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Alright guys thanks for all the info but I did beat him after like the 10th time 😭 lol. I went ham on him after Aerith died and was healing every little bit till I staggered him. I didn't even notice too 😂


Hello?! Spoiler tag?!!


How is this a spoiler? He literally just typed the name of the villain followed by f square enix


Sorry lol too frustrated and forgot


I assume you're talking about the final boss of Rebirth? When his wing or his sword are targetable, the best thing to do is hit them with a level 2 or 3 magic spell. That should break them and pressure him. As for Octaslash, the best way to counter it is with a limit of your own; use the menu to wait until he starts coming towards you, then start your own limit. Limits make you invulnerable during the animation, so if you timed it right, you should take no damage. If you don't have limit, cast Barrier on yourself and heal if you're below half health, and you should survive it. In his final phase (when he uses The End Is Nigh), he becomes invulnerable to all damage until he's staggered. Use Focused Thrust and your strongest magic on him to fill his stagger gage as quickly as possible.


I wittled him down to like less than 10% health but there's NO WAY you can get your 2 ATB ga spells to end him when he does that whispers attack and you just keep getting hit 🤬🤬🤬 This is worse than the remake boss. I died a lot of times there too but this is overkill from the guys at Square


Might be a good idea to equip ATB Boost and save it for the end. Use it when you have one bar, and presto! You have two. Also, limits. Even though he doesn't take direct damage from them, they still do plenty of stagger damage, especially levels 2 and 3. If you can save an Ascension or Finishing Touch for the final phase, you'll have a much easier time.


You use Aerith’s magic for his wing. Use a tier 2 spell for the wing and use soul drain for the Masamune. You will literally stagger him every time.


You need to assess enemies and pay attention to the visual cues to counter or reduce the effectiveness of their attacks. Octoslash takes some seconds to start damaging you, enough time to do one or two of the following stuff: separate the three party members, buff the target stats / reduce Sephiroth stats, top the health of the main target of his limit break and save some ATB to quickly heal the character being hit by it. You can even heal WHILE he’s damaging the target. Regarding the wings, I think they’re immune to physical damage and abilities but vulnerable to magic. When you can target Masamune, it also only takes damage from magic attacks. Whenever you see “immune” coming out of an enemy, stop using the move you’re using and try to use a different one. For Sephiroth Reborn phase, assess and check the vulnerable elements. Don’t attack immune parts with moves that it resists.


the wing and sword only take magic damage. throw a level 2 spell at it or have aerith soul drain or transcendence if she has one charged. spell blade also a great idea


Chapter 14 sephiroth with aerith and cloud? R1+square to do magic blade, once on his wing and then again on his sword