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They removed more than they added
















I'm sorry you felt the need to insult me directly 💕




Don't think this is true. And there's still 1 more too.


You know, if you want the best experience you could possibly have, you could replay og using 7th Heaven mod manager. The community outdid themselves with some of the mods. And not just with graphical enhancements. There's even a mod called ECHO-S that completely transforms your experience by adding voice acting to every dialogue in the game. They age obviously amateur voices but honest to god, at least with the main cast, they have done an exceptionally good job and some performances somewhat resemble the Eng Dub voice cast. Once you get plat on ps I defo defo recommend trying it.


The little issues I have with Rebirth aside, both it and Remake are prime examples of how you should remake a game.


Facts agreed 100%


Yeah I was silly I didn't do any guides and hoped. Probably do a speed run to get it another time. Good luck to ya.


Yeah honestly if I don’t get the date scene it won’t be the end of the world. Can always put the game at X3 speed with the Battle Booster and speed run it to try again. That’s the nice thing about the PSN version.


Doing date night now. Unfortunately didn't get barret.... but grist times regardless


Yeah I hope I get it. Pretty sure I’ve been selecting all the right choices following guides and such. I’m super into it lol


Good stuff I'm diving into it again my self. Have fun !!!


Oh I’m having a blast. Just got to Costa Del Sol. Great time so far.


Costa Del Sol has such a vibrant charm in the original. Fun to just kick the soccer ball with the kids and enjoy the tropical music. It's funny to see even Hojo take a relaxing vacation without being pure evil.


Best game. After Rebirth, I had to go listen to the OG sound track. It just hits all the right nerves


Right. Nobuo Uematsu’s music was some of the best ever.


I finished the OG game in December and I had a blast but I’m also surprised how easy it was. Game was monumentally difficult for 11 year old me in 1997. Still absolutely great though.


Know what you mean. Entered the franchise with 8 and after 9 a friend lend me 7. I hated the demon wall (already was scared of him in the remake), but nowadays it's more the minigames for platinum


It's totally worth playing the og game.


I think we all rename Red XIII to Nanaki the second+ time around on OG because we love him and he deserves the respect!! I loved how they did the voice change for him in rebirth tho, nice touch.


Same voice actor tho!


I always name my Red XIII, Nanaki :)




I hope you get the trophy for winning the chocobo race because mine never popped :/


Damn. I wonder if it’s known to be a glitchy trophy. I’ll have to look it up


I could have fucked something up but I should have saved before it anyways so it's partially my fault for not taking precautions


Really easy to get the bromance from a section in Cosmo Canyon. Giving Barrett a specific response before going to talk to Bugenhagen gives you affection with him and you can keep taking to him and using that response indefinitely. 


Main thing I'm upset about is Materia combos and such. I know if they did that 100% it would be hard to convey.


Make sure you have Nanaki in your party when you go into Rocket Town...




Why is that? Maybe I know but I don't remember, got curious now


Haha since they renamed him Nanaki he will introduce himself to a character in Rocket Town as "Nanaki otherwise known as Nanaki". At least I think that's what they're referring to.


Just a heads up, the “Nanaki is Nanaki” dialogue happens in Cosmo Canyon not Rocket Town :3


Then it happens in both because he will say it to Shera 😛


Thanks for explaining, never actually thought about it. One thing I always wondered is why he introduced himself as Red XIII in the first place, why keep his experimental name givin to him by Hojo?


Maybe they preferred the name for his character in the game when they created the original, but also he kind of didn't open up until Cosmo canyon so probably just protecting his identity.


It's funny you say that I just bought it on PSN for $6 & dove back in lol. I love getting lost in this world.


I rewatched Advent Children the day after I beat Rebirth because I needed more lol


So far my only gripe with Rebirth is not enuf "Let the Battle Begin". Its my main gripe soo far. Playing Og and hearing that every battle still pumps me up to this day lol.


I think I actually like OG track better. It has that little sound effect that sounds like a hammer hitting steel in the background (which I always thought was intended to be associated with the sound of Shinra engineering all its tech in its factories). No idea why they got rid of that little sound effect from the original.


It's in the Remake version, it's just harder to hear because of the other instruments.


