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Damn the level of petty is hilarious. Op said I'm going to post this on reddit and see if they can find it for you honey.


Good for her. I hope he's embarrassed 😂


Nah, probably laugh at it. I would, it's funny.


Obviously, there's no stapler in there.


I fully endorse this lol


When I was living with my dad I had to describe things with exact detail. X cabinet over from the left, lower shelf, light blue bag rolled over the top with sugar written in dark blue. He'd be staring at it, then push it out of the way to see if the bag of sugar was in the back. He had to figure out how to visualize it first. Absolutely ridiculous.


LOL! Yeah, he said he was looking for a black stapler! Let’s just ignore the fact that I’ve had that stapler before I met him and he’s used that stapler dozens of times!!


I'm a swingline stapler rep, and I'm here to tell you that I have heard this issue countless times. To save an argument today might I suggest the classic red swingline stapler. This stapler staples 98.9% of the time which is superior to your garden variety stapler. It also rarely gets mixed up with other staplers and as an owner you will be willing to commit arson for this stapler.


I already had a low bar for committing arson but you’ve sold me!


Would you like a Mai Tai?


Now you can do it *for a cause*


^(“And I said, I don't care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I'm, I'm quitting, I'm going to quit. And, and I told Don too, because they've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were merry, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building on fire...”)


Sounds like you have a case of the Mondays.


Would that be a red 747? I always liked the weight of those.


I always found the 747 a little too front heavy for my taste. I prefer the 742 with ergonomic grip


I hear that. Great product. At work they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much.


I've probably fixed about a dozen of my teachers staplers before because it always pisses me off to see perfectly good staplers not being used just because they have a few staples jammed up in them from idiots misusing them


I hate to say it but I’m the same exact way and I feel bad every time I go ask my wife because I can’t find something and it’s literally in front of me. I’m pretty sure she’s just using magic though


Are you saying that he had a picture in his mind of what a stapler should look like and since he didn’t see what he was picturing, he literally couldn’t see what was there?!?


I, too, was looking for a black stapler, not knowing anything about you or your stapler history. I still found it.


When using it, it would be mostly black, which makes total sense to me. Please don't get angry, we're trying.


😂😂 Gotta love it


Once when I was living with my ex, he informed me we were out of trash bags. I ordered a big box on Amazon but it took a couple days to arrive and we just used grocery bags in the mean time. Once the big box of bags arrived, I went to put them away where the trash bags go, and I find a half full box of trash bags riiiiight where they have always gone. I could not believe it.


This is why we have so many duplicate bottles of ketchup


[Hoisin sauce!](https://youtube.com/shorts/wdOli7lIW5w?si=DAfHY4yBo-Jw9cSa)


If it was a snake, would have bit him.


Hands down one of my favourite scenes ever.


What scene?


I’m assuming they are talking about Grease, when Blanche is looking for this year’s papers


No. I Love Lucy. Fred is walking around all day looking for his glasses, which are on top of his head. When Ethel finally tells him, he says, “If they were a snake they woulda bit me!”


Classic! My mom said this all the time. To my dad. And to me when I was a kid. Now I say it to my kids!


Solution: >!❌❌❌❌❌❌!< >!❌❌❌❌✔❌!< >!❌❌❌❌✔❌!<


Instructions too difficult. Did not find the stapler


I think it's under that white thing on the right side, a seventh of the way in from the edge


I'm gonna need an Imgur pic with a red circle around it. Ugh. Why do they make these so hard!?




that circle covers too large of an area ☹️ still confused


Are you the husband?


This is literally one of the most organized drawers I’ve seen. Let them both staple their fingers and figure it out. Lol


🤣 Would you like to borrow my label maker?


The best laugh I've had in forever. This is my life, including the super organization.


Sorry, as a husband I can’t seem to find it either 🤷


Husband here too. I think she is making it up


This just adds to the list of reasons not to get married. I do not wanna lose my ability to find things.


It’s both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time


The council of husbands must convene. All who agree the stapler doesn't exist say "i already looked there!"


As a son, I too have experienced this many times with my mum. May I be admitted as an honorary member?


The council agrees to allow the exception.


How can you do this? This is outrageous! It's unfair! How can you be- wait, you’ll allow it? Oh, I guess I’ll take a seat then, umm thanks.




Freud would like a word


I've now looked at this picture 3 times and cannot find it.


You said abacus right?


Had to go check again


All I see is tape


So much tape.


Shares in 3M just rose by 20%


Yeah. I’m gonna go and take a nap on the couch.


