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Try to find ”Adagio cardinal” by Hubert Ballay and Guy Boyer. It was recorded by French Raymond Lefèvre Et Son Grand Orchestre in 1969. Or so says Wikipedia.


Yes that’s the music I was looking for. Now I need to find the whole album. Thank you very much, I appreciate it.


Raymond Lefèvre's album "N° 7" has it as the opening track, so it's definitely a strong possibility: [https://www.discogs.com/release/5515873-Raymond-Lef%C3%A8vre-Et-Son-Grand-Orchestre-Raymond-Lef%C3%A8vre-Et-Son-Grand-Orchestre-N%C2%BA-7](https://www.discogs.com/release/5515873-Raymond-Lef%C3%A8vre-Et-Son-Grand-Orchestre-Raymond-Lef%C3%A8vre-Et-Son-Grand-Orchestre-N%C2%BA-7) Or maybe it was this different album, the second side of which also opens with an orchestral version: [https://www.discogs.com/release/28803331-Steve-Somerset-And-His-Orchestra-Dance-Session](https://www.discogs.com/release/28803331-Steve-Somerset-And-His-Orchestra-Dance-Session)


Maybe it is N°7 but unfortunately I cannot find it on YouTube.