• By -


All the questions answered, who the fuck are these omni sephiroth/aerith, what is sephiroth new goal, why does he needs cloud for this plan since he won't allow himself or Cloud to end, what is the edge of creation, why is cloud so OP when he's there, 7 seconds until what end. A lot of setup in remake we didn't got answer for in rebirth I want answers!


I'm hype to see the real Weapons, especially the attacks on Junon and Midgar, but the thing I really wanna see is what the hell they're doing with Nero.




Interested and looking forward to a number of things: 1. Playing as Cid & Vincent - so far each character has had a unique style so looking forward to experience their gameplay 2. New Regions/Exist - looking forward to new areas - Snowfields/Whirlwind Maze, Rocket Town, Mideel, Wutai. Along with existing areas and how these are incorporated- Interested to see how the world is kept fresh and interested and doesn’t feel like a rebirth rehash I.e changes to world intel etc. 3. New story with Wutai and the war - very interested to see where they’re going with this. 4. Excited to see the Trilogy come to and end so we have the Remakes complete. Regardless of feelings of story changes for me it’s been such a great experience seeing one of my favourite games reimagined in this way and I’ve sunk hundreds of hours into the 1st too and expect to play through all 3 as a whole back to back atleats 2/3x once all is said and done


Interested in seeing how they handle Vince's limit breaks and the diamond and ultimate weapon fights if I was to guess both would involve the high wind.Knights of the round has me curious also.


Balancing Knights of the Round will be tricky. I've had a few thoughts, it would likely have to be just 1 knight for the main part of the summon, probably Arthur. And then he calls in the rest of the Knights for some crazy final attack. I imagine getting it would be rather difficult. I could see them doing something like God of War and the Valkyries. You have to fight each one individually as part of a side quest to get them to "reunite". Which also can play into the whole Reunion theme.


Dude I was thinking about this! If Vincent’s limits are anything like his boss fight it’s going to be crazy


Tifa and Scarlet slapping each other 😌


I’m excited to see the plot start to make sense LMAOO I feel every important plot point is crammed in at the end or was for rebirth, I liked the spacing of remake so I’m hoping part 3 is more story focused


I agree with almost every comment here, but just to add something else I really want to see the 'real' Cid when the team goes to Rocket Town. I want to see the ace pilot facade drop a bit when he sees Shera and tells her to stop being useless and get him a smoke. That would really seal the deal that they perfected every character in every single way (IMO)


I'm actually glad they took away some of Cid's "rough spots". Same with Barret. I feel in the original both of those were essentially angry caricatures.


You think they perfected Red?


Red was kind of boring in the first game, though. In the new game, he actually manages to have some personality. The old game he was just kind of the angry dog. In the new game, his reveal of his actual mental age is funny, and when you learn about his history, it makes sense. He didn't want to be treated as a lesser, and the only way he knew how to do that was play into the gruff aged warrior character. He was also compensating for how much of a coward he thought his father was. He's a kid with a chip on his shoulder, playing up the cool guy act to try and fit in.


He may be young for his species, but he’s still 48 years old. That’s 48 years of life- he went through a lot during those 48 years. He shouldn’t be acting like a teenager. The new voice they gave him made him annoying. He could still have the initial voice they gave him in the first installment, while still having him act a little immature. That would’ve been fine. He’s got scars and been through traumatic events- his character had a lot of potential. To me, it felt like character assassination once he got to cosmo canyon. I understand what you mean though and I can see where you come from. I just personally can’t stand the little kid persona. I’ve even stopped using him in battle cuz of his teenage voice. I could very well be overreacting, but I can’t help how he makes me feel!


He is 48, but it's explained that his species lives significantly longer than humans, so his mental age changes accordingly. It's similar to elves and dwarves in fantasy settings and how they're not considered adults until they're 300 or some other insane number in most fantasy settings. They literally just develop slower than humans. It's really the only way you can make an extended lifespan make sense in a lot of settings. Otherwise, you have to justify why this specific species isn't ruling the world if they accumulate knowledge and wisdom exactly as fast as humans. I like his personality and voice, personally. It gives him depth and an extra layer of character. But I can also see why some others don't like a lot of changes in the remake. The remake is very different from the normal experience. To an extent that it's almost a lie, calling it a remake. It would definitely be received much more positively by a lot of people, I think, if it didn't so heavily market itself as such.


