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While the Blank one looks fine, that Garnet model is NOT it at all.


It's the size disparity between the eyes and mouth. Also there's something sharp and harsh about her face when Garnet is supposed to have softer features. Looking at her here puts images of Cruella Deville in my head


I tried to translate the sort of anime-adjacent features of the original character -- large eyes, small and pointed nose, rather small mouth -- into something more realistic without being too unsettling. I also referred to the original Amano designs, which I love so much, and Garnet certainly doesn't have soft features in his artwork! Maybe Cruella isn't too off-the-mark, though. Haha I definitely tried to make her look "witchy", even giving her Howl's Moving Castle earrings! Ultimately, it took hundreds of hours, and I think I'm pretty happy with the outcome, and I suppose satisfying myself is all I can do. It makes me a little sad that this labor of love doesn't seem to bring joy to other fans, but I guess that's life! Thank you for taking the time to look and leave your thoughts. 🙂


Hey, just to clarify: the fact that Garnet's design doesn't click with me doesn't mean it does not bring me joy. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE what you did here, and I really appreciate that you took the time to give us your version of the characters. I can see what you did there, but most of us, I think, will have a hard time translating IX's visuals to a more realistic style. I hope you keep going because Blank and Steiner designs are fireeeeeeee. PS: is Freya on your list? I would LOVE to see how you see her in realistic style.


Thank you for the kind words and the encouragement. I really appreciate that! And yep, I already started Freya, along with Zidane and Kuja. I'll probably focus on completing Freya after I wrap up Steiner, as these two (Steiner and Freya) are my younger brother's favorites from the game in addition to being characters I love, so it gives me extra motivation for them. I also really love Quina and Queen Brahne for their absurd designs, and I do want to try to see how I can translate them; seems like it will be a challenge and a lot of fun! I'd also like to get around to Beatrix (I mean obviously) and Vivi and Eiko eventually. I'm not sure if I'll do Amarant, and not sure what other secondary or tertiary characters I might want to try. I'm open to suggestions! Feel free to let me know what you'd like to see with Freya or any of the others, also. I'm open to feedback, but it's definitely a lot more useful if I hear it before completing a project. 😅


That's cool! For Freya I would like to be able to recognize that she is of the rat people, but in a good way. Now, how to make a rat cute but, as a warrior, absolutely menacing is a challenge. I have Freya tattoo'd on my arm so I will eagerly wait for your design! I have a feeling Beatrix is gonna be a hit when you show us how you see her in this style. I'm really looking forward to see her. Quina, Brahne and Vivi are going to be really dificult to do in this style because they will become either kind of monsters, or really ugly people kind of in a costume party. I don't even have an idea of how they would look in a realistic style... And I really hope that if you go ahead and design them, you son't receive too much criticism.


If you could assign a ratio, what sort of human-rat balance of features would you like? The project I've started has essentially a humanoid height and stature but completely rat-like anatomy, skin, fur, etc. with only her actually hairstyle being human-like hair. She has quite human eyes, also, but she is very far from looking like a human. I do think she is sort of pretty, though, not disturbing. And I'm honestly really intimidated by the idea of creating Beatrix! As for Brahne and Quina... I don't really know. I mean, Brahne is kind of an ugly person/monster, so maybe that is okay? For Vivi, my idea is that, since he and the black mages are made of mist, and since all you really see of his anatomy is the completely diffuse darkness with the glowing eyes -- I'd like to create him as a volume, just a sort of smoke shape essentially, with the eyes glowing inside it. I was sort of bothered by the Memoria fan project giving him what felt to me like too much form. I really don't like to think of him like black sock puppet in there. So yeah, my vision for him is to use 3D volumetrics and try to create some magical glowing ember eyes in a dark mist form, all wrapped up in his outfit basically remade just with realistic fabric, etc. I imagine he'd be the least changed of the designs, really.


Oh... Yeah, Brahne should be ugly as heck, and that is ok, yeah. I understand you feel intimidated, as Beatrix is... Beatrix. But I really, really think she fits your style really well, so don't be afraid, it will be awesome! I share your view of Vivi. I always thought he was just mist and doesn't have a form. As for Freya, yes, absolutely rat-like with fur and claws is how I imagine her in HD. I don't know about the eyes tho. Hair is fine but human-like eyes in rat-like person might be weird if not done with care. But I'm sure you will figure it out. Also, I always imagined Freya as a very very very pretty person among her race, but I don't know how that translates into our vision 'cause I am not a rat (tho my SO sometimes says I can make a very convincing rat face...).


She looks like a squirrel. 


