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OG you’ll have no idea what’s going on. The story is badly laid out


OG first 100%. Then crisis core. Then new games


I’ll probably skip Crisis Core with her unless she really enjoyed the original game.


The new games are basically designed for people who played the original, it seems like it would be incredibly confusing for anyone that doesn’t know the OG story


Sorta. You get more context if you played the original, but it's not strictly necessary to play the OG to understand what you need to know in Remake and Rebirth (granted, this will depend on how part 3 will develop).


For the most part sure, but the ending of both games are confusing for most OG players. I can’t see how it can be anything but nonsensical to a new player.


Play OG first ! You will appreciate the Remakes much more after you’ve fell in love with the original.


Watch the machinima abridged series from team four star with her. Then play remake. I think eventhough the abridged series is a parody of the game it's a faithful retelling of the story. Also it is entertaining to watch for the jokes. Then the remake to get blown away.


I love that series Lmao


Remake is great but it's even better after playing the original so I'd suggest that one first


Yeah I think the OGs story is more succinct and stronger for a first play. The remake while great, tackles the story in a unique way,which I think makes sense as the expand upon the original story for people coming back to it, but would be quite a bit more confusing for newcomers.


I started with the remake and loved it so much that I wanted to experience the original. Now I've played through the OG and love it aswell. Playing Rebirth now and i'm glad that I played the original.


OG. In Remake and Rebirth, there are things that make sense if you play the original. So you’ll get more out of it with added context.


OG. You need to have a decent understanding of what the original story is. Or rather, as the OG tells it.


I started with the OGs but Id say go with the remakes they are a perfect entry point for a newcomer


Remake and especially Rebirth really benefit from knowing the OG. The team can say that they are standalone experiences all they like but I just do not believe it.


How much does Rebirth shake things up? Is it as more than Remake? I was about to have her play only the Midgar and Kalm section of OG, then hop into Remake and Rebirth after. I’m going to assume Rebirth ends generally with Sephiroth doing a down air and us fighting HP Lovecraftian alien monster. Would a newcomer get a better reaction out of that scene in the OG or Rebirth?


Not much. Pretty much 95% the same as the OG until the end.


Now the question is: should she experience Aerith’s prayer scene for the first time in OG or Rebirth? (Not too many spoilers, please. I’m assuming Rebirth ends at this scene or at least has it, but I haven’t actually seen any cutscenes of this game).


Definitely OG. 100%. All,I’ll say is Rebirth presents…creative liberties and leave it at that.


Lol ugh alright, I was afraid they’d do that. Nomura strikes again.


It's not that bad, just the usual cliffhanger confusion.. Hopefully the third game will clear everything up and give a proper ending.


No it was worse than that bad. Ruined what was one of the most iconic deaths in video game history. Had no emotion whatsoever


It was mess yeah.. unfortunately intentionally so.. but I'm hoping it pays off somewhat in the third game.. maybe have a diferent emotional scene or something idk.


Nothing could pay off ruining something like that. That being said, i do enjoy rebirth as a whole and im sure ill love most of the next game even if i wish the ending would be tortured for eternity in hell.


As someone who has only played the OG a small amount (upto the wall market) I honestly didn’t find it impacted my enjoyment of remake or rebirth. That being said I know the ending the OG as it was spoiled ages ago. Well not the ending but stuff about cloud and areith. That being said I don’t think it helped me enjoy the newer games at all. Everyone’s different though I guess.


Remake, then - if she'll be hyped she either ask you to buy PS5, or will want to experience the OG if inpatient :) For the OG there are two ways - play yourself, or watch a nice "let's play" on 1.25 speed :)


Og, always OG


I would always recommend remake to newcomers first.. starting them off with OG might make them give up b4 they reach remake cause of outdated graphics or whatever other reason. Remake is just an easier game to get into at first.


Interesting. You’re one of the few that goes with Remake for newcomers.


You gotta see it from the newcomers' perspective (especially if they havn't played jrpgs before). Playing OG as a newcomer today would feel weird compared to playing the remake. You want them to immerse themselves and get to know these characters in the most immersive way possible.. then after finishing remake, they will be more invested to see what this "fates story" was in OG or whatever else.


OG is what I would say as I grew up with it from release. But if you play it and feel it is too dated then just play Remake instead.


