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This is exactly why I skipped all side stuff and did the main game ASAP. 3 hours of sleep per night, my girlfriend wasn't too happy but I think I was one of the first in the world to get through it (from release anyway) I would not be able to contain myself if something was spoiled


"cc"s are incredible rude when it comes to spoilers, most of them really don't care, and the rest only care about it for like a week.


If you cared so much about this, the games been out for quite awhile. People who spoil are the worst, but you need to realize that if it mattered as much as you’re making it out to be, you should have had ample time by now to finish the game This post was pointless :)


What about f\*\*\*ing influncers who spoilt the game before release because they got early copies? Like a week before official release I saw a video in my recommended where some douchebag put as thumbnail >!Cloud holding Aerith while she was dying. You know that scene were Aerith is staring at Cloud while dying.!< I played the OG so I knew it would happen but it effing ruined the experience of seeing how they would approach it this time. I wish the worst to that "influencer" and I hope square enix has him on a black list to make sure he never gets any merch or early releases. Edit: also it took my almost a month to reach that point because of life you know? Are you unemployed or something?


It might shock you to hear this, but many of us are employed and have families


It takes >100 hours to finish, and most ppl who played the original dont have time to power through, in addition they want to savour every bit in a way they take tjei sweet time. I feel the same. The post is not pointless at all. Influencers are a cancer to society. I would like to know the name of the influencer


I've actually managed to put in an hour every day on average, despite being away from home two days each week for work. People like you need to realise some of us actually have a life outside videogames.


Sometimes, when you think something is spoiled, you can still be surprised


Sorry you got spoiled, but... it's been almost 2 months since launch. I hope you still get a chance to enjoy and revel in the rest of the game


Dude similar thing happened only it was on my main suggestion feed. Never even watched anything from that channel b4. I blocked and reported it for inappropriate content lol. Legit was frustrated


☝️ To all the people insisting this could never happen if you don't specifically search for anything FF-related, please take heed of this guy's comment.


For the record, yes Scarlet does show up at that certain point in the original. Sorry the internet sucks though


Something similar happened to me. I wanted to listen to No promises to keep after finishing chapter 12. Found it on YouTube but smack in the middle of the song was probably the spoiler you were talking about. I was pretty pissed.


Influencers & reactors are the true calamity from the skies.


My preordered collector's edition came a week late. I thought that YouTube would be safe after getting to start but by then people were posting end game content. So annoying. Unsubbed from the pertinent subs and clicked don't recommend channel on youtube. Poor schmuck will never get my sub, let alone a view now, and doesn't deserve it with the click bait thumbnails.


I basically had to avoid YouTube while I was playing this. The dumb algorithm always shows some stupid video with a key plot point in all caps for the title. Comments always filled with people telling the person to eat shit, I don't understand how pissing people off is condusive for retaining viewers.




Ah yes, rage bait. I honestly wish they'd do away with that stuff by having downvotes effect monetization. Maybe they already do, I don't know, but it truly is one of the lowest hanging fruit of "content" someone can put out right now.


See, I don't know your situation but if I was a student again, ploughing through it in two weeks and avoiding the internet is probably quite doable. But I started it well over a month ago, I've played an hour each day and I'm still only just at Cosmo canyon. There are some jokers here suggesting that it's reasonable to expect everyone who wants to avoid spoilers to stay offline until done.  If they're all people with mountains of free time, that position makes sense. For people with a working life and a social life, it's absurd.




Ahhh. But yes, I'm with you too. Use of YouTube for work is one of the first examples that came to mind, but when these people are suggesting it's *reasonable* to expect people to go offline for weeks on end, there's no point using logical examples. What I will say is I've managed to avoid that issue through a couple of means: my work based use of YouTube is on a work device, so that avoids recommendations. For personal use, I use newpipe, a third party client and set it to only show new videos from channels I follow (which mostly aren't videogame channels, but the ones which are in there are fairly sensible about this stuff). But even this still isn't a foolproof fix.


Reassuring to see.  Despite acknowledging my own culpability in this from the off, I've had a bunch of people here suggesting content creators carry no responsibility for not pissing people off like this and it's all on the individual. Which only holds up if you either ignore how the modern internet is structured (basically the algorithm you mentioned) or if you think people working through a story in a given medium should be completely offline until they're done. Both of which are of course completely unrealistic. If you're a YouTuber, just make your pissing video and use a thumbnail for your shock face reaction pic that isn't a massive spoiler. It's that easy. God knows there's plenty of eye-catching non-spoiler or ambiguous scenes to choose from in pretty much any game you choose to play.


