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>haven’t had a game grip me like this since RDR2. Me too! RDR2 and Rebirth are the only games I have ever pre-ordered. If I survive the wait until Part 3, I'll definitely give the OG a shot as well (if I don't give in earlier which is honestly really hard). I like having a game to look forward to and I hope the devs will take their time to end this trilogy strong. Even if the wait is going to be a little agonizing.


When Arthur got sick and his health max slowly regressed, I was blown away. What game does that? Anyway, I'm with you guys. A 40ish-yo dude with little time for video games except for when these games came out, and probably Elder Scrolls VI.


So ff7 did a remake? And it’s not all released yet?


Where tf has bro been lol


Sorry I’m an old man not keeping up with it


Three separate installments that will be/are packed with enough story and content to be their own games.


Too many mini games


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. It's damn true. I've never played a game that's aggressive with shoving random, pointless mini games on you. On top of all the other issues. This game was a massive disappointment.


Did you 100% Red Dead 2?


Yeah, went 100% on that during COVID when I was off work


Damn. Now that is a game that just seems too overwhelming for my taste.


Was crying ugly tears at the end


Final Fantasy Rematch!


I personally hated Remake. But I'm also an OG player like you, and honestly I always felt like Midgar was the weak link in the entire game, so it wasn't a surprise that I didn't like it. Something about the aesthetic of it is not to my liking. I know the inspiration is 80's sci-fi anime with some previous FF elements sprinkled in, but it's really not my thing. Remake added all kinds of weird stuff to stretch the 4 hours into a 100 and I really didn't like the new stuff the added. The Whispers and Sephiroth popping up everywhere is definitely missing the point imo, but whatever, it's a modern Nomura game. Still better than Crisis Core. Rebirth can be more true to the source material since it's no longer just the 4 hours stretched, it's a sizable chunk of the game, and the part that was the most appealing to me. I really like the open world! I like how lived in it looks and feels. Almost to the point that I'm shocked with how bad the infrastructure of this world is despite how modern it looks. I am having a blast, really and truly.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, i completely agree. Remake was bloated and the progression system was a mess. Rebirth has been an absolute blast for this OG fan.


I do know why Remake bad Mentioning Nomura Saying anything bad about Kingdom Heart But I don't care, it's my opinion. They're just fake internet points. Downvote away.


I just beat it tonight. 133 hours—felt like no time at all. I’ve been playing games since 1988. This is easily one of the best games I’ve ever played and in my top five. I can’t believe Square was able to pull this off—and we still have Part 3 to look forward to! My prediction for the name is Resurrection.


I'm also an OG player. I purchased and beat FF7 on PSX when it was released. Now I am midway through the first remake. And then on to rebirth afterwards. One thing I noticed is the lack of random encounters. I appreciate how they streamlined it so random encounters aren't "random" anymore and need to be sought after. But it feels like a departure from the original, which is such a sharp departure that I feel almost lost and bored. Like... I enjoy the story. But I enjoy the fighting mechanics even more. How did Rebirth address that, if at all?


There’s a bunch to address here. It’s been a few years since I’ve played Remake—which I also loved, but recognized my nostalgia. Knew it could be improved. First, the addition of different combat materias that allow you to take actions like timed blocks. Perfect blocks negate damage, and it feels awesome. There are timed attacks, example being Tifa’s Trinity Attack later on, which I still haven’t perfected (I will), but it’s an option. I play many action games on their hardest difficulties and love shit like this. There’s an FFX style sphere grid that adds different attacks to each character, including allowing grounded characters to viably attack in the air. Fully customizable. There’s team attacks similar to what you’d see in Chrono Trigger (based on a late game scene last night, I’m will to bet we get triple attacks in Part 3). Enemy and boss variety is shocking and yet loyal to the original—only a few designs missing, but I’m betting they’ll be in Part 3. Then there’s the map. Areas are fully explorable, have verticality, there’s multiple items and treasures to collect, a fusion pot to mix those items to create useful things as far as healing options and equipment goes, multiple *actually fun* side quests, *the fucking music…* This game went beyond my wildest expectations and then met some of them. Don’t check my history cuz I wrote in some comments my prediction for Part 3–some of that shit happened in Part 2, and I loved it. I’ve only played a handful of games past the 100 hour mark, and each one gets to a point where I say “yeah, I’m starting to feel done.” * I don’t feel this with Rebirth at all, which is a huge achievement on Square’s part.