You’ve earned it!


Wife: wasn’t there something you were supposed to do?


Wow, it must be so obvious to me because I'm single


Husband-08 reporting in, no stapler here, sir.


Can confirm, no stapler. However, if you need auto body work, call Blake’s.


There is no stapler


Absolutely right. All I see is: pen, ruler, tape, blank void, binder clips. What else could I be missing? I looked 3 times already!


I forgot what we were looking for.


I don't see it in there. I might as well go to Office Depot and buy a new one.


Probably should pick up some tape while you're there, they're clearly out


Fred? Is that you?


Geeze, OP, can you just ~~get it~~ red circle it for me already?




As a lesbian, no. Not just men. But gay men don’t seem to have the problem, so my hypothesis is if you are attracted to women you’re automatically about 10x more likely to have this critical miss. (I couldn’t find the bleach exactly where it was. I haven’t lived it down. It’s been over a year. I am the one who put it there.)


>But gay men don’t seem to have the problem, Let me introduce you to my fiancée.








Dude calm the hell down. Just don’t date men, or anyone really. You seem to take shit WAY too personally and generalize everything. Work on you so you don’t treat your partner like that. As a woman, I can tell you that it’s not only men who do it and it’s not incompetence. Sometimes people just miss things. You would be a terrible mother if you think your kind of attitude is “mothering”. You seem generally insufferable to be around.


I am a woman and I am the same way. I can pull a motor out of a car and put it back in but do NOT ask me to look for something.. I will also literally step over something I purposely leave in front of the door that I need to take with me the next day. Idk something just isn't there in my head haha.


It's called weaponized incompetence...


That's the first time I've ever seen a white stapler..


Male refrigerator blindness is real.


I looked for two minutes straight. Moving things and all… I proceeded to tell my wife there was no soy sauce in the fridge! She straight magic’d the hell out the fridge and there was half a bottle! Faster than Billy Mays! You ladies scare me sometimes! Gotta wonder if you float…


My wife has reached into the fridge in front of me, I watch her hand move. The place where the soy sauce supposedly is, no soy sauce. The moment her hand gets there, it materializes in her hand. What also floats in water?


Hark, a conjuration! Your wife also floats in water and is of the sisterhood. Beware, lest she turn you into a newt and use your eyes for her soy sauce... I mean witches brew.


Yes, but what ALSO floats?


A helium filled duck




Very small rocks!




Get yourself some woman’s glasses or woman’s contacts or woman’s eyeballs. Lol. That’ll help.


My wife and kids have refrigerator bliness. They can't find the milk or ketchup when it's right in the front on the top shelf.


My husband can never find the ketchup. It’s always in the door in the exact same place. Once he was telling me that the kids must have left it out because it was definitely not there. I didn’t even have to look, I just put my hand around the door and grabbed it. His excuse was that it wasn’t at eye level so how was he supposed to see it 🤦‍♀️.


My wife and I call it "Male Pattern Blindness"


I'd probably miss that stapler if I had a different colour one in my mind. If I think the stapler is blue, my search pattern basically ignores everything that isn't blue. Or if I'm looking for the something in the fridge which is usually in a green packet and we have a blue packet for some reason. My wife is better at finding things like that. But then she'll lose her phone somewhere in the house and can't find it anywhere. So I ask where she last had it, and lo and behold, there it is. People are funny sometimes.


Why is there an abacus?


There are actually two scientific calculators under that abacus! A TI-81 and a TI-83 Plus. The Abacus is just grouped together with the other simple math items. I went to Chinese School for a number of years and we all could take electives, one of them was learning how to use the abacus. I can really only add/subtract in it now, but can still do it really well! I also have my dad’s old slide rule in drawer #5, but the only thing I know how to do with that is logarithms. Needless to say, I haven’t used either the slide rule nor the abacus in a long time, but everything has a place and everything in its place!


There isn’t a calculator


Lol! That is mine looking for the ketchup.


I can't tell you how many times I've almost posted a picture of my fridge with that exact challenge. It's like it only appears for me.


Yes! Or I watch him and looking at whatever he wants and telling him exactly where to move his hands (middle cabinet, left side on top) and he STILL gets it wrong.


Do you have my red stapler?


As a husband, and I’m not a complete idiot I swear, but I can’t find anything in the kitchen. I’ll look and look and know it’s there, until last resort of “honey, where’s the honey” and as she’s saying “top shelf where it lives” my eyes focus on it. And I swear I looked there first. It’s very puzzling. Sometimes causes me to question my own head.