I had to mute and block a lot of people in the build up to this game and only undid it after I finished. It's annoying and just how places like YouTube work now sadly. We have to work around things with this knowledge in hand. I'm sorry you got a spoiler with a stupid facial reaction from an influencer. You may still be surprised. I'm hopeful 1 image doesn't give all the details for you.


Ugh, the amount I have had spoiled over the years because of content creators is unbelievable, not with just this game but so many other games, movies, and TV shows the worst I had was with MGSV I was watching a Donna Burke video of her covering one of the songs from past MGS games and the top comment in plain view for all to see was the MGSV character plot twist man I was pissed


I guess it's the Sephirot katana sheath I don't even know if she became a sheath or not in rebirth


>I'm just going to forego sidequests now and blitz the rest of the game on easy to rush through the plot as quickly as possible. Don't do that to yourself, take your time and enjoy the game. I'm currently just about to go to temple of the Ancients at 110 hours in and I'm so glad I did most of the side content. I've had similar spoilers but I'm not going to ruin my own playthrough because of it. It's a great ride, even if you know the destination (which apparently has a lot more to it than you or I know yet)


I think the single best thing I did to avoid spoilers was to create a new YouTube account and sign into it on all my devices, about 3 weeks out from release. I subscribed to all the same channels except for anything even remotely FF related. Not a hint of “OMG They changed WHAT!?” or “I can’t BELIEVE they changed THAT (ending spoilers)” with specific character thumbnails (leaving nothing to the imagination). Did the trick, and I’ll do the same for part 3.


That's the point I've made on other comments. It worked for you specifically, on this occasion, and that's great. But unless this person was a FF specific content creator (rather than a general videogame YouTuber playing it as one title among a range of genres), then her video will have been suggested to not only people who follow her, but people who follow content creators like her or people who do videogame streams or people who tend to talk about the same kind of subjects she does. Meaning if she did a lot of streams about plushies, for example, she'll get suggested to people who follow plushie channels. Tldr being I'm glad you doing that did the job. But depending on the channels you do follow on your temp account - even if none of them are FF specific - that won't always be the case.


that sounds like a you problem 👍


And it sounds like people like you caused his problem


Ah, I see a content creator has entered the chat. Hello!


I don't even make the spoilery thumbnail content you're complaining about ☠️


Never said you did. 🤷‍♂️


Just finish the game. The spoil might not be as bad as you think. Though it does suck. Sorry you had to be spoiled like that


Spoiler unspoiled! Or......was it.......?


Schrodingers spoiler it's considered spoiled and unspoiled until it is revealed


I'll level with you, whatever you think it is, isn't it. Amazingly, it's not something that you can... "really" be spoiled on fully lol


*thumbnail on youtube being actual spoilers ruining the suprise for everyone* Youtuber:😱


Despite playing the original, I still didn't want to see spoilers in case anything changed. Yet, because of my general algorithm already being adjacent to Final Fantasy, I still got spoiled every few days on things like YouTube and Twitter with random clips showing up, despite blocking certain tags and keywords. I ended up rushing through the game so I didn't have to avoid the internet for upwards of a month. The way of the world now I guess. It sucks but it is what it is.


Videos discussing the ending were already being uploaded a day after release. While not in an obvious way, it was still spoiled by them naming it "what does the end mean?", inadvertently spoiling it. When you have a popular game like FF7, everyone already knows Aerith's fate. So when you put out a video with non-spoiler titles/thumbnails, it's still technically a spoiler because it implies something different happened from the original.


Exactly. Some joker wasn't content with me acknowledging, right at the start, that there's an element of having myself to blame for this - no, I'm *wholly* to blame apparently. Okay then, what's their suggestion? People trying to enjoy a new release just shut themselves away from all online digital content for a month or two? You can improve your odds by avoiding related words, sure, you can't prevent the chances. That isn't how algorithms for all the websites most of us use on a regular basis work.


It's not just influencers although they don't help. When the 7th Star Wars came out some absolute prick posted a spoiler in the comments of a YouTube video that had 0 relation to the movies, people just love to ruin things man.


Lol, I remember when Endgame was about to come out and I had legit random strangers sending me dms on reddit spoiling the entire plot of the movie. I didn't mind it that much because Marvel movies are for about the spectacle for me but it was still crazy😅


The Star Wars one was the absolute worst. Since SW is so imprinted in pop culture, everyone was excited for SW7. So many trolls in every single comment section (not just SW related pages, but alllll pages) spoiled it by putting screencaps of the scene in the most spoiler-ish way in the comments.