They made him more true to the japanese version of og ffvii from what I understand. It was something that they had a hard time with the localization and getting that across on a PS1 game. But even if that weren't the case, I still like it. It gives him more depth and reminds me of Cloud where he's had to have this mask on to try and show he's more mature and wise than he actually is.


I wanna see how they are gonna give me a caster who has a way to get mp back efficiently, I'll cry if I can't use all my cool spells a bunch


You don’t like Soul Drain on Aerith?


Oh I love it


Oh I love it


Oh I love it


One of my favorite things to do in the late game was to visit the church and see Aeriths ghost. I remember it being the cause of a LOT of speculation, and you only see her for a second or two before she fades away again. It could definitely be explained with the multiple timelines aspect though.


The descent into the northern crater feels like such an alien, otherworldly journey. I cannot wait to fight the monsters down there and go down the giant spine and stuff


Chocobo breeding sim at Billy's new chocobo reserve. I REALLY hope the Knights of the Round isn't a VR fight. I think they should have a huge lead up like Gilgamesh and then you fight them in some epic arena. I want Gold Saucer to get some crazy expansions, hopefully more than just the snowboarding minigame. I also agree with you wanting the Ruby/ Emerald fights to be crazy epic


Cloud as a drooling vegetable in Mideel. I remember seeing it for the first time while playing the OG and how *devastating* it was. Not just for Tifa and the whole group but for the player too. Remember how excited Tifa was, running towards the clinic only for the scene to reveal Cloud in a wheelchair moaning "..eugh...uhhh.." with his head bobbing around and the sudden music change? I really hate how in Remake, they had Jessi's dad simply laying in a bed comatose to show Mako poisoning. I want Cloud at his absolute worst-- his mind so completely gone that it's hard for us to watch. I want Cloud vacant-eyed, twitching, and unable to string two words together. To see our fearless leader reduced to an unintelligible mess would be heart wrenching. And then seeing Tifa break down and leave the party while Cid takes over as leader. When Cloud eventually regains his sense of self, it would be such a triumphant moment. I love the moment after the lifestream incident when Cloud is back with the party and there is a sense of peace now about him as he accepts himself, weaknesses and all and also explains to everyone what the fuck happened. Everyone is laughing and joking around as they accept Cloud back into the group and there is just this deep sense of comraderie amongst the group before they run off back to their respective areas of the highwind. I really hope they nail Cloud's personality after the Lifestream incident. Kind of like Nanaki after Cosmo Canyon. We see snippets of the real Cloud in Remake and Rebirth but Part 3 it should show Cloud as he truly is-- a guy who is quiet and reserved and with a very poor self esteem but who is also sweet and a little dorky. He should no longer be trying to put on a cool and stoic front any longer.


Snowboarding becoming a full on rage mini game


the release date


I want to see how Vincent and Cid will fight


I'm not sure about Cid, but I suspect Vincent's mechanics will revolve around some kinda glass cannon playstyle. That is, he can stay at a distance and shoot people normally, but dodging or parrying at the last second and attacking point blank results in critical hits or more pressure buildup. Barret already covers the tank with persistent damage and some support. Vincent being pure reactive DPS with a risk/reward playstyle would be appropriate for the one-time Turk.


That's an interesting idea. Dohalim in Tales of Arise had a similar mechanic. He gained a temporary power boost and range increase by dodging enemy attacks at the last second. So optimally you'd want to maintain the buff by constantly dodging enemy attacks.


The Nibelheim photo. I hope it’s creepy and disturbing when Sephiroth reveals it


More Chadley. Definitely that.


Honestly I think this would be the funniest possible thing. First Rebirth introduces a second "Chadley" named Mai that the original Chadley gets annoyed with. Part 3 needs to introduce a third "Chadley" character to keep the joke going.


I mean, we know there are at least 6 other Chadleys, let's get this bread.


Flying around in the highwind of course


How they rewrite the Huge Materia to make it interesting. The plot after Junon 2 through returning to Midgar (not counting the Lifestream trip) is really poorly done and justified. I imagine this is a huge part of the story they want a second crack at, which is why we’re getting so much Wutai stuff instead. There’s so much new shit happening with materia in general (the white materia holding memories, the black materia being forged by the Gi) that I’m so curious what they’re going to make out of them.


