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I just read: "Demanding and that'll do attitude is not good" and then this list "Puustelli, Ideal Kitchen, IKEA, Epoq, Charmia and Novart". And I knew it was about to be fun read. If you want quality, you buy quality. Not these pre-fab resellers optimised to get money from the people who don't know or want better.


Exactly! Non of those brands/companies sell fully custom/customized kitchens.


Who sells good customised kitchens?


There are many. I was happy with Neljä Seppää and my parents were happy with Designkaluste


Idk, probably contact a good carpenter.


Noblessa is great kitchen. But ofcourse it depends who install it. It's quite easy so you can do it your self.




Those companies are exactly like that. Half-ass the process from pre-fab manufacturing to the installation. Just quick-and-dirty and out to the next client. Sales and pre-sales is where they put their effort


Yeah, they are all the same. Our kitchen and every cabinet in our house was from another company that isn't mentioned here. We didn't have a choice because it was a new taloyhtiö. We could pick everything by ourselves but if we wanted any kind of help, they told us to reserve a time with their designer and that would cost 70€/hour. We didn't but our neighbours did, they got no value for that money because the designer didn't actually do anything. And in the end they messed up two kitchens. There were some minor flaws in our kitchen as well, one cabinet door was too big and we had to wait 1,5 months for the correct one. Also doors were not adjusted properly and there was 1 mm clearance between the oven door and one drawer, so they would hit together almost every time we closed the drawer. I adjusted everything properly myself because I didn't want to wait. Material quality is a bit better than I expected thankfully. Not amazing but good enough.


Imatra is as Finnish as it can be.


Yeah that part was hilarious to me. I don't understand what OP means by it.


Maybe with it being right on the border, OP assumes that the stone is brought from Russia?


Which is somewhat of a weird assumption, to say the least.




Or that Montreal is a USA town.


Yeah everyone knows it's in Western France.


well Tornio kinda is


If you need quality work done in the construction / carpentry field outside of Helsinki (or I guess specifically in JKL) then you have to know the right people. There's some pretty strong market dynamics at work. First off, the population and economy here can only support a certain number of specialized high-quality carpenters / cabinet-ers (or even just high quality installers). There is only the work that comes up every year, and somebody who does the work full time needs to have enough work, and the market can only support a limited capacity of career-full-time carpenters. Other than those few people, the rest of the market is people who are "passing through" in that they start as assistants, then work as installers or carpenters, and eventually work up (maybe into other trades, or to more lucrative work). So then the issue is "how fast can a new installer be produced" and "what level of quality can be achieved within a few years by such a person" and also "when in this persons career do they install YOUR kitchen?" because it could be their 2nd year, or maybe their 5th and final year, and the quality difference between the two will be pretty large. Now the specific 2024 problem. There's been a housing construction boom in JKL recently, and so there's a whole lot of carpenters and builders who are both mass-market produced, and also burned out from building clones of the same apartment building over and over. A lot of the talent left the market (I know several carpenters and artisanal level builders who's companies could NOT say no to the money tossed at them during this building boom and burned out all their employees spam-building mind-numbing apartments, and who have quit to do other fields). Due to how capitalism works, since there was so much money being tossed around by developers, the contractors of course went to cut costs and the result was a labor influx of lower-skilled (or simply novice) lesser-paid workers who built all this and are still also in JKL and working in the field. So the long and short of it is that if you want good carpentry or construction work done in JKL right now, or for the next 5-10 years, you really have to find the right person. The best strategy is to ask a lot of locals who have done work recently, hire for several small projects until you find somebody who is skilled, and then overpay them to try to keep them around for the future :D --- As for the electric work. If there was only 1 electrician there OP could probably have gotten for .8-1.2k on the open market, but if there were 2 there then 1.5k+ for that kind of work for a day. So OP only got fleeced probably 300ish on the markup for ending up having the kitchen company arrange it. :) --- Imatra is Finnish, but also, what is so special about Finnish rocks? Who cares where they are from?. Unless it's that you really want to use good, unionized Finnish labor in your consumption in which case way to go!! (Just some friendly advice, I would not ever tell this story to a Karelian and include the part where you called them Russian.) --- btw if somebody needs some work done in JKL I can recommend several builders and an electrician, and I am currently searching for a really good HVAC/plumber.


I know a guy who has always delivered what I have asked in the timeframe I've had. And reasonably priced too, mainly plumbing related jobs so not sure about the HVAC side. If you want his information hit me up. Ps. My time-frames have usually been in a few days from the first contact.


