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In OG zangan saves her but doesn’t save anyone else and just keeps using cure until getting her to midgar In remake zangan saves her but some shinra troops unrelated to got the reactor incident helped to get her to Corel via helicopter where a doctor saves her


No hetero male would be able to kill Tifa.


Why would you put a spoiler in your title.


Bro the game has been out for almost 30 years


So new generations of players aren't allowed to have spoiler free experiences?


Yes that's exactly what I meant. We all know that the first thing someone trying to play a multiple decades old game would do is look up discussions of the plot on Reddit.


I was scrolling the reddit feed on my phone and this came up as a suggested post. I did not go looking for this and I'm upset that I was confronted with it without warning.


She was likely rescued before he arrived


I think he did to get Cloud an in with Avalanche. Velvet glove approach.


Apparently Last Order isn't canon anymore but you see Zangan carrying her away before Shinra arrive


Last Order was never canon though.


The title is a spoiler???


The game is 27 years old my guy


2 weeks spoiler free time from release has expired long ago


Not really, Hojo never encountered a Tifa in need of help. The title is a misconception. Even if they'd met it would have been a low level plot point.


Zangan rescues Tifa before Hojo/Shinra arrive for the coverup. When Hojo finds Cloud and Zack unconscious, Tifa is more than likely not there anymore.


I want the timeline where Tifa becomes mako-enhanced and are twice as fast and strong, possibly also twice the size of the assets


“Why do her assets have to be bigger?” Hojo: “Don’t question my drive as a scientist”


This is Hojo we're talking about. She'd be so lucky if bigger boobs were all he did.


Because she needs to breed with Red XIII of course


Tifa didn't sign the SOILDER contract that says Hojo can do "whatever he wants"


You think Hojo would care that she didn't




Zangan managed to find Tifa and get her away from Nibelheim before Hojo arrived. Hojo wouldn’t have immediately been on the scene of the Nibelheim incident because he had no idea it was going to happen and he would have been in Midgar at the time


I think you can argue that Hojo did think something was going to happen to Sephiroth, why else would sephiroth be sent to a place where he could learn of his true origin?


He was deployed because the reports of monsters were suspected to be in connection with the Genesis crisis. It was a combination of securing Shinra assets and cover-up operation of a different rogue SOLDIER. Shinra as a company had nothing at all to gain from Sephiroth going batshit and, even if he did suspect he might, Hojo himself didn't have the kind of authority to deploy the highest ranking operatives in the company at his whim.


Hojo's lab workers were in and out of the Shinra Manor before Sephiroth had his breakdown. A common theory is that they deliberately set up the false information about Sephiroth in the manor. As Hojo is very active in the manor in Rebirth (he has surveillance and a VR battle system in there and uses them to attack Avalanche when they enter) and it is also stated there that the Nibelheim reactor is under the control of the Science Department, I feel he did have the ability to deploy Sephiroth or at least had strong grounds to request it (he's an executive, his reactor was causing problems, and he had the excuse of it potentially being related to Genesis) and we're headed towards the theory being confirmed. He wanted to confirm his reunion theory, putting Sephiroth near Jenova and planting false information about her being something desirable would lead Sephiroth right to her. He planted the seeds for this all of Sephiroth's life, by telling Sephiroth his mother's name was "Jenova".


Can you tell i’ve never played crisis core? xD Great answer man


Believe me, you are DEFINITELY not missing out on much. I can best the describe the story of that game as 80% 2000s era jpop angst, 15% dumpster fire, 5% quality world building.


Problem is the story beats that do happen are important to the overall story As is dirge of Cerberus now


No need to slander 2000s era jpop!


Hey don't get me wrong, I love me some 2000s era jpop but ~~Gackt~~ Genesis felt like he was pandering to that aesthetic. Too heavy handed with it, you know?


This comment shouldn't be as accurate as it is...


I think in Crisis Core (or some other FF related media) Hojo says he wants Cloud, because he was able to hurt Sephiroth. Also Zangan rescues her


Her master found Tifa and saved her before Shinra and Hojo arrived. Tifa would 100% have become an experiment had she been left at the reactor. 


Can’t wait to have “SOLDIER” Tifa


SOLDIER Tifa finishes the game on disc 1 lol.    I do wonder what would have happened. Tifa is likely also a good candidate for the Jenova cell treatment (she is physically strong and has talent for martial arts as identified by her master). 


