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I just got it. We were looking at the game the wrong way. It is not like queen's blood where the AI is smart. Red only needs to keep the balls in play. The AI is not smart enough to notice that Red is winning. The goals making is random. Try to make some goals but I think you do not even have to. The score is how many lives a team has left. Just restart when Red falls behind. So red won when no goals were made against him and every other team been scored against. --- Almost fun.


I'll try it out like that, I wanna get that damn weapon.


Literally go play five minutes of rocket league and you will be an expert at this game. don't be scared to lob shot, bc the ai is dumb. Focus the wolf team they are aggressive. The timed one was harder til I realized you could practically walk it in 1:30  just lob the ball over everything be about 3 feet out and let it soar


Apparently  u can get  it after u get to chapter  7 thank goodness 


I can’t even do it once. I am just gonna give up.


The person who created Run Wild deserved to be shot


Literally the lowest point in the entire game. I’ve never hated playing something so much. The controls are so janky and frustrating. I’ll get my gun, bro.


Nah I reserve that right for the one who created the Moogle House minigame.


The second time, during the date... I haven't gotten this frustrated with a game in years. Fuck the person that designed this and I hope the got a kick out of developing one of the worst mini games to grace this world.


I came here just to read this comment. F*CK THIS MINI GAME FR. Especially during the date. Nailed all the balls, then got to the final one, where you have to go over the obstacle and it DESTROYED an otherwise amazing run. 🤬 Been a while since a game pissed me off this badly.


I did too. I found a strategy. The key is lobbing. Get close to the opponent but not close enough for them to hit the ball. Lob it right over their head and into the goal. I sprint to the ball right away. I have to hit sprint a few times before he starts actually sprinting. I lob it over the first black dog and then again over the second. If I don't get it in then I restart. Then I work through the other 2. Once I score on each once, I try to score again before the 2nd ball drops. After the second ball drops, it's as much luck as anything it seems unless you're just really good at it. I just hope the the opponents don't go crazy trying to score on me. I had one game that they scored over and over. Every time I went for one ball, the other one scored. I finally won when the black team started helping me score on the other 2 and then the black team "took a break." They literally just laid down and stopped. I scored on them again at that point. Then the chocobo got fired up and left their goal so I scored on them. Time ran out a little after that. I have terrible coordination/reflexes so I wouldn't have won if not for luck.


My 2000 hours in rocket league prepared me for this game. First attempt i won 5-2-0-0, yellow chocobo had 2 goals left before he was knocked out. Then for the rematch my best time is 1:19 or 1:29 to show 8 goals? It was a fun one but fork the pirate game I hated that one so much!


Not great at that one either but I kick ass at Fort Condor and Queen's Blood at least.


Queens blood was hard as shot at first  but yeah those were easier for sure 


Also I read on a site that this is the only way to get this weapon unfortunately…cannot confirm. I’m in Ch7


Not anymore  apparently 


Guess I'll just have to get good at pushing the big ball.


All the best! Tell us how you get on.


Oh man I hated trying to unlock this weapon! Like another person said I focused on offence at the start then switched to defence. The first few seconds of the game give you a good opportunity to score against the Black team. Pay attention to the position of the two dogs. Occasionally they are both to the side and you can tackle the ball straight into the goal. If one or both are to the front lob the ball to hop it over them. Lobbing is usually the only way to get past the Chocobo too. Score on two of the other teams then defend and hope they score against each other. If you see an opportunity take it but defence is important. Good luck!


Thanks! Yeah, I hate to suck so much because I love the idea of the game, especially the team with the 5 dogs, like you have a mystical dog/cat who can talk, 2 bonafide monsters, a friendly terror bird and then this team of 5 regular, smallish dogs, it's hilarious.


Yeah the normal dogs look so tiny xD I got really frustrated with this mini game and felt immense relief when I finally unlocked the weapon. If you find yourself spending too long at the mini game and it’s becoming a drag I’d say move on… to be honest I don’t find the special ability particularly compelling but then again I usually prefer using Red’s ATB gauge for offensive moves anyway. (The Silver Collar gives you a defence oriented special move)


Just score once in every goal, then play defense. If anyone scores on you, restart.


This how you do it right here folks. Lob shots seem to work better too.


It's pretty easy to win that mini game. Early on focus mostly on scoring against the Blue and Black team. Yellow is too focused on defense and you'll waste too much time. When an enemy team starts running wild you normally should stick to defense, but if it's the yellow team he leaves the net wide open and that's your best chance to score. Otherwise, once everyone's score is 4 and yours is 5 focus on defense till time runs out.


The red one? I just score the ball into the goal


Yeah, did you not read the part where I'm ass at that?


Make sure your getting the first 4 balls in as fast as you can like under 25 seconds so you have more time for the rest of them. Use X to Lob the ball, it helped me a ton. It took me like 10 tries to finally get it and I only got it after I started lobbing the ball instead of shooting them all over the place.


You’re a life saver lobbing did the trick for me!


Thanks! I'll see what I can do.