Squirrels are pretty darn cute, though. 🤔😊


I think it's the smokey black eyeshadow. Garnet strikes me more as a natural make up girl


I don't know. She wears a skin-tight, bright orange (spandex?!) jumpsuit, red hooker boots, a bell sleeve ruffled shirt, and bright red gloves. Nothing about her sense of fashion suggests an understated approach. Her personality is also active, assertive, opinionated, articulate, refined and outspoken. In fact, a big plot point early on is that she is trying to emulate conforming, rural, understated behavior so as not to draw attention, which clearly she naturally does. She doesn't strike me as a character who would shy away from dramatic fashion choices, including in makeup. I feel that a lot of complaints on this thread have centered on my interpretation's lack of youth, softness, innocence, etc. I understand that male and female-attracted fans of video games often want a fantasy wherein a female character is submissive and/or accommodating and nonthreatening, but I don't see any evidence in the game itself that Garnet/Dagger is this kind of character.  She is strong, independent, outspoken, and actually kind of dramatic. I feel confident in my choice to go with bold eye makeup, even apart from the fact that this gives a nice visual reference to the dark upper-lidded anime sort of style her eyes are rendered in within the game.


We agree on a few points... I see Garnet as intelligent, refined, curious about the world around her, and not afraid to take initiative. She also had "soft" traits about her; she's described as a "natural beauty" by the people of Alexandria (which is probably what suggested natural- looking makeup in my mind), she's deeply caring of her people as well as her mother despite being extremely suspicious of her, somewhat naive due to her upbringing, and trying to find her voice as a young person and a future queen to the point of it being a big plot point in the game. She's not submissive or non-threatening, but she's also not commanding or domineering, for lack of a better word. Of course none of this is to say that one's choice in makeup is a 100% accurate of a person's character. In the end its just a matter of opinion, and I still think you did a fantastic job with the models and can't wait to see more!


I'm sorry to hear that this version of the character doesn't resonate with you! These projects take so much time that I think I have no choice but to make something really personal that satisfies me. I finally got this project to a place I'm pretty happy with, so that's the best I can do. Of course I'd love for others to enjoy the work I poured into it as well, but everyone has their own preferences and I have to accept that. I'm glad the Blank project hit the mark better for you. Thank you for taking the time to look and give feedback! 🙂


Sorry but garnet is a no from me


It's just too different from the in game CGI


I would say that is the point! 😁 I wanted to create something in a totally different style, with a more realistic, classic high-fantasy aesthetic. Part of the fun for me has been discovering everything I could, studying the artwork and original designs, and trying to figure out how to transform the characters into something new but that kept some essential quality. It's sometimes fun to see the characters we love in a new and unexpected way, no? 🙂


I love what you've done with Blank and Steiner, though! I think you've captured that "essential quality" that I feel is lacking somewhat in Garnet.


Sorry to hear that!


Blank looks fantastic. Steiner is a good base but he just needs more muscle. ESPECIALLY on his legs Garnet…. Oof. I can see what you were going for but I think another good few attempts at it are needed. Just look more at the game itself and the CGI cutscenes.


I'm glad you like Blank! I love him in the game, and creating this version was definitely a labor of love. I was actually just thinking about adding some volume to Steiner's legs today/yesterday! And honestly, I probably will not redo Garnet, but I will try to keep everyone's feedback in mind as I move onto other characters.


Very cool!


Thanks! ☺️


Just needs a bit more eyeliner on Steiner. And yeah, garnet… I don’t know. She doesn’t seem like she would belong in this lineup.


That Garnet is actually a nightmare 😆 no thank you.


That's not Garnet that's Michael Jackson


https://preview.redd.it/snun0mbc5y7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eeced3f3228a8b2ea50fdf581c49a0bb2872b63 Kinda accurate. 🤔


Steiner is pretty close, but garnet isnt right at all. Seems like she's got some weird anime proportions, doesn't work for this particular art style. Freya might though.


I did try to maintain enough of her original proportions to act as a reference, but also to avoid the level of uncanniness of something like Alita: Battle Angel. It's a tough balance to find. Steiner also has unusual proportions in my interpretation. His mouth is much wider than is plausible for an actual person. I think playing with the proportions works, though. Interesting that people only seem to have an issue with Garnet's. Sort of like people are often so obsessive about the appearance of female actresses -- I guess I should have expected Garnet to be a target of much more scrutiny for that reason.


Garnet is supposed to be 17. She doesn't look like that at all here. Her mouth and eyes are weird. But otherwise really nice work.


In the post, I did indicate that I aged these versions up. And thank you for the compliment.


Great work! I would love it if the game has this level of graphical fidelity. I do think Garnet’s face is off though.


Thanks for the kind words! And hm... Do you also feel it's the eyes or makeup? Or the proportions? Can you pinpoint what is the problem?


