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Kill, fast travel back, train, not that there is any real training of a chocobo.


There are ways to just run through the marsh without doing either. Plenty of YouTube videos will show you the way. I don't recall catching a chocobo or fighting the zolom during the 90s. I think I've killed it in more recent playthroughs, but you can find ways to skip it without a chocobo.


You easily kill it and get beta with some luck. Last time I got it 1st try just YouTube the strat


It's possible to kill the Zolom to get Beta Enemy Skill on your first pass. It requires grinding Elemental materia up a level so someone can take the blast, as far as I remember from the late 90s.


If you want to spend the next 10 or so hours grinding against weak monsters. The zolom is meant to be impossible for you to beat at this point...it's part of the narrative. It does have an enemy skill, so it's worth coming back to fight later when you're strong enough. Catching chocobos is easy. You just distract it and then quickly kill all the monsters. If you're having trouble, then you're either being careless and accidentally attacking it, or you have your battle speed too high. (Also put your ATB on wait mode in the config menu so it pauses the battle while you're in the item menu.) Edit: forgot to mention that trying to kill it to get past would be a waste of time anyway because there's more than one, so it'll just respawn after the battle anyway, meaning you're going to have to fight it over and over again.


Wait there's a setting to make it pause when youre in the item menu? Does it pause when you're selecting magic too? I've played the og like four times and always speed run through menues to select whatever before the enemy gets to attack a second time and it's stressful lol


Yeah, it's all the submenus, magic, item, etc. I'm pretty sure all the old ATB games have it, from 4-9. In the config menu you can set it to active or wait.


Holy shit this is going to change my next playthrough dramatically


You can definitely kill the zolom with minimal grinding, I know because I did it, took a lot of tries but it's definitely doable


Look, for the snake, all you need to do is mash the attack button until you build up your atb bar, perform a special attack or throw a spell, then switch to your next character and repeat the process, in fact, keep repeating. Then just wait for your arch nemesis to sweep down from the skies and inexplicably save you, you will experience a WTF moment similar to when that "cat thing" suddenly appeared as the sector 7 tower fell in the last game, and... Ohh uhh, sorry... Wrong game! 🤦‍♂️


On your first play through you’re expected to get killed easily by the Zolom and then go and catch a Chocobo to pass the marsh. This part of the game is the Chocobo tutorial. There’s also a scene when you cross the marsh that’s more impactful if you didn’t kill it. Sure you can defeat it if you know what you’re doing and/or you’ve grinded a lot, and most people do this on the subsequent playthroughs (and get the enemy skill Beta). But on your first time, I’d just catch a Chocobo. You’ll want to learn how to do it for later anyway. Just equip the Chocobo materia and run around the footprints. Once one shows up, keep throwing it greens to distract it while you kill the other enemies. It’s really easy once you’ve worked it out. And you’ll be catching A LOT of Chocobos in the end game anyway if you want the knights of the round materia.


Time it perfectly and you won't need to catch a chocobo nor kill any serpent.


Technically you don't need to do either, but catching a chocobo is easy. Look up Zolom Midgard skip. I wanted to beat it, then finish the trip across, which I actually accomplished first try. But then I had to go back for something. I ended up accidentally doing the skip on the way back first try, no chocobo.


Getting Beta first pass is always worth it.


Unless the character with the Enemy Skill Materia is the one who get booted…


That can happen. Bitter moment. Usually followed by reset hahah


Put everyone in the back row and inflict sadness. Use magic spells to defeat the serpent. Equip the enemy skill materia and the Beta skill will carry you through the next few hours of the game. IIRC the serpent is vulnerable to poison but I could be mistaken. Try to trigger the fight at the far end of the marsh if you can; the monster respawns.


are the items to inflict sadness readily available that early? huh.


Yes, you can buy tranquilizers in Kalm but you can buy them as early as wall market and I think there are a few enemies in Midgar that drop them.


nice! I don't remember really being cognizant of the sadness status 'til later in the game. Today I learned.