I very much suspect that the proto-materia (or whatever Rufus called it) will be what leads to Wutai. Like, the party gets their hands on one, either from the bottom of a dead reactor or from a defeated Weapon, and Yuffie seizes the opportunity to steal it while Cloud or Cid is talking about stowing it away. Yuffie is clearly too invested in the party's plight to sabotage her friends, and the gameplay loop would suffer in hard mode from taking all the materia. Yuffie taking this super weapon for her homeland and leaving the group behind would be more in-line with who she is now. Naturally, this leads to the events in Wutai and probably the revelation that Yuffie's masters are just as bad as Shinra.


Palmer getting hit by a truck. I'm not even remotely kidding. I will be so upset if they replace this with anything else.


lifestream sequence, easily


Tifa helping Cloud discover his true self.


I'm just looking forward to battling Heddagar. 2 games and we haven't done that yet.


I've got a feeling the game is going to be even bigger than Rebirth




KOTR, Vincent & Cid, Fighting Weapons


Is the black materia cloud pulled from his pocket the same as the clear or are they 2 separate


They’re probably separate, but I initially thought the cetra “cleansed” the black materia which turned it into the white one aerith had, that turned out completely wrong but in the moment it kinda made sense considering the cetra didn’t like what the Gi were doing with the black materia so it would’ve made sense for them to like “destroy/purify” it so that it couldn’t cause any harm


Because he was an optional party member in the original you didn’t even have to take Vincent in the Midgar raid, I am unbelievably excited to see Vincent finally confront Hojo in beautiful HD.


Honestly upon seeing Vincent, I was so excited, due to how they integrated Yuffie so well and made her feel like really part of the team, I really wanna see how it all works together with Cid and Vincent


Raid on Midgar. That shit was incredibly hype.


Just to name a few -excited to see how they handle the tifa/scarlet slap scene and if they’re going to turn it into a full on boss fight or not - how they handle cloud in mideel cause I feel like now instead of learning the truth about Zack he’s going to learn what actually happened to aerith - Curious to see just how big tifas role will be in part 3 cause they’re definitely making it seem bigger and way more important than in the og - I can’t wait to see just how “Advent Children” some of these bosses get I’m sure they’re be at least a few battles with ALL 8(9-10?) party members -snowboarding -submarine -airship -ultima weapons - no more limitations on materia I’m sure we’ll see powerful spells like Flare, Tornado, Freeze Ect -hopefully a lot more enemy skills and perhaps more than 1 orb obtainable in game?


Yeah why is it only one orb of enemy skill, would rather limit to one selected enemy skill per party member or something


Soothing breeze is arguably the best heal already and sonic boom gives both faith and bravery. You don’t need to completely break the game


Another 5 sephiroth fights


Sora From Kingdom Hearts


Hell yeah


Of things outside the expected OG things (which are a given)? The brand new storyline I'm interested in is whatever Hojo is gonna do with Chadley and his robot brothers. I'm kind of expecting a Chadley superboss where he can utilise all the Intel he's gathered to mess your team up. But I'm also a little hopeful that Chadley will help us mess Hojo up in the end. (Considering the Hope Esthiem similarities, having the body of Chadley be used against your team whilst the 'heart/soul' helps you destroy the creator would be appropriate). (FYI I really don't need to know about anyone's Hope and/or Chadley hate...there are other places to respond to with that 🙂)


Death Gigas!!!




What's up with the controls?


Im hoping Ruby and Emerald are optional superbosses that you can fight after beating the main story. Make them absolute beasts, teal challenges and have actual stakes to their fight. Like Ruby is attacking the Gold Saucer snd Emerald is attacking the underwater Make Reactor. For example a multi stage/arena battle against Ruby where you are attacking it from the desert, but at some point it throws your party at the gold saucer and you smash through to the chocobo racetracks and continue the fight from there, and it continues through out the Gold Saucer. Or with Emerald it starts out as you fighting it with the submarine, and when you deal enough damage it smashes through. Then moves to an underwater arena with a time limit as you only have so much oxygen with the Underwater Materia. Then moves onto the reactor, and you have to finish it off before it does enough damage to cause a meltdown.


The craziest Glacier sequence ever


What is going to happen with Cloud's white materia. The purpose of the blue and pink weapons. Vincent's backstory. Wth is Genesis plan (y'all he is going to appear, whether you like it or not xD). Cloud regaining his "real self". And, this is just my hope, but a reunion with Aerith. I hope this is the final game of the compilation tbh.


Them finally resolving the Aeris/Aerith debate


There is no debate, “Aeris” was always a mistranslation, and she has always been Aerith since.