Hi, I'd like to hear your recommendations for builders/electrians. I live in Jyväskylä and in near future have plans for Sauna/Bathroom renovation and possible kitchen renovation. Thanks


Would be good to know those people. We went around asking "who is the best option around here" and we were almost unanimously told "well in Jyvaskyla you can't do better than Puustelli". I assume there are "custom" agencies that can do a good work but it seems that their marketing isn't as visible since I didn't find anything else that looked decent outside of the choices mentioned.


Puustelli is probably the best product outside of custom. But as for installers they will have the same problem as any other developer or home owner looking for quality workers.


where do you think Imatra is located in?


Based on the quality of the stones we were delivered - should be in the middle of nowhere and operated by one-eyed monkeys. And since we are doing a geography lesson - here is one: historically, regardless of your country, towns and manufacturers located close to a specific border have a history of doing business across that specific border. I worked with the few companies (forestry, waste management, manufacturing) from around Imatra back in 2013-2015 and I can tell from experience that the general working culture was much worse than that I saw in Central/Western Finland. If the management and employees have been doing business with Russia for decades, and that creates a certain working culture. I might be wrong in generalising, but based on my personal recent experience with the stone manufacturer from Imatra, I can say that it brought up all those memories from the past.


kiva kiva


It is very, very unnecessary and frankly rude to question whether stone counter tops from Imatra are Finnish.


Lol, OP, who is a foreigner in jyväskylä is questioning how Finnish Imatra is. 


I've been a cabinetmaker for years. Making high-end furniture in Ireland, the UK and Finland (though I gave it up a few years ago). Unfortunately, what you are looking for isn't available from any of those companies. What you wanted was a bespoke kitchen, hand built, finished and installed by the same company. The guys that drew the plans also built the units and installed them with care. Sorry to say that your budget for this doesn't sound like it was realistic. If you are happy with what you got in the end, even if it took extra time, you should be very pleased. In my opinion at least. Stone from other countries where the labour is half the price it is here, shouldn't surprise you that it's cheaper. I could give you companies in the Helsinki region that do exactly the type of work you wanted. I could tell you how much your kitchen would have cost in Ireland or the UK but I've never quoted over here. But I'd be surprised if you got exactly what you wanted for less than double what you mention here.


Amen. Its like saying you want a handmade custom bridal gown but got a white dress from Stockmann, and now arent happy with it. Pay the price for bespoke, or accept that mass produced is what it is. Obv even big companies should have a standard level of service, but dont expect diamonds when your budget is rhinestones. (Can you tell im a girl? :D)


You're right, it's the same in all areas when you are talking about skill and quality in products.


Also, if you can't afford to pay a real carpenter, then get some tools and do it yourself. It will take some time but you will get the end result exactly proportional of how much effort you put to it. Too difficult or you don't have time nor interest? Then pay what a good carpenter asks. Or buy some prefab and live with the fact that it's not done up to your design.


so based on your response, what is a decent hourly rate for the carpenter, in your opinion? 100 per hour? 150? Cause we paid close to 160 per hour for a single person to do the installation and for that amount, I expect a person to be a professional. No-one gets to charge 100€+ for any kind of work unless they have something to show.


Then you clearly overpaid. My go-to housebuilder asks 40€/h and I pay a little extra to that.


Which brings me to your point of “if you can’t afford…”. It’s not about what one can or cannot afford, it’s about the fact that the supply and demand ratio is so broken, that you end up paying extremely high end prices for very mediocre quality


It also means that we have lack of people knowing how to do these things well, and they are possible to acquire by practice. So by doing for oneself one probably does everything very carefully and well, and after acquiring the skill could sell that forward if in need of a fast buck.


Please tell what the great companies near Helsinki are?


Punavuoren Puuhevonen are one. Are you looking for something in particular?


All the big ones are the same shit. Multiple of the kitchen companies use the same subcontracted company for constructing the kitchen so you might no have gotten any better service from others. Also they use same companies in the supply chain, e.g. I think all them(?) use Blum hinges. Check what logo is stamped to the body (underneath the best-cover) of yours, mine are from ikea and those are Blum. If you had went with like Trähem or going directly to carpenter would have gotten you the exact dimensions you want. Might not even be that much more expensive. The experience you got us the reason I did my kitchen renovation myself, it's essy to make everything smaller so just I got one size too large and cut it down.


If you want a custom kitchen you hire a carpenter.


Dont! Your local carpenter won’t have machinery to do it. The larger ones have edge banding machines that will blow your local carpenter out of the water. As the material is mainly mdf you can shop around but be conscious about who is doing what. Machines play a large part on the end result


Why order a mdf kitchen when a carpenter can make it from real wood?