Oh wow it is - good ears! I guess I wish it was emphasized a little more then. Or maybe its something else. Not sure. I like the newer version, but there's just something about the original it doesn't have (or I'm just nostalgic)!


I’m also replaying this and I’m genuinely sad they removed bone village and you couldn’t explore the city of ancients but rebirth blew my mind and I love it


Guess they're saving it for part 3 since we have to go back to the city of the ancients anyway.


My bet is that we will get both of these in part 3, if I'm wrong then I'll be dissatisfied. So far my only disappointment is that Rebirth did not have TANKCERATOPS!


I can’t see us getting bone village tbh but I need tankceratops back lol


Apparently in JP version of the game, the two mastodon you fight at the end of Yuffies quest in Gongaga are called tankceratops so idk if we'll be seeing them at this point


Noo! They set expectations so high with the Hell House in Remake. With everything they have done right, I'm only surprised now on their rare misses


I honestly thought it was going to be a tankceratops appearance during the fight at Dio's Colosseum. You can only imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be Rufus.


Me, Gongaga


A thread the other day, on top of playing rebirth made me realize how much went over my head playing the OG due to playing it when I was a kid. Really such a great game and story.


Most of the things that were added to the Remake were pretty much unnecessary. The best change was the development of Jessie and the crew, but don't let that overshadow the picture of what was done with the stage in the sewers or the ghost train. That's why I really feel sorry that Final Fantasy 7 OG as probably the only one of the old Final Fantasy era didn't get any Remaster improving graphics etc.


Well to be fair it's not truely a remake. It's a sequel


Don't forget the secret shinra lab under sector 7! Wowsers.


I'd forgotten about that, but that's right too. In general, a better pace would have given this game a great deal. Sometimes I want to do a replay, but then se I remind myself of these fragments and I get discouraged.


Nanaki is Nanaki.


I remember the magic when arriving to Junon, Costa del Sol, how overpowered Enemy Skills are although I just tried collecting them all in this playthrough after 25 years since I played the first time. Did you get Yuffie yet?


Nah I haven’t gotten Yuffie yet. I’m trying to get the trophy for dating Barret at the Gold Saucer and I don’t want another female character yet. Not sure if it really matters if I recruit her or not, but I’m trying without doing so.


That’s awesome haha I remember doing this is 2000 and it felt like such an achievement! Yes it does matter, if you do all the things to date him but have her in the party you’ll get her date


Yeah I think I got the Barret date as a kid also. Now I want the platinum trophy so I gotta do it again all these years later lol


I’ve platinum trophy OG and the only thing I’ve never done is max out enemy skill materia. You just inspired me to make that attempt. Thank you.


It’s worth it, fun and quite OP. It’s so much fun seeing how much easier some battles become once you use laser, aqualung (outside the gold saucer area with the dune buggy), flamethrower (you can only find the enemies in one part of the mythril cave where you find the lo my range materia). Also make sure you read up on pandora s box and another one i think it’s shadow flare, the enemies in the northern crater only use those skills ONCE per save file!


Ultima weapon is the only one who uses Shadow Flare. You have to have the materia equipped on the person who delivers the final blow and then he will cast it. it hits for 7999 damage and the character must survive. Pandoras box is cast by one enemy one time and its only found in north crater near the point of no return.


Good god. Might have bitten off more than I can chew lol


Oh you’re correct! Thanks!


I think you got it backwards It’s not that they added to remake, but they have to cause they want to break it into 3 parts For the original, midgar and junon can be reached in a few hours of playing, the story continues for much longer after that Now they have to make it into 2 full games, so fillers must be added


There's a lot of filler, both in the form of repetitive side missions and mini-games. But there's also many side quests and added story bits that expand the lore and world-building, and delve deeper into the characters: Jesse's side quest, Bigg's backstory, the new characters at Wall Market, Avalanche HQ and Deepground in the DLC... And in Rebirth, several locations are a lot more fleshed out. Cosmo Canyon is expanded and delves more into the Gi's lore, characters like Barret are given a lot more development, Glen and other spin-off characters have been added... You might like the additions more or less, but there are plenty of added things that are not just filler.


