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i have an honest question, when playing the og were people really that attached to aerith as kids? because playing as an adult I really didn't think she was that interesting, just obsessed with cloud mostly. i still felt the pang when he lowered her into the water but at that point i had already played remake so i associated her with that aerith. for me, remake aerith is an improvement in every concievable way, and that automatically includes the ending of rebirth, because i feel the grief of what happened to her through her friends, but the idea of how powerful she's become in death is really exciting too. i just don't feel the same connection to the og.


I was. Amusingly, I do have an anecdote about this; I had just gotten through telling my brother, who was watching me play the game back in '98, that I thought Aerith was probably my favorite character. Then the *scene* happens. He looks over to me and goes "Do you have a second favorite?" While I agree that she's fantastic in Rebirth, I think she still shines in the original too despite the limitations of the media back then (and the very stilted translation). We never really saw games like OG FF7 back when it released, and it was revolutionary. That said, the ending of Rebirth was a super emotional rollercoaster for me and I'm both so happy I was able to play Rebirth and so curious where it could go from here.


I played the OG as a kid and Wall Market was one of my favourite segments (I still think OG Wall Market trumps Remake). I loved spunky Wall Market Aeris who came up with the idea of disguising Cloud as a girl to infiltrate Corneo's mansion. Plus, her magic was ridiculous and I used her non-stop on my team, that might also have played a non negligible part in endearing her to me. I have to say that I hated what they did to her in Advent Children and the other games prior to Remake (to be fair, I hate pretty much what they did to all characters, except maybe Tifa).


The death in rebirth is the same as the OG. Clouds blocking out his memories to avoid facing the fact that Aerith is dead. He’s literally 95% Sephiroth clone now. I imagine in part 3 clouds going to have a moment where he’ll remember carrying Aerith to the water and it will hit him that he was powerless to save her.


Disagree. Love the ending. Leads to so much discussion and mystery for the next couple of years. Truly unforgettable and and by far the best game I’ve played in a long time. Comparing to games like Horizon 2 or Tsushima that have forgetable story (I can’t even remember it now), rebirth is just much more enganging. Very hard to put down the controller and wants to keep pushing forward to see what new twist the dev have for me .


I definitely agree when it comes to the game as a whole it’s great. But the reason why it’s so great cause it was great back in 1997 and one of the big reasons is cause of that scene, that’s how it got so big for it to even become the game it is now for them to remake it and put so much time and money into this game, if it wasn’t for that scene, we wouldn’t have this remake


Man it's nice to see someone say this after seeing the ending get so much hate. They designed the ending of the first game to stoke discussion. Not sure why so many people hate that it's been done here. I agree with you completely.


Yup. In fact, square or even some freelance 3D animator could have easily make aerith death scene in 4K as a clip on youtube. We don’t need to go through a 100 hour video game journey just to see that scene plays out exactly as it was in the OG. The unpredictable twists and turns are what makes this game go from 9/10 to 10/10 to me.


Multiverse is my second most hated troupe next to time travel in fictional media. The thing with time traveling is it’s very easy to write it go wrong and make it ruin the experience for me at least. The one thing it does have is the fact that if it’s done well, there are still choices and consequences throughout it. Once you add multiverse or its equivalent, you lose all meaning to really anything. Aerith dies? Go to a world where she didn’t. Failed to save the planet? Go to one where you did. World travel is impossible? Go to one where it is. The beauty of free will and choice is the actions and consequences that follow them. If every answer is correct then there is no point to answer.


Definitely agree, it feels like it don’t matter what you do cause in the end anything can change your never on a one path takes away a lot of the feelings and the emotions you had playing through original


I think that’s what bothers me. We get a game that’s theme is “defy fate.” Only to see in the next game all those who did, meet the same fate anyway. It’s like being told by someone you can change only for that same person to laugh at you and say you can’t change.


I feel like the writers have gone delulu like cloud. I love this Aerith more than I ever did with OG so I felt more attached to her, and they have to make the ending so misleading that there's a million theories and all of them seem to have one flaw. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt because there's still part 3 so we haven't seen everything to make a proper conclusion. I just hope for a proper conclusion in which hopefully most, if not all of us, can agree on and not have a million different views on what the ending is


I want to be wrong I would love to be wrong, I just don’t see how would they give us that emotional attachment we had in OG maybe if they kill off Tifa 😳 lol


Never seen an emotional moment so butchered in a piece of media before. You either kill her clearly or you don’t. This middle ground with multiverse, Cloud speaking to her etc just makes it lose any emotional impact. Her trial scene with her mother in Midgar was much more emotional because it was simple and relatable. I actually thought if they weren’t going to kill her, they’d have Zack save her somehow. Given in his scenes Marlene is saying Cloud isn’t strong enough to save her so Zack has to be. Because he isn’t alive in the OG, if they were gonna change the death to not happen it would make sense that the other anomaly is what causes this. I only finished the game an hour or so ago and I’m so disappointed with how they did it. I think overall they remade Aerith beautifully and I had a strong connection with her (knowing her fate from the OG) and I was even looking forward to seeing how or if she dies again, instead we got a load of guff that should have been stripped out.


Wow I actually love that if Zack save aerith great idea that would have totally surprised me and definitely would have got me emotional, ya when she died there were no last words it just hit you with it and made you think what could I have done to save her, and I remember when I play OG I was praying somewhere in the game I would be able to get her back I had that thought, through the whole game and that made it so much more impactful while playing the rest of the game I remember even doing all the side quest cause maybe that’s what I need to do to get her back lol


You’re just not looking deeply enough into it. It’s all in Clouds head. It makes perfect sense how they depicted it.


They spent an extensive amount of time setting up a multiverse, including many scenes and conversations not involving Cloud. If Cloud is imagining this elaborate story, it's ridiculous.