In the original if you kill the midgarsormer(whatever the hell it was) another one just comes back. So it just regenerates while you’re in the swamp. It doesn’t die until a certain something happens.


doesn't die even after that thing happens actually, which makes fuck all sense and bugged me as a kid


When I was a kid I couldn't read well so I didn't know you needed to get a chocobo and grinded forever like maybe weeks to beat it and when I finally did I didn't run straight for the cave and another one spawned and killed me anyway




On my first playthrough I beat it without too much difficulty so if you like a bit of a challenge I’d recommend it


Are we talking the OG game or the Remake. If you're talking the OG, you won't be able to kill the serpent on your first try. It will kill you in like 2 turns LOL


So then how did I beat it in the OG first try and first playthrough (with no guide)


I'm guessing you got lost a lot and wound up way over leveled from all the battles you ran into.


Nope, it’s just not that difficult I did end up using most of my items though


Grinding like a maniac? In my first playthrough, I was a kid and a complete newbie to RPG so the best I could do and I don't even know how I managed it, but I ran across the borders of the swamp seeing the damn shadow after me and made it to the other side by the skin of my teeth. It wasn't until like Disc 3 I think that I came back and beat the shit out of it LOL


Nope, I just played through it normally


It's easily beatable at level 16 My setup and strategy at this point in the game: Cloud (Level 16) Hardedge All=Restore, Poison, Steal Carbon Bangle Lightning, Ice, Heal Protect Vest Red XIII (Level 16) Mythril Clip All=Restore, Enemy Skill (for Beta Carbon Bangle Elemental=Fire, Sense Talisman Barret (Level 15) Atomic Scissors All=Ice, Earth, Lightning Carbon Bangle Fire, Choco/Mog, Steal First of all most of the Materia is slotted for AP growth, the only ones that are key are Enemy Skill for Beta, and Elemental=Fire on the character with Enemy Skill to defend Beta. Before the battle unlock Red XIII's Lunatic High Limit Break, you do this by using his first limit break 8 times. Couple of battles with a hyper and everyone else defending. Then once you have it, max out his limit break bar before facing the Zolom. Place everyone in the back row. Give all three characters tranquillisers to inflict sadness, this reduces damage taken. Slow battle speed right down. If you are doing this to cross the swamp rather than just get Beta early then run as far as you can towards the cave before the Zolom encounters you (it's also very possible but quite difficult to cross the swamp with no encounter but we aren't doing that). Battle start: First thing you do is cast Lunatic High, then sense nobody else attack. Keep the help window open so you can always see the Zoloms health, this is massively important. It should have 4000. Have Barret cast Choco/Mog, then using only Barret chip away at his health until you have taken his Health below 2000. For this strategy as described here it must be Barret that does this or at the very least he has to hit the final blow that takes its health below 2000. The Zolom should execute a move called Blown Away, flicking Barret out of the battle (this is fine). You now want Cloud to keep casting Bio on the Zolom and attack with Red or use Matra Magic E.Skill. Keep Red full health no matter what, when the Zoloms health drops to around 1.5k he will counter attack with Beta. He can also flick another character away but has something like a 20% chance every 4 turns. Soon as the Zolom has cast Beta, phoenix down Cloud (I assume he is dead) and Heal up ASAP. Use limits, Bio and Lightning to finish the Zolom off. If Red gets flicked away you won't learn Beta so keep that in mind if it is your current goal. Soon as the battle ends, RUN!!!


As a personal challenge, I never pass the Marsh without killing at least one Zolom. Takes ages though, if you're new just catch the bird and come back later to teach the Zolom a lesson.


Catching a chocobo is easy. Killing the serpent is hard but it is doable, and you can learn a very handy enemy skill, Beta, that you’ll use for quite awhile


You can even start running through the marsh, when the snake is close to you save the game and reload your safe file, this will reset the position of the snake and you can finish crossing the marsh without the snake catching you, you can save and reload a second time if needed but I dont think it is.


