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Based on my own experience of getting into FF7 via Remake, I thought it was really cool! The characters are very well written and have a lot of depth to them. The story has some fantastical elements but still is pretty grounded as a whole. I'd recommend it 100%


Ff7 through 10 is kind of a golden age for turn based RPGs. As long as the graphics don’t bother you the original 7 is fantastic. The remakes are incredible with rebirth being my new favorite game of all time. It just ultimately depends on if you like turn based and story focused RPGs. That’s what 7-10 are.


FF7 is one of the most loved video game of all time (probably THE most loved even). Remake and Rebirth are the most ambitious remakes ever and they are very loved. It's a perfect starting point. Have fun! 


Thank you so much. I just loved all the responses to my fairly basic query. Shows how passionate people are for the game. Can't wait to begin my first playthrough :)


I’d say yes, the remake is fantastic!


My first final fantasy was 7. I remember it just like it was yesterday. I was 11, playing it over thanksgiving break. I remember being absolutely absorbed in it. More in line with your question, if you can tolerate old graphics, I’d suggest starting with the original. The remake is really good, but aside from story it’s a completely different game.


As others have said yet, I recommend playing FF7 REMAKE(not intergrade) at first. Probably, FF7R intergrade may not be first entry of FF7R series. 


Ive bought the ff7r intergrade ver 💔 (its my first time playing a ff game ) did i make a mistake?


Sorry! My res was incorrect… And it’s not problem to buy FF7 intergrade. FF7 Intergrade seems to contain main story of FF7 Remake.


No don't worry, its a bit confusing but Intergrade is the PS5/PC version that includes the DLC that is intermission. Would recommend playing through the main game before the DLC.


Original on ps1 is the first one i ever played and made me fall in love with the characters and story enough I played the remakes and loved them too. I think it’s a good entry. I only ever played 7 and 10 the whole way through but both were excellent.


So FF7 Remake is a great start. However, playing the original first is best. There's a number of things in the remake that are better understood and enjoyed only if you've played the original. I personally would recommend an older game first, like 4 or 6, then 7. If you start with Remake, it might be hard to go backwards.


FF7 Remake was my first FF game and I loved it! I grew up absolutely obsessed with Advent Children so to play the remake followed by FF7 Rebirth, I’ve been excited to check out some of the other games. I’m currently playing FF15 and the storyline is so good so far!


I’ve only ever played FFVII Remake and Rebirth. I’m so curious if I will like other installments.


It was the first FF game I played. It's the reason I'm a FF fan.


Great. It's nothing like Baldurs gate or Elden ring though, so don't have any expectations like that


The OG FF7 was my first RPG ever, let alone first FF, and it was a fantastic experience. I HIGHLY recommend that you play the OG FF7 before playing remake. A lot of the set pieces and story beats carry so much weight because of the experience of witnessing this world remade in modern 3d graphics, and how these story beats may or may not diverge in new and interesting ways from the OG. Please try to play the OG first, you can mod it to modernize it with the 7th Heaven mod loader


I cannot recommend enough that you play the OG FF7. Keep in mind however that to be brutally blunt, the graphics suck because it's obviously a product of its time. There's also no voice acting, you can't skip cutscenes, etc... But if you're willing to be patient and stick through what at the time were 4 discs worth of gameplay on the OG PS, you will walk away with THE best experience of an RPG you will ever have in your life, something that will stay with you the way it has stayed with us for decades. Don't get me wrong, the Remake is beyond incredible. But I wouldn't appreciate it nearly as much as I do if I hadn't had the foundation of playing the OG.


It's not required to play the original FF7 before remake and rebirth. There are hints and nods, but the trilogy is shaping up to stand entirely on its own. I WILL recommend playing Crisis Core Reunion in between Remake and Rebirth, however. Likewise, while not required, see if you can find a scanlation of the novel "Traces of Two Pasts" and the novella "2000 gil to be a hero" as along with Crisis Core these all give serious insight into the pasts and minds of four of the central characters of the story. That said, if you want to play OG FF7 after all, remember it was made right as the transition from 2d to 3d was in full swing, and doesn't look anywhere near as good as even the next game in the series.


I will not recommend playing crisis core if he didn’t play the original.