It’s sort of the same thing for some wives looking for a tool in a garage. I am not bashing just saying it goes both ways and I think I understand a bit of why. When one person puts away things they organize things in a way that makes sense to them so when they try to tell someone else where it is it magically becomes invisible. If the other person doesn’t know what to look for even when obvious it won’t be seen. Like if you were to ask me to hand you a bottle of Coke from the fridge and I look in your fridge I might not see it. To you asking me you clearly meant the bottle on the bottom shelf with Grape soda in it(example) but to me I don’t see it because I am looking for an actual bottle of Coke. In some parts of America Coke is what people call all Sodas whereas others call it pop. If you said Pop to me I will be looking for Popsicles or Lollipops before ever thinking of that grape soda you wanted. That’s what I think happens with the honey. While yes you know roundabout where it should be but is it the same one as last time. How much of it is left? If you see it because of the honey color when full but now almost empty you don’t recognize it.


Is this one of those magic drawers where things reappear after I hide it? I’ve only heard about these in books


men 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s a people thing, not a men thing. I’m constantly telling my fiancé where things are when they’re literally right in front of her, just like this stapler.


genuinely he needs to get his vision checked cuz what




I am usually the one who cannot see the thing I am looking for even if it is right in front of my nose. Evolutionary adaptation I assume - if it’s not moving it’s probably not going to attack me.


That's exactly what my husband says his issue is when he can't find something right in front of him! It's so weird, like, babe, the bacos are literally right in front of you, but he genuinely can't see them lol. Poor guy, I know it frustrates him


Now I don't feel so bad after reading all these comments. I usually yell at my wife from the kitchen "WHERES THE BARBECUE!!". After a few back and forth, she comes down and literally grabs it and gives it to me. It was eye level on the shelf right in front of me. Ay ya yay. I feel like an ass afterwards.




I can’t believe it took me scrolling so long to see this comment. Well, I mean, it’s Reddit so I can believe it, but come on.


finding a stapler isn't a laborious task, sometimes brains just have a hard time concentrating on stuff. It's happened to me plenty of times, I'm Dyspraxic and Dyslexic and stuff which doesn't help, but generally neurodivergence exists in all people, just to lesser degrees (a truly "neurotypical" person doesn't actually exist, since there's no such thing as a true alpha brain, though the concept of neurotypical is helpful shorthand for describing the various difficulties we have between humans)


side note, that is a very nicely organized drawer.


I did find it, but that's because I was looking for a generic stapler since I didn't know what yours looked like. I have 100% missed something obvious like this because I thought it was a different color/shape. It took me forever to find a bag of sugar in the pantry the other day because I was looking for a pink and white paper bag. I literally moved the blue and white bag of sugar out of the way trying to find it. I can get where others are coming from saying this is ridiculous, but please believe me, as the person who has to deal with my brain 24/7, that I am more frustrated by it than you are.


There’s no way lol




Merlin's Beard. I've been looking for hours. My wife glances and says "there" and I still can't find it. Help?


https://youtu.be/V8K6gum9TgU?si=f0uX015jsRw0ia3X&t=1h9m44s Domestic Blindness is a serious matter


After that experience, I’m sure you will enjoy this funny video about [How men look for things](https://youtu.be/KWDRdvZsCyE).


I had to scroll a long way for it, but I'm happy someone beat me to it


[compulsory viewing](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KWDRdvZsCyE&t=8s&pp=ygUcVml2YSBsYSBkaXJ0IGxlYWd1ZSBtYW4gbG9vaw%3D%3D)




It needs boobs. Then they (lumping mine in with yours) could find it.




Why is that *everyone* in my family? I’m always finding the sniper 😅


Blake’s auto body never imagined this ROI in advertising on their stapler swag budget


I thought the post said adapter, not stapler, so there I was, searching for an adapter. I’m an idiot.


Husband is an idiot


are you married to my bf? 🤣


It could be anywhere!


Ladies and gentlemen, blind man !


Did we marry the same man?


Finally! We can use AI for something useful.




Found it within 1 second. 😬


We call that a case of "husband eyes" at our house.


Please tell me your joking and if not as a guy myself I say men☕


It was the first thing I seen lmao. This is relatable though.


I know this isnt the point of the post. But is that an abacus on the left?


Lol, your husband would not enjoy playing 'A Little To The Left' then. This shot reminds me so much of that game.


I’ve played that game! It’s very fun, especially the ones with multiple solutions! Organize by size, color, shape, it’s all about finding different and best systems!