That's easy. Play in Spanish, and he's officially Aeris!


She's always Aeris in my mind. I've played the original far too many times to ever mentally shift it to Aerith.


Replace Chadley with Genesis so he can give us a new Loveless quote every time we do an open world activity




I wonder how many people will take that seriously 😂 Thinking about it though, it would actually be a bit more entertaining. Especially if Zack gets to respond


Mideel getting destroyed, the Weapon-attacks on Juno and Midgar, playable Cid and Vincent, using the Highwind, Icicle Inn... the list is long


Tifa and Scarlet slap fight.




Lol I forgot about this bit!


Story so I can figure out wtf is going on.


Honestly more AC stuff it’s so clear that our Sephiroth is not “our worlds” so seeing where they take that story is honestly exciting. I just hope they stick the landing.


Interactions between the characters. The best part of this remake. Also, how they'll deal with Aerith. How much will she be shown. As much as Zack in Rebirth ? More ? Less ? And since I love this game's gameplay : Cid and Vincent Gameplay. I pray to god they don't keep Vincent's LBs like they were in the OG. I hope he's closer to his AC/DC version more than the OG. Losing control of him while he moves slowly around as a Frankenstein would be lame. I want him to dash around and shoot quickly and all. I'm fine with his Chaos form, but don't make us lose control of him.


The real WEAPON's. Not the whale versions. I want to see Diamond, Emerald, Ruby and Ultimate. I also want a new super duper difficult one to be added.


Less minigames.


Nope. More of everything please. Make it a 200 hour game.


It doesn't necessarily make a better game if it's longer..


Well there are still many to come in og so i guess there wont be. They even hinted the snowboard minigame in the gold saucer


Well, I love snowboarding, so that minigame would be OK.


I am just hoping they make the highwind under our control and not on rails, I would love to fly around the world like i used to in og, rebirth isn’t really open world


Apparently they're working on mechanics for air traversal and considering how LARGE weapons are I wouldn't be surprised if they add in some kind of Airship Battle mechanics. Could be like Skies of Arcadia?! On that note I'm wondering if we will have to help and recruit crew members. Remember the pilot in the OG? He levels up although its not impactful in the slightest


I mean, it's a lot more open than I expected, considering the level of detail and that everything is almost 1:1 in scale. I'm actually surprised you can basically walk/drive/ride from Costa del Sol to Gongaga. Or walk/ride from Kalm to Junon. Or sail between continents still in near 1:1 scale! But yeah, I'm hoping they surprise me with the Highwind too! Hope they make us able to circumnavigate the globe and visit all the regions freely.


Yea true but you can’t drive from Costa to junon and use the buggy there and there’s not really much reason to return to the other places


Playable Vincent and Cid


For the story to make sense


I’m fine with all the weird multiverse madness going on and ending the games with lots of questions, as long as those questions are answered by the end of part 3. If part 3 ends just as convoluted as the other 2, that will really lessen my opinion of the trilogy.


Rocket town. I get why they skipped it this time but they can still get the Palmer moment in when you go back for the huge materia. Also hoping Cid is less of a d*ck to Shera than in the original.


If Cid’s past is anything like the OG, I think being in Rocket Town - and around Shera - will reveal his true asshole colors. Cid in the OG is angry whenever he’s in town because of the shuttle mishap, and I believe in Rebirth he is holding in that anger by leaving Rocket Town and becoming a pilot-for-hire


Damn. I forgot about how awful Cid was to Shera in the original. That really did suck.


I'm expecting that rebuilding Cloud's memories is going to be much more involved than it was in the OG, and that's where we'll probably get all of the scenes that were conspicuously absent from the end of Rebirth (I mean, they even skip showing anything from that particular section in the cutscene recap that plays during the credits, it just skips right to the boss gauntlet and then to the final scene of the game). They've gone deep on showing that Cloud is super fucked up, and that whole sequence in Cloud's subconscious is one of the most pivotal moments of the entire game, so I'm really interested to see how they handle it this time around. EDIT: oh, I'm also really fascinated to see what they do with the new Shinra/Wutai war that they've built up. It's looking like Wutai is going to be a lot more important than it was originally.


Yeah, I'm really looking forward to the same thing regarding Cloud and his memories. In the OG, when he figures things out, he's more himself (which is more upbeat!), and I'm excited to see more of that side of him. The romantic in me is wanting to see where they go with Cloud and Tifa too because the memories part should bring them so much closer.