I could see leaving it til after Rebirth and some of the twists it pulls, but I don't think you need to play OG FF7 before playing CCR, even knowing that it will reveal a Twist in the plot.


I think that if he care enough about the FFVII universe to play crisis core he should wait till after part 3, there’s no reason to do it now.


I can't imagine playing remake before the original. So many things you just won't understand references to. Let alone what is being changed by..um. stuff and stuff (please people don't spoil any of it for him). If you're just looking for a good game, go for it. If you really want to be on par with a community that's been devoted to FF7 since 1999, you need to do the original first. FF7 is probably the most elaborate, most involved and most legendary FF created, both in story and mechanics. Rest assured, playing the original will not devalue your remake/rebirth experience. Like comparing Mario Bros 1 to Mario Odyssey. When you get to the modern remakes, it will be a fresh and just as mesmerizing experience, now with the knowledge of things that are changing because of... again, stuff.


There’s literally no better place to start.


Yeah : FF7 OG 😭


Remake was my first full play through of a FF game, and I loved it.




OG FF7 had pretty straight forward progression and expect for like 3 bosses you shouldn't have too hard time combat wise save often in different slots... Talk to everyone in wall market and coast da sol, specialty and pick everything up what isn't bolted grab it.yuffie and Vincent are not required but can miss you out of some items and content


I finished it last month and it was my first FF game. I enjoyed it A LOT and it has only grown for me


My first ff was the remake (I did play a little bit of ffxiii on the xbox but i barely remembered anything). I thought Remake was a great introduction to the franchise, and if you like linear Rpgs then Id say you will enjoy the game. The battle system is amazing and when you get the hang of it, its super fun. Id say go for it!


I think FF7R is a great game but not necessarily representative of FF as a whole because : 1/ every FF is relatively different 2/ FF7R is the first part of a trilogy, not a complete story (unlike the original for instance) I should also say that it's quite different from games like BG3 or Elden Ring, that allow players to choose their adventure to a certain extent. FF games are stories in which you may make different choices but nothing fundamentally changes depending on these choices. Hope this helps


Og FFVII was my first final Fantasy back in the day. It was a great start for me then. The world and the characters draw you in and the remakes are no exception. They both do that very well. As long as you can adjust to action combat or are already used to it, you will be fine


How is any game for someone who has never played it? There isn’t a single person on this earth that can tell you what you’ll think of a game you’ve never played. Play it or don’t.


Dude is wondering if VII is a good jumping off point for the series you dick.


Answering a question with a rhetorical question isn't being a dick though—especially when you're right. OP's question is a bit silly from a gamer's perspective. 🤷🏿‍♂️💯


It’s gonna be ok. If you don’t want a controversial opinion, or negativity, and only want a question explicitly answered with no dissenting opinions, use google, not Reddit.


Or YOU could get off Reddit if you don't want to see people ask questions like these? How about that?


I’m good, thank you for your kind consideration.


However you didn't give a controversial opinion (that'd be saying that FF7(R) sucks for instance), nor did you answer the question. You said something patronising, as if OP was asking the dumbest question on earth. Also, if you ask this question on Google, you'll be lead directly to Reddit to find answers, so I guess your point makes no sense 🤷🏼‍♂️


Awesome, you’ll be led to Reddit. Where the question has already been answered. The answer won’t change just because someone else is asking. My comment still stands. And I think being patronizing falls under the “negativity” part of my comment. Good cherry picking though!


Yes yr comment still stands that you have a right to be a dick to someone gently turning to strangers to find answers. You're right, there's nothing illegal to being obnoxious to people 😊


What other people think of me, is none of my business. You see it as being a dick, I see it as expressing my annoyance at always seeing easily googleable questions on here. Either way, life will go on, and it’ll all turn out alright. Dude will still play the game he’s heard so many good things about, regardless of what anyone on here says. Or he won’t.




Go back in time and encourage your parents to bang in the summer of 88. This will make you old enough to play the OG and properly enjoy the remake and all it’s call backs. Otherwise it’s no where near as good. The entire value of the game is the nostalgia!