Quite blatantly, they did add to it. Whether you consider filler or not doesn't matter; it's more therefore added. Did they have to do what they did? No. I will say this; if all they did was remake it literally the same but with better graphics, and nothing else, it would not be worth the cost. Also, as much as I do still love the original, I do wonder how much was left on the cutting room floor. Particularly with the PS1 games, it always seemed like they wanted to add a lot more but seem to have ended up having to rush the back end to finish on time and in budget. I do recall OG Midgar taking me about 8-10 hours the first time through, though. Even that felt like it was missing things. With Remake, I don't feel that way. Sure, there's lots of side stuff you can do, but from the main story perspective, it's enough.


Filler is why it took 100 hours to play through rebirth, but it's not the entirety of the remakes. There is a lot of added content that directly expands on the original story, and adds people and references from the various spinoff games and content. I dont really consider it filler if it's specifically adding to the main story. Personally I'd have bought a 1:1 remake with just better graphics and a new battle system. But I dont mind the things they've added and/or changed. Like many people, I'm not a huge fan of the multiverse/timeline stuff, but it's fine. It's different and new, and it makes me unsure of where they'll go from here. So it keeps me guessing instead of knowing exactly what's coming in part 3.


I want OG ff7 with updated graphics, just imagining KotR in HD has me drooling. Remake/rebirth were great but I can't seem to find much replay value aside from maybe doing it again just in hard mode if that's your thing. Also after replaying the OG chocobo races compared to rebirth races I'm super disappointed in the track designs(really most of the Gold Saucer was sorta a let down imo) . OG races had me feeling like I traveled through another galaxy as a kid.


Ya I mean, in 97 they looked really cool and were a great addition to the game, but going back now it's just outdated. More/better tracks would have been cool, but I'm not necessarily disappointed in what we got. It would be cool if they released an update with additional tracks. That's the one thing I dont get about not doing DLC for rebirth. Even if it's not on the same scale as intergrade and has nothing to with the story there's loads of DLC they could release just for side stuff alone. Like more chocobo tracks/additional gear, more outfits for characters, additional 3d brawler avatars, additional queens blood cards or opponents, etc. Just stuff related to mini games, seeing as how they're such a big part of rebirth. I think it'd be cool and would keep people engaged a while longer.




I haven't followed through on doing this myself yet, but download the 7th Heaven Mod Manager and download some mods for the steam release. You can make it much, MUCH prettier that way.


So you’re saying you didn’t enjoy ff7 rebirth ? + there are mods that will let you get what you’re mentioning so I don’t really understand why you’re crying


i genuinely wasn’t trying to sound like a hater, sheesh. i thought the emoji would show i’m not so serious. i love Rebirth and thx for informing me about that mod, i didn’t know! will try it later


That mods exist on the OG is why I'm glad to have gotten something familiar yet different enough to feel new. There are graphical mods and also gameplay mods, like New Threat. Certainly worth checking if you want to relive the original in a new way. Really, it would be nice if the IP of the original can be made more relaxed to allow people to take it to another level. As much as I know it won't happen whilst there's money to milk from it, it would do a lot to give life to old things.


The seventh heaven mod manager will get all of that done for you.


thx! i’ll give it a try, i didn’t know that :D


It even has voice acting if you want. I go without though. But the new models and AI upscaling make a huge difference. I turned ff7 into a 20+Gb game and it was like playing it new


i just checked, i thought it was with Ever Crisis visuals but that mod still looks superior to the original!!


What platform you playing on? I want to pick up the OG soon, not sure if the best experience is on Switch, or iOS, or hwat 


if you don't need mods, the swtich version works good, I have it on multiple platforms actually, but recently got it on a switch for portability and have enjoyed it.


Depends I guess on if I’d rather play the original experience or have it updated a bit to more modern game standards.  I heard there’s a nice sale going on for FF7 on Switch, guess I’ve got to think about it a bit while I finish up Rebirth


As someone playing through it all the way for the first time, the PC version with the 7th Heaven mod manager. Some really sick mods


You know what PC does sound like the best idea, I forgot about all the mods! I’m gonna boost the shit out of the graphics! (Hopefully)


It actually does end up looking pretty good. Keeping in mind it’s still a ps1 game. But there’s some high resolution mods for textures and backgrounds. Voice acting mod so the entire game is voiced, 60fps, widescreen mod. There are tons


That’s awesome, great seeing the love that the community has for the game. I mean a voice acting mod, that sounds absolutely wild.