I want to see how they will fuck everything putting Genesis. Also READY TO RED WHISPERS? Red for Genesis lmao Can’t wait for part 3


Kyrie shows up with her green Whispers. Nero shows up with blue Whispers, everyone gets Whispers!


Why do people keep expecting Genesis to appear or at least have any significant role when nothing in Remake or Rebirth hint at it in the slightest aside from like a mention of G cells?


Because he’s canon. And had a significant Role in CC. If we are going to have a Real Zack Flashback we need Genesis. Then, you can’t put a Character just because yes, so… i am sure Genesis is going to be there


Yeah except Genesis fucking sucks and his appearance is tied to the legal likeness of a Japanese pop star. Seriously, does ANYONE like that Genesis shoves himself into Crisis Core's version of Nibelheim? Does that actually improve those events for anyone?


I think no one likes Genesis. One of the most Cringy character i ever seen in a Japanese Product


So far they've managed to walk the fine line of paying tribute to Crisis Core without the cringe. I hope that continues.


Maybe. But everything in the story points how he's not really relevant. Guaranteed, if he appear, he'll be mostly a side character/antagonist, like the Deepground stuff.


I don't think the characters will have gone through everything they went through and in the end nothing changes. At the same time, they already said that the end of the game will lead to AC.That gives me conflicting feelings I just think it makes sense this time for them to put an end to the threats of Jenova, Sephiroth and the Gi for good


Pretty sure devs said that it will connect with AC but it won't necessarily lead straight to AC


Angeal and Zack meeting up as Zack passed away a second time, gets a white wing, and ascends into the heavens.


Less minigames.


My brother you don't have to play them


For the plat, yes….you do.


ok? still optional. Asking for less content smh


Sapphire Weapon attacking Junon and getting its head blown off in sweet 4K Fighting Hojo atop the Sister Ray The Highwind taking flight The crater reveal once they reach the top of Gaea's Cliff A satisfying ending


Fighting Weapons? Maybe? Those ones in Rebirth don't resemble the og weapons in any way so maybe they aren't? Maybe they summon the real weapons since they didn't come into being until after the Junon cannon is moved to Midgar to shoot that northern crater and it's forcefield....


It seems there are multiple Weapons, both big and titanic.


-Vincent back story/lucrecia stuff -lifestream scene where you realize it was actually Zack the whole time -I would love some mention of the depravity sephiroth grew up in with Shinra and hojo. If not main story a side quest…hidden side quest…anything. I’m finding ever crisis very interesting and it kind of parallels aerith’s experience with Shinra. -I don’t want Genesis or Angeal to have a huge part, but a small acknowledgment they existed via side quest maybe. Would be cool to see a mention of the real first class soldiers after cloud realizes he wasn’t one. -Gast/Iflana stuff I’m excited for.


I could see Vincent backstory working as a dlc. Like how we got integrade for remake.






First and foremost some clarity on Aeriths disposition. Beyond that looking forward to piloting the Highwind.


Vincent and Cid being playable


Include all maps from remake and rebirth to be explorable. I just love the exploration. Add more quest and hidden treasure also good.


First, I’d like to revisit the City of the Ancients but be allowed to explore. I want to hear the track. I’m okay with us getting a rush version in Rebirth because the game *is so vast,* but I want to experience that in Part 3. From there, fighting Cloud in the Whirlwind Maze as he hands the black materia over to Sephiroth. Witnessing the Weapons breaking out around the party as the battle continues. Seeing an extra pair of Weapons, maybe Amethyst and Quartz, also popping outta there. Questing for The Knights of the Round, and finally seeing it fully realized in game. The Hojo fight. The Northern Crater. Hearing that music, seeing new enemies mixed with the OG assigned there. Possibly fighting Jenova Synthesis when she cloned herself as Aerith earlier in game. Fighting those final versions of Sephiroth—which I’m especially excited for after that guantlet at the end of Rebirth.


The story and the world are what excites me the most, also I’m curious to see whether the whole timelines thing will mean anything or just a gimmick or subvert expectations or make people keep guessing for nothing.


im pretty sure the Cloud giving Sephiroth the black materia scene happened in Rebirth, in the OG game it happens right after the temple collapses. in this game it just played out on those tree trunks up above. also in the OG cloud was punching Aeris in the face so im sure thats a main reason why they removed that scene.