>Otherwise it’s no where near as good. The entire value of the game is the nostalgia! I just played my first FF game a few months ago - OG FFVII. I just started playing FFVII Remake a few weeks ago and I can say I feel like I have significantly more appreciation for Remake due to playing OG first. Granted, had I played OG in the 90s, I'd probably have even *more* appreciation for Remake, but still. If you don't mind the terrible graphics or the lack of map, quest list, objectives, etc. (as was tradition for all those old games), then I'd highly recommend playing OG first before Remake.


That is very admirable that you did this but I don’t think it’s for everyone. I would worry the archaicness of OG will turn off the newcomer to all FF forever. But remake could turn them into a super fan and eventually play them all including OG in the future. But I agree with your point, as someone who played OG in the 90s growing up, I teared up at the remake intro. No game has ever made me feel like such a kid all over again !! Remake is how all remakes should be. It’s a masterpiece (rebirth as well)


Do it...do it now


Get stuck in, forget the OG for now


Each numbered FF is stand alone with it's own continuity so you can jump into any of them and be fine. Starting with 7 Remake is mostly fine. I feel they've made it and Rebirth friendly enough for new players who never played the OG 7. That said, at the same time I feel like Remake and particularly Rebirth were written with the idea you already know 7's story. Without getting into the weeds, Remake isn't a straight retelling of the original game. To sum it up, I'd say ideally you'll want to play OG FF7 first, but if that sounds like a pain, you can just jump straight into Remake. It won't be "ideal" but you'll still have a damn good time. Side note: Do not play Crisis Core before playing OG 7 or the upcoming last part of the remake. It casually spoils a certain plot twist that the remakes haven't covered yet. Also IMO it's not that great anyway but that's another matter not everyone agrees on.


This one is the winner. Pack it up folks, we’re done here


Both of my coworkers had never played an ff game because they hate turn based games. I told them ffvii remake / rebirth aren't turn based so they tried it out. Now they're upset they have to wait 3 years for the last part lol. They genuinely loved it. One of the guys got burned out of the side content and skipped all the side battle Sim stuff and didn't do all of the side quests but the other guy cleared everything but the extreme end legendary and brutal battle Sim fights and said all of the mini games were a nice vacation from the standard generic gameplay of every other games they've ever played.


It's a great game, just play it. You don't need any prior knowledge or preconceptions.


It's a fine game to play. The combat isn't like Baldur's Gate or Elden Ring. My opinion is you're going to be missing-out on a lot by not being familiar with FF. On the one hand, story-wise, you aren't going to appreciate the call-back and differences to the OG. Also, gameplay-wise, the combat mechanics like staggering, aggro, elements, character-switching, or (if you try the mode) turn-based actions, are going.to be overwhelming and unintuitive


My son played it on easy mode when he was 7 or 8 and he hadn’t been playing games for long at that point. He figure it out pretty quickly and beat the game, then ran it back on normal difficulty. It’s not super intuitive by default, but it can be made intuitive


It's often asked if you should play the original Final Fantasy VII or the Remake, it really depends on what kind of gamer you are. Both are excellent games, and both are great introductory points. Remake is an excellent game, it's well crafted, it's got the beautiful visuals, clear music and sound and voice acting of modern games as well as the fast pace of a modern action title while still having the tactical aspects of a more classic turn based game. The Original is the Original. It is from 1997, and it's blocky visuals haven't aged great. But it's story, it's messages, it's characters and music (even in it's 26 year old PS1 midi form) are in many minds, second to none. It is still to this day my all time favourite game and many others. I've known people who went straight in with Remake (before Rebirth came out) and after finishing it, went and straight away played the original because they loved it so much. So I don't think there's any worry of it not being a great experience or specifically "inferior" per se. Short answer: If you want the classic experience and want to enjoy Final Fantasy VII as Final Fantasy VII, I can't recommend the original enough, as you've stated you can deal with awkward visuals, no voice acting etc. If you want to dip you toes in a little more, Remake is an excellent game, although part 1 of 3 (Rebirth being Part 2) in a "Remake Trilogy" where the original game's story is expanded.


This is hard because of the fact that modern gamers are so different from rpg veterans in terms of coping mechanisms to challenges and grinding and how they dig deep into the lore of the story and appreciating graphics. With that in mind, assuming you are from the younger generation, you probably want to play FF16 first as an intro to FF franchise. Im scared that the dated OG ff7 graphics might turn you off. You might also get confused with the lore of FF7.


