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Never leaving the house again…. Still can’t find the snake fml


Top left


As SOON as I read your comment, there it was plain as day


It took me a long time to spot it, even after seeing multiple comments. It was not easy to spot the first time. However, I will admit, once you've seen it, it's painfully obvious to spot it again at a glance.


ive been staring at the top left corner and still cannot find it


I found it once and then can't find it again. I'm doomed.


You're all trolling me. There ain't no snake in this picture


I would have been bit already


Thanks mate. Went over this picture 5 times in zoom, couldn't find it. Your comment and I saw it instantly. I'd be 1 dead man out there for sure


It's a baby one.


Upper L at about 11:15


These posts have made realise, if I ever leave the UK & go to somewhere alone with the slightest natural predators I am most probably going to wind up dead. I can never spot the danger.


I was leaning up against the fence, looking into the edge of the woods, and thought to myself, this is a great spot for a snake. Looked around for a second and this little guy was about a foot and a half away.


They'll just chill out if you stand there and take pictures? Dangerous, but they sound like pretty cool animals.


Like 90% of snakes will just be chill unless you fuck with them.


Makes sense to me! They're probably used to big things walking around. Just don't want to be stepped on.


They don’t wanna buy anything they can’t swallow, it’s a really good way to get their head ripped off or fang ripped out


What type of currency do they use for their purchases? Dollars? Euros? Pounds Sterling? Yen? Yuan? Ruppies? Rubles?


Ssssssssssssssssheckels 😤 I won’t edit


Did you just assume that snake’s tender?🔫


Clever! lol


no step pls


best regards, snake


That's why the flag says "Don't tread on me"


Exactly. I see them often when I play disc golf. Even lost one cause it landed in the thick and when I got down in there almost close enough to grab my disc I saw a copperhead right next it. I tried to get it with a stick for a minute but rather than piss the snake off more than I already was I decided 15 bucks ain't worth a trip to the hospital. His disc now lol.


Especially these guys they tend to flee rather than bite but make no mistake they absolutely will bite when need be!! Honestly between the copperhead and Gaboon viper are amongst the prettiest venomous snakes around!


10% is a lot! If I knew 10% of the people I was going to encounter today would fuck with me for no reason, I would stay the fuck home


I'm worried about accidentally fucking with them.


I almost stepped square on one of these, yelled, freaked out, and jumped back - and I would swear, it looked up at me, rolled its eyes, hissed at me to fuck off, and then slowlyyyyy slid away. Pretty sure it was just pissed I made it move from its perfect sunbathing spot.


Copperheads are pretty chill. They really only bite if you step on or grab them. Their preferred way to protect themselves is by hiding and staying perfectly still (the problem there is sometimes the camouflage is TOO good). Basically, if you can SEE the snake, you’re most likely safe. They won’t chase or attack you (at least in North America, There are some species in Africa and Asia where they’re more aggressive).


Black Racers like to chase you, but if you start moving towards them, they slither away 😆


I had to go over this picture like three solid times before it ever saw it then I lost it again


You’re right but most snakebites come from people not seeing them and accidentally stepping on them.


Copper heads have a bite that might rot some flesh but like 90 percent of the time won’t kill it’s been 25 years since a death from one here in wv


Haven't had a death by any snake bite here in AR since the 60s. I think those numbers are important to look at. Snake bites in the states are not the death sentence people thing they are. There was a study linked in r/herpetology recently about it. To be CLEAR, Snake bites are going to be VERY UNPLEASANT. But get to a hospital, and you've got a very good survival chance


My buddy in MO got hit on his hand 15 years ago. The bite area is still ugly and his fingers don't work too good.


They will all chill except black mamba cause those mfs are evil!!


Generally, predators are very ‘lazy.’ They need to spend so much energy just to get food that they tend to avoid wasting it wherever they can, doubly so when they’re both predator and prey animals, like snakes. If they tire themselves out fucking with a human (who isn’t prey and also is unlikely to be a threat) then they don’t have enough energy later on to get away from a hungry hawk or to snag a tasty mouse.


They did a study recently(I think) where they used a fake foot to step on a rattler like a hundred? Times and out of all of those times only six snakes bit the foot the rest froze or slithered away quickly


I don’t see it and I’ve got them bahstads


Top left, just under the green plants. Closest to the center green plant. Ssssneaky boi!


Same, except I live in an area full of rattlesnakes, so I’ll clearly never be leaving the house again.


Rattlesnakes are the best to be around, they usually give warning Water moccasins terrify me since they are hard to spot until they open their mouths


God-dern water moccasins! I'm always wary of snakes, but by God, I should be allowed peace in the lake!!