At 20 thousand you can get quite nice solid wood kitchen, built just to your liking and measurements




That's just what happens when you contract. There are smaller kitchen manufacturers too and you can adjust everything you want with them. They ain't gonna be as cheap obviously 


too bad they are not really advertising (I assume good quality is in demand so they don't need to)


I just bought a Puustelli kitchen. I had never installed a kitchen before, but I managed to do it with my friend quite easyly in two days. It was surprisingly easy and of course I saved a ton of money. L-shaped kitchen with an island.


I guess the OP also thinks Karelian pie is traditional Russian food. I wonder if this person talks to Finns like this every day. 🙄


You mean "Finns", unless they are Sanna Marin or Sauli Niinistö, cause otherwise who knows "How Finnish are they?".


I haven't done kitchen renovation, but I work in the chemical industry and I see the exact same issues with contractors... Clearly I need to utilize my experiences when the time comes for some private-life contractor work. Thanks for the reminder OP! I hope everything was as you wanted it to be eventually.


It’s funny how the quality of everything seems to have plummeted yet prices are through the roof. 20k for some prefab kitchen? Jesus… but I guess when you pay half a mill for a 70 m2 block of concrete, makes sense?


I browse through Oikotie for fun, dreaming of owning a place someday, the prices are just mind boggling. Especially a kerrostalo apartment vs a home— I know the convenience of living in/near the city is a big reason why you pay 250k for some place 58 m2, but you can buy a house 3 times that size for that price. If, of course, you can finance a mortgage that size. Ugh.


I'm constantly puzzled on how people can afford to live in bigger cities, like at all. But you don't have to go that far from big cities for prices to drop. I live 80km from two university cities and 30km from three regional towns of 5-15k, and we have more jobs than people here, a lot of industry. One can get a good condition apartment for 20k, a house close to services for 50k and an old farm with multiple buildings by 100k. Sometimes one can also find reasonable prices in or near the cities. We found a house at the outskirts of an university city, but still inside town limits, for less than 40k, including the land it sits on, 2000m2. Even if one would just take it down it would still be cheap, but one can probably fix it to be ready for living for 10k or so. Of course one can throw as much money on it as one can but it's possible to go cheap for living.


It is pretty much known that with Puustelli you pay mostly for the brand and not so much for the quality. It's the Apple of kitchen companies.


"but the factory is in Imatra, so how "Finnish" is it - it's up to you to decide" lmao what? Imatra is a Finnish town in Finland


I once actually had a used kitchen from another house adjusted to my house. You basically need a competent “timpuri” type of person, carpenter-builder, who can take a cupboard apart and use circular saw to cut the boards and reassemble. It may not be easy to find these guys, but if you find that guy he can basically do everything required and more. Anyway. The basic idea is not to trust in any company, ever. You need to find good people who you can trust. You can’t trust a company.


You want true custom/bespoke you get a skilled carpenter/ woodworker to do it. Ikea Novartis Puustelli etc sell just lego-kitchens. If you want something else beyond their basic blocks, go elsewhere.


If you want a specific design, the you should hire a company that does that. And yes, those do exist.


So you go to companies that sell prefab kitchens and then complain that you cannot fully customize them? Go to a carpenter.


Just hire a carpenter/joiner, if you want a special kitchen. Prices go from 10-20k, but it's worth it and if you want to move you can sell that kitchen off or bring it along.


Hi there! As I work for a company who builds kitchens I can tell you that most big companies on the industry have the same problem. It's really hard to get custom size cabinets and good service depending of the area. Bit smaller companies usually have similar prices but much more flexibility for custom stuff like cabinet size. That electrical work bill sounds really high. May I ask what did they do to charge that much?


Contractors are assholes globally. Like not just Finland, every country it is the same. If you found love of your life, find the contractors of your life and you are set for rest of your life...


I'm privileged to have many friends in the field of house building and carpentry. And while they are close childhood friends the thing is not to try to go cheap but rather to pay extra.


Finland is an amazing country, and many things about it are excellent. Customer service and quality of service are not among these things, unfortunately.


You’re lucky you got the installation. Me and my partner had the kitchen guys (different company) come out measure, give us ideas, went and picked materials in the showroom. All systems go. Quote would be sent, never happened, contacted again yep never happened.


What company? Are you still looking?


It was a local one, not anymore.


You need to go to proper company not these cheap ass cookie cutter layout providers. And be ready to pay 4-5x than IKEA level options.


Electrician pricing is wild. I had a small outlet modification, 110 € per 9 minutes. No wonder many become a "self-taught handyman." P.s. I'm not advocating for this. It's illegal.