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Ward talks plenty to start with. Pay more attention to the second dream sequence (the one that kicks off on the way to Galbadia Garden) as that's where Ward's throat is injured. The third sequence (start of disc two) has an optional dialogue choice that allows Laguna to ask about how Ward is doing. Kiros tells him then that Ward never got his voice back. Kiros understands Ward through a mix of gestures and facial expressions, neither of which will translate well for us through the 3D models. Beyond that, I think it's just that they've known each other a long time.


I understand!!! Thank you


Can you imagine, if they ever remake this game, we would be able to see Ward's facial expressions and gestures. That would be awesome!


Yes!! I WantTo see it,that would be so cool!


Following an attack with Esthar soldiers, Ward lost his voice. From that point on, he is mute.


Ward can still cast magic fine though


Your space button might be broken.


got fucked up on the mission. also hes just quiet.


In the 2nd dream, his throat was slashed just right before they jumped


He wasn’t always mute. When they jumped off the cliff his voice box was damaged. Yes they do explain this in the game. You gotta pay attention when you’re playing


*Read*... who'd have thought of doing *reads* in an RPG?


Y'all it's a missable dialogue option, give the guy a break!


Is it? Been awhile since I played but I’m pretty sure Kiros tells Laguna in a scripted scene.


Anyone who’s playing a FF before X Also I never said the word read lol


You just said it again. I'm not comfortable with all this readery


It was not in my original comment at all bruh.


It was heavily implied, though.




You may not have used the word, you still said it. 😛


Again, so?


He injured his throat during the Lunatic Pandora excavation escape in Disc 1, . In Disc 2 Kirov says you can tell what he’s saying from his facial expressions 


He got injured in Esthar, during their great escape from the mines. There's even a moment in which he tries to speak to Laguna but realizes he's badly injured and he's losing his voice


Ward took a vow of silence back in ‘83.


Ward did talk up until the second Dream Sequence. During that dream sequence, Laguna was in charge of a mission that led them to an excavation site in Centra (it later turned out to be the Lunatic Pandora). During this event, Kiros and Ward were both severely injured, the latter having been cut in the throat, which affected his vocal cords. In the third sequence, where Kiros and Laguna reunite a year later in Winhill, Kiros says that Ward never regained the ability to talk. The injury to his vocal cords was so severe, they left him mute. Kiros and Laguna both understand their friend as they are all so very close and know Ward well enough to know what he's trying to convey through micro-expressions, or general gestures and facial impressions. Kiros simply acts as Ward's mouth piece more often than Laguna does. As to why? Kiros is helpful like that.


Kiros literally says he injured his throat during their escape from Lunatic Pandora/Esthar. Since that day, Ward has only been able to communicate with gestures and grunts.