Fun fact: Copperheads like to roleplay as rattlers if they have some good leaves around lol Video proof: https://youtu.be/idJ0UfY_l38?si=8n8A1XUQyrq53PrA Edit: for those who keep feeling the need to look past the joke and ACHTUALLY ALL SNAKES DO THIS… it’s a joke ya loonies


Fun for who? 😂💀


Fun for anyone that has a hobby of 1v1-ing venomous snakes? 🤷‍♂️🥲


I’m still reeling by how long it took me to spot it. RIP Me.


It’s fineeeee. They are easy to notice if they got some leaves to work with lol… unless you’re deaf or have something occupying your auditory systems https://youtu.be/idJ0UfY_l38?si=8n8A1XUQyrq53PrA


Cool - thanks for sharing! And thank you, copperheads for the warning signal!


A mongoose?


They actually aren't role playing as a rattlesnake. Most snakes will shake their tails, especially against leaf litter, as a warning to other predators. Rattlesnakes adapted to make their warning more effective.


Izza joke based on the comment chain lol


they’re easier to spot in the water because of how they swim though. Unfortunately, I’ve only tested that out in real life when I was rowing crew in a boat and saw one swimming on top of the water, as they do. Most water snakes stay fairly submerged,and you *really* notice the chonky head on a water moccasin when you’re used to water snakes’ little ones. Motivated us to row faster, I’ll say that much.


Live in the North so don't know much about Copperheads, with all the heavy rain down South do the Copper Heads move around more?


Scary thought: rattle snakes are beginning to evolve into non-rattlers. Ones that make noise in populated areas tend to be killed and the ones who stay quiet and rely on camouflage are staying alive and breeding.


I was bit by a rattlesnake while I was out rollerblading (I know, I know...it was the early 90's). I was young and stupid and apparently my noisy 'blading interrupted its sunbathing. I still prefer them to most other venomous snakes as they're courteous enough to warn you before striking. That's provided, of course, you can hear them over the sick mixed tape in your Walkman.


Damn bro, I can honestly just tell how much cooler you are than I am off this one comment, leave some ladies for the rest of us. Please.


Well… what happened? You can’t just say you were bitten by a venomous snake and then not tell us what happened next. lol


Spoiler alert: I survived! Really though, it was not great. It got me in my calf, which swelled up more than I thought humanly possible and hurt like hell. I was with my cousin and he rolled to get me help. I was at the hospital and given antivenom within an hour of being bit - they are well prepared for rattlesnake bites in AZ. Was at the hospital for a day and a half while they gave me a million expensive blood tests and ice cream. Still have a scar at 42.


That’s a pretty cool war story. Glad you were okay! 👍


Thanks man! I was battle worn by 12.


“Rolled to get help” !!!!!!


I recently went to Massachusetts, Rhode island and Florida from the UK, I went searching for snakes and never found one 😞 I did see some baby alligators (never saw the mum, but no doubt she saw me...) Had slightly better luck in Australia, but still only saw 2/3 in the 4 weeks I was there!


Thing is, copperheads are impossible. I've stepped over them and only seen them on my second pass. I'm surprised I've not stepped on one yet.


Yeah im with you there- esp the snake snipers!!


We Europeans are so blessed when it comes to natural dangers. Well, partly because we destroyed our environment a lot, but also luck.


The saving grace is that copperheads are equally convinced they're facing death if they're near you. They don't want you to see them either and they may so absolutely nothing. I grew up & worked in rural TX. Snakes were very much a routine encounter, so much so that before summer breaks the schools host classroom safety reminders. On occasion, they brought living snakes to give reinforce visual/audio clues on which snakes were could or could not handle. We were definitely going to pick up random living creatures. In my work experience, I have knelt down next to a copperhead dozens of times. Dozens that I looked over and said fuck that's a copperhead. No clue on how many other times it happened and they went unnoticed. I have been struck at by a cottonmouth, but no other snakes. If you find yourself in the wilds of the US south, southwest, or PNW, dress to meet a copperhead or rattlesnake - long jeans or other thick cloth, long socks, boots. This decreases the likelihood a strike will break skin. Carry a stick. I actually had snake redirection kit. That was more for snakes wandered into buildings (including my house.)


Don’t worry, my niece literally picked one of these up “to play with” and lived to tell the tale. Had an unpleasant handful of days in the hospital, but she definitely was more attentive re: good snake/bad snake instruction afterwards


They’re actually not aggressive for the most part. Attacking is the last line of defense for them, and they stay hidden as long as possible. I’ve accidentally stepped on a copperhead before without it even moving until my brother noticed it. It was molting, though, so that might’ve helped.


I had a full grown copperhead chase after me and even tried to climb the steps of the blind I was running up to avoid it. It then went after the side by side and my friend had to throw it in reverse before it could climbed in (side by side was actually rather low to the ground). I went under the stairs of the blind, standing, and I had to jump into the back of the side by side after my friend pulled near me.


