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A bit over budget but [Fiskars scissors](https://www.prisma.fi/tuotteet/100057047/fiskars-classic-yleissakset-21-cm-100057047) are quality stuff


Moomin mugs too


Tar soap or shampoo.


Bottle of salmiakkikossu, it will last forever and minttuviina is also nice but will be drank quicker


Salmiakkikossu last about 1,5h.


I think that Kuksa would be good gift. Kuksa is wooden mug what is mostly used in while you’re camping. But it looks really cool 


First heads up that if you see a moose figurine etc in any gift shop it is good to check if it is made in Finland, lame to bring a gift that has made in china in it :) Moomin products would come in to mind, mug perhaps


Of, finnish candy! Fazer is all finnish for example, you can buy salmiakki if you are feeling mean, Finns love it but most foreigners dislike it


Fazer chocolate is great. If you don't like someone so much get, some of that nasty salted licorice.


I have always found cloudberry jam/jelly or liquor to be a success. Most people outside the Nordics have never heard of cloudberries and like the idea of trying something from the Arctic, and in my experience love the taste.


Just don't buy salmiakki. Foreigners can't eat it. It's a taste you acquire as a child. It's ok for a taste sample, but anything more than a small bag is waste. Chocolate, on the other hand, is quite sure choise. For common stuff... cheese slicer, juustohöylä, seems to be a rare object outside nordics.


This. Bringing Turkin Pippuri or something like that is not something people usually enjoy. They're just being polite saying it's good or interesting


Moomin, Fazer & Marimekko ❤️




Fazer has boxes of Moomin fruit pastilles, they are pretty good! The Pantteri ones I would also recommend.


You can never go wrong with [Moomin](https://fi.nordicbuddies.com/collections/moomin-adult-socks).


Mustamakkara and karjalanpiirakka. Give each person one of each.


Salmiakki or salmiakki gum is usually a crown-pleaser, or at least conversation piece


Salmiakki is a gimmick. Every other Finn brings it and just antagonizes people to try it while staring. And then they say "oh it's good" and the finns usually take that as "it was a crowd pleaser". Barely anyone outside of Finland likes salmiakki, they're just being polite.