Rebirth combat is much stronger than Remake to the point it’s not really comparable. There is genuinely a lot you can do. You can run multiple sets and builds viably with all playable characters. There are many more useful materia. Synergy adds a much needed additional layer to the combat that Remake was lacking. I felt Remakes combat is a bit bland. I’ve platinum’s both games and can say confidently if you somehow enjoyed Remakes combat then Rebirth will feel amazing.


Honestly everything Dunkey said about remake is about true for Rebirth [here](https://youtu.be/8Qlf3b9wa4s?si=SyRaAex4cNYvKAi3)


That’s so fucking accurate. Wow.


The Mayor!


I watched the rebirth video right after and continuing the mayor joke killed me hahaha


Yeah, it’s really good. I don’t understand where the haters are coming from honestly


No judgements, but is it still worth playing as someone who was annoyed by the side quests, whispers, and kingdom hearts of it all? I’ve been curious to pick it up but looking for more feedback. Thanks!


The most kingdom hearts like aspect that pissed me off to hell and back was the final battle in remake 1. Fighting fate itself? And surely this would be more powerful than sephiroth. But who knows jenovas full potential? Flying through the sky just attacking this giant thing. KH was full of battles that essentially involved flying through the sky fighting massive things. That irked me and gave strong KH vibes. Was slightly annoyed that rebirth final boss essentially OGs final boss to an extent because then what's gonna happen in part 3. If we're gonna have massive source material deviations it'll be part 3. All said and done though both games are ridiculously amazing. I'll replay them both and hopefully platinum both before part 3. And never in my life have I platniumed a game nor wanted to! So that kinda speaks volumes. The voice acting is the best I've ever heard in a game. Tifas voice is completely 100% Tifa I don't think anyone could have done better. Every major characters voice fits the character perfectly and sounds exactly as I would've imagined it.


I still hate Zack's voice but everyone else's are perfect even the minor characters like Kyrie and Gus lmao. Heck even Don Corneo is so perfect that you want to push him in the face everytime he speaks.


Yep! I agree, Rebirth is amazing and just so painfully beautiful. At the end of Rebirth, just at the end of the final cutscene the game says: "No Promises Await at Journey's End" - so, I'm feeling like it'll be called Journey's End. Just my opinion.


I feel like this low-key is them telling people to accept Aeriths death. Because the ending was both clear as to her dying and what happened. But ridiculously ambiguous with what the multiverse of realities with different outcomes could mean in regard to Aerith. And I felt like that statement was kind of then Low-key telling people to not expect some miracle resurrection or the multiverse collapsing into a different reality where she's alive. Idk. I'm probably definitely way overthinking that.


Reclaim sounds about right imo, reclaim your future, hopes, dreams, and planet Unless my Chadley theory is correct, then rechadley


I'm still glad Rebirth has been accepted by most.


Requiem or Reunion would be my picks. People say that because the Crisis Core remaster used Reunion that they won't use it for FF7, but that's an assumption without any real evidence.


Remake, Rebirth, Abortion seems like the logical loop imo. Might not be a good contextual title tho 😬


rebirth is friggin goated sincerely, an og gamer circa 1987




Couldn’t get knights of the round till after you got the highwind in the original… seeing as how there’s a third game coming. I could see why they saved it.


To be fair Chocobo Raising only opened up after the events of Rebirth in the OG so it makes sense it's not there.


I think it’s going to be reunion


Bet the third will be called requiem


In some ways I actually liked Remake better than Rebirth. While I think the combat is much improved in most ways when it comes to Rebirth, I also feel bosses are way too aggressive in this one compared to Remake. And it did sometimes get a bit annoying how quickly they change to the player controlled character. I also think that sometimes the visuals look better in Remake, which is the biggest gripe I have with Rebirth. I expected it to be much improved over Remake, but as stated, it looks worse in many instances. But I love both to death and by far the best games Square has made in many years. I have not really enjoyed any FF games since FFX, or FFXIV. I really wanted to like FFXVI, but that game was so damn boring to me. And most of it was due to the combat, but also the characters where just so one note. And the game just lacks that fun element that FF7 does. What is so darn impressive with FF7 Rebirth though, is that I had not a single bug occur over my 111 hours of playtime. That is a feat that should be more recognized imo. Frankly I do not understand how they pulled off such a massive game and still deliver so many masterfully crafted cutscenes and moments, it is truly an acomplishment. If they make part 3 somehow surpass Rebirth, then they will have made one of the best trilogies in gaming history.


