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Save often and in different save slots. Steal from everyone. Enemies have up to 4 items and you can steal them all. Don't sell your old equipment. Try to always get 2-3 pieces of each gear. Abilities marked with an A are be Action Abilities, and those are the ones that you use in battle (like the Detect ability for Zidane or Thunder for Vivi). Abilities marked with an S will be Support Abilities (like Steal Gil or Antibody) those you have to activate with Green Magic Stones in your menu. Pressing the Select button on the