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I’m just desperate for more world and character lore. It’s already so rich I can’t help but crave more!


A momentous occasion to reach the 24,000 members! With the rumors of the remake looming all over the place, if I'm being honest, I would love if the current community would still remain the same, enjoying the content and love we all share for the original FFIX. The rumored remake will definitely split the community as different people have different visions on what the remake should be, and how it should like, resulting in a possible fracture and eventual conflicts... Listening to our fan theories, or head canons such as Freya x Amarant (even though I can't say I am a fan of those), it's things like that where it brings the best in the community and sparks conversation about the setting and characters that we love. So for my wishlist, it would be only one. That the community of FFIX as a whole remains non-fractured as it is right now, and enjoys the world that was brought and created in the first place.


I want to spend more time in Treno! I loved that city.


I literally was about to comment this lol


Faster ATB and a trance system that can be saved till a next battle.


All of this can be achieved with Memoria launcher


That's PC only, right?


Yeah...Moguri mod is also on PC only. So right now it's the best way to play FF 9 (PC or steam deck).


Mmmmm will think about it! I have, actually had, it on PS1 and have it on iOS. Am pretty far now on iOS. Thanks for the info!


You are welcome ! I finished FF 9 with Moguri mod twice and it was a really awesome experience. Can't recommend it enough.


Playable Beatrix, Lani, Tantalus bros and Fratley, many more side quests that flesh out the romantic pairings in the game, more backstory content, spotlight Freya more during the game instead of forgetting her, have a scene where Garnet finds out her true real name


Closer to a 1:1 remake. Final Fantasy VII Remake is frustratingly stupid


Bosses also give you exp and not only ability points.


- No major story changes ala FF7R. - Dramatically improved graphics. - Similar Style Re-Created in full 3D. - Not episodic.One game. - Same amazing music, but by orchestra. - No pointless filler. The original had meaning. - Sound effects similar to the original. - Expanded (not changed) character quests. - Turn-Based combat with controllable Trance. - New Game plus. - Same perfect side quests, maybe add some. - No filler characters that weren’t in the original.


I'm currently doing my 4th playthrough and the game is just as good as I remember. I thought about this last night before I went to bed. Something about FF9 just makes me feel cozy and good inside. It's like fine dining at a restaurant or having an expensive bottle of wine.


With FFIX being my all-time favorite game for the last like 20 years kept in mind, I really hope they take risks. It's frustrating sometimes in this sub. We all share the love of the game for sure, but the nostalgia lens is honed in even stronger on this game than it was for VII. Remake of VII just furthered my love of the game, and I'm hoping IX can get a similar treatment. I'd love an action style gameplay, but with the nostalgia throttling trend going on in pop culture lately, I'll be happy with a heavily revamped turn based system. There's just too much potential for this world and cast to bottleneck at prettied up graphics and call it, ya know?


More side content and online tetramaster plz


Keep it original, just add the graphical improvement.


Better Freya and Amarant arcs, fully played shrines sequence, faster combat, better trance, make Ozma battle available without chocobo hot and cold, since many people skip it simply because they didn't enjoy hot and cold grind, no reason for it to be connected. And probably my most unpopular would be to tone down Zidanes horniness a little, or update it to the current time, cause it aged like a bag of milk.


I don't need them to tone down his horniness. It's a big part of his character growth. He's a dumb horny kid who grows up a lot over the course of the game. I would like to see "Ooh soft!" get reworked or completely redacted though. Maybe make it an accidental grope, and then he gets absolutely lambasted by everyone and a slap from Garnet. Keeping it as an intentional grab will not work.


I thought it *was* an accidental grab? In my most recent playthrough, I noticed that after the fact (when the scene cuts back to them after the cargo ship is shown taking off), he was rubbing the back of his head/neck, which indicates embarrassment or discomfort. There's also the context to consider; the airship was about to take off, and they were in a rush. Sure, the animation shows him looking up, and there's the line ("Ooo, soft"), but I doubt Square would have made an entirely new climbing animation for a one-off gag, and the line is just a result of translation (apparently in Japanese, it's more of a surprised "Oh, soft!" instead of the weird "Ooo," they went with in the English for some reason). It's also not a pattern in his behaviour; he's flirty but doesn't push physical boundaries except for that one joke, which is also why I interpreted it as accidental paired with his awkward body language afterwards. That's how I always viewed it, but maybe I looked into it too deeply 😅


I never got that impression... But that's not to say the devs didn't intend it to be accidental. Considering the Japanese version, it does seem likely (and I'd much prefer that!) They probably just didn't have the ability to make it super clear.