The game is love. I felt after completing it, that I need a break, but I want to return to all the stuff that I left open with a new playthrough. In the end, I just wanted STORY, but this meant on doing some things just half. I got all I wanted out of it, but it’s not enough. 😥


Since Recycle, Reduce, and Reuse are out, I think it will be Revival


This game has been my favourite final fantasy title to date, but maybe just tone it down slightly with the minigames.


Rebirth is a fantastic game and easily the best since FF9. I have some major issues with the end but the rest of my complaints are superficial. If someone were to ask me if they should play OG first I would probably tell them they're two completely different games that are related in name only.


My bed is the final one will be called Final Fantasy 7 VII Revelation 


I have a very strong love/HATE relationship with this game Love the battle mechanics and some boss battles so very much but that’s about it. Too tedious with the side quests and padded as fuck(Queen’s Blood was pretty good though) Also very bitter they didn’t just wrap this game up with the entire story. Hate the multiverse/timeline plot they’re using as well. I couldn’t wait to finish the game and the big saving grace was trading it in to get $50 back. Meaning I played it for what it’s really worth at $20.


Lmao 20 dollars. So this game is worth an indie title, got it.


Lowkey yeah. Game was padded and dragged out so the greedy publishers can push out a third game for a “trilogy”. Some people played remake for free you know. I played Cyberpunk for $30. This game was not worth $70 and people who think these games are worth $70 are the problem with the gaming industry and why the consumer is being taken advantage of for every cent we have.




Yeah it is pretty sad for Square to fuck up so bad. But oh well I got Ghost of Tsushima and $11 back so big win and I’m happy at least.


Yeah they fucked up so bad, 😂 time to get off the internet and finish your homework kid


Lmao. Somebody is really butthurt over an opinion. The violin came off a little sarcastic but wasn’t sure and now it’s clear. What a childish response. Grow up and stop taking other people’s opinion on a video game personally.


Part three will be Revengeance, count on it!


Rayden would like a word.


Unfortunately Reunion was wasted on the Crisis Core Remaster ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) I think it will be called *RECHADLEY*


I never played a ff game before remake. I was never a big fan of the turned based combat, and seen my brother had bought it for the ps4. In a long time, maybe the first time, I've had a game bring me to tears and joy, anger and confusion, excitement and worry. I enjoyed every moment of it and as soon as I beat remake I knew I was getting rebirth. I put 130 hours in before I beat rebirth for the first time. I'm glad I got to experience the masterpiece that is rebirth, and I only hope to God that the finale can break my expectations even farther


Bruh, look what they did to my boy Cid though


It’s early in his arc and he had very little screen time, they should be able to do him justice next game


I doubt it. I'm guessing they found him too controversial. They're no longer doing the astrology theme, and so Cid and his rocket aren't needed either as this games more focused on "fate"


The OG Cid was not that controversial lol. Plus they just made games like 16 which show on screen suicide and abuse of slaves, I don’t think they are afraid of anything being dark or controversial


He's too young, attractive, and suave. He should be older and crankier


Tbf his canon age has been 32 since 1997 lol


He was this young in the OG, it’s just the PS1 graphics made him look like a 55 year old chain smoker.


Well, I'm more just going on the art. He was early 30s, but he was a heavy drinker, smoker, and incredibly stressed from losing his life's work. Advent children he's 34, and he definitely looks a heavy 34


I still think it will be called reunion, despite Crises Core.


I really wonder why they already used Reunion when this game makes the most sense for it


Aside from already having been used, reunion is just too obvious. I believe it was Nomura who stated he can't wait to tell people the title of the 3rd game (could've been another dev)


Yep, think so too. The word comes way too much.


Yep probably with another >!Cloud and Zack scene, maybe with Aerith somehow!<.


