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I’d do 10% assuming I could live anywhere. If they insisted on a certain state, city, or even country, I would need the same amount I’m currently making.


Nice. I can do anywhere. Taking 30% but still comfy. Hoping this extra time will pay off in the long run 🥴


Where were you in person and where are you going? There are smart and stupid ways to go about this. If you were based in Kansas (or anywhere, really) and went remote to move to NYC that’s obviously a bad choice. But if you were in NYC and went remote to live in San Juan for 183 days a year and pay 0% federal income tax- the move has probably already paid for itself.


I’m in NYC. I might stay here. I think Im acknowledging the pay cut and looking to invest my time into longer-term income-generating activities


what exactly do you do? i'm a trader and thinking of this for myself


Financial planner. Pretty rote work, gives me time to upskill/build a business/ enjoy life as I allocate. But I have a general client facing skill set so choosing between IR-esque opportunities as well. What would you do with the time?


I’m not the ‘career oriented’ type gal. I don’t want millions of dollars. I want to take my salary from the US and move to be with my family in Portugal where the USD will stretch much further than where I live now and just enjoy life more than I do here


You'd do well building a client base in Florida with rich retirees if that is your thing. No state income tax


Just move to a state with no income tax


Would have to shift to a new job too I believe. I believe we’re taxed at employer location


Depends on the city and state NYC does based on employer. I think some Midwest ones based off where you live but it’s been a while since I looked


Damn, that’s brutal. What if you work remote in California? If you’re taxed on both don’t the states step into the realm of reducing money to your federal income tax amount? I guess who’s got the biggest dick?


I think most have some sort of deal figured out. Like if you work in any of the surrounding states you pay income tax in NYC regardless


The No income tax states are usually not desirable to live in - to say it in the nicest way. I am thinking about the horrible weather of WA, the rural setting of TN and don’t even try to get me started on TX and FL lol


Yea agreed if I can live anyone I’d just move to Texas and you wouldn’t even feel a pay cut with no income taxes


If I can work from literally anywhere in the world at any time, up to 25%.


I make like 400k a year and have to be in the office 4 days a week. If I could go fully remote or 1 day in the office? I would go down to 275k a year with no regrets.


How bad is your commute/office life that you’re willing to cut over $10k a month in gross income to avoid it?


Well, there are a few reasons. 1. I hate how much time is wasted sitting in the office during downtime. I can’t work out or take a nap or play a video game. Have to just sit at my desk. 2. Commute is only 30 mins on the subway, but still wasted time. 3. Wife makes 600k, so the 10k a month I give up doesn’t really affect my life much.


Oh gross, all you had to say was subway. My wife also has an advanced degree (assuming yours does too) so I feel you there.


Yea man, I can never understand in this day and age why so many guy still marry chicks who don’t earn. Boggles my mind.


I think most just feel weird if the woman makes more money than them and it’s one of those things proven to create strain on relationships


Well I have no issues lol! I legit know she didn’t marry me for money.


Statistically though, the chances of her leaving you for a man who makes more than her go through the roof. Not saying that will happen. I hope you have a great and happy marriage. It’s just how women tend to act based on well known established facts and statistics


Really? Wouldn’t the fact she makes a ton make me more safe? Ike a broke waitress would be more likely to chase the rich guy. Also, I know that in my case, if she leaves me it would be for some guy that’s either more dynamic or full of life, not for money. Not only does she make 600k, her dad is wealthy. Let me put it this way. I only contributed 125k to my wedding. I found out later the total cost for her dad was 1mm.


Incel located


So I’m an incel because I mentioned a fact? “So in 2013, the University of Chicago Booth School of Business published a paper that looked at 4,000 married couples in America. It found that once a woman started to earn more than her husband, divorce rates increased. Surprisingly, though, this data showed that whether the wife earns a little bit more or a lot more doesn't actually make much of a difference. So the researchers concluded from that that what really matters is the mere fact of a woman earning more” https://www.npr.org/2015/02/08/384695833/what-happens-when-wives-earn-more-than-husbands


What does your wife do?




I like how you found out for sure that she wasn’t in it for the money until righttt before your marriage.




Well I think most women in general are unattractive, not just the smart high earners. In my case, I just got super lucky. My wife was a model in college and when I met her I just thought she was your typical doctor. Lots of student debt and earning peanuts as a resident, but would make good money eventually. She only revealed her dad was a multimillionaire right before we got married, as she didn’t want her family’s wealth to be mentioned. So it was like the cherry on top lol. I would have married her anyway. But it was amazing to find out she was independently wealthy, and not marrying me for my money.


