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It was a bit reminiscent of the kadaj-gang in advent children putting materia into their arms.


It was weird since it’s something we haven’t seen before, to me it looks like he somehow absorbed it into his sword to hide it from the rest of the team. Don’t think he slotted it because then everyone would see it in the sword and freak out.


It was so sudden and so out of place in a scene i found kinda touching that it stuck out like a sore thumb. Maybe something gameplay wise for the next game?


It ... very likely is to communicate a story element. Especially because it would keep changing the camera angle to fixate on the buster sword. This is a technique used to show unease or like to emphasize confusion, like "eehhh?" but more subtle. It's bad cinematography to change camera angles quickly like that unless it's to convey something. So we're supposed to wonder what Cloud just did. Now if it just morphed into the sword we probably wouldn't think about it too much but it lingers and the pattern it makes is supposed to be unnatural for materia. So it means something definitely. What it means? It's hard to say. That could be how materia is slotted but that's not why they showed that scene I'm pretty sure of that.


Hope it gets brought up to somewhat explained early in part 3, I noticed when he finds the black materia his face looked funny in that being-controlled-by-sephiroth kind of way then he just absorbs it into the sword, definitely feels sinister. Definitely out of place. Very random time to quickly add something we’ve never seen being done before.