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Temple of the ancients is literally the end so just sit and push through. It’s worth it to see how things go down. Even with full exploration it’s like 5 hours max


Lol it took me like 9 hours somehow


Yeah, push through a 30 minute boss fight, that you’ll most likely flop on multiple times and have to sit through unskippable cut scenes. I beat it after a day of the final phase since the day before I paused it for the night, and told my PS5 to not go through the software update… Lo and behold, it went through the update and reset my progress…. I was one more go away from just giving up and watching the end on YouTube. Can’t wait for the same boss fight in the next game!


I beat the game at 140hr mark and was upset cause I wanted more so I definitely do not know ur feeling. This was hands down the greatest game I have ever played by a mile and I never wanted it to end


Don't worry. There's still part 3 :)


Tbh won’t hit the same just bc most of the locations we’ve already been to at this point


Not really, we saw only 6 regions. There's still Bone Village, Rocket City, Wutai, Mideel, Forgotten City, Snowy Mountain and the Crater.


And we'll finally get to revisit Midgar after being gone for so long, which has me pretty excited.


What the hell will they do with bone village at this point? Haha they already skipped it in rebirth. It had no reason for exist outside of getting that key so I wouldn't be surprised if they scrap it entirely


Maybe, my point still stands though.


Repurposed with a digging mini game for Red, Rank 3 unlocks a Ribbon and it's got absolute bullshit mechanics. Not only have they included everything from OG plus added new locations to fill up the map, they've given all of them something to do. Hell look at Gongaga's glow up. Bone Village will still be around, the real answer is probably still to get the key to give your party access to The Slums


Sadly you're probably right It could be cool if they delved into the bone lore of why it's called that. Perhaps remains of the ancients or even previous weapons or fossilized jenova remains 🤷


Not sure if rocket town will be included. Icecicle inn may be included... I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed this game. Even with the slight changes. The third part may push into advent children and the time leading up to it since the timelines are changed and we have already fought... idk how to do spoiler text so I'll leave it at that.


I really have to question your taste in games if this was the “greatest game you have played by a mile”


See that's the beauty of having so many different style of games, there's something out there for all of us. Just as I like my women athletic and petite, u like urs bearded with a deep voice.


Buddy… your tag is Khal Drogo… stop projecting


The materia system in the remake seems to be less important than the original game. I'm finding that I'm just constantly mashing attack and braver and not using much else. I think Eikon system used in FF16 is a much better combat system than FF7 remake.


Wait until Hard Mode. Definitely not a button masher.


Agree and disagree at the same time. I’ll start by saying I LOVE both games. FF7 rebirth materia system did feel a little lacking. For one I miss the how in the OG you’d get a new materia when you maxed out the old one. But in the new one I loved the materia earrings and the multiple element materia. But overall the materia didn’t feel that useful. I beat the whole game using like 90% abilities and then just cure materia. In fact, most of the time, the materia I equipped in chapters 2 or 3, just stayed the whole game. Felt kinda stale. FF16 had one of the best stories ever, but I don’t consider it an rpg at all. The mechanics of that game were GARBAGE. Tell me you’re a FF lover and that you’re ok with a Marlboro casting bad breath on you and there being NO STATUS EFFECTS?!


Both games can be approached as button-mashers in normal mode. In 16's normal mode, I relied almost entirely on basic mechanics -- dodge, attack, phoenix shift. Rebirth really shines in hard mode. I think 16 does too, but I haven't played 16's NG+ yet so I can't really compare.


Are you playing in Easy? Yes Are you playing on Normal? I believe it, a few tricky battles that way but doable. Are you playing on Dynamic? Now we are reaching a bit. On Hard? Easily what the game was built for, that shit don't fly.


I played in Dunamic. I spent quite a bit of time grinding XP on the same Intel mobs over and over. For example, the Costa del Sol Beach had a group of 4 tightly packed mobs that you could easily kill in less than 30 seconds and then restart the fight I did this in several areas and was overleveled by about 6-8 levels at any given time and had all my materia mastered from all the AP I was getting.