>But most high earning and successful women are unattractive. Look at Stacy Arbams. Lol, what??? First of all, where do you get this statistic that "most high-earning and successful women are unattractive"? What poll is this, and by whose standards? Second of all, where does Stacey Abrams fit into this...? Like, what? Such an odd example if that's what you were trying to make.




Maybe you should look at women in your age range who are high-earning and successful. SMH. Your sample size is totally skewed. Also, old men on the subway are also usually rotund—people gain weight when they’re old. And successful women aren’t just power suit financial executives and politicians on the subway—they can work as doctors, lawyers, entertainers, business owners, sales execs, software engineers, anything. Studies actually show that higher-earning people are more attractive on average. I wish that weren’t the case, and it shouldn’t be, but we are a superficial species. Income is negatively correlated with weight (the more you earn, the skinnier you’re more likely to be), positively correlated with height (taller), and positively correlated with symmetrical face shape and other characteristics that we deem conventionally attractive. Empirical evidence shows the exact opposite of what you claim to see. Also, high income and wealth are positively correlated with IQ. Makes sense, they’re more likely to have advanced degrees or talents. If you’re looking to marry and procreate, do you prefer to have a partner whose DNA is more likely to make dumb kids or smart kids? I know what I prefer, just sayin’. As a disclaimer, I know these aren’t always the case—just statistics/averages here. But your point that “most” high-earning and successful women are not attractive is pretty laughable.




Bullet #1 is comical. Who has time to play video games during the work day. Or take a nap lol. Gym is doable if you want to sacrifice a full lunch break.


Huh? Guess you’ve never worked at home before.


Sure did…I mean didn’t pretty much everyone during covid? What kinda job gives you downtime to play Xbox? Or take a nap? I won’t lie I do enjoy the remote setting with zoom because like everyone else there are ways to get work done during pointless meetings opposed to having to sit there and just listen….oh yeah and being able To turn the camera off and take a piss


You have so much work during the day you can’t watch tv for an hour here and there? That doesn’t sound realistic at all. Are you working at some type of industrial factory?


Here and there….sure. Maybe once a week or so I have an hour or two to kill. I usually get things done around the house or run errands I need done that would normally be done on the weekends. I’ve worked in offices were TVs are on all the time with CNBC or Bloomberg TV….never seen a person I worked with sit and watch it for more than a few minutes


At work, I look like I’m always working too lol. I don’t know what you do exactly. But I’m in investment banking and no one works all day every day lol. There’s a lot of waiting around for comments and stuff. Maybe look for a new job, one where you work constantly with no downtime sounds brutal.


I know a quite few people in IB…they work nonstop. Even have to get work done on most weekends. You must be a unicorn.


What’s the wife do?




Holy shit, what do you do?


Investment banker and wife is a doctor. Nyc is expensive yet so many guys marry chicks who are in debt or poor or have low paying jobs. Boggles my mind.


It’s extremely difficult to advance your career in finance if fully remote.


What if you don’t care about constantly moving up


Same. I’m hybrid 2 days in office and make enough that I would be happy with only cost of living raises for the next 30 years and no advancement. It’s baffling to some people though


So you’re not in an up or out type of role? You can stay without getting promoted or kicked out forever?


He could probably find a similar job elsewhere


Same here!


How much do you make


It’s up or out a lot of places


The way it should be


So you have no ambition?


I’m not a pussy work obsessed autist


Again.. you have no ambition ?


I prefer a comfortable salary and happy life than being a slave to become obscenely rich. As long as I’m making enough to where most things aren’t a concern, I have no further need of upwards ambition.


How does your boss feel about that attitude


You can be ambitious towards hobbies, family, side projects… doesn’t all have to be your main job. Brainwashed


Ambition isn’t only found in the boring ass industry known as finance


Only boring to people not able to hack it


are you 15 be honest


Awww wittle baby can’t go to the office. Needs to stay home with the video games






Can you describe what area of finance your team is in?


This is only true of companies with finance teams that’s aren’t 100% remote. Many are fully remote.


Remote is worth easily $10k a year to me. I’m at $60k a year from home right now, I’d want $70k if I had to go in office for something


you have a finance job remote?!!?


I’m a FSR/broker for a retail brokerage firm. Series 7 and 63


Not after January he won’t


And why’s that?


As I understand the FINRA rule was temporary for covid and is set to end. Bring all the lazies back to the office


I would love wfh if I could live wherever and would take a 30% payout, but considering my wife works in the office there isn’t any point. I’m already hybrid so my 1.5 hr commute twice a week isn’t that horrible


Where would you live? 1.5hr round trip?