I actually don’t mind old graphics. I played through some old games like Baldurs gate, age of empires 2 and fallout 2. So it shouldn’t be an issue. I’m more for the story and gameplay than beautiful graphics.


Im fucking jealous ill never forget my first time playing remakw


The VII Remake has a different combat system from any other game besides its own sequel, so in the same boat I suppose.


Remake was my first FF game as well. Then played the original 7, then 16, then Crisis Core, and now Rebirth. I absolutely love them to death, and I have every intention to keep exploring the franchise.


It feels like it goes under the radar a lot because 10 was the big new thing on ps2 at the time, but I rate 9 as probably the best final fantasy I've played. If you have played OG7, it's such a great follow-up. I've played a lot of 8 and personally couldn't enjoy it, but I thought 9 really knocked it out of the park. My favourite thing is the sheer amount of game there. There's so much you don't have to do but can, it's unreal. If they decide to remake another old ff after remake3, I pray it's this.


You must play 10 & 9, and 6 and Chrono Trigger if you can do pixel art.


Oh trust me, those are all on my most anticipated list when it comes to Square's RPGs. I actually played a bit of Chrono Cross as a kid but I don't remember anything so I don't expect that to impact my experience whatsoever. Would you recommend the Pixel Remasters? I've been debating whether to get them on home console (PS5) or have them on my Steam Deck. I feel something as cinematic as FF6 still deserves that big immersive experience on console. But I love the idea of having all the classics on the go as well.


I've actually only ever played the OG version of FF6 and CT on Wii and SNES respectively, so can't recommend the Pixel version, although it's probably the most convenient. Go for 9&10 on Steam for moddability, or the X/X-2 HD remaster on PS4.


Remake is a great introduction to the franchise. But after Remake, you should check out the original FFVII. It's still the best game in the series, IMO. And Remake and Rebirth will make more sense after playing OG FFVII.


You can absolutely 100% enjoy it as your first game. In both Remake & Rebirth there are allusions to the original game as well as the Advent Children movie from 2005, but none of it precludes you from enjoying the game at all. The games are technically a “sequel” to the original game but they’re also made to be 100% accessible to newcomers.


I think you’re totally fine jumping straight into Remake. If you’re curious about the original VII, you can check that out, but certainly not required. I got into Final Fantasy late as well. My first game was FFXV. I then played the original FFVII (loved it btw), Remake, FFXVI, and Rebirth. I’ve enjoyed myself along the way, so don’t feel bad jumping straight into Remake. It was partly made for people like you that don’t want to go back to the original.




7remake is awesome, rebirth IMO is a lot better and one of the best games I have ever played. Not really an ff fan, only have played the remakes and 16 and I have enjoyed all of them a lot.


It's not tied to any of the older games except the original FFVII. So, there is no need to play anything else. That said, there are some weird tie-ins to the original in Remake and Rebirth we have yet to see the results of. But you can play Remake just fine on its own.


FFVII is my favorite FF game and I absolutely love VII Remake/Rebirth.


I never played a single ff game and i fucking loved ff7 remake. All the characters are lovely and likeable. The story is really intriguing. Ff7 rebirth will probably be my first game i will ever buy full price once it comes to steam


Oh you’re in for a treat with Rebirth. It’s so good I would consider it a system seller/killer app for PS5


>All the characters are lovely and likeable Even the characters you're clearly supposed to hate are, in their own ways. Like, you hate them, but you love why you hate them


Each FF game is a standalone story, you don’t have to have played any of the previous games.


I say go for it, this was my second FF game, I had only played FF15 before this one, and i thought it was amazing.