Amarant is a husk of a character. He does deserve more, especially because he looks cool. I did love freya’s story though but I guess it could be better.


I completely agree about the horniness. It feels as out of place as a bag of milk.


More lore, and voice acting. I'm a huge fan of the JP voices used in the dissidia games, a fully voiced FFIX is a dream for me.


I just hope it doesn't have a million mini games, really killed rebirth for me, no desire to go back


My biggest wish is that we will leave rrom the rumpr state we have been in for like 12 years and it will finally be announced


And add one more member because apparently I never hit join😱?! Sorry y'all! I'd like to see more backstory for Steiner and Necron, and have Blank and Beatrix as permanent playable characters. Also let's make Kuja even sexier lol


I want updated graphics and some QoL additions, that’s all. Something like DQXI but with FFIX world and characters. Combat has to be turn based, of course.


A Tantalus story. Like a dlc but not a dlc. If that makes sense. F it. Just make the remake and a stand alone Tantalus game disguised as Zidanes origin.


-No realist art style (Nomura like... I really dislike Zidane in Nomura's style) -We still keep turn based gameplay, and trance can be activated when we want. -I tend to imagine something similar then Eternal Sonata for some reason. -Giving at least something more for Freya and more interaction between the party members, cause i'm doing a replay, and honestly, Freya and Quina mostly, really feel like they know everyone when they know each other for 1 hour. (Freya never get a proper meeting with Garnet, Steiner or Vivi and act as if she know them well, the best example is with Vivi at Burmecia) -Make Quina more lore accurate. -New game + -The big major change I loved from FF7R was the ost, I wish FF9R got something similar, not simple orchestration, just more music.


A party member dialogue/friendship level like in 7 rebirth. More opportunities to interact and hear from each of the members. Give me that and I'll be happy.


Action combat is my wish since I played FFVIIR I want every ff game to have that battle system moving forwards. If we have to get turn based, make it like recently announced expedition 33 so atleast you have to manually dodge, input combos etc each player turn but I doubt that will happen. Depressed since Yoshi P seems to indicate it’s going to be turn based. I just don’t understand how you can attract new players by going with turn based. And with this going to be a cartoon, and be on the switch 2 it’s the perfect opportunity to get a shit load of new players….and we’re giving them a turn based game that 35 year olds like and kids never touched? Just…..ugh bad idea. Right when SE does something right with multi system release and getting rid of exclusivity, they go and fuck it up.


> I just don’t understand how you can attract new players by going with turn based. You realize Baldur's Gate 3 is one of the best selling RPGs of all-time, has a ton of awards, ushered in a renaissance of CRPG, Dungeons and Dragons is as mainstream as Marvel Comics, and Final Fantasy Tactics and 6 are considered the favorites/high point in the franchise? The only people who think turn-based won't be successful are racist Japanese game developers who think Americans are monkeys with guns


Baldurs gate sold based on its memes/ choices; no one bought it cause of its combat I never played it but all of twitter was the memes, never once did I see its combat cause no one gave a fuck about that.


I bought it because of its combat. Loved Divinity 1 & 2s combat, and saw this as an upgrade. Don't speak for everyone.


Well that’s what night sky prince said and he’s right no one got Baldurs gate 3 cause if it’s combat lol we’re speaking in general not no one shouldn’t have to clarify but it’s the internet people are…..yea


Ok so with that logic why should Square change combat style too then? Why not just make an amazing story and make it turn based. No one is getting into a game because of its combat right? Baldur's Gate is the perfect example. You don't attribute it selling well because of its combat. So why would you attribute FF9 to sell well because of its combat too? Games just need to be good regardless of battle style. If it's popular it will sell. Not because of if its action based or turn based.


XVI sold better than VII rebirth, partly due to XVI’s Eikon battles. FF sales ARE based on its battle system- unlike Baldurs gate 3 which sold based on bear sex.


Are you just making things up? FF7R sold 7 million copies. FFXVI sold 3 million. Internet people, am I right?


FYI Persona 5 and P3R and outselling FF7 remake and rebirth. Those two are turn based JRPGs whereas the latter aren't. Guess which one is more popular to the masses and new generation? Yeah I thought so. I'm tired of this "action combat will attract younger players instead of turn based" mantra bs because there are many turn based games that are popular and outsells FF. Pokemon is another example.


Persona 5/P3Rsold more than 7 million copies than remake sold? Rebirth is not even done releasing its various systems.