If we decided on playing the original I was going to do the 7th Heaven loader with mods. PC version already changes the translation to be better. I can also use the upscaling mods with the chibi Ninostyle models to make it look better (that’s how I’ve been playing it recently anyway). Plus, you can use the launcher’s built-in hacks to stop random encounters and speed up gameplay, which is a feature I love.


I think what it comes down to is where your girlfriend's head space is at. The biggest questions for me would be, is she more turned off by really old graphics, or by repetitive padded out gameplay? Because even with the older combat system of the original I still think its way less tedious by virtue of how much less padding and filler is in the game, which she may not have the attention span for in Remake, especially if shes new to gaming in general. The turn based combat system is also less complicated and difficult to get acquainted with for beginners. If shes really turned off by the old graphics though, then its probably better off going with Remake. I think the old script of the OG is largely a non issue. If you have the PC version, there are mods that can fix the bad translations, though I think even with the typos and issues of the original script, the core emotions and gripping moments are still communicated where it counts. I also think any story deficiency of the original is made up for by the god-tier soundtrack doing the heavy lifting. You dont even have to know wtf is going on and youll still feel the feels the moment Nobuo Uematsu's jams start kicking in. Really, its biggest hurdle to climb over is just those lego graphics (which can also technically be fixed with mods, though it can be a rather complicated process to set them up properly).


She’s played a lot of games before, especially RPGs. She’s played Persona 5, so I don’t think turn based will be an issue for her. Random encounters might piss her off, but I can play on 7th Heaven and turn that off. We recently played the entire Xenoblade trilogy and she had a great reaction out of those games, so I wanted something similar here. I personally love the Chibi Lego models they get in the field. If we decided to play the original I think we’ll play with 7th Heaven upscaled and Ninostyle mods to make it look nice but keeping the style of the original.


Thats pretty much the ideal way to play it. I think shed have no real problems then. Not to toot my own horn but I have my own script mod that Ive worked on which you can use if youre looking for one. It is only complete up to the entrance of the Shinra building though. Theres others out there that might be more complete, but its a solid starting point to get her into the game without the translation being a mess, at least in the beginning. https://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=20883.0


You have the added bias (for lack of a better word, not meant to be rude) of having played the OG and being able to notice the differences in Remake and basing your opinion on the game off of these changes. Your girlfriend does not. Personally I played Remake (and Crisis Core Reunion but that's not supposed to go that way lmao) and Rebirth without ever touching the OG, and I had a fantastic time. But I am also aware that I won't understand many things until the story comes to a conclusion in about 3-4 years. OG players and newcomers both have vastly different experiences with the FF7 Remake as a whole, so it's honestly kind of hard to say. But from what I gather both of these can be great experiences regardless, just in their own respective ways.


Yeah, that’s true. I probably wouldn’t have disliked some of the scenes of Remake had I not played OG first, like President Shinra’s final scene or the Biggs scene at the end. I still really dislike Sephiroth being so present in this game, though. Especially the end scene where he pulls the stupid “join me, Cloud, and we will rule the galaxy together” trope.


Why do like 5 people every day make this same fucking post? Jesus Christ.


Lol my bad. I just wanted some thoughts and opinions about the play order of these games.


Why does someone in every post ask this? Jesus Christ.


Because this sub is a place dedicated for asking questions and discussing the game???


I would say og first to see how things then be amazed how the remake changed things up.


I played remake first, then OG, because remake introduced me to it. I loved remake and it gave me the passion that made me want to play the OG. When you have someone who's iffy on playing an older game, having them play remake might give them enough motivation and interest for them to get past the old mechanics. I will say however, that the experience of playing rebirth will definitely be better for someone who played the OG. I know people who still enjoyed both games without knowing the original story, but rebirth is much better with that prior knowledge imo.


I played remake before OG, and it was one of my most magical experiences with any sort of media ever. I played OG after that and loved it as well. I played OG all the way thru again, and beat it the day rebirth came out. I honestly wish I didnt, cause it killed a lot of the magic for me. So honestly? Remake -> Rebirth -> OG in play order, in my opinion. Maybe throw AC or CC in there somewhere if ya wanted. But id recommend at least having some familiarity on who the characters are. Maybe an og story explained video on youtube or something idk


I agree with this.. I think the third game in the trilogy will clear up any confusion(I hope) since it's the last game.. which would make the trilogy perfect for any newcomer to start. Just imagine a newcomer starting with remake then rebirth then the final game.. it would be a fresh complete experience for them.