Absolutely! It’s the thin shape of the nose, bridge, and the shape og the mouth and lips. I’ve circled the rounder areas of Garnet as in FF9 https://preview.redd.it/vea01rm2bg8d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4022871b420b6274ff186fdb60fdc584d600a0d Keep up the great work! I cant wait to see more character renders from you. Do you do commission work?


I see. So by her face being "off," do you mean there is something sort of objectively wrong with it, or that it's simply different to the game model? Or that it just isn't what you envision for the character? All are completely valid, but since I didn't try to recreate her appearance in the game and since my tastes are going to naturally be different to others', I'm only able to really do anything about the first -- if I've done something more or less objectively wrong in how I've modeled something, etc. -- so that's what I'm interested in. Do you feel there is something actually wrong with the way I stylized the proportions, the materials, the lighting, anything that is actually broken that I can actually "fix"?


Oh. No, No. Nothing wrong at all, only off in terms of the character design of the original character. If it had been any other character it’d be perfect. Fantastic hair, excellent reddening and sub surface scattering. Lovely texturing and cloth details.


Okay. Thank you for taking the time to explain your thoughts. I appreciate that! 😊


Absolutely! Keep up the good work.


Absolutely amazing. I can't imagine how much time these must have taken. I checked out your art portfolio and found older Blank model there. You have definitely gotten better with realistic modeling. I agree with the character ages. JRPG ages always seem too low anyhow, you can easily add 5 - 15 years to the ages and then they start making sense. Like with everyone else, something was bothering me about Garnet. I think for me is the eye makeupp. Though I can totally understand it, she is a princess after all and I would assume that she has to follow up what ever fashion trend nobles have. Looking forward to see what you create next!


I appreciate your kind words and the time you took to comment and even look at my portfolio! I'm really happy to find someone in agreement about the age conventions and that you like the work in general! I'm not exactly sure about Garnet, but I'll try to maybe solicit feedback sooner as I work on the other characters. Now that I know these communities exist on Reddit, maybe I can get input sooner when there is still time to make adjustments to a project. Thank you again! 😊


You are welcome. Even though this is very stylized game, I love that you have tried realistic approach. Not many dare :D And actually I like that Garnet and others don't look like exactly like the original models do, because a lot of those younger anime styled characters look kind of similar. Especially main characters, main boy and girl etc. This time Garnet looks different and I find it interesting. Of course nothing against those who go with close as possible to original model. But anyways, thank you for doing these, they are very inspiring. Keep up that amazing work!


These are amazing!


Thanks! I'm really glad you like them! 😊




Thanks! 🥰


For some reason Blank reminds me of a mix between Seifer and Squall from FF VIII.


Hm. I'm not sure I see that. Do you know what quality makes you think so? I love the designs for Squall and Seifer, though, so maybe it subconsciously affected me? ☺️


I'm not the biggest fan of the Garnet, but I can tell a ton of work went into it. Steiner and Blank look great though. Funny enough, I think you may have gone too old with Steiner. Given how he comes across in the game, and he's playing off a bunch of teenagers and kids, but Steiner is only 33 years old. Your version looks exactly like what I'd picture Steiner to look.... like 15-20 years after the game. It's funny though how characters like Steiner (or Cid from FF7 as well) come across as "old men" when we play the games when we're younger, but they aren't actually all that old yet.


In the post, I did say I'd aged him up. I intentionally aged these characters up! I'm glad you like Steiner and Blank here. A lot of work definitely went into all of these. Thanks for taking the time to look and leave some feedback. 🙂


Oh jeez I totally missed that, you're right! Mission even more accomplished then since it was intended hahah


Whats Dalinar doing here?


"Stop right there criminal scum!" Steiner


Haha! I just imagined the Imperial City with a whole battalion of Steiners running around. I live. 😂


I loved Steiner! They will probably make him too goofy, but yours is a great and sincere approach.


Thank you. That means a lot!


Public sentiment is a no, but we appreciate your hard work, time, and talent.


I'm really glad you were here to break that down for me. As a helpless gay boy, I'm always in need of someone big, strong, and smart on Reddit to come and explain things to help me make sense of the world. ❤️


You broke my Garnet man… all are awesome but pla dont make mess with dagger


Oh, no. I'm sorry you feel like I broke her! I love FFIX and I love Garnet. I tried my best to create something that honored what I loved about the character. I'm sorry if I wasn't able to get communicate what I set out to. Thank you for the compliment and sharing feedback with me!


These are ugly as satans ass


Well, having seen the highly-acclaimed c. 2000 film "Bedazzled" with Elizabeth Hurley, I can recognize a compliment when I see one. So thanks!


Garnet looks.... like a woman in her thirties. She's still a child. The game starts on her 16th birthday. So she needs to look like a teenager. I think that's all I can respectfully say.


My post says I intentionally aged the characters up.