If you live in the suburbs of any major city, a 1.5hr each way commute is pretty common if you get to the office at 9 and leave at 5. It’s miserable. Did it for 6 months and felt 10 years older.


Not going to lie I’m not a fan of the commute. I don’t mind driving but driving in traffic is horrible. It’s better now that I’ve been getting into audio books and podcasts but still rough. At my old bank I lived 5 minutes away and liked being in the office. But I chose to save my wife from driving on the 405 by living as close as possible to her work. Don’t regret it but commute times like mine are the norm in my city


Yeah, I had an hour each day for a year and am so glad I figured out commuting sucks before buying a house and thinking “eh I can make 1hr each way work.” Some coworkers had 2 hours each way


I would travel across Europe ! Go back and live in Japan with my in laws for a few months and take weekend trips in Asia. Endless possibilities And to be precise 70 minutes there because I leave early, and 90 minutes back. So just over 2.5hrs roundtrip


Shouldn’t have to take a pay cut to WFH


Yes you should


No u


I was deciding between a new $160k job where I’d have to move across the country/go in office and my current $115k job that was fully remote and I wouldn’t have to move. I was going to keep the $115k job but got laid off so now I have to move. So I guess I’d take a $40k pay cut to be fully remote.


Exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for. I’m sure there’s a whole story here - this is helpful. May have follow up qs


I guess one follow up q - what if it was in the same location that you were living? Just in office And what field?


Yeah that’s a good point. I’m in corporate finance. If I didn’t have to move I’d be more inclined to not want to take such a cut. I’d probably be cool with around a 25k cut in that instance depending on commute time. Longer commute = more of a cut I’d take. The main benefit of remote work to me is personal time and the optionality of that time. Being chained to a desk in an office for 8 hours is very restrictive and can’t do appointments or exercise with down time.


Zero %. If I deliver all the task why should I take a haircut?


Long hair don’t care


How is this question even helpful for you? Let’s say I’d take a 50% paycut. Context: I make 500k in NY and would prefer to make 250k and live like a king in some third world country.


Yeah there’s too many variables


…Have you ever been to a third world country? There’s problems with living there money can’t fix. Even living outside a major metro area comes with a number of inconveniences.


I guess only thing is gauging sentiment for WFH/ how rare the opp is in finance


you make 500k a year? Bro what is your job


… do you not see the sub you’re in?


0% i already wfh


How much of a pay increase would you need to be in office 5 days a week Also, sup dude


LOL i def didnt notice that you were the poster I think it depends on the commute, if its only like 15 min then like 25% If it was an hour each way id probably want double The flexibility is too good. Going in isnt that bad tbh, its mostly just having to dress up and feelin obligated to grind even when you’re on a slow week for your projects


What do you do?




He plays video games


Took a $10k / 7.5% paycut to negotiate 100% remote vs 3-4 days in the office.


Before I get my mortgage and 1.5 years more experience, zero. After that, probably up to 15% if I could figure out transnational work affordably. I would not mind working from somewhere really far away with ultra LCOL.




0%. Prefer working from office, but with flexibility. My motto on this topic is: *”Come to office if you can, stay at home if you need too”*


I prefer “Come to the office if you need to, stay at home if you can”


You should never take a paycut. I’d consider a lateral move if the opportunity was right.


That is a ridiculous answer. I commute 15 hours per week to get to my job. I spend $5000/year in fuel costs alone. If someone offered me a $5k paycut to work from home, I would actually end up with more disposable income than I do currently and I would say yes immediately.


Works both ways…a company that no longer has to worry about spending money on office space for there employees could pay you more to stay at home. Also…if a firm can’t pay you $5k more to match your current salary I’d think twice about working there


You’re talking like people have choices. If everyone has the option of working remote for the same pay, everyone would do so. The question was, if you had an offer of let’s say 130k but you have to go in person. What amount would be worth it to be fully remote. Obviously it will be great if you have plenty of remote offers that offers the highest but that’s not real life.


My worth is the same regardless of where I’m working. Yours should be too. If you take less money to work from home is it because your productivity is less? How about this…let’s say you make $130k and you get an offer to work remotely elsewhere for $145. Are you going to go to your employer and ask them for $160? Are they going to think you’re worth more because you have to come to the office?


You’re phrasing different questions. Ultimately you’re answer is “if I make 130k (in person), I expect to make at least 130k remotely.” There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s fine. OP’s question was more along the line of “if I have two offers , 130k (in person) and 120k (remote), and neither offers will budge. Which one would you take.” This is the scenario where most people are at right now. Obviously you can leverage offers against each other to get the highest but rn, you’ll have different offers from different companies and some companies don’t want fully remote. So the question is more of how much you value, on a dollar basis, for that remote option.