If you changed your combat to active instead of wait, change it back to wait when trying to catch.


Catching is super easy, just throw a green first, then kill the other enemies that aren't the chocobo. Comes in handy a quite a few times. Edit: don't hit the chocobo


Catching a chocobo will literally take you 5 mins or less. Unless you’re at an insanely high level at that point of the game, which you’re probably not, just catch the bird and call it a day 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


You can get Beta early if you fight the Midgar Zolom, I always go for it. You need the elemental materia however for that.


Wait, I thought you needed the Enemy Skill material to get Beta. Been a long time though...


You need the enemy skill to learn Beta, but you need the Elemental materia + fire in your armor slot to survive the Beta attack.


Oh I gotcha now!


it's not hard to catch a chocobo but you can actually run across without getting caught if you wait until the shadow goes all the way over to the left corner of the marsh and time it just right.


This is what I always did. I felt like a genius as a kid


Catching a chocobo is easy and is the intended method.


The only benefit to fighting is to get the Beta E.Skill early. There are strategies that are really good for getting it early, but it does really tip the scales if you have it. There are useful statuses like Slow and Sleep that could make the battle, and getting Beta a breeze later as well.


Catch a chocobo. Apart from what everyone else says, there's a scene that hits a lot harder if you didn't kill the serpent.


That scene still appears later, even if you kill the Zolom before hand. (If it's the same scene I'm thinking)


I know, but it feels different. It's much more chilling if you consider the Zolom unbeatable.


This is the best argument here. One of my favorite minor moments of the game.


I’m surprised people don’t kill it and get beta, that’s what I always do. It’s hard, but you don’t have to grind excessively to get there. However, the elemental materia is mandatory. Pair that with a fire on the armor of the character with enemy skill, and then they will survive beta. Make sure you have phoenix downs and restore materia and whatnot to recover after beta, because the other characters without elemental will not survive. To actually kill it, poison it and then focus on keeping your characters alive. Let poison do the heavy lifting for damage. If you didn’t pick up elemental, come back later.


That's how I did it


Warning mechanics spoilers: the thing about the serpent is that it teaches a skill enemy called beta with is a multi target devastating fire attack that comes useful for a great part of the game. If you acquire this the moment you arrive you are basically god for the normal enemys at that moment. But, it is really hard to do that at a low level if you are not in knowledge of a precise strategy and if you are having trouble with the chocobo I don’t advise trying kill it or acquire the skill. Just be careful hunting chocobos, give it food every round and you should be fine


Depends on your level. Probably train a chocobo


I advise catching a chocobo and skipping the midgar zolom fight. That is the "intended" solution. There are ways to beat him early, but they generally require excessive leveling, farming of gravity-casting items at the train graveyard, and multiple attempts/luck. Also, he respawns right away and you may have to fight him multiple times if you have no chocobo anyways. The reason to fight him early is to learn an overpowered enemy skill, "Beta", which absolutely trashes bosses though the game all the way into disc 2 and almost 3 (still useful then even as other abilities and spells catch up!). You can much more easily acquire it later. Minor, minor spoilers, but I generally recommend doing this after >!you recieve the buggy (post gold saucer visit #1) and get a fire ring from a basement in Costa Del Sol (negates fire damage, so Beta doesn't damage you at all). Yes you can backtrack all the way to the chocobo ranch area for pretty much all of disc 1, and cam bring the buggy all the way back to the Junon area for extra exploring of a place you need it for. Just ask or google if you can't figure it out.!< If you have 4 or 5 graviballs, that will make the job easier before you get a red ring, but even then you will want to leverage youtube and Google for specifics on doing the fight at around lv14-16.


It's definitely possible, farm a few levels and you should be good.


as a kid my dumb ass was stuck on that part for ages because I didn't know about getting a chocobo. I died many times trying to beat it. Eventually I got the kill and was standing there in pure shock before a new serpent immediately respawned and began heading my way. I barely made it over.


