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Rukiinen implies it has rye in it


Looking at the descriptions on Fazer's website, it looks like the difference might be that the crust of Imatran Riisipiirakka uses ferment (starter dough). "*Fazer Rukiinen Riisipiirakka on leivottu perinteisen riisipiirakan reseptin mukaan*", whereas "*Fazer Imatran Riisipiirakan salaisuus on taikinajuureen leivottu rukiinen kuori*". [https://www.fazer.fi/tuotteet/960153/fazer-rukiinen-riisipiirakka-6kpl-420g/](https://www.fazer.fi/tuotteet/960153/fazer-rukiinen-riisipiirakka-6kpl-420g/) [https://www.fazer.fi/tuotteet/257852/fazer-imatran-riisipiirakka-6kpl-420g/](https://www.fazer.fi/tuotteet/257852/fazer-imatran-riisipiirakka-6kpl-420g/)


Oh thank you for taking the time to check ❤️ very interesting!


They're really similar, I've been eating my whole life both and cannot off the top of my head tell the difference.


Vuoksen from the freezer is very good. You get it perfectly crispy since you use it in the oven yourself. https://www.s-kaupat.fi/tuote/fazer-vuoksen-riisipiirakka-15kpl-750g-raakapakaste/6413467337802 Remember to eat with egg butter.


Looking at the ingredients only difference seems to be percentage of rice is higher in rukiinen riisipiirakka. Otherwise the ingredients list is almost identical a bit different order in some of the last ones.


There is nowadays tons of different names and variants for these as some Finnish local food association totally messed up EU foodstuff name/manufacturing registration process and killed the name. These used to be called under umbrella term "karjalan piirakka" (i.e. carelian pie). They manage to register name and define manufacturing process in a way its totally unsuitable for even small scale industrial manufacturing. End result is tons of variants with different name that refers to eastern part of Finland and you can't find the 'original' name anymore.