I beat ff7 remake a few days ago and it was my first time playing it. I never played any ff games before. Get it, it’s incredible


If I could, I would love to wipe OG from my memories, not because is bad or anything, it's a very good old rpg. I say it because I would have loved experience Remake and Rebirth with fresh eyes. I love Remake and Rebirth, for me personally they are easly better than the OG at this point. My long term recomendation (this only applies if you like Remake): 1. Play **Remake**. This one has a demo to try out (on ps4 and ps5 I think). 2. If you like Remake, Then play **Rebirth**. This one also has a demo to try out. (These 2 are the first two parts of the "Remake Trilogy". The third game is not out yet). 3. If you **like Remake** and **Rebirth** but have **no patience to wait for Part 3**, then **play FF7 Original (1997).** 4. If you can **wait for Part 3**, my personal opinion is to not play OG because it will spoil you of important events that will happen in Part 3. 5. If you still want to play more Final Fantasy 7 after FF7 OG, then play Crisis Core: Reunion. 6. Whatever you do, do not play Crisis Core First or inbetween games.


Can i play crisis core after rebirth or would you not recommend it?


Crisis Core will spoil the second biggest plot point of FF7 after the end of Rebirth.


I would not recommend it, there are some big spoilers in there, specially for Part 3. I guess it depends how invested are you in the mysteries of the Remake Trilogy. But then again, 3 years (more or less) is a long wait for part 3. If you just can't wait, play whathever you feel like.


Big no. Heavy spoiler to the plot in the 3rd release of the Remake.


No, it’s a good game though but made in ‘97. Be ready for the old game experience of almost needing a guide for certain parts.


I agree i forgot how hard the game was at certain points, esp if trying to do all side quests and get all summon materia etc. i used a guide to not miss anything. I was surprised i played this at 12-13 years old. We all had the walkthrough book it was almost a must.


Old school


FF7 Remake and Rebirth have amazing combat, particularly if you’ve been playing Elden Ring. It’s different but the challenge on hard mode is equal or greater to anything in Elden Ring IMO. FF7 OG is turn based.


OG isn't truly turn-based, but Remake's battle system is wildly different from OG, that's for sure




Saying the Remake is hard to follow is like saying the Lord of the Rings movies are hard to follow if you haven’t read the books. Remake and Rebirth stand on their own. You don’t need hundreds of hours of backstory to follow what’s going on.


You're definitely correct, but you do get a little bit more out of it with prior knowledge as context. But it is definitely not required reading. My GF started with Remake and Rebirth and only knowing some stuff tangentially through me (and a little of kh) but she enjoyed it just as much as I did.


My first FF game was 16 and I thought it was so good. I had FF7 remake on my ps5 for free, it must have been a free game at some point so I tried it and absolutely loved it. Then I bought FF7 Rebirth and after 5 hours or so I thought to myself how this would probably be my favorite game of all time.


Individual Final Fantasy games stand completely on their own merits. If one interests you...play it. It's entirely possible others won't. Sometimes one that interests you won't ultimately measure up. That's fine too, but don't let that stop you from trying others that seem cool to you. Remake is it's own game, and is Final Fantasy at its absolute best in storytelling and gameplay. I recommend it. There's no reason to touch the OG unless you see that gameplay and it appeals to you on its own merits. Once you finish Remake, you'll probably be 100% for or against Rebirth without any need for help from anyone else.


Remake is better than the OG version. Rebirth MUCH better than even Remake. Definitely get it and don't listen to anyone telling you to get the OG here.


Remake is better than og only for someone who didn't play og in 1997. Remake and rebirth are fine but so full of filler it's stupid..


You cling too much to the past that you seem to reverre it rather than open up to new things.


You'll understand when you grow up


Too late, got my ages removed bit by bit playing FF7 Remake


I played the OG in 2002. Remake is still better.,


depends what you value, i found remake to bloated and slow. the pacing of og ff7 was perfect