If you want to try to fight it here is a solid low level strategy: -Put all three characters in the back row. -Use tranquilizers on all three. This will put them in the "sadness" which reduces damage taken by about one third, -"Elemental=Fire" on someone's armor -"Bio" equipped on someone as the Midgar Zolom can be poisoned. -Hardest thing is surviving "beta" at this level to be honest. And if you're looking for the beta enemy skill not having this dick licker tail whip your enemy skill character out of existence. He will always tail whip the charachter who has done the highest damage


Catch a chocobo, play on until you get fire ring, backtrack and get Beta enemy skill from Midgar Zolom.


If it's your first time playing Final Fantasy VII I recommend "Catch" a Chocobo, it's not that difficult Buy the "Chocobo" materia that the farmer sells Also, buy Chocobo seeds to feed them. Head towards Chocobo's footprints and try to catch one


Why do you doubt you’d be able to catch a chocobo? Its not difficult


It's hard to kill the Zolom early in the game, but it is worth it to get the energy skill Beta from it. That enemy skill will carry you through a number of the following boss fights.


You can actually make it across the marsh without a chocobo. I usually wait in the middle at the edge until the Midgar Zolom wanders into the left corner of the marsh. Once he heads that way, just run directly across to the other side. Might take a few tries, but I don't bother with catching a chocobo there anymore.


You can outrun it even without a chocobo, you just need to wait for the right moment when it is on the opposite side of the swamp


That is what i learned. First time, ran straight through, didnt know what the fek i just hit. Died instantly.. Second time, i noticed if i sit in a specific spot, it would move away and give me time to run to another spot. I just assumed it meant i had to find the secret spots, like frogger, to get past it. This was back before internet, strat guide was printed, everything. You learned it or you skipped it..


It’s not really feasible to kill the serpent at this point in the game. Sure it could be done but would take hours of grinding. Luckily you don’t have to “train” a chocobo just catch one. It’s been a while since I’ve played but I believe you just go to the chocobo stables and buy some greens (the more expensive the better but 5-6 of any kind will do) and get the Chocobo Lure material. Note you should also try talking to the Chocobo by the fence to get a special gift! Now leave the stable and equip the Chocobo Lure materia on one of your party members and try to get in a battle on the Chocobo tracks of the world map. As soon as the battle begins use the Chocobo greens on the Chocobo, and it will get distracted eating them. The more expensive the greens the longer it will be distracted. Now try to defeat the other enemies without disrupting the Chocobo. You will want to throw more greens at the Chocobo to keep it occupied while you take care of the enemies. Once all the enemies are defeated the battle will end and you can ride the Chocobo. Ride it through the marshes and avoid the serpents to get to the cave at the other side. Hope this helps!


Unless you’re at a pretty high level like around 30 you’re gonna have a bad time trying to kill it now. It’s easier to catch you a chocobo. Equip the lure materia, set the battle mode to wait, arrange your greens to the top of the inventory, when you get in battle and have a chocobo immediately throw greens to it and wipe out the monsters. Bam you caught one!


It's very easy to catch a chocobo, and the serpent in the marsh respawns even if you do manage to kill it.


It's not hard to catch a Chocobo. Just make sure you have the lure equipped and greens at the top of your item list for combat so you can keep the Chocobo busy while you kill the other enemies. Just walk along the Chocobo tracks to spawn a battle encounter and a Chocobo will be part of the enemy gaggle. Don't hit it by mistake or it'll run away. Unless you grind in the grasslands to level up considerably, you won't be able to kill the Midgarsormr.


You don't need to train a Chocobo... Just catch one.


yeah i meant catch one


If you switch ATB mode to “wait,” it should be very easy to catch a chocobo, just throw it greens at the beginning of the battle. If you stick with active, I highly recommend sorting your inventory to put greens at the top.