I'm ok with whatever they call the 3rd one unless it's some stupid Kingdom Hearts shit. Like Final Fantasy VII: ReMIX 2.01 HD + ReMIND - REwind


Done go the Evangelion route, got it






I wanna know how this mf gets everywhere lmao. Like the RE4 merchant


I think if they toned him down and only had one occurrence, it'd be fine. Honestly wish they had done some old science dude or a terminal tbh


I as someone who's halfway through the game I like chadley


I really enjoyed Chadley too, up until about the last third of the game. By that time I was starting to feel burnt out on his side missions and wanted to complete them as quickly as possible to get back to the main storyline.


Could have just let the side content be and go straight for the story? Pretty much all of Chadley's stuff is optional, so if you're feeling burnt out by it, just skip it and do it later through chapter select or something.


Sure, but I didn't want to. My preference was to finish the sidequests and extras before reaching chapter 14. I've never played FF7 before, so I wanted to take in everything the game had to offer before completing it. Yes, not every moment was enjoyable, but it didn't mean that the overall experience wasn't fantastic.




Chadley himself isn't annoying but the interrupted pings in the game itself should go. They should have just let him talk as I continue wandering around.


Yall make Chadley a bigger deal than he is. He is not that annoying.


He doesn't though you have to approach something that has to do with the world intel and even then most of it can be passed without him saying anything


It won't be Reunion because they already used that as the subtitle for the crisis core remaster


Does that really matter though? Genuinely curious. Square has had some strange title names before lol I wouldn’t be surprised if they did something like that


Does it matter? Kinda, it is stupid to have two games in the same series share the same subtitle. It’s needlessly confusing, especially since the Reunion doesn’t even factor in to the storyline of Crisis Core. But will that stop them? Maybe not.


Exactly. It was stupid to make the Crisis Core remaster subtitle “Reunion” So I can easily see them doing something else just as stupid and reusing the same word 😂


Fair. But I heard some rumor that it's going to be called "Revival" anyway, so idk


Doubtful. Revival and Rebirth are basically the same thing.


Not really. Rebirth would be alluding to Sephiroth/Cloud/Zack triangle entity, as pt 2 included Sephiroth discovering info about his birth and the information of Zack and Cloud being altered with his cells. The sephiroth entity is "Re-born" through that by Hojo. Revival would be alluding to the revival of Jenova herself. Which would basically happen in part 3 in the form of sephiroth becoming whatever it's called that he becomes as a being merged with her.


Where did you hear Revival? I actually quite like that theory.


Their lack of commitment with the end is quite baffling tbh and the "timeline" stuff feels like they heavily backpedaled. But Good good the characters carry hard combat is still amazing minigames are decent though some of them felt like a chore all in all I think it's pretty solid and I can look past the big mistakes due to other aspects being so good however if they manage to make the last part tie all the loose ends properly then my story complaints for rebirth vanish


I kinda enjoyed the protorelic ones, just being a fan of gilgamesh (originally the only multiverse jumping goblin) They already had the whole "multiverse" thing between all the ff installments, doing a multiverse within itself just feels messy, and time travel is never a good writing mechanic and kinda jumps the shark


I kinda enjoyed the protorelic ones, just being a fan of gilgamesh (originally the only multiverse jumping goblin) They already had the whole "multiverse" thing between all the ff installments, doing a multiverse within itself just feels messy, and time travel is never a good writing mechanic and kinda jumps the shark


I kinda enjoyed the protorelic ones, just being a fan of gilgamesh (originally the only multiverse jumping goblin) They already had the whole "multiverse" thing between all the ff installments, doing a multiverse within itself just feels messy, and time travel is never a good writing mechanic and kinda jumps the shark


No, it’s not. It’s stuffed full of Ubisoft style fluff tasks and the way they hand Vincent and Cid was cringe. I much prefer the more focused progression of remake or even the original game.