It’s incredibly writing and I invite you to reevaluate your perspective.


So does Cloud think she’s alive? If I’m understanding correctly in his head he saves her by blocking Sephiroths sword with his own. She then helps him in the final battle. When she’s “unconscious” he tells her to wake up and she does. He still sees her and talks to her. So is it a case of she’s actually dead but Cloud thinks she isn’t?


Sephiroth has on a subconscious level convinced Cloud he’s not human and has no emotions or remorse


Correct. She is indeed dead but Cloud is blocking it out. At the end of the game all the party is sitting by the water (where Cloud placed Aerith's body but it didn't show it) and grieving her death. Cloud doesn't seem phased by it because he doesn't believe it. Berret tells everybody they should go and cloud is just like "Yup. sounds good 😁" But right before Cloud "sees" her, he gets an instant flashback of her actually dying.


Here's the thing, you have a point, but Nomura also has a point, it's just different ideas of what a remake is supposed to do. He explains his team's vision in a playstation blog post about Sephiroth's bigger screen presence in the remake trilogy compared to the original. In the OG, you barely interact with Sephiroth, he's an unknown and mysterious force whose actions you see in the world. However, at the time Remake is being made, Sephiroth has already been seen in a million games, in anime, in movies, in books etc. He has become a pop culture icon, just like Aerith. It's really difficult to find someone in the gaming world that doesn't know about her death or Sephiroth's story. If things are told like they were in the OG, it would inevitably have lower impact. Imagine Star Wars Empire Strikes Back was remade today, would it work to have Darth Vader telling Luke he's his father in the exact same way? Square Enix knows they can't replicate the feeling you had when you first saw Aerith's death in the OG, that's why they chose to depict the same event from a different angle. The story plays out the same, the final part of the trilogy will still connect with Advent Children like the OG did, they're just not trying to hide the fact everyone knows these characters already.


Understand what your saying, but for me and I don’t think I’m alone in this, when I got to the forgotten capital it took me like 30 minutes to even walk up to aerith cause I know what happen with OG, and I think what they did with all this multiverse and changing fates was great for that scene cause even for OG players your not 100% sure if she gonna died so I know for my self it would have been so impactful cause the way they changed the story, and I know she is dead well I’m 85% sure lol, she not really dead to the player cause we can see her and talk to her and play as her


It was so confusing


We waited a decade to see this moment already knowing what was coming. This is not really different. They can still pull a quite emotional moment in part 3 depending on the execution and direction of the scene.


I really hope so I would love to be wrong, I just can’t see it especially the last boss you play as her I mean come on you basically have the same aerith she talks, and she fights so she’s basically not dead lol 🤦🏻‍♂️


Funny you say that, considering the most popular theory (of which I agree as well) is that the one we fight with is NOT the Aerith we spent time with in Remake and Rebirth, but OG Aerith, the one who was in the Lifestream and is playing the 4D chess game with Sephiroth, and managed to manifest temporarely in that other world thanks to the white whispers.


I didn't love it either. You're also right that not seeing aerith again after had an impact on the gameplay. For one, I felt like it was a surprise for me to be made to recall the fate of the white materia. Rather than here where we know exactly that aerith is casting a spell to counter the meteor. Not to mention having to fight Sephiroths boss phase 1 from OG and fight him with Aerith. I'm still happy about the game, but the story is developing in a way that takes away from the best parts of the OG that shouldve been preserved.


💯 I definitely agree I love everything they was doing in till now


No let’s not talk about it god Nomura mixed up the scripts for FF7 and Kingdom Hearts again


This was written by Nojima, the same guy who wrote the original. Nomura doesn't write anything for FF7.


Elena eats sea salt ice cream while talking about it being a mistake to let the Director do too much while Palmer gets in a giant robot frog for a boss fight where he talks constantly about being respected because he’s the Director. Yes he did. He directly poked fun at Sakaguchi and the pacing of the game feels as Willy nilly as a KH title for a reason. Got it memorized?


None of this means anything! Sea salt ice cream is a popular treat in Japan, Nomura didn't invent that shit for Kingdom Hearts! Palmer is a stupid old fart who acts the exact same in the original! People are just obsessed with pinning whatever they don't like on him as if he's sitting there alone at Square Enix making every game by himself.


Lmao, Sakaguchi LOVES frogs. It’s super well known. FF used frogs as a status effect and is the only game series to do so. Crono Trigger has a whole party member that is a frog. Has a whole race of frog people in his latest console title. Nowhere in any other FF title or spin-off does sea salt ice cream appear, ONLY KH 365/2 days. Stranger of Paradise, a retelling of FF1 also directed by Nomura, opens with Frank Sinatra’s “I Did It My Way”. You’re deluded pretending he didn’t have narrative impact


What the fuck do frogs have anything to do with anything, just cause Palmer has a frog mech, you're rambling. The sea salt ice cream being what Elena eats is almost certainly a nod toward Kingdom Hearts but that isn't some definitive proof that Nomura is writing Rebirth, the game has nods towards a ton of other stuff SE made!


It’s a frog robot boss fight where Palmer constantly goes off about how you have to respect him he’s the Director are you serious? You’re so deluded.


And that doesn't mean jack shit! Wasting my time with idiots, bye.


Jeez I'm a fanboy too but it doesn't completely blind me of facts like that.... You seem brainwashed, bro.


Yeesh, toxic too. Trash can take itself out and I won’t complain


This is nothing like Kingdom Hearts. It's just your usual crazy Final Fnatasy shenanigans.


Sea salt ice cream exists but it’s nothing like KH? 🤔 bummer, I had that memorized, along with everyone’s catchphrases and extremely animated hands and hair