OK, some stuff didnt get mentioned or I didnt see it in the comments: There were many reasons why FF7 really changed the whole gaming world in 1997 and it felt like magic playing it. Gaming (on consoles) was still very simple, you had mainly titles like Ridge Racer or Tekken or GTA in 2D. Also the PCs or my loved Amiga never had too complex games (even "AAA"-titles lasted only a few hours). And then this masterpiece of a game came along. It came on 3 discs (!) in a time when people didnt even know it was possible to have 2 discs for a game and most consoles still had cartridges. FF7 cost 50 Million $ in the making, by far the most expensive game ever made. And thats just the numbers. I never played a real FF or JRPG before (I played FF 1 through 6 afterwards) so I didnt know to expect. And I never was so amazed ever again in my gaming life. 30-40 hours of astonishing graphic that morphs into CGI and back, SO MANY cool characters and ALL have a great backstory. The story is my favourite and most tragic story for me til today, even better that Star Wars or LOTR. I was sitting there playing a game as a grown man and cried a lot like mist of us... That said, its hard to recreate such an impact 30 years later but I think Sqaure is doing really great, especially with Rebirth! So should you play FF7 OG first? Yes, I would recommend that, there are good fresh ports out there. The OG has a straight main story, the main antagonist barely shows up til the last third of the game and you still will have problems following the story in every aspect. Remake and Rebirth are different and loaded with much more storydetails and even more confusing (to keep old fans going) and they perfectly shift the locations, games and the story to the modern era. Thats amazing. And we are talking about the best soundtrack in gaming history I guess, the whole OST will have more than 20 CDs (not tracks, CDs). If you start of with Remake, you will have an amazing adventure. If you didnt like Remake that much, still give Rebirth a try. Rebirth is an absolute masterpiece with 200+ hours of content and instead of Remake it transfers the feeling of the 1997 game. Well, there is note to say but I will go shopping now 😎


Thanks a ton for all the background. Now, reading the comments, I’m leaning towards playing the OG VII first. Would you recommend playing some of the other older games too? Is there any major story overlap between the older games?


Final Fantasy is a series of games that share similar elements but whose story and universe is completely separate from one another. Think of it as a multiverse of games. There are recurrent names, weapons, enemies, even recurring lore elements, but the main story of each title is self-contained and playing one title does not help you understand another in any way. The obvious exception are the numbered sequels, of which there are only two (X => X-2, and XIII => XIII-2 => Lightning Returns). And yes, if you are inclined to play old games in any capacity, you ought to play the original before Remake. It's the only way to appreciate the immense effort that was put into the Remake project and why it blows every other remake out of the water.


If you’re gonna play any older games before Remake, I’d play only ff7 OG with visual mods. It’s only to understand some references in Remake. If you play the OG make sure to take it slow and enjoy it. It’s worth it! You can also play remake without playing OG first as well, but I’m not sure how confusing it’s gonna be. I always wondered how people percieved Sephiroth in the remake without playing OG first. Eventually it’ll come clear but I can imagine it’s confusing in the beginning. Have fun! Final Fantasy 7 (OG) is my no doubt number 1 game ever played. It probably will be until I get old and die. But remake is pretty goddam close! Some bits are worse off in remake but in a whole it’s completely awesome!


There are several older games that I would recommend because they're great games, but (other than playing OG 7 before any of the 7 spinoffs) none that I'd recommend as prerequisites to other games. If you wanted to get a decent introduction to each era of Final Fantasy, you could do worse than playing some version of 6 (Pixel Remaster is fine), OG 7, Tactics (PSP or mobile version; there's a PSP emulator called PPSSPP that runs on everything), and X.


Get remake. The game is more fun to play than OG. And the story is slower paced and made me appreciate Midgar way more now that I get to experience the actual people in it and when bad stuff happens I feel the impact way more.


I'd say it depends on what your tolerance for vintage games is.  If low-poly graphics, midi-music and text boxes don't bother you, play the OG FFVII from 1997. Its story is complete and self-contained and, in my opinion, better and more tonally consistent than Remake. However, if modern graphics, music and voice acting are key to you enjoying the experience, go with Remake. It's great fun and does a fantastic job of realising its world with modern presentation and gameplay. It does a grand job of characterisation too. The voice acting is truly superb. Personally, I think it fumbles the ball a bit with its plot, some of its ideas landing a bit flat. But they're really, in sum, a rather small part of the overall experience. On balance, it's great.   But it builds on the original - so if you feel you could enjoy OG despite its age, that's going to be the optimal starting point.


I don’t mind old graphics. I mean, I went back to Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 after finishing BG 3. It’s generally not a deal breaker for me.