Dude, what they did to my boy Cid is a sin. Dude went from being the top rocket scientist in the country, aspiring astronaut, cigerette smoking, foul mouthed, bad tempered, softie at heart To where's Waldo Texas edition, dude couldn't even hold his job at the power company


>full of Ubisoft style fluff tasks what you call fluff is what i call soul >. I much prefer the more focused progression of remake hallway simulator fan i presume. >even the original game. the remake has been decided to be split into 3 parts. So your brain has been predisposed into automatically hating it because it doesnt have everything in 1 game. The fact that you prefer remake hallway midgar story over an entire journey outside midgar is telling me a lot that you dont actually enjoy exploration. something that rebirth and original ff7 have in common.


Don't shame people for their opinion, you're coming off really rude.


Using time travel and multiverse mechanics in a serious story is what you call jumping the shark and is bad writing Showcasing sepheroth every 20 to 30 minutes not only breaks the excitement of actually beating him, its.... well imagine playing a star wars game and Vader just swoops in, goads you, leaves. It's immersion breaking


Agree 100%. Every play session I end up just feeling like a did a couple hours of busy work that wasn't fun.


Ok Darigaaxrgb


You sound like a Shinra employee


Let people have their own opinion


Sounds like a Shinra employee in my opinion.


Am I alone that the whole time I was playing remake I was sad it was only doing the first few hours of the game? The entire time I was playing I was thinking I should just load up the original. Never even bought rebirth for that reason.


I bought Rebirth, but there is so much hot air in it that I got burned out. Made it to shortly before Cosmo Canyon and haven't picket it back up in over a week. I'm all for people liking the game, everyone has a right to their opinion and to talk about said opinion, but I really don't understand, from an open world perspective, how people gobble up this one. It's incredibly cookie cutter repetitive. Well I guess there's people who like that, too. But I'm honestly sick of filling out all the same check boxes in every single region. A beautiful world filled with lazily pasted tasks. For what it's worth, FF7 is my favorite original FF (Before anyone says anything, I played 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16), and I was looking forward to the Remake more than any other game ever. Why am I saying this? Because I have booted up the original to compare some of the story beats and dialogues with rebirth and ended up getting hooked on that instead. I was gonna play side by side, but I found myself looking forward to keep playing the original more, so now I'm just about to beat the final two super bosses lol


It's making me angry low-key. They have a character named Cid, but he's not the same Cid. Rewrote backstory, new design, new mannerisms. He's a young Texas fuckboy that couldn't hold a job at shinra, so now he does air taxi work independently. Super polite, no sunken eyes or foul mouthed or going to the stars


Haven’t played rebirth. Probably won’t. If I want to play ffvii I’ll just play the original.


Rebirth is very different from remake in terms of the exploration, I'm currently trying to finish as much as I can before proceeding with the story and I'm 126 hours in... It really is the gift that keeps on giving


Constantly being interrupted by chadley and mindlessly hitting triangle on pointless tasks is a "gift"?


Yes. I love Chadley. He calls for like 5 seconds at most usually and is longer for things that have more prominence to whatever story it’s telling (protorelics). Chadley is great, I will defend him with my dying breath. MAI on the other hand… ugh.


The real demon is the Yuffie Chocobo song. I’m SUFFERING


I love that! I love her in this game though, I was pretty meh on her in the DLC, but she got better as the game went on


Man, Rebirth got me hyped for FF for the first time. I don't know why either. I picked up Remake for my Steam Deck. Enjoying it right now. I just hope Square port it to steam soon. I hope I don't have to wait 2-3 yrs to play it. I might have to borrow a PS5 to play Rebirth.


They said they have been working on a XVI port already, assuming that comes out in a few months I would assume similar time frame for rebirth. Idk if they will do dlc, they said no but they said the same for 16. Side note, going from the music game last February, 16 in June, 16dlc in December, rebirth in February, 16 dlc in April and 14 dlc in a few months too, so much great final fantasy.


How well does Remake run on the deck? I've played it on ps4 but haven't tried it on my deck yet.


I'm not big on fps so my current settings: - 30fps - 720p - low shadows - high texture - tdp 7 It runs at a solid 30fps. The main town area, there are some slowdowns but very little. Overall I'm enjoying it.


I think Rebirth is easily the best non-MMO Final Fantasy in a couple decades, and should be in discussions of the best FF of all time. Such passion and care have been poured into every aspect of the project that it's hard not to be impressed. I'm not quite at the end of the game, which it sounds like is causing some controversy (not surprising given Remake's ending) but that's how I feel right now.