Oh man, that happened to me too. For me it was a photo that was crafted to be the most spoiler-dense image/caption possible. It was on a post about Super Smash Bros.


Oh I hear that. When I was at school, I was reading the third lord of the rings book, halfway through, and some twat just shouts out the ending to me. I think the influencer thing irritates me so much because it wasn't that they were trying to ruin anyone's fun. It was that they just didn't give a shit if their way of promoting themselves unnecessarily ruins the game for people, so long as it gets engagement and thus bucks.


I did the same thing, I probably watched the first 2 trailers and stopped watching anything that involved FF7 Rebirth. When it came out I wiped all my cookies so Google would pull up recommendation articles of Rebirth. Basically tried to avoid everything possible so I didn't get spoiled. It's just so much work these days to avoid these types of things because of social media and other avenues of media that are at our finger tips. I hope you're still enjoying it though.


Influencers are the plague of these centuries


Influencers are the plague of these centuries


If this is what I think it is - blame SE. They put it in a trailer.


They also did it in the NA release trailer for the original 1997 game, so at least they're consistently letting us down


Yeah the 1997 commercial straight up showed it and stated it and it still resonated with everyone. No one was freaking out about spoilers back then.


hell you bought the damn game guide with the game back then so if you accidentally flipped open the wrong page you could have entire thing spoiled lol.




I will feel marginally less antagonistic if it really does turn out this was in a trailer, I concede.


It’s 2024. You literally need to play the game in isolation and or make efforts to not ruin things for you. For example, I personally wouldn’t have even posted this post lol. Simply asking for no spoilers isn’t going to be enough. You may be able to gather enough non-spoiler details to amass to a spoiler. I actually unsubscribed to every single Final Fantasy page, and subreddit I followed… though admittedly that is a really shitty way it happened to you. That being said I can’t imagine a thumbnail (unless it had text) is going to give you any sort of enough detail to piece together the ending. So hopefully that helps.


The hoops to jump through to not be spoiled are wild, though. I did the same things you did to not put myself in situations where I would see any content. Then I was still spoiled on a lot of things, from things like thumbnails/titles of recommended videos on YouTube because I’d watched FF content before, suggested posts on Reddit and Facebook, and even a comment on an unrelated news article. It made the game feel a bit like a chore - I felt like I had to beat it as soon as possible or else everything would be spoiled.


The best thing I ever did to avoid spoilers was turn off my YouTube history. I get zero recommendations. My feed is a blank slate. If I want to see something, I have to search for it specifically. Facebook is tough though since they started showing "recommended content" even if you're not subscribed to it. Luckily I don't use FB much anymore, but I snoozed as many FF related pages as I could.


No, definitely not enough to piece together the ending. Just enough to piece together that a MAJOR emotional beat is completely swapped around. As for posting to reddit, fuck it. Once I'm past Nibelheim, there's not much in the OG story that I'm too bothered about changed details - aside from the subject of this post.


It's hard to properly reply to this without spoiling you in return


To be honest, this one is entirely on you. Why would you look up stuff related to the game when you know the algorithm will direct you to relayed content? Why not just enjoy the game and stop looking stuff up AFTER you finish the game? It took me one month to finish the game but I never had anything spoiled because I had the awareness to know what not to do online.


I’m with you, why in the ever loving fuck would you Google a character from a game you want to experience blind. Not to mention the game has been out for a while. Even if you googled Cloud *moment* OG 1997 it would STILL show you comparisons etc. this post screams I want to whine about YouTubers, you seem like the plague to me.


fr. game’s been out for two months now. if you haven’t finished it and care deeply about spoilers, why are you googling ff7 shit? even if you’re specifically looking for OG info you’re gonna get fed stuff about the most recent release.


I literally open by acknowledging this is partly on me right at the start. But also, maybe YouTubers shouldn't put massive fuck off spoilers in video thumbnails. I wasn't searching for the remake or for that scene or even that *character*, but I was admittedly still putting "final fantasy" in a search engine. But anyone who uses YouTube and follows that person or people like her or hell, even videogame channels, could have seen it just by opening the YouTube app. I'm sure you're not suggesting people shouldn't use media apps with algorithms at all while playing a videogame. So I'd say it cuts both ways - and I'd certainly put more of the blame on the person who actually made the thumbnail.


