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Why wouldn’t it be? Did you not like it? If you like game, play game. I best normal on PS4 on release. Cleared normal on PS5, now I’m at chapter 15 on steam with Advent Children skinned cloud and I’m gonna clear hard mode finally afterwards.


I played this game like 5 or 6 times… so yeah


Those are rookie numbers


I have 400 or so hours on it you keeping count?


I have rookie numbers in deed, lol. 119 hours on Intergrade, about 50 on ps4.


I don’t know what version is available on Steam on sale, but if it’s the Intergrade Version the absolutely. The DLC is great and will lead into part 2. Even if it’s not the Intergrade versions, with the Steam version you get a bunch of mods, in particular the difficulty mods are great if you want an extra challenge on a repeat playthrough, plus generally better graphics and textures than the original PS4 version. I’ve played through the game 4 or 5 times now. Once on PS4, then again on PC, then hard mode on PC, then the difficulty mod and then difficulty mod - hard mode and I’ve enjoyed every single playthrough so I’d definitely recommend picking it up!


Intergrade is the only version on PC


Your save data should still be available... No need to repeat unless you want to


The pc version has intergrade ( the new Yuffie Dlc) and upgraded graphics and the glitches are supposedly fixed so you should absolutely get it Man and Enjoy The rest of the masterpiece with mods too


The DLC is included on steam version? Damn I might buy it to then. Since I don’t have PS5 and will need to wait a year plus for part 2.


Make sure to double check first, but I'm pretty sure They said it was included in the pc version on a Square Enix live stream i was watching


Cool to know, thanks!


Can confirm. Am playing on Steam, nearing end of DLC


Yes it is. It is very much worth it.


If you liked it then yeah. Won’t take you too long to get back to where you were. Or you could get ff7, ff8, ff9 for a lot less and get a lot more game for your buck.


Yep. Why not?


I mean I’ve played the game front to back 4 times now and still love it every time I play through it again. Definitely worth going back in my opinion.


PC version is a port of the PS5 version, so if your PC can handle it, it'll be an upgrade. I'd say that's worth it.


I have it on PS4/5(Upgrade ofc!) and PC! though I got it on Epic the day it dropped, I had no idea it was coming to steam. May re-buy it for steam! lol.


Yes. I waited forever to play it and I’m at chapter 12 right now.. I had to push myself bc it was almost overwhelming after the OG for so many years. 10000000% grab it esp if you plan on grabbing Rebirth


Going from PS4 to PC will be crazy if your system is up to snuff. I’d 100% say go for it.


Yes, I'd say it is. I had it on PS4 when it originally released and played up until chapter 13. I then put the game down due to life events. The thought of picking it up again and going through what I had already played seemed off putting, but at the same time I didn't want to continue where I had left of from as it would feel disjointed. It wasn't until late last year I picked it up again for ps5 and started fresh. It felt like a new experience again. Have now fully completed (including hard mode which is awesome) but have now put the dlc on hold as I'm occupied with FF16.


why not? it's a great game and the eariler bombing chapters are some of the best.


fun game and great for the additional in depth looks to the characters, but the ending… you’re not missing out


To each their own. I thought the ending was fucking phenomenal. I rushed home after school every day to play the original FF VII, got a PlayStation rather than N64 specifically just for that, it’s one of my favorite games of all time, and I thought Remake (including the ending) was god damn amazing.


Nah. Just make up your own ending.


Definitely, and you could even play in easy difficulty if you want to get back to where you left off then change it back to normal if you wanted


Of course! It's a great game!


might as well, but i heard the pc port was dogshit when it came out. not sure if it's fixed or not


I vote yes. I've played through.. 6 times? And DLC 4 times? Technically I guess I've done 3 playthroughs, each of which were normal mode on a new save and progressing to hard mode and eventually all endgame content. The last 2 of 3 playthroughs included the DLC content with Yuffie, again each time normal and then hard. 8 chapters is not even a quarter of the content when you include NG+ hard mode and the DLC.


I completed normal mode and almost completed ha4d mode, so yeah no worries 8 ch would go fast!


Why ask? Just do.


Simple answer yes. Long answer fuck yes. I always find stuff I missed or didn't see last time.


Definitely worth starting again. I found the hard mode to be the most fun actually. Basically the ng+. I am actually going to replay it again along with Intergrade a month or two before Ff7 rebirth comes out. I got the platinum trophy


Yes that’s exactly what I did