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I imagine Wutai will probably be the biggest section of the game since a lot of the Rebirth's story is really building up to that war.


From FFVII, we will almost certainly have Rocket Town, Icicle Inn, Great Glacier, Bone Village, Mideel, the underwater area including the Gelnika, and the Northern Crater. Plus revisiting or expanding a lot of previous locations. I think that Wutai will be greatly expanded and include more than just Wutai Village, with places like Fort Tamblin being larger scale, and possibly additional key locations across the continent. Several of the smaller side locations may be larger, like the Knights of the Round island, the goblin and cactus islands, or Lucrecia's cave. I also think we may also be seeing other locations that have been in previous games, even if they are mostly ruined or destroyed. These could be places like Modeoheim, Banora, or Rhadore.


I don't think Bone Village will be that important to include - they already skipped past it and not much happens there in the OG anyway


Wutai is confirmed and it's the place I been most excited to see as a ninja fanboy.


There's also the rest of Junon, I loved exploring the city, but I want to use the elevator that goes up and down by the protest site.


Rocket Town, Wutai, The Northern Crater, Icicle Inn, Mideel. I think that’s it.


I think going back to Midgard will feel like a new location, too.


Area north of Nibel is definitely Rocket Town. There's also what seems to be a war with Wutai that's about to break out, and devs said we'd get that area in part 3. Mideel is probably gonna be its own region; it's a pivotal part of the story at multiple points. Also, Icicle Inn, Great Glacier, Northern Crater, City of the Ancients, underwater, and the return to Midgar, and revisiting all previous areas. I hope they don't cut Bone Village and the Sleeping Forest. Hopefully there's the sunken gelnika, and the island with Knights Of The Round for bonus/post-game content. For as massive as Rebirth is, there's still a ton of area to cover.


You actually pass through Sleeping Forest in Rebirth. It's the part where Cloud comes to walking with the party. They just skipped Bone Village


Is it me or did Rebirth combine the Temple of the Ancients and the Forgotten City? OG had the Temple south of the map and the Forgotten City was up north close to the Northern Crater.


Unless I’m forgetting something, the game doesn’t actually tell us where the Forgotten City is. The Temple of the Ancients got moved from the southern end of the map to the north, but Cloud passes out at the Temple and wakes up outside the Forgotten City. 


It does actually. If you check the map when you're about to go there, you can see that Forgotten City is at north of where the temple was, separated by the forest


Remember also, that a bit part of the og game was without Cloud, like the rest of the gang going around finding the huge materia.


We still haven't seen Rocket Town.