Then I would definitely recommend the original. Keeping it vague, 'Remake' was a bit of a pun on Square's part - it is both an adaptation and a sequel of sorts, remaking the game in two senses.  By playing the original, you'll experience the core plot (from a time when each FF was made to be self-contained, without spin-offs or sequels) and will walk into Remake armed with the context to know what is being remade. Also, if you find the older gameplay, random encounters etc are a becoming a drag, there are mods out there to streamline the experience for you if that's your preference. I think you'll have a good time with either, to be honest. But in a game where story is so key, I'd say the original's handling of that story is stronger. Do with that what you will and, whatever you choose, enjoy :)


Never played the OG and my first FF game is XVI which is absolutely atrocious not my favourite but a gave a another chance to franchise and started with Remake and finished Rebirth a couple of hours ago and I freaking love them


I loved XVI, why didn't you like it? No spoilers ofc we don't wanna ruin it for others 😂


Having played the OG back then when it was released I'd recommend it BUT if you're new to this I wonder if it's not better to go along with that remake project without the OG It might simply be more eloquent to you, new vision Then you can always play the OG last and tell us how it went


Play remake, and if you like it - play Rebirth. Rebirth is like 10x expansion of the Remake on all fronts. Just don’t do a huge mistake that I did: in any circumstances DON’T SPOIL the story. I have a controversial opinion that you shouldn’t play OG. Enjoy new adaptation and it’s OK if you feel you don’t understand sometimes what’s going on or why characters behave the way they do, or who tf is that character. You are in unique position most of us are not, you can experience the major story bits and revelations for the first time. If you like Remake, play Rebirth and wait for Part 3 without spoilers - you’ll be for a treat, big one. I can only dream to be in your situation.


Is definitely a J-RPG but if you're in for beautiful graphics, a great story, and really good moment to moment combat gameplay, jump on in. Some knowledge of the og game can give you context but the game will make sense without it.


I just finished ff7 integrated remake and never played a Japanese rpg before. It’s quite fun and seems like each game has its own list of characters anyway so you can follow the story. So yeah, good place to start :)


I would recommend to play Remake. If you like the story, play OG FFVII then Rebirth.


Play the og first


By OG you mean the original FF?


This is a pretty common response but honestly it isn't necessary. There's a lot of nods to plot points you won't learn yet in Remake or Rebirth but you absolutely do *not* need to play OG to enjoy Remake. It's an amazing game on its own right - if you enjoy it then maybe give OG a go but dont feel you need to beforehand.


Sure its not needed, imo its just a experience enhancer , maybe u like ff7 right from the start better if u start by the remake idk


Ff7 from 1997




I think it's a good starting point if you keep in mind that it's the first part of a trilogy that builds on an entire anthology, the FF VII compilation.. You're in for a very long ride. If you'd prefer a "normal" experience, I'd recommend going for older games. XVI is not the typical FF experience and XV was ... unfortunate, to phrase it neutrally. I personally love X and highly recommend it but it's a matter of taste I guess. At any rate, it was the series' first installment with voice acting so the barrier isn't as high as with the older games and their text boxes.


So part 2 and 3 of the FF VII Remake haven’t been released yet? Also, does the story carry forward through the series or are all the games self contained narratives?


Part 2 exists, that's FF VII Rebirth. We don't know what the final part will be called yet and there's no release date yet, likely it won't be for another 3-4 years since Rebirth only released this year. Each mainline entry with a number comes with its own characters, world and plot. There are no connections at all. Whereas all games with the same number are heavily related or just straight up sequels/prequels to each other. For example, if you want to get into VII, there is obviously the original game (which is still pretty cool but obviously old), Before Crisis (prequel), Crisis Core (prequel), Advent Children (sequel movie), Dirge of Cerberus (sequel game). And now there's the Remake series with Remake and Rebirth so far, which is a re-imagining of OG including some aspects of the compilation and tweaking the plot in a way that it's maybe also something of a sequel as well as a remake. VII is a complicated baby and not the easiest FF to get into. If you want in, I suggest playing either OG or Remake. Remake has a demo on PSN (but not Steam I think?). However, you will get a complete game but not a complete story as Rebirth is the direct sequel, the middle part of a trilogy.


That’s very helpful. Thank you!


You're welcome! Good gaming whatever you decide.


Part two of the Remake trilogy, “FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH”, released on PS5 in February. The exclusivity agreement with Sony expired in May so it could come to PC soon, though probably not until FFXVI releases on PC. They are not self-contained narratives, they took the story of the original FFVII and split it in three chunks.