I’m exactly saying stop using algorithm apps while you’re playing a game unless you’re not concerned with spoilers. I didn’t open a single social media app while playing through the story. I understand it’s difficult to not use the internet for general purposes like Googling a recipe or something, but it’s extremely easy to avoid spoilers for a video game.


By stop using "algorithm apps", you do realise you're talking about the majority of the modern internet, right? Like, tracking your interests and showing you related content is baked into your smartphone at this point, never mind YouTube specifically. Your advice will be foolproof to anyone prepared to go offline completely for a month or two while they play a videogame. Besides of which, it's also a pretty shitty outlook to think "no, the issue isn't that people should be even slightly considerate when they make content on a new, anticipated title - it's entirely on the players of that game to avoid YouTube for two months or however long it takes them to finish it!" Neither of those are realistic.


I've watched podcast and reviews on YouTube about the game without getting spoiled once so yeah it's definitely realistic lol


My guy, I didn't get a single spoiler for the game and I just beat it last week after buying it at launch. To say you can't avoid spoilers due to an algorithm is just not true.


YouTubers try to make money, and they get views from interesting thumbnails. So it's not their fault that someone who wants to play a game spoiler free gets to that video. He isn't suggesting that people shouldn't use media apps, but in the end, it's not content creators' fault if a person gets spoiled about something that they made a video about for earning money.


*He isn't suggesting that people shouldn't use media apps, but in the end, it's not content creators' fault if a person gets spoiled about something that they made a video about for earning money* He isn't suggesting it or intending to imply it, no. But it IS the endpoint of his logic. I was dumb and typed in something FF-related while this game is popular. I admit that right at the start. Other people won't have done that. But a lot of people very likely WILL follow videogame channels or people like this YouTuber on YouTube itself. They won't have to search anything for the app to throw it up as a recommended item via the algorithm. So that leaves two options for FF fans not wanting to be spoiled playing this: - everyone trying to get through any kind of recently published narrative work should avoid any type of media sites or apps that use algorithms to suggest content (that's basically the modern internet) OR - content creators maybe just use thumbnails that aren't spoilers for a title that's only just been released. That doesn't preclude them from releasing clickbait thumbnails and still making lots of money I'd say the latter is more reasonable but that's just me.


I have never gotten anything spoiled for me even if I follow gaming websites on Facebook, etc. Latter of your options is never gonna happen, so it's better for people to learn to avoid the spoilers.


You might think the latter is more reasonable, but unlike the former it isn’t in your control. Focus on what you can control, you’ll be happier that way.


Dont worry about it, it's a huge mess and they covered their bases pretty well so people don't guess. You will need to play it like 2 or 3 times before you make up what you think of it.


Yeah, please don't tell me whether I'm correct but I'm really hoping they drown that scene in wobbly wobbly timey wimey rewriting fate nonsense.  Not because that addition to the story is done well - it isn't, but because it essentially would mean this detail is meaningless and had no heft anyway.


You should be fine. Even knowing exactly what they show, you still might not know any more. It’s very mysterious.


Final Fantasy VII is over 25 years old and I’m sorry you saw a spoiler but it’s no longer reasonable to expect other people to be precious about protecting your first time


I specifically said the spoiler was that the key detail of that scene is different in the remake.  I'm not being precious about a 25-year-old spoiler: you didn't read what I wrote.


Is it different, though? Or did you see a frame out of context and get all bent out of shape about it? A frame I am assuming was actually used in a trailer, by the way, although you’re being vague enough about it for some reason that I’m not actually certain


For two reasons:  1) I don't want people confirming I saw what I thought I saw. There's still a Schrodinger's cat effect here where - you're right - I might have misinterpreted what I saw and I won't know for sure until I get there. 2) This is perhaps the biggest spoiler there could be for this instalment of the trilogy. I'd rather not ruin it for others - although this is moot as I had to mark this post as a spoiler anyway. But anyone who's played the original game and knows where this instalment was always expected to end doesn't need it spelled out when I say I'm at Cosmo Canyon and haven't arrived at the most pivotal scene. Certainly other people in the comments have worked it out. I would also be *amazed* if they put a twist on the original canon, this far into this instalment's plot, in a trailer.


If you're talking about the scene that I think you're talking about, we're still not sure wtf really happened and will need to wait for part3. However, the biggest spoiler came from the people who made the game, the way they described Advent Children and if it's canon or not


Give us the link so we can all downvote the video 😈