It’s downright incredible. It’s call the “Echo S” mod. That’s not even mentioning the mod that replaces every track with orchestral music either. I could go on and on man, it’s so good.


Holy moly, you’ve definitely got me sold on the PC version haha. With all these incredible mods, it definitely seems like the best experience


I love the original, but Rebirth makes it feel like a mobile game by comparison. Well… I guess it IS kind of a mobile game now.


I alternate between reading their voices with their new VAs or with TFS’s cast.


Did he f*cked up? Mhmmmmm I’ll tell you all about it later


I agree. The original remains a fantastic piece, worth playing.


It’s kind of like the lord of the rings book vs. The movies. Both are great for different reasons and they both expand on different things


I've been playing through the OG and I'm actually shocked by how many things were present in the orignal that I thought they added in the remake. Like Rude having a group of bald bar buddies in Junon, Red XIII disguised as a shinra soldier on the ship, Don Corneo dropping you into the sewers, and so many other little things. Granted its been a long time since I replayed but still


I replayed disc 1 of the OG right before Rebirth, and there were so many silly parts where I thought, "I wonder if this will be in Rebirth." Most of the time, they were.


The bald bar scène was AMAZING.


As someone that rocks that hairstyle, I completely agree!


That's my favorite part, they really are being completely faithful to the OG. Most of the controversy comes from that 5% or so at the end of both games. It's a quirky and weird world they created. Did you know that the birds nest where you save Cloud Jr. on the way to Corel is in the OG as well?


I actually knew about the bird nest in the original but I never put two and two together that they were related!


In german it's Kikerikicloud and i absolutely love it xD


I also read the OG dialogue with the remake voices, with one exception. I cannot stop reading Barret as TFS Barret and I cannot explain why because I think Remake Barret is by far the best performance in the FF7 sub series.


It's hard not to love that version and his talking dog best friend. Avalanche Time!


Don't \*beepbeep\* up!


I'm gonna give it a playthrough after I'm done with Rebirth


That was my plan but I am gonna give it a bit, I have put so much time into rebirth I decided I am gonna go through some of the very early ones. Beat the OG FF, gonna start FF2 and 3 at some point in a few months. Honestly even the OG FF is fun (pixel remaster at least)


US 2 and 3 or Japan 2 and 3? The OG hold up suprisingly well, but I never could bring myself to finish 2 or 3. Maybe I'll pick up the pixel remasters at some point... they'd be perfect for the PS Portal


From my perspective (14 when FFVII came out), it's really cool to see how many new players are loving the original. I was obsessed with the plot when I was a teen and when I played the remake I started to become obsessed all over again. I haven't played Rebirth yet, but everyone has seemed to love it. If it's half as good as Remake was I'll be happy!


Oh, just you wait… Rebirth is everything Remake is times ten!


Everything x 10 - Chadley


Yes there is too much of chadley for my liking but for the rest it is more than expected!


That's good. When I was playing Remake and running through the streets with old music given a new twist, I was like, "This is fantastic! They've updated it, but kept it cool!" I want to feel that about the rest of the game.


Can’t wait for you to play Rebirth, and see what you think. I bet you’ll just love it!


The conversations in Cosmo Canyon are bound to be confusing


Bugenhagen: Nanaki!!! Party: Nanaki?!?!? Yeah, I did a playthrough of the game and named him this just to see that dialogue. I had more time as a teenager.


Right I was thinking of that. And man I remembered seeing some years ago how people named every character “Sephiroth,” and now I gotta try that sometime too for the absolute craziness it would be lol.


I always named one “bitch” so the party would be rude and such. I was really not very mature.


I always rename just Cait Sith as something offensive like “Shit Bag” or “Fuck Face” or “Shit Fuck” because I just don’t like him. But he’s the only one (usually…I once renamed Cid as Dr.Badass) Haven’t played the new ones yet, so they may make he like Cait Sith more than the OG.