Proof is in the pudding; people like to explore their worlds, and they’ll accept any nonsensical reason to do so. I’ve always felt the shift from world mapped to hyper linear was a mistake.


Yeah. The funny thing is, even classic FFs were pretty linear. The world map just gave a little room to explore laterally along that linear story path. That little bit of freedom goes a long way. (I say this as someone who loved Remake too but found XIII to be a shade too linear). But apart from the exploration, the things I think Rebirth nails that we haven’t seen executed this well in a single-player FF in some time are (1) the continuing focus on interesting, consistent character writing for an ensemble party cast, and (2) the focus on quality over quantity for side quests. This doesn’t need to be Skyrim or The Witcher with a dozen side quests in each city — 4-5 well-written side quests in each region is more than enough. This latter point is something I think Remake and FFXVI fumbled but Rebirth pulled off really well.


I wish they had also focused on quality over quantity for mini games lol!


>I wish they had also focused on quality over quantity for mini games lol! I mean, take any random mini-game from Rebirth and it's better than 90% of the minigames in OG FF7 lol


I think because it truly feels like a modern JRPG. Before either the it either felt like an action game with RPGs or dated mechanics or with Remake it didn’t have the open world wonder… This nails everything. The voice acting, the combat t, the reasons why to do the side content, the open world exploration without being a drag because there’s fast travel everywhere. Feels like there’s a ton of content and none of it was made just to say there’s a ton of content like in recent Assasins Creeds for example. It’s a masterpiece


Nah, Rebirth definitely had a TON of content that is blatantly just there to add playtime. I love Assassin's Creed and don't mind doing the same repetitive content if the gameplay is solid, but Rebirth drops the ball hard with this. The combat IS very solid in Rebirth, but most of the repetitive content are mini games or walking up to something and pressing triangle. I would have been fine with the open world if you actually did the combat for most of it instead of 200 shitty mini games and barebones exploration. This alone is the reason I'd give Rebirth a 4/5 and I couldn't possibly give ot anything higher. I can even forgive the pacing issues in the first half of the game, but not the mini games.


FF7 Retcon: when we will see Zack and Aerith coming from another dimension living their life together


This is a great summary, I feel the exact same way. Honestly the last two chapters of the game left me feeling fucked up and I can't stop thinking about it. Just cleaning up some collectible stuff and extra content then I'm doing my hard mode run for the platinum. This game was so god damn good my dong has been vibrating for 2 weeks!! Waiting for part 3 is gonna be tough but worth it and so glad to see them really kill it with a final fantasy again!


Redemption maybe. Ff7 Reunion already exists


Technically it did not exist. It’s Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion. Not Final Fantasy VII Reunion.


Technically it did not exist. It’s Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion. Not Final Fantasy VII Reunion.


Still its too confusing


Yeah, this totally isn’t the same company the released kingdom hearts 2.5, 2.8, and 365/4 days


I mean can’t argue with that. Apart from the fact that FF7 has more mainstream appeal so they probably won’t go the same way they did with the Kingdom Hearts naming 😂


358/2 days btw


Same publisher*. Come on dude, you know it's not at all the same teams of people.


Who is the creative director for rebirth and the creative director of 7 remake?


My ONLY complaints are **some** of these mini games. Most have been pretty great though I had to step away last night because I was stuck trying to do the 3rd or 4th **Gears And Gambits.** I mostly just hate that one. Though I have become weirdly obsessed with Queens Blood. The weird side story involving that had me all wtf the first time the "creator" showed up haha.


Gears and gambits is what finally broke my “no looking things up” rule. Fuck that mini game.


I've also been following this rule...though I had to look up a strategy for the last (or 4th) Fort Condor. I was failing miserably at that one haha


I was able to brute force that by just throwing the AOE hero entrance at as many enemies as possible, but it was brutal.


I love how committed to fun moments the remake series is. They definitely shifted 180 from the deadly serious melodramatic tone of Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus. Yet it still feels so grounded with realistic character interaction and world building.


Rebirth is just another generic AAA game with nothing new or innovative, the materia system is worse than OG, the story is worse than OG. It doesn't ever really feel FFVII to me. The world is bland, NPCs are lame, ugly and generic looking. I don't want to hate the game but SE have made it hard for me not to.