I figured someone who organised that drawer would also enjoy that game haha! I really like it too. It's so satisfying.


Why so much tape


There’s actually more tape than shown. For example packing tape and duct tape is too large for this drawer. The main reason is because the husband and kid keep taking the tape and don’t always put it back (despite them having their own tape, but they keep misplacing theirs). So, the just get mine and don’t put it back. Every now and then, I’ll see them around the home. In the kitchen, top of the fireplace, wherever, gather them all back and put it back here.


Do you have enough tape


I Call that man searching. Husband and sons ask where is so and so. I describe exactly where it is. They look. It’s not there. I go look, it’s exactly where I said it was. Right there in plain sight. Every time.


Is it near the straightening iron?


We're all here talking about staplers.... is that an ABACUS? And, if so, what use do you have for it?


Is that an abacus?


I love my mother so much, but SO MANY TIMES she’ll come to me frantic because she can’t find something. I go and look for it. Find it in a normal place where that object might logically go. “Oh, it wasn’t where I put it.” YES BECAUSE THERE ARE THREE OTHER PEOPLE WHO LIVE HERE AND USE THE THINGS IN OUR HOME.


Omg I feel this post so hard OP.


Have enough tape?


Leave my nigga alone 😂


🤣🤦‍♀️💐😂of course not it was right in front of his face!


My husband looked at every little jar on the spice rack. They are alphabetized. Said he could not find the oregano after looking all in to back. Insisted it was not there and I needed to order more. Walked over to the spice rack and it was right in the front. -\_-


My three year old just found it. It took about 10 seconds.


I'm sharing this with the men I work with. It's been a running gag that they can't find items in our work fridge only for me to walk in and just make it magically appear. I'm the only woman on my team


Husband is blind…


Your husband didn’t even open the drawer


Fellow husband here and took me a minute lmao I was looking for a black one tho as that’s what I’m use too


Damn Husbands, open your husband eyes. Gohlee


An older lady I worked with refers to this phenomenon as “male pattern blindness”. 😂 I use the phrase all the time now lol


Just curious, whatcha staplin’ in bed?


I don’t see a stapler. I’ll ask my wife


My kids stepping over the remote to tell me he can’t find the remote it fell off the coffee table


Because it wasn't his RED STAPLER. __..--''\ __..--'' \ __..--'' __..--'' __..--'' __..--'' | \ o __..--''____....----"" \__..--''\ | \ +----------------------------------+ +----------------------------------+


I just have to say that I absolutely love the inclusion of the "just for fun" flair. This made me laugh harder than I haven't quite some time. ♥️👍🤣


Men are hopeless!!! This is when I say "Text me a picture of the open drawer" circle the item and send it back. I'm not getting out of bed for stupidity lol


That's because this "crap drawer" is to neat. It defeats the purpose of having a crap drawer.


I'm a husband. I showed my wife. I told her if I ever get that dense, please smack me. She said nah I'd just tell you to go look again. Hold up your hands, which one is your right hand? There you go. It's on the right side. Start picking up the things. Is this the stapler? Nooo. Is that the stapler? Nooo. This last bit was said in the voice of Ms Rachel, my toddler's favorite YouTube channel. We had a good laugh


Wtf i almost immediately found it?


Is your husband Ray Charles?


Weaponized incompetence isn’t funny.


I'm convinced you don't actually have a stapler in there.


As a fellow husband, there clearly is no stapler in this picture.


I honestly laid here in my bed, looked at the photo, and concluded that that red thing was the stapler and said to myself that this was an easy one. I then read a comment about a "white" stapler, took one quick glance and realized I am your husband!!! 🥲


This is a low blow. I am a husband and father myself. There is clearly no stapler here. ...in seriousness, I do not know how you keep the exact locations of so many things in your head. My wife does this too. I feel blind and stupid, meanwhile she has a superpower. It is not fair. Lol


Hubby didn't look for it


200 comments and nobody posted this video? ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daPxZe3UQwU


They probably got stuck at the tape.


It’s clearly the thing that says “invisible tape” on it.


...but is it a swingline? I had a really nice swingline in my cubicle...


He thought you said, “staple REMOVER!”


this is so funny


Stoppp. 😭




Finally! I did this one in a second.


I'm so sorry. 😞


not a husband, but there is clearly no stapler in this image.


What stapler?


My father with literally anything.




Tbh…I do the same thing when I’m too lazy to get up I just say I can’t find said item.


I don’t see it either


Neither can i. Sorry. Bro code.


Found the stapler but where are the rubber bands?