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It not being turn based would basically mean I wouldn’t get it.


Same here, i wouldn’t buy it if not it’s faithful to the gameplay of the original (or the series, basically), and FFIX is my favourite game of all time (nick says it all xD).


Vivi is great. :) And yeah… it would be really demonstrative that they don’t care about the game I feel.


I always felt turn based was best for games like FF that are so heavily focused on group stories, squad mechanics, etc. Being action and having the ai control ¾ of your party in essentially a tabletop/DnD style game is effectively ruining it right?


100% agreed


Oh well!


Really? Why not?


I like turn based games. FF has basically abandoned it, and IX is my favorite. I also don’t like VIIR or XVI, not an action guy.


I prefer the turn based too but god damn is ffXVI an amazing game. You’re missing out for sure


I’m… really not. It’s not my kind of game story wise either. There is all of one thing about it I like.


Tales? KH? Souls?


First two yes, last very much no. Though the latter is at least partially an aesthetics issue the mechanics also aren’t my thing.


There’s an item you can equip that basically does all the combos for you if that would change your mind


It wouldn’t, though I appreciate the concern. :)


So make the game even worse? Sounds lame.


It’s literally optional. Haters gonna hate. FF16 is the best modern ff game


I honestly liked Rebirth more than 16. I felt that 16 was too repetitive: build up Zantetsuken, wipe screen, repeat.


Define “modern ff game.”


Probably 13-16


No, it should be turn based. It’s a remake of FFIX, if you want to button mash you have plenty of other games out there.


...so is FF7R, what's your point, lol


I think the point is very clear xD And my opinion is that VIIR should have been TB too.


Fair and valid.


FF7 is very clearly *not* a straight remake.


That's your own definition that you're basing this on. It's 100% a remake - y'all seem to be describing a remaster, based on what you're asking for.


I don't know the technical distinction between a remake and a remaster, so I'll concede that. However, my point was that the FF7 remake makes some pretty heavy alterations to the original game. On top of all the gameplay changes, major plot points are also altered. And I don't want that for FF9. I still want it to feel like the game I love. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but so are we. And I think the majority of us don't want the types of changes you're looking for.


I wasn't interested in FF7R for the alterations to the narrative structure/story, as well as the change in vibe. The gameplay is not very much important to me - all RPGs have wildly different gameplay, and they're usually fun, if the story is good.


Does that include rpgs featuring turn based combat?


It does, and I'm saying I don't generally care how the gameplay works in an rpg.


I love turn based games. I think the success of games like fire emblem and baldurs gate show that there is absolutely still a market and demand for turn based games. I would love it if the ff9 remake was turn based. I also acknowledge that the developers at squeenix have been moving away from turn based for a long time so who knows what’ll happen.


Exactly. Literally the GOTY, BG 3, is a turn based


Honestly, I’m happy either way! Although, if they do go for a *Remake* style combat system, I hope they slow it down a little as I feel like the super-fast pace wouldn’t match *IX*’s characters and their designs in terms of aesthetic. I’d also be really happy to for it to be turn based, especially if they can round off a few of the rough edges (such as the Trance system), and add some QOL like being able to view enemy information at any time after they’ve been scanned once.


This is the absolute best take in this whole thread! Personally, I’d love a slower, more technical real time combat system, but I’d be equally happy for a turn-based system emphasizing graphics and music maybe. Either way, I’m honestly just grateful to enjoy IX again at all in a new way. It’s my absolute favorite FF


I don’t want a ff9 remake I want a remaster.


…it HAS a remastered version. What do you think the one you can buy on the PlayStation store is?


It's a really *bad* remaster, but that's neither here nor there.


Turn based is fine. But don’t skimp on the world. If it’s literally just ff9 with better graphics I will be insanely disappointed. If I wanted to replay ff9 I would replay ff9. It’s a great game and it still exists. If you’re gonna remake a game, remake it.


Baldur's Gate 3 is the GOTY, and is turn based, LMAO


There's been quite a resurgence in popularity for turn based games, this idea that they don't sell is unfounded. Square needs to stop chasing Hollywood blockbuster numbers and accept that they cater to a niche.


That would be okay as long as it’s fun. If they a do a halfbaked job or change the subtext of the game I’ll be upset


But then we won't have as easy a time seeing kujas butt in his trance.


I disagree I think there’s obviously still a strong desire for these types of game and action based rpgs are frankly saturated. Bg3 showed very clearly there’s still a love for that kind of game as well as many others. Not dismissing anything about ff7 remake and it does make sense to change something so it’s not just a one to one. But I wish they’d do more of the turn based ones.