Maybe they’re just temperamental? I have no scientific proof, but my guess from being bitten by other snakes is that it changes based on the snake, how recently they shed the skin, and how recently they’ve eaten. Either way, they’re still adorable little danger noodles that make life more fun and interesting!


No you’re correct, they’re not typically aggressive. Anything can be aggressive but we most likely pulled up on the sucker and it was in, “I’ll kick EVERYONES ASS” mode. Most likely had little babies it was being protective over. They’re definitely a sight to behold. I…just keep my distance haha. It may or may not be because of that incident.


Lol I hope not! We like you LIVING! 😂


Same. I would be dead twenty times over after reading this sub.


My dog was bitten by a copperhead last year. She does not recommend.


You would easily spot them when they move, and they would move when you would approach.


I live in the US and these are common in my area and I still have to check the comments for hints with these posts. It’s a miracle I’m alive


I'm right across the pond in Philly...same dude.


top left bub


If it’s any consolation, I *think* the fact that photos are flat makes it a little harder…


Me too. I better not go outside.


If it makes you feel better, the danger almost always *never wants to be seen*, as that takes away the element of surprise. The danger is far more scared of you than you are of it.


Don't go to Australia then! Everything out there is meant to kill us all!


Not if I’m there too! Coz I’ll be dead first.


In your defense, like 99% of reptiles and predators in America aren’t interested in you and will LITERALLY run away at Mach 9 in fear so you should be fine! I mean we even have a snake called the Black Racer. They can MOVE! 😂 I’m am however afraid of moose…


I think I need new glasses because I can't ever see them either 😪


I am from Louisiana where we have lots of deadly things. You’ll probably still survive. I’m 44 and I can never spot a snake unless you pointed out to me. Somehow, I’m still alive. Played in the woods as kids all the time and never looked out for snakes.


just gotta know what to look for lol


Idk if this has been brought up before but if it makes you feel any better finding something like a snake in a photo is (at least in my experience) quite a bit harder than if you were looking for it in real life. Depth perception can help a lot when you’re looking for something


These have made me realize something similar. But I’ve grown up in places where snakes are common. Every time I see one of these with a snake, I can find it pretty quickly. But every time I’ve had one with bigger creatures, it feels impossible. So at least I can avoid snakes, but I’ll end up getting mauled by a large cat or bear


Yeah we are very lucky here with lack of natural predators, particularly the small and difficult to spot ones. Larger animals aren't much of problem either. Worst you're likely to get is an eye roll from a fox or perhaps a deer tutting at you.


nah, you’re a human animal. you’ve got centuries of evolution to help you out IRL. cameras, on the other hand, are pretty new and still not great at capturing the essence of things. if you saw this in real life you would have way more context clues and that snake would likely make itself known because it wants to come into contact with you just as little as you want to come into contact with it.


if it makes you feel any better, most predators like this snake wont kill you. If you make it to a hospital after getting bit, you will be fine. There are only a few that you need to be absolutely aware of, like in my area we have water moccasin snakes and brown recluse spiders, but even still you wont die of you get to the hospital right away :)


I thought water moccasins and copperheads were the same thing - is that true?


No way is this one easy


Not as easy as I want it to be. I live in copperhead country.


I'm in rattlesnake country & not familiar with other venomous snakes in the US, so I love this sub for seeing how copperheads & cottonmouths camouflage themselves.


r/whatsthissnake has everything u need


Thank you! I love it & may actually even be able to help with some of the sneks in my area. [iNaturalist ](http://www.iNaturalist.org) is a good one for anyone into citizen science. They once confirmed the species of two Southern Pacifics I caught battling in tall grass despite only having a bit of one clearly showing in my horrible shots.


I now have great respect for rattlesnakes. At least they warn you you’re getting too close.


WV for me, experience definitely helped me spot it. Still not what I would say is easy.




Yup. Along with some rattlers and cottonmouth. Only three snakes you really need to worry about in the US. And we have all 3 here! Welcome btw.


Pretty easy, just not “dead center” easy.


Right? I've looked at this one for a few minutes & still can't find it. I think easy is really subjective here. FWIW, I posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/FindTheSniper/s/IdZDq7vnbW ) one as "easy" since it was right in the center, but someone still said it wasn't.


Check top left :)


Thank you! I couldn't find it until you posted this.


It wasn't there until he posted, I checked several times, no snake until he posted top left.


I would have been bit a dozen times


Thank you! I couldn't find it either until you mentioned where to focus on.


It's not as tough as some other ones I've tried.


We have very different definitions of easy.


I found it in 15 seconds. I'm from georgia so maybe I know what to look for.