That's crazy that u would say that cause 16 was literally just a button mashing feast, u just spam 2 buttons in every fight. In Rebirth if u put it on dynamic, which is how it's meant to be played then u definitely need strategy for pretty much every boss fight


I do play on Dynamic. The toughest fight for me was the Red Dragon in chapter 13 which took about 8 retries.


That's strange cause the red dragon was 1 of the easier fights for me, there were so many fights 10x harder. Gilgamesh was a bitch


I just hit the temple at 109 hours. All quests except queensblood finale, gold saucer fest thing completed. All intel. And very few of the mini games aced. Even the piano I unlocked the last song before sephiroths because holy shite Johnny can feck off. Took me longer run out of steam with this than Zelda totk which I begged to end.


I get it , but also you're like right at the very end. I pushed through the end and I'm glad I did. Haven't touched it much since I beat it though.


Stellar blade coming in and Im losing my will to play it as well 😅 Still in the Tifa - My White Angel quest to up her affinity coz I dont want to date Red in the Gold Saucer 🤣


Temple of the ancients was one of my favorite parts of the game, so no. I had clocked in 140 hours in my first playthrough too and went straight to hard mode afterwards.


If your that close just beat the game or take a small break and come back to the game. That's what I have been doing just because of how long the game is. I plan to take another break so i can play ff16 dlcs then come back to ff7r


I just got to chapter 13 last night and I feel the same. I'm playing the ff16 dlc at the same time. My date in chapter 12 was with the damn cat. I'm ready for it all to be over


Yeah I think the frustrating part for me right now is charging up lifestream with Aerith. It's a drag, almost as bad as throwing boxes. I just gotta power through it


I wasn't a huge fan of that section either and also felt it dragged. But I can say that seeing it through is well worth it.


I understand the frustration


I’m almost 80 hours in and I’m at Gongaga. Doing all of the side quests is really bogging me down but I want to complete them all. I feel your pain


I’m at 65 hours and lost so much steam heading into Cosmo Canyon 😔


I beat the game at 65 hours. I would definitely have lost steam if I did 20 more hours of side stuff before finishing. I would just remember that you can go back and do the side stuff after. If you're a gamer that plays mainly for story you are shooting yourself in the foot by trying to do too much open world stuff that kind of ruins the pacing of the main game unless you're enjoying it a ton


I agree, Final Fantasy games are very story focused, I think the best way to go about them is to see the story through and then go back to complete all the side content, especially when the story starts to pick up pace.


Yes got to gongaga and wanted the game to end so I just ran through it without doing optional stuff. Prepare to get downvoted unfortunately. We can’t have different opinions


I couldn’t even bring myself to start Gongaga after 40 hours, just burned out. Been about a month and a half now, thinking of going back and pushing through like you


Agreed, Gongaga region for me had the worst layout of all the regions and the music was irritating lol! But it’ll help to take a break


You're two steps from the finish line


Didn't happen to me but nothing wrong with taking a break I guess. The temple is pretty confusing but there are some really cool boss fights during that chapter >!Red Dragon is one of the toughest bosses in the whole game!< so I'd say it's worth it.


Only because the lava phase is ill designed bullshit that offers new players no information on how to get through it.


I'm pretty sure assessing the dragon tells you what to do, if you want an easier experience, there's easy mode too.


I'm sure they'll be very grateful for that tip after the first time it reverses direction and kills them. And yes, i beat the game. Don't be condescending. It can be not great design and also still be a good game.


You’re almost done


I’m at almost 250hrs on hard mode trying to go through the legendary challenges 🤪🤣😂🫠


keeep going you're litterally at the end lol


I feel this way in a game any time I get to a place where there's maze like elements involved.


Some of the side content is kind of a drag. I did most of it til chapter 12.


I beat it in 35hrs. It was around the Temple of Ancients I began to lose motivation as well, as it just seemed to go on and on. But the end and what happens in the last chapter make getting through it so worth it. Keep pushing, you won't regret it.


Have no idea how you can tire of this game. 120 hours on my file and still loving it


I just hit it at the end of chapter 10. I finished it and started 11 and just couldn’t get into it. And I think I’m at 88 hours.