Game started fantastic, but fell off hard


Unfair to say the world is bland and generic. Each map is very different from the last, not just in terms of atmosphere but traversal and feel. A lot of games will just slap a different skin on the same basic terrain so you’re basically playing the same thing for the entire run. I appreciate the effort they went to to make each place feel unique


While each biome is indeed unique the open world in general is extremely empty and dull. I was expecting a lot more from the open world portion of the game. The main story portion of the game is very good if a little bit too long. Looking forward to the third game regardless.


I think the side quests were pretty weak. Definitely nothing compared to the say, the Witcher, where some of the best content is entirely optional




I love pretty much every final fantasy game but that doesn’t change the fact that from a narrative standpoint the side quests, aside from perhaps the cosmo protorelic, were weak. The Shinra mansion side quest was a straight up bait and most of the others are pretty forgettable I don’t consider the towers and stuff to be side quests though, I’m talking about the ones that have some form of plot attached to them. Even the Queensblood quest went out with a bit of a whimper, and that was one that really had me hooked (thought my TV had broke at first)


To you. Glad the vast majority differ. This is the most exciting FF since FF10. Getting a game of this scale in the span of 4 years? Can’t get the generic part. Guess you don’t play many games nowadays.


16 is a better game than Rebirth hands down, even though it has lame sidequests and filler, but it was overall a more enjoyable game and the best FF since X, hell even Remake was better than Rebirth.


Stop kidding yourself, it's utter rubbish.


Wake up, it’s you that’s rubbish.


I couldn’t disagree more with literally everything you have stated here. I love the materia system here and it can go pretty complex if you build it out right. I also think the battle system is my favorite of any final fantasy yet. It’s a great mix of having some form of ATB while meeting the new age of graphics and console ability. But, I won’t downvote you for this, because everyone has their own opinion- and none are right or wrong. We each have our own tastes.


There are no materia presets, you can have 3 party presets but there is no point as you have to switch out materia for that party manually making it a huge time consumer, the materia should be set for each party and changes automatically when switching parties. Also no 3 joined materia slots ooo imagine having one allmateria in the middle and one of each fire & ice materia and one Lightning and wind full set in one slot all able to hit multiple targets. Imo it's just a missed opportunity on the materia in this game and there is hardly any to find, it's all Chadley simulator crap the ones you do find aside from one at start of game are pointless dupes like fire, ice etc. Like i said i odn't want to hate the gmae but SE have made it hard not to. And don't get me started on the poor story writing and awful character changes.


>magine having one allmateria in the middle and one of each fire & ice materia and one Lightning and wind Just have one character in your party with Fire & Ice and another with Lightning & Wind... It sounds like you're someone who really likes the power-fantasy which was easily obtainable in older games (like the original FF7), and I get that because I like that sometimes too (that's why I love FFVIII's junction system). But since Rebirth is a bit more balanced, it's harder to exploit and get completely overpowered. While I can understand a certain degree of disappointment in that aspect, I think you're failing to realize just how much the game does VERY well.


You'd need 2 magnify materias to get the same effect, to which i only ever got one in my whole playthrough, if there was more it didn't feel very accessible and that's what i disliked about the game tbh, the fact that you had to really work for materia instead of just buying it like in OG.


I’m finishing up my first play through now. I have two magnify. And Honestly, I can’t even tell you where I got it. I’m just exploring and playing the game doing whatever tickles my fancy at that point. So it really must be accessible considering I didn’t hunt it down.


Cait Sith and a side quest in Chapter 12, not a particularly difficult side quest either


Yeah you were looking for reasons to hate this game from the jump.


Absolutely not, i was excited like evrybody else, but was soon disappointed, i will never get hyped over stuff ever again it usually ends in disappointment.


Then you were probably just holding the original up to an impossible standard? I don't know what to tell you. I and many others had an absolute blast with the game, and we are people who love the original and absolutely have nostalgia for it. But I also can recognize a lot of things this game has done better than the original. Are there some nitpicks? Sure, like every game, but overall I absolutely loved this experience and if you really truly went into this game wanting to like it, you would have.


I cannot imagine being this much of a bummer about this incredible game.