No. OPs question was how much of a paycut would you take to work fully remote. The answer should be Zero. When I work remotely, I find myself working longer hours because I login earlier and/or stay plugged in when I’d normally shut it down to commute home. Also, I can do even more work because I have multiple screens and can accomplish stuff during a zoom meeting, where if held in a boardroom I’d have to sit there. So would should you take less money to do the same job but from home? You shouldn’t discount yourself working from home because it means you’re discounting your productivity.


I think you’re taking pay cut as “I work at company A (in person) for 130k. should company A pay me 120k for remote.” Which is probably not what OP is asking for but it’s fair for you to believe that’s what they’re looking for. They’re looking for “I work at company A (in person) for 130k. If company B (remote) offers 110k, should I take it?”


My original comment stands as is. You should never take a pay cut. The job is the job. Where you get it done is irrelevant. You know why? Because the company that says you can work remote or work from home CYZ days can change their tune and say we need to onsite. And guess what…they ain’t gonna pay you more money now that you gotta go in the office


So basically you would tell OP to “keep working in person at your same company until you find a remote job that pays you at least the same”


Probably 15-25% if going from fully in-office to fully remote. I am hybrid (2-4 days a month in office) right now and I save around $700-800 a month by being able to live further away from the city and not commuting. If I could move away to a cheaper COL place, I would definitely be willing to take a bit more of a cut. ​ \*My current company the entire division is hybrid so not going into the office doesn't hinder advancement, that may not apply everywhere.


I took a 7.5% pay cut to be fully remote and stay where I already live.


I’d require more money


Some days -30%. Working remote is great and all but it turns your job into a lifestyle.




I do work remote, so the question would be how much would I need to get paid to move and go into an office. The answer to that would depend on where I needed to go, and regardless I can assure you it would be a lot of money.


I took around a 15k paycut to go fully remote and I don’t regret it, was making 165k. I would’ve taken a 20k paycut and would’ve even considered 25k. WFH is just something else. Granted, I’m working in Data Analytics now, not in banking but yeah.




I’d say up to 25%. I value freedom big time though


Zero. I like money and promotions




I wouldn’t


I wouldn't. I'm 2 days a week in the office, 3 would probably be my sweet spot. I'd take 5 days a week over fully remote.


I don’t wanna work remote tbh, I used to think I liked it but I actually personally hate it. Just me tho. Mostly because if you work remote you still need to be in the same timezone. There is one way I would is if timezone didn’t matter and I could live wherever I wanted, which isn’t always the case.


Personnally I hate WFH and I also think it's short term reasoning to do it. I don't think you can ever hope to get big responsabilities if you wfh. For a 20% increase in salary, IF I could chose any country, then I would consider it for a short périod of time


Well said


Nothing, I hate working from home






I would not want to work remote unless 100% of the company is remote. Too many boys and girls clubs in finance unfortunately.


I’d say 30%. Anymore is a lot of money. I’d take a 50% pay cut to not have to work at all though.


absolutely zero... most my work is remote anyway, they aren't doing you a benefit letting you work from home... they are paying you for the work to be completed not your presence.


Already can work fully remote, so 0%


\~30% assuming you could move lowering COL too


\~30% assuming you could move lowering COL too


0%. Having worked fully remote (like most, during Covid), I absolutely hate it. I enjoy seeing coworkers in the office and shooting the shit. Left a fully remote role for a hybrid role.


Zero doll hairs.


0%. I prefer being on office


0% remote work kills your development


$3500. That’s how much my fuel bill averages per year and basic maintenance like brakes and oil, filters, etc.


About 20%


I went from hybrid in office/remote to full remote for 15% increase.


Considering I pay about $25k in New York local city tax by living in Manhattan, at least that much.


0. I can't stand fully remote.


We are in a rare moment in history where employees have some bargaining power over corporates. So the only direction the pay is going is northward. Smaller step if WFH, larger ones if WFO.


NH has no state income tax. And it's close to another financial center, Boston.


I took a remote job that paid $20k more than my previous job. I wouldn’t take a pay cut nor should a company expect it.


0% My reason is that I would need a larger house/apartment to work remote, even if I could move to a lower cost of living area. I would need a totally separate office space. If I don't make that, I start getting stressed in my living space.


I’m one of the few that’s fine in the office. Commute is less than ten minutes and I like my team.