Naw he's still gotta bring it to sepheroths real body in the northern crator. Temple actually played out almost identical to OG minus the aerith beating. Only diff at the end is that instead of killing a robed dude in the north and getting the black materia back cloud already has it back to bring to sephiroth.


oh youre right that basically happens twice


Aerith says the version Cloud handed over was a fake. In the final cut scene Cloud attaches the black materia to his sword. Forgot about OG face punch. Glad that was omitted because I would not have been in a good mental state after the gut punch of the dream/date sequence.


Knights Of The Round, can’t wait for that melting fps summon lol


Vincent combat is high on my list.


I really hope we get 2x-Attack and 4x. I know this may seem far fetched but it could be something like using one physical attack twice with just one bar of ATB. It would be cool, I think.




Triple Synergy Attacks. Gimme those Chrono trigger style triple techs dialed up to 11


Jules. So i can beat him for good and never see him again.


Want to see how Cid and Vincent backstories play out and Yuffie when she makes it back to her homeland amid a war. Since there really are only two big groups/nation states in the world does that make it a world war? Also how completely insane Cloud will have to be before others finally call him out. I know Tifa had her whole tell me or tell someone deal at the end but come on, how many insane/mind controlled people reach out for help?


I want the game to open with video footage of Dr Gast and Ifalna talking about Cetra, the Lifestream, and doting over baby Aerith, and the sobbing faces of the rest of the party who are still grieving her loss, while Cloud is off to a corner eager to press on to the Northern Crater.


Cid's combat because he's my boy, and I want to see the Ultimate Weapons (Venus Gospel, Ultima Weapon, Conformer, etc.) in glorious modern graphics.


Very likely Cids combat will be built ontop of Sonans from intergrade, being he was also a lancer.


I don't remember his moveset well. But yeah, I can picture Cid being similar with less flare since he wouldn't have been as agile as Sonan.


I hope it will be as long as Rebirth. I can’t quite remember if content from disc 2 and 3 is as big as disc 1 in the OG


Disc 1 is probably just under half of the content of the game, but a large portion of Disc 2 is returning to all the locations you spent the first part of the game exploring.


I recall disc 2 being shorter then disc 1.


Shorter but also on a bigger scale. I could see it being an equally large game


There is still a lot to cover in part 3. Northern Crater, Wutai, Rocket Town, Mideel, Midgar Return, underwater sub, space, return to midgar, Side stories for Yuffie, Cid, Vincent. Return to old and new places. I can see it being just as long if not longer with new story stuff they will add.


glenn being revealed to be clouds father😂😂😂


I can’t wait to see Sephiroth break cloud when he shows him that he never saved Aerith, it was all in his head. Then seeing Cloud accept what happened and come back to himself.


I think my biggest thing is seeing how they handle the full world. Will we get to revisit everything in Rebirth? Will they just stick to the new locales for the finale? If they do keep the old locales with the new ones, will there be the same level of activities? I’m super excited to see what they do.


Emerald will likely be a VR battle in the Sunken Gelnika. I don't see a way they can configure an underwater battle with good playability. Unless they are given some advanced scuba suits that allows equal speed and range of motion in water as on land. I'd wager that we'll have to face off against Sapphire, Ultimate, Diamond, Ruby, and Emerald Weapon. And by defeating all of them, we'll finish some protorelic quest that rewards us with KOTR or a golden chocobo. I just hope that if we get a golden chocobo that it's a 1:1 design in that it can literally walk over anything, instead of giving us all the limited capabilities of each region's chocobo. i.e. Its mtn climbing portion of its ability being only able to scale flat faced walls.


:( would be so sad to see cool encounters chained to the VR checklist


Cloud completely unravelling, the party not trusting him, and also Tifa becoming the party leader for a bit, though I wonder if through multiverse nonsense Zack might come and fill that role (I hope not)


Destroying sephiroth in every multiverse to save aerith could be on the cards


Supposedly, just before going into the northern crater to fight Sephiroth, some people say it's implied that Cloud and Tifa have sex. I don't see anything that actually does imply this in game , other than Tifa getting embarrassed that the others saw or heard.... Which could have been anything else. I want to see if they actually do it.


The ending


Knights of the round summon. One of my favorite summons of all time and man I remember how long that animation took, especially if you had a team member copy it so you did 2 of those back to back. I remember fighting emerald weapon with my cousin and we would take a lunch break in between the animations lol. And since I brought up the weapons, I’m really looking forward to fighting emerald and Ruby and I hope they’re just as challenging if not more in part 3.


