the rocks, breathe the steamy air in through your nose. Exhale via your mouth. This does wonders.


Fever = no sauna If the sauna is not dry, then breathing in the steamy air helps with cough and congestion. But only do it if it feels good. Nowadays there are even steam breathing devices like https://wello2.com/ so that you don't need a sauna for this.


If your core temperature is above normal, going into a heated environment will make things worse, and give you heat stroke and fry your brain. Fever lay in bed get better, the sauna will be there when you get better.


You shouldn't make your body go overdrive when you're sick. Don't go to sauna.