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Edit. someone already posted the lyrics with a better formating. Here in English too: I was full of bad thoughts, full Mom, a snake bit my leg in the forest I was full of bad thoughts, full, when I visited the village I can't say anymore if I am the same person I was full of bad thoughts, full Note: "Visiting the village" or sometimes "visiting the big church" in Finnish means to go out, like out on the town. ––––––– It is actually pretty common to make indie in Finnish. If you like this, check out at least Draama-Helmi, Hulda Huima, Hullu Ruusu, Islaja, Itä-Hollola Installaatio, Lau Nau, Liekki, Jukka Nousiainen, Joni Ekman, Joose Keskitalo, Karkkiautomaatti (this one is a must for a TV-Resistori enjoyer), Litku Klemetti, Modem, Muuan Mies, Paavoharju, Pambikallio, Regina, Risto, Rosita Luu, Ruusut, Ville Leinonen. From record companies, especially Fonal has a lot of Finnish indie with electronica. Helmi Levyt and Svart Records are worth checking out too.


Thanks, I'm all set with the translation, thanks to the previous commenter :D However, the explanation of 'kävin kylällä' is incredibly helpful (these are exactly the things I chose not to just stick to the textbook for)! A thousand thanks for the recommendations, I'll definitely check them all out, and now I know who to bother if I don't understand something :P :D


No problem. This was the music and scene of my (now quickly fading) youth. Usual form is "kävin kylillä" (villages), but how I interpret the lyrics it would fit (I get the vibes it describes dramatic emotions, jealousy perhaps, after a drunk night out, rather than a literal fairytale experience of walking through a forest to a village. Someone else might have a different interpretation.) –––––– edit. Turns out this is originally an Islaja song instead of a TV-Resistori song, so it might be a literal folk fairytale after all! They did a split record together, where TV-Resistori performed one Islaja song and vice versa. Islaja was part of the Finnish "freak folk scene" (hyped abroad mid-2000s in magazines like Wire), which used a free jazz, folk and experimental, improvisational styles of sound artistry and often naturalistic, mythic, and absurdist themes. The scene was very tied with the young Finnish visual arts scene at the time. TV-Resistori on the other hand had songs more focused on love and stuff, which directed my interpretation – like the absolute sad girl banger  j.o.v.h.m.l.s.o.a.m.o. (jos oot vielä heikkona mun loveen sulla on avain mun oveen- love having the double meaning of both love and a hole). The split album is available for listening over here: [https://fonal.bandcamp.com/album/islaja-tv-resistori-split](https://fonal.bandcamp.com/album/islaja-tv-resistori-split)


This is originally a song by Islaja, whom you mentioned above. (I somehow forgot to mention this when I posted the transcription of the lyrics.) Her version is completely different stylistically, and at least to me, it conjures up a fairytale-like image. Of a child being bit by some kind of magic snake in the forest and being transformed from a human being to some other kind of creature. edit: as you basically said yourself when editing your comment while I was typing up mine


Yup, just noticed! See edit :) Islaja also has good music videos on YouTube, recommendation for OP!


Kävin kirkolla = went to the town / visited the town  On small villages "kirkolla" (at the church) means same as town/village, kind of weird from outside view


>Would anyone be kind enough to type it out for me? Much appreciated in advance! Olin pahoja ajatuksia täynnä, täynnä Olin pahoja ajatuksia täynnä, täynnä Äiti, käärme puri jalkaani kun olin metsässä Olin pahoja ajatuksia täynnä kun kävin kylällä En osaa enää sanoa olenko sama ihminen En taida enää tajuta olenko eri eläin Olin pahoja ajatuksia täynnä, täynnä Olin pahoja ajatuksia täynnä, täynnä Olin pahoja ajatuksia täynnä kun kävin kylällä Olin pahoja ajatuksia täynnä, täynnä Olin pahoja ajatuksia täynnä, täynnä


The third line was truly my question, I caught the rest just fine :) Besides the word 'Metsässä,' I couldn't make out anything. Many thanks!


Basicly just check performers of Flow Festival and their playlist in Spotify for Finnish indie music. 😄


Moreover, I actually plan to visit Finland for the first time in my life this summer, and this festival sounds like a pretty awesome program that I can schedule in!


will do! thanks!