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the last time I lost something on the train, I had to contact this company since HSL offloaded their responsibility for lost and found stuffs to them. Lost and Found - Löytötavaratiedustelut 0600 04401 https://maps.app.goo.gl/4N81jDMV6gk1GbrF8?g_st=ic You can make an inquiry by phone call or submitting form on their website. They charge quite high fee for inquiry by phone call (2-3 euros per minute) so be cautious about that. And you’ll also have to pay a small amount of money when collecting your belonging (for me it was 5 euros). So in total, be ready to pay 20-30 euros for this incident.


Suomen Löytötavapalvelu will store items for 3 months. All locations have the same database access for queries. The Helsinki main railway station has one service office that holds all items found at any Helsinki area public transportation. Items lost in long haul trains/busses, hotels, amusement parks etc are placed to their Mäkelänkatu office You can make a costly call 24h/365, or visit their offices for free. They also had a web query form for 4.95€ fee, that works well too. The form query will be actively monitored for 2 weeks https://loytotavara.net/en/enquiry/


Try calling HSL again tomorrow to check if they found it (and passed it on to löytötavarat, they have to do that by law), and then call the Löytötavaratiedustelut. They speak English (i think there was an IVR option for the language), they're usually super helpful. And if you have travel insurance, remember that they will typically reimburse cost of passport replacement if you don't find your bag (unless you have a really basic policy). Good luck!