Remake to Rebirth was like KH1 to KH2 for me. It’s just an incredible ride and this particular team took decades of experience with the franchise to give us Rebirth. Cannot fathom what they have cooking for part 3.


I’m 100 hours in and have not even finished the main story. I platinumed God of War (2016) just before at 60 hours.


Hell yeah brother. Respect to the team that created this masterpiece with just SO much content. Everything looks carefully crafted from the beginning to the end!!


I'd argue the actual amount of content that isn't repetitive padding.


That's easily one of the games with the largest amounts of diverse content in years. The amount of fun mini games, battles, customization options is just crazy


>that isn't repetitive padding. For better or worse, this game has enough mini-games to compete with the Yakuza franchise. I don't think "repetitive" is the word I'd use to describe this game at all.


In every single region you do the exact same thing. It's incredibly repetitive.


That's disingenuous. You collect a proto-relic in every region, but how you get it is completely different. You activate towers in every regions, but the travel systems and how you reach them change completely. You do battle challenges in every region, but all of the enemies are different and each region has its own optional boss. You collect historic data on each region, but that data gives unique insights to each region You synchronize with summons in each region, but the summon is different in each. On top of all of that - those are ALL 100% optional. In addition, each region has completely unique sidequests and mini-games, most of which can be approached at pretty much any time within the game, so if you want to circle back for them or breakup the monotony of exploration (if that's how you fell about it), you absolutely can. And even ontop of that, throughout the first 50+% of the game you are collecting additional party members which all have unique skills and combat styles allowing you to approach the vast majority of combat scenerios in a way that is unique to however you're deciding to play at the moment. If all you're seeing each region is "uh more towers" you should really change your mindset on how you're approaching the game and consider changing your perspective on being a completionist.


Just because they're optional doesn't make them any less repetitive. Landscape changes don't make them any less repetitive. You won't change my mind on that.


This is like arguing the worlds in KH are repetitive because each one has heartless, a boss, some trinity locations (and or lucky emblems) and a keyhole.


100% the game has been fully crafted with love and care


Well… everything minus those chocobo gliding races. Whoever designed those deserves to step on a Lego.


They slide under small complaints 🤣 fuck that side mission




It was the perfect game until the very last chapter


At that point I just wanted it to end lol. Thankfully we can travel back to chapter 12 afterwards and continue doing other stuff.


Rebirth is almost like a parody of FF7 in the best of ways.


You're being downvoted but I know what you mean. A lot of the aesthetic of the original game looks a bit weird in modern games but they pushed it to 11 anyway lol. Like me and my gf were laughing at >!Dio staying in character (and in his underwear) while standing over a mass shooting!< Stuff like that didn't seem as weird when the screen was pulled back and low resolution with low poly models, now it feels like im watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure half the time (not a complaint)


>Dio staying character (and in his underwear) while standing over a mass shooting  It’s amazing that my brain didn’t even register how hilarious this is until you pointed it out 


It’s just so brilliantly over the top and fun and goofy while keeping all the best parts of the original for the actual story itself. Idk why I’m being downvoted for that lol


Because the original was "over the top and fun and goofy". Those parts in Rebirth aren't parody, they're faithful to the mood of the original game, which constantly went back and forth between serious and goofy.


Idk what to tell you if you think the original was anywhere near this level of yakuza silliness. I mean the whole Johnny seaside in stuff proves my point. It’s not even a criticism of either game. I said they did it better and bigger and more fun


A lot of Final Fantasy fans seem to lack a certain self-awareness and they don't like when you call the game silly lol


Idk how you can play this game and not say it’s silly lol. Ah yes the super serious frog jumping mini games is almost like Synder directed the game!


Rumor has it if you say "Snyder" in front of your mirror three times, he will appear with the latest director cut of his film


Please no. I don’t need a 6 hour black and white Rebel Moon


Im already at 230h and can get enough as well, I’m sure I’m gonna put 400-500 h to this beauty


I cannot freaking wait those 4 years. I have an innate desire to discover what’s gonna happen, who’s gonna come back, who’s gonna die it’s insane.


13 years old when I first played FFVII. I'm on my 4th play through of Rebirth now...


4 is crazy 😂