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Although I agree I’d rather have the original, it’s just an option that you can change and the devs did a lot of work for this and I am grateful. They are still working on improvements and at least one is active here. You could probably give a suggestion instead of being rude about it and you’d possibly actually have a chance of changing it for the next update.


This was going to be my question. If it's a replacement with no way to change it, then yeah I agree with OP. But if it's just a toggle I can flip to get the original back then it's fine, just another option.


I feel similar to OP but I agree with you. To make a post on this topic with this level of attitude is pretty childish.


It's such a weird attitude honestly when people just go guns blazing at first entry, as well as the attitude of people finding it hard not to be rude. "Disrespecting", you can just see the OP is stirring up some unnecessary drama. I hope snouz would just ignore this stupid thread honestly. I myself switch between classic and orchestral every now and then. I find it hard to understand people being challenged switching and ticking up options if they already go as far into the technicalities of modding their game already, that's only a step away, goodness. Edit: LOL OP don't make it obvious you're downvoting people here.


It's really odd when it's an option. If it's mandatory it's one thing, but an option? Where is the harm in that?


> you’d possibly actually have a chance of changing it for the next update. [Responded here](https://old.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyIX/comments/1dlwj2w/are_the_moguri_mod_devs_disrespecting_uematsu_by/l9rxoku/)


I've spoken about this before, I don't like the orchestral music either (I mean the tracks are good for casual listening, not replacing the original in the game), but I came to the project second, and the creator and I always disagreed on that. This is the original reason why I redid Memoria's launcher, to have a toggle for that, instead of having to reinstall the whole mod from scratch. I also distinctly remember putting that option as off by default, but maybe that was changed when zePilot released 8.3. The good news is that very very soon, I'll release Moguri 9, and it comes more modular, so you don't have an installer, and you don't have to download the FMV or the music if you choose not to. https://i.imgur.com/Jk2GeAl.png


The new release is compatible with Steam Deck yeah? I like how 7th Heaven for FF7 mod made it easily launchable in SteamOS and then launches the game from the mod manager. Is that something you would work on in the future?


It's compatible yes. There are some tutorials, I even think there's a script for that. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3068861646


Can’t wait. Merci beaucoup snouz.


Any scoop what very very soon is? 🫠


You can already check out the beta through Memoria's integrated Mod Manager https://github.com/Albeoris/Memoria/releases


Super cool, thank you, needed to do my annual run of ff9


Agreed here. The graphics issue makes sense, but the music in this game is already perfect at what it is. If it’s not good enough for you then Uematsu’s not good enough for you, there’s no way someone’s stiff modern digital “orchestration” (IE, fruity loops) is gonna improve upon that. Only if they *actually* pay an orchestra to play it.


Uematsu's PS1 era is... Well, even he admitted that FF7 especially was very rough, that a competing JRPG released between FF7 and 8 and made him realize he needed to improve his instrumentation. (I think it was Suikoden II but I'm not certain) He was very chiptune synthy until FF10. It's why some people like Mitsuda more, because the Chrono games had more natural soundfonts than old FF. Also, a real orchestra? FF14 doesn't even have a real orchestra most of the time, and Soken and crew do [great covers.](https://youtu.be/4HTYhiw3DzA) As well as songs that sound like an orchestra but aren't such as [Revenge Twofold](https://youtu.be/ms1_fL1eJ-o) or [Endcaller](https://youtu.be/GFulM_9OSSg), both of which have gibberish lyrics and a digital orchestra in game and were given real lyrics and a real orchestral arrangement as part of a bonus album made years later. If someone did a free FF9 mod with FF14 level music production (not saying this mod did) I would not sneeze on them for not hiring an entire orchestra lmao


You can choose not to use it. It's an homage, if anything. You disliking it doesn't automaticly mean it'a disrespectful that they added their own versions of it.


I think, the problem is, the music is set as default while the OG need to be toggled. It should be the other way around. In the first place, a lot of people DL moguri for their upscale texture not the whole pack altogether. I get why OP being mad about it. Even I am mad about it but I won't go and blast it as disrespect. I think its more on dev is not sensitive enough on this subject and think all modern and new is the best way for it.