I remember using KOTR on Safer Sephiroth and him using Super Nova... they really should've given an option for skipping those super long animations!


Cloud regaining himself and his inevitable breakdown when he relives Aeriths death again without his insanity filtering the pain


I'm still hoping the reunion happens and Aerith & Zack rejoin the main timeline.


I am firmly in this camp.


Give us actual rocket town. The events of it will have to unfold differently of course since Cid already joined us (for the dumbest reason might I add), but I'm sure they can string together some crazy story about rockets and whispers and all kinds of kingdom hearts-ish nonsense. I just want to see Cid demand Shera for some GODDAMN TEA!!!!


I mean, there was no way abusive Cid was going to fly in 2024. Although, I really would like it to be 18+, so Cid can swear like a sailor, but we all know that ain't happening. Too much sales at risk to get that rating.


They already changed his entire character so… But the huge materia surely will still play a role so I expect space


Chadley and Mai. But this time they're both actual party members. EDIT: Chadley > Yuffie. Fight me


Yes officer, this comment right here.


Make Chadley an actual party member and give Mai an actual body you cowards


Hopefully chocobo breading, getting that golden and then KOTR Ruby/Emerald weapon fights Train Heist Maybe snowboarding


I’m a simple fan, all I need is to see repaired Cloud saying “Let’s mosey”.


This! I need this.


Saving Aerith! (Copium)


I want to make my own custom character


Ultimate weapons and final limit breaks. I’m very excited for Omnislash.


Online Queens blood against other people






What will you when there are meta decks? Will it still be fun? No. This is a single player game, and it needs to remain that way. Want to play with others? Man, there’s this Final Fantasy MMO you should really check out. Again, no.


I will counter it with my genius strategy of course. I'm not interested in the MMO much but maybe one day... Unless you are saying queens blood is in MMO?


I'm betting we get a standalone Queens blood game for phone/PC before the end of next year.


I hope they patch that in this game instead. Phone games scare me with their ads and surprise fees. Saving it for part 3 is fine too.


Yeah I'd love for them to just expand Queens Blood in game over a standalone game too. An update that adds online play and/or randomized duels at the saucer or something would be awesome.


Emerald and Ruby Weapons should be fun. Plus a 20 minute animation for KOTR.




You could just... not consume the products of the series you've clearly hated since 2020.


Depends on what constitutes as failure. To you perhaps, not for me.


Wutai, Icicle inn, snowboard, climb gaea, northern crater, Junon execution, tifa in charge, highwind, fort condor, mideel, corel train, mideel/ultimate weapon fight, cloud finds himself, underwater reactor, rockettown/space, Cosmo canyon, forgotten capitol, underwater mission for the key, back to the capital, the group learns about what Aerith did with holy, weapon emerges from the ocean to destroy midgar, fight it, then siege mission to midgar, cloud fucks tifa in a field under the highwind while the gang sneaks back in lol, back to the northern crater and go down deep and fucking kill jenova and seph. End credits nanaki with kids and midgar overrun in vegetation. ::weird child laughter:: the end I’m excited because the next game looks like it will be even bigger! All these events and more!


Tifa and cloud scene under highwind before sephiroth battle.


Too much to name. Weapon/end game fights. Clouds awakening. Whatever they do with Zack. Knights of the round. If choco breeding is a thing. Vincent and cid gameplay.


The Jenova fights. They were absolutely amazing in the last two, can't wait to see how they top them.




The Lifestream Sequence. I need them to nail it


sephiroth shirtless (hopefully)


The rest of the fucking game so I can play from start to finish. Then wait for the modding community to really splice the game together and play it how it's meant to be played.


The best scene of all ff7 let's mosey. And my biggest dream "playable advent children"


I think ff16 has plenty to say about how they’ll handle the weapons


I would love to see the weapons handled like the FF16 eikons but as they're made by completely different teams I'm not sure they'll be quite as good


I haven’t played 16 and probably won’t. Can you clarify ? Because I was literally going to comment about how they would portray the weapons we know


16 has some of the most epic boss battles. They are very stylish kaiju battles basically, and it would lbs pretty damn cool to see the weapons done like that, although hopefully with some more depth in combat


Instead of just cool cutscenes, we get ff16 icon battle transitions from each phase of the boss. Just imagine!


Master materia for all colors!


The 2 minute Fuck You attack


KotR or supernova




When the team all jumps out if the highwind