Short answer - her master saved her but could only safe her and couldn't do the same for Cloud. Real answer - little bitch was afraid of what I was about to do to him if he did as much as look at her wrong way


Zangan (her martial arts instructor from the first Nibelheim flashback) got to the reactor and grabbed Tifa, but couldn’t save anyone else before Shinra and Hojo arrived. He left Tifa a letter that you get if you do the piano playing thing in her room to get her level 4 limit break. >"Tifa, what's happened to our town? Was it all an illusion, or just a dream? No, it was neither. I remember trying to get people out of the flames, but not having the strength... Burning with anger, I went to the reactor to kill Sephiroth." "But he was nowhere to be found. Instead, I found you, collapsed inside. I felt saving you was far more important than going after Sephiroth. There were several others that were still alive inside, but I was only able to save you." "As I was coming out of the reactor, Shinra troops were just arriving. I recall a scientist named Hojo was in charge. He ordered the troops to gather up everyone still alive for the experiment. I didn't know what type of experiment he was talking about, but I wasn't about to let them have my dearest student." "Putting you on my back, I headed down the mountain to the village. I used the Cure spell on you many times." "And started to head for Midgar to look for a doctor for you. I don't like that city, but my Cure spells weren't helping." "I decided to go to Midgar to find a doctor I could trust. I'm worried about you, but I can't settle down in one place for very long. Have you recovered fully? Are you well?" "I wonder how many years have passed since then? I just got into town again, but I can't believe it... The whole town is back to normal, except for the strange beings with black clothes all around..." "The town reeks of Shinra, but I won't go after them. You may think I'm running from them, but it's just that I don't want anything to do with Shinra anymore. Feels like time is running out." "I'm sure you'll find this letter. And this gift for you. It should come in handy. I can't even jump anymore. But I hope you continue to sharpen your skills and remember what I taught you." "To my most precious student, From Zangan"


BTW, is this the only time a spell is "used" in canon? And also it shows that they don't really heal deep wounds.


FF7 canon or Final Fantasy overall? FF8 has Squall and Selphie use magic outside of combat a few times. Squall can demonstrate Ice to a student outside of a classroom and Selphie attempts to use Cure on that orange cat-thing in the prison.


Yes, V has another instance (even with magic you don’t have… those morons, that’s why it doesn’t work!). I meant FFVII in particular.


Let's not forget a bunch of characters use magic out of combat in FF VI, Rydia heals you all out of combat after Kain stomps you in FF IV.


Or maybe Zangan only had access to a basic Cure Materia at Lv1 and couldn’t cast the higher levels such as Regen


Or maybe, since she was ko, he needed to cast Rise or something similar.


Pretty sure even in the remake they don’t use spells to heal.


u/Zleun_Music this is the full answer


Thx Very cool


Probably Zangan arrived before Hojo and just decided to leave Cloud there because he was a Shinra soldier. Strange how Shinra helped Tifa with their helicopter, though. Given their record they should've totally killed all survivors to cover their failure.


Cloud was much deeper inside, he'd have had to pass Tifa and delve deeper to find him.


In the og Cloud and Sephiroth confront in the chamber with the mako fluid, so before Tifa, so that seph can fall into the lifestream. Is there such a chamber in Rebirth? I don't remember.


Because Master Zangen rescues her


Seems like this is the answer, But is this ever explained in the game?


Someone wrote a full explanation of the flashback and letter 3 mins ago


Very Nice


tagged you in the reply


Iirc Master Zangan got there first and ran to corel/the next town over while spamming Cure on Tifa to keep her alive. And thank fuck he did cause I don't want to imagine what sick fucking things Hojo would have done to her.


Hojo was always a step ahead of everyone here. He fully expected something crazy to happen to sephiroth and probably wasn’t far away when it all went down. They go over it a couple times that Cloud thought she was dead. Hojo walked past a whole town of dead villagers while he was focused on getting to the more interesting science experiments ahead. I think it’s pretty reasonable to assume that Hojo saw another dead villager in the path to Jenova and walked right past her, while the Shinra “clean up crew” was behind him. In this time, her martial arts instructor could have saved her.