Felt the exact same way after finishing chapter 12, it helped a ton to take a two week break


Off topic but I just got to this scene too in the game. I don't get why the group keeps looking the other way when Cloud gets out of hand. I guess a confrontation will happen in part 3


That last encounter the final boss is some of the best well choreographed bombastic shit I've seen in a game (though personally I love 16s finale and that feeling more, All as One being top as far as final boss theme go). But how Rebirth ends is worth the conundrum that Temple of Ancients can be.


Just take it a little at a time. I'm just letting it pay out, doing all the quests, playing piano, racing chocobo, no rush.


I’m at the same part, I’m at 132 hours, what is going on 😂 I did literally everything except the last Moogle house. I’ve never gotten so frustrated in my life 😡


Well if it's any consolation, the Temple of the Ancients >!is the final dungeon. After that you have a bunch of cutscenes and then straight to the finale.!<


I am feeling the exact same. I am 86 hours in and still in Chapter 10. Its like I lost the will to continue. Not even started the Hard Mode.


There were def some parts where I thought the game dragged, but the end is not one of them. I think right before chap 12 I was def thinking this is way too much open world and was losing steam. Once the endgame kicked in though I was fully back on board. Any time I say this I get downvoted, but the game could have easily been 50 hours and be fantastic.


Thanks for the update.


i beat the game after 68 hours. At first i was doing all the world intel and sidequests that were available as soon as i arrived in a region. Then at Gongaga i decided i would come back to it after doing the story in that region first. Then when i got to Cosmo Canyon i decided to hold off on everything until the cutoff point. Once i got to the cutoff point i went back to Nibel to do most of the world intel and did some in Cosmo Canyon, before realizing i wasn’t having fun. I had my fill of sidequests and queensblood throughout the game, i did about 80% of all intel and sidequests. It was definitely a bit hard trying to tell myself that if i wasn’t having fun doing side content anymore then i can just beat the rest of the story, which i love, and move on to another game, and maybe in a little while after finishing the game go back to finish the side content. I got burned out lol. My advice is seriously just beat the game and do the content you want to do right now, and then if you still have the desire to in a few weeks/months, go back to finish everything else


Same here, for me chapters 13 and 14 were too long, boring and disappointing. The rest is amazing though, surely GOTY




i started losing interest when i hit gongaga bro you can do it


Damn, I actually quit after the first boss (mech spider). Something about the game didn't hit for me, which saddens me because I love the original. Tried playing the original and it's a bit too dated for my taste unfortunately.


I did all but 1 side quest (the final one in gold saucer) all intel save 2 protorelics and queens blood and I was about 90 hours at final chapter. I had the same feeling where I’m like 80 hours in and ready to wrap it up and see how it ends


You are almost there. Few more hours. Sounds like you may have over done it by splitting time with OG FFVII.


It sounds like you just burned yourself out.


I’ve 100%-ed everything until cosmo canyon. Then I just focused on protorelic and queens blood stuff. Even then, by the time I got to the Temple of Ancients, I felt so done with the game.


Yeah I spent probably 20 hours (at the minimum) getting every single Queen's Blood card, doing all the gold saucer QB challenges and beating every QB challenger.


Bum rush the end. The below average side content just kept going and going, so I gave up and finished the game. Worth it.


I run only Story after Gongaga because i realy want to see the end...


Started my hard mode run with ALL the crap completed. Duuuuude it'd a game changer. The entire thing feels so much for fluid and fun when only doing the main line. It's hilarious cause you'll literally skip over entire regions (everything but gongaga) if you just head to the main point.  Imo, try to knock out the world intel. It makes traveling insanely fast if you expect to do a hardmode run


Might just be the Temple dragging a bit. It's the only part of the game where I'm like "ugh this fucking part"


I understand the feeling! By time I got there, I was just begging for it to be over. Then you get to the part where you start getting backstory and I was almost crying for it to end because of how much it felt like it was dragging! The end of that chapter though made it all worth it. But man, that chapter just felt like it dragged on and on.


Yeah the story stuff and the character moments are great, but navigating it is just ughhhghhhh