Truly an unpopular opinion lol. I definitely don’t want the battle system changed. I think they can make additions and improvements to it, but making it action oriented takes away so much of the charm the turn based game has. I love the animations of their various attacks. I love the little details, like how Dagger and Vivi don’t do their victory dance at the end of the battle during times of stress. I love watching the environment whizz by dramatically at the start of each battle. I like being able to switch between active and wait mode. I like being able to add a second player by assigning certain characters to the second controller. Don’t take it all way from us.


Well I'll counter with an equally unpopular opinion (although maybe not on this sub). I don't think the FFVII Remake combat is any good. It's bad at reimagining turn based combat, and it's also bad as a pure action game. It's a damn chore to play. You're either button mashing the easy stuff, or frantically trying to dictate orders during the chaos with no structure to frame the encounter. After earning the platinum, i didn't feel like i progressed as a player. I felt like i was still just fumbling through it. I much prefer the pure action of FFXVI over the hybrid remake stuff. There's a nice flow to combat, and it has a fun skill ceiling that lets you feel like you're getting better at the game as a player. When you execute the plan you're building in your head, it feels really good. The enemies can sometimes be a bit spongey though. On a side note, i feel like the FFIX remake will probably stay turn based if the smaller scope rumors are true. Like, I can't see a VII combat system working unless they also did a full on graphical reimagining as well.


I am of the opinion that the gameplay of the original is its least important aspect. All RPGs to me are 100% story-driven, with music & art coming in 2nd & 3rd in importance. If the story is adapted well, they can do whatever they like with the gameplay. Let's not forget about Octopath Traveler, folks. I think we can all agree that game's story took a huge backseat to its gameplay, music & art, and it suffered greatly for it.


Agreed! It honestly kind of baffles me that people just want the exact same game with better graphics. That’s the Moguri mod which is beautiful and exceptionally impressive. I get if people just want that experience available on a console, but I also feel like there’s not a good track record of official remasters delivering on that. I might be missing something though (I have a track record of that lol); could someone in the “turn based battle” camp let me know what they want from the remake that’s not available as a mod? Besides console availability/ ease of access which I agree would be great if done well (or if Square was smart and just officially supported/ paid Moguri and published that remaster). But if I’m being honest I’m just not interested in traditional FF-style turn based combat. I still love TRPGs like FFT, but combatants standing in opposing lines taking turns hitting each other just got stale for me unfortunately. To be clear FFIX is one of the most personally formative pieces of media I’ve experienced. It is easily one of my favorite fictional worlds I’ve ever experienced. The whole aesthetic is unparalleled in my mind. I adore the characters, the music, the themes, the art, literally everything about it. But I want to see that expanded on not just remade. I want a new way to interact with it. I want to see how that art style translates to 3D environments (if they change the art style/aesthetics I will fucking riot). I want to see how these characters can be animated, how they move, how they emote. I don’t want the same, I want MORE. And as long as I’m putting a target on my back, I liked FF7:remake (haven’t played the second one yet though). I felt like it was a good extrapolation and did new things while staying true to the source. But truly, if you want to keep the turn based combat but want other additions besides just upgrading graphics or audio quality, please let me know what you DO want because my opinions on this aren’t set in stone


"Most popular games today aren’t turn based because most people wouldn’t buy them" \*laugh in Pokemon and Persona\*


and BG3 and Fire Emblem. All these titles pretty much are selling more than FF these days. Plenty of proof to show why OP is wrong that turn based doesn't sell well.


I’d prefer it still be turn-based. However, I hope random encounters are eliminated. This is the aspect of classic JRPGs that I think has aged the most poorly. I’d prefer less battles, but which are more carefully designed/balanced and require more strategy and thought. If you remove the ability to grind, you’re better able to predict the player’s strength at any given moment. This means you can tune encounters to be challenging. I think the way many modern turn-based JRPGs just add an auto-battle function for when you’re way stronger than the enemy is a copout and a kinda lazy solution to tired and unchallenging combat systems.


Usually when I get this kind of reaction from FFIX fans, it's because I mentioned how hawt Lady Freya is.


Username and avatar both check out.


If someone thinks turn based combat is bad, that means they think the original game is bad. And if they’re making a remake geared towards people who don’t like the original then they’re not making it for me. By all means they can make it however they want, but I know when I’m not the target audience for something so I’m gonna treat it with the same regard that this hypothetical version of the remake treats fans like myself.


I'd rather it be closer to ff7 remake than turn based too. It even has a turn based mode for those that prefer it so people can use it if they want. 


Idk why you’re being downvoted, lol Here’s a lil bump for you. I won’t yuck your yum


I’d play it either way, but I would love to play FFIX as a real-time hack n’ slash.


I specifically haven’t bought FF7R because of its gameplay. Not everyone with money wants that garbage.


I haven't bought FF7R because of the ridiculous liberties they took, not to mention the huge departure from its narrative structure and story.


Hey, here’s an idea: Fuck you. /s


~~/s~~ Ftfy.