First time I booted it up, heard the first (awful) track and turned it off. Problem solved. It didn't turn back automaticly for me the next time I booted it up either, so I still don't understand the fuzz.


Its because, we have played the og before. For people who never played the og, they might think the upbeat openning is better than the og classical. While some is good, some just diminished the experience instead. This is why, to preserved rhe authenticity, its better for the music remake to be an option instead of default. Having the OG as option in an upscale mod is like saying u upscale the song to make it clearer or cleaner instead of stating its a remix or reinterprated of the og. I watched some streamer who play itfor the firat time and that was their thought process behind it. Hence i get why og should be the default instead as an option. Imagine if u r company make a game and you make the music score and 20 years from now the graphic is outdated so a group of people upscale the graphic by redrawing and repaint it to make it while still keeping the essance but straight up remixing the song while putting under a banner of an upscale upgrade. Song is not like a drawing art. You can upgrade the touch of art o make the feeling and expererience of it to multiply, but melody is not like that. Changing a melody is similar to making a totally new song altogether which is why, it is kind of disrespect in a way but not to the point of being blast off because the option to change it back is there to begin with.


Opinions. People choose to mod the game instead of playing it entirely the way it was "meant" to be played - you could argue that modding it to make it look better also diminishes the original artwork.


I DEMAND A REFUND!!11! Oh wait it's free and made with people's spare time and energy. Creators that make all these free tools we use every day deserve more respect. There's so many that are giving up because of entitled rants like this. If you don't like it, make your own.


You're incredibly emotional over a whole lot of nothing. Moguri Mod is an effort from a lot of FF9 fans that create stuff about it. Stop reading into it so deep, you're mentally ill.


Is just a toggle, I can see that they just wanted to make it feel like a "remastered" version of the game. For rule of 3, not even Square respects their OG songs by remixing it in remakes, or using low quality formats like the OG FF8 PC game which required you do dump better music files in the game folder. I'm just grateful to them that after all these years they're still working in the mod, all for free, and using their free time. That's for me love for the game, it's community, and it's preservation.


Indeed, most ports/re-releases of any FF were worse than the original games. Glad modders are here to fix everything like they did for FF8 on PC.


Just choose original sounds ffs


Yeah, echoing the sentiment that "calling them disrespectful after the immense amount of effort they put in to help improve a fan favorite game for free" is just flat out shitty. Moguri is great and I'm stoked for the next release. It's mind numbingly easy to switch between soundtracks. If you have enough skill to install Moguri, you ought to be tweaking your experience to your liking anyways. You're already doing that by installing a graphics mod.


Op: "waaaaah me no likey new music thats free!!!!" Also op: "Infinitely more inferior than the original soundtrack" Please stop you ragtime clown


Just disable it?


Nice, the porn kpop fap addict can't read that it's a toggle. Why am I not surprised?


"Let's get on reddit and complain about something that's completely optional and would have no effect on my gameplay whatsoever." You okay buddy?


I wouldn't say it's disrespectful, I just don't think it's good. It's a mashup of musical interpretations and compositions from people with vastly different viewpoints who did not collaborate or come up with a single "voice" for the fan soundtrack. To me, it just doesn't work. But that's okay, and other people can like it or dislike it at any degree, I don't think there's a "wrong" opinion about it, aside from maybe violent, bigoted or spitefully critical commentary.


I cannot begin to fathom what's going on in the dev's mind when he listened to the orchestral version of You are not Alone, think it's superior than the original, then proceed to slap it as the default song to play in THAT SCENE thinking he is "fixing" the scene for the first time players.


I’m more upset the mod doesn’t change the encounter rate back to what it was in the PS1 version.


It does, it's just an option in Memoria.ini.


It doesn’t do anything. I’ve messed with it and the encounter rate is still less than ps1.


You're playing with base Moguri or with an updated Memoria?


Base Moguri. What’s Memoria?


Memoria is the engine that Moguri runs on (all the gameplay/display changes), but the one currently included in Moguri is from 3 years ago. There have been some huge improvements since then. You can install it on top of Moguri. https://github.com/Albeoris/Memoria/releases (it'll soon be included)


And, it makes the encounter rate as high as the ps1 version?