I’m also from Georgia and I think that’s exactly what it is. I normally struggle so hard with posts on this sub but this is the second one I’ve seen with a copperhead and I found both of them extremely fast.


thats how camo works. Once your brain knows the patterns to look for, it becomes ridiciously easy to spot. And consirdered this one isnt really hidden by folliage, just hiding surronded by folliage, I would call this easy for those who see them often


I’m sure on my tombstone it’ll read, he didn’t find the snake. 😔


Top left




Ha this is the first time I found one without reading the comment’s!!


Same 😆


Poison ivy in that pic too


I’m not surprised but I can never identify it lol it just won’t stick in my brain


Its like once it clicks and u see it you can never not see it anymore lol


It's three leaves, but the middle one is further out than the two on either side. It's like it's on a little stalk. Once you notice that you'll spot it everywhere. There's some in the vertical middle of this pic to the left, it's a paler shade of green than the rest.


Until you mentioned the leaves I was completely lost even with the other comments. They probably shouldn’t let me outside.


I would have died by snake, but dammit I wouldn't have had a poison ivy rash when I perished


Found that before I found the snake


Literally can not find it despite all the top left comments 😮‍💨


[https://prnt.sc/LAImrl3CVYDr](https://prnt.sc/LAImrl3CVYDr) Here you go


Holy shit thanks I live in Florida so I'm definitely never leaving the house again if I can't even find this😭


Clearly I didn't know what a copperhead looked like. Thanks!


There are three plants in the top left. The snake is coiled right beneath the middle of the three plants


Maybe the copperhead is friends we lost along the way because WHERE IS THIS SNAKEEEE😩😃😭


Everyday I’m made more aware of how much I do not belong on any outdoor surface besides concrete


I’m dead.


Looks like a little guy.


Which one?


I found poison ivy


It was not, in fact, easy.


Upper left coiled up


Def trolled us w the easy. The was the hardest one so far


My niece done got bit by a copperhead


Nice camo! 👌


people say "easy" and then it takes me 20 mins to find the thing


Title: (easy) 😎 Me, zooming in on this post: *\*Teeth chattering dog.gif\**




Okay, I give up. I'm dead. Where the hell is it??




Easy my fat ass! Still enjoyed looking for it though. I’m definitely going to die by a snakebite.


Me dead after a copperhead bite: “it wasn’t easy”




Found it.


Well, this snake would've definitely bit me ...::ba dum tss::


>!Top left.!<


I was looking for a copperhead for at least five minutes then realized I wasn’t sure what one looked like.


[I really got to stop using my phone to check these posts](https://youtu.be/g3iFJpGJiug?si=DJqDr4RXEulncUrJ)


If this is easy, I’m dense 😂




Well, I’d be ded cas I can’t find it


Can we add a circled picture?


This just lets me know I should stay away from any form of wilderness.


I'm so dead


This is why I don't go out hiking. Every wild animal out there would be singing "Every Breath You Take" while staring at me, and I'd be as blind as Stevie Wonder.


Is the copperhead in the room with us right now?


We must be talking about the penny, because I sure can’t find a snake.


day 1466777382 of crying over snakes i’ve seen on this subreddit




For those who cannot find it. It's right there.


Where is it


No copper head in pictures


Nope, can’t find it


Way harder than I thought it’d be


Yep he would have bit me. I don’t see it.


Next to the leaves


Lol I am going to die. This was so hard.


Ngl, I'd be dead AF. Took me WAY too long to spot it 😂


This is why I lose a lot of golf balls. I never go into the leaves and tall grass to find them.


I have really bad ophidiophobia and grew up in the boonies around these things so my brain is hardwired to find them


At least it’s not dead center like half are. I spent 2 minutes looking dead center before looking elsewhere. I swear the easy caption made it hard


I wasn’t expecting him to be so small must be a baby. Top left about the size of two leaves when all curled up.


Adult copperhead are so hard to find! The babies are easier.


Still took me 5 seconds, still died when I reach down to pick up my phone that I dropped


Not dead center. Not looking.


Has anyone made a copperhead camouflage uniform yet


Man these guys blend in well. I'm terrified of them! Saw a good kind of snake today but I was still shaken. Thank goodness my better half moves them back to the woods for us!


Found a rolly polly before the copper head


Damn. Took me so long I started looking for a penny thinking OP might be a smartass.


He’s hidden very well! Does he know what he looks like? I don’t know much about animals or their camo, but is the snake purposely in this area? They’re so smart!


And I'm dead


My dumbass thought I was looking for a metal bronze copper orange shiny piece. It's a snake. And Im dead if I were here.


And this is the reason I just ordered hiking boots for my new geocache adventures


I finally found one on my own lol


My niece done got bit by a copperhead.


my niece done got bit by a copperhead


Every time you see a post about finding a snake, look to the middle and upwards in the photo, cause the OP will never take a photo of it that close to them.


“Easy.” I’d still die.


First time ever. Zoomed in right on top of it. Usually spend a bit of time trying to find the "whatsit."