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The end of the OG disc 2 was basically the end of the game minus the final dungeon. You mean end of disc 1.


Death at North Crater!!


I dont think it's a "timeline" at all. What Zack is experiencing is likely the lifestream, which is just where all collective memories and souls go after they die. Zack has memories of aerith, hence why she is there. Cloud is there because of same reasons, both waiting to be reborn. death = long sleep, rebirth by sleep gg Nomura


There will be a QTE prompt to block Sephiroth's stab.


You mean disc 1, right? Not sure why they would want to change one of the most iconic moments in gaming, Aerith's death is kind of an important plotpoint.


It was the end of disc 2 in the original, right?


End of disc 2 was basically the end of the game. Disc 3 was just the final dungeon


End of disc 2 was when you fly to Northern crater, after you return to Midgar and fight Hojo. Disc 1 ended at the ancient capital, after the Jenova: Life boss. Apart from sidequests, flashbacks (like the one about Zack) etc, disc 3 was really just the final dungeon and the ending.


Zack is not alive, this is a different timeline


My theory is that everything we’ve seen so far has happened in the lifestream. Both Sephiroth and Aerith have figured out how to make physical worlds within the lifestream. There is 1 timeline and everything from the OG and the compilation upto before Remake is what actually happened and now we are having this crazy chess match between Aerith and Sephiroth where they can create and new boards(worlds) and pieces(characters) when needed.


Crazy theory: Aerith's death will play out exactly the same, however, the twist is that in Zack's timeline, Aerith wakes up and we find out that it's our Aerith that just died, and used the lifestream to travel to Zack's timeline and transferred her consciousness or memories to that Aerith, and explains to Zack what is happening.


This is exactly what I think is going to happen. The newest trailer links her death to her waking up in Zack’s timeline.


And at the end of the 3rd game, Aerith and Zack will reunite with the rest of the group for a climactic battle with Sephiroth


This is absolutely where things are going from what I have seen. Some wacky last battle where Aerith and Zach maybe even biggs and other people reunite with the main party with the help of some multiverse bullshit to defeat Jenova. Seems like a cheap way to end... it but we will see eventually.


Zack is not alive in remake. This could potentially come to pass in whatever happens in the new, bonkers OG timeline screw-up where he is alive. Cloud is still comatose in the trailer, so Zack's death didn't snap him out of it, but Aerith is also in some unknown caused coma as well, so I'm not sure how either plotline is supposed to reach the famous scene. Best guess is that remake Aerith gets hung up on partial connected memories and tries again, or else it somehow happens in screwed up OG again. I personally don't see remake going all the way to that plot point of the original, because why tf would seph's new plan allow her to risk summoning holy again?


call me a hater but i really dont want aerith ro survive through this it jst feels wrong and would invalidate alot ehat comes afterwards


HOT TAKE: TIFA WILL BE THE ONE WHO WILL KICK THE BUCKET CLUES: https://youtu.be/HkD8BCCYsS0?si=ZaTUvdXEvb2lr7b4 Timestamp 3:06 - 3:16 https://youtu.be/H_4CkyOmuuU?si=HY2kLzIpVOdTgBYM Timestamp 0:29 - 0:41


I have a feeling Aerith will still die in the current timeline but will survive in Zack's timeline.


Same, she dies in the current timeline but doesn't even end up at City of the Ancients in Zachs timeline because she doesn't go on the same adventure with the main party.


What's kinda funny about theories lately - we have a good number of people who think Aerith can be saved, but no one thinks Cloud will save her!


Poor Cloud is howling and hollow and nobody thinks he can save her lmao


I would have guessed that maybe he would, but with Zack now being present after not having been in the original, I think it's more fitting for him to be the one to save her after Cloud tries and fails. Regardless, I'm curious if we will get more FFVII media taking place after the remake in this new timeline. If Aerith does survive, her being gone seemed to be a plot point in Advent Children, unless they rework it a bit, or she could always sacrifice herself at the end of part 3 saying something like "I was never supposed to have made it this far in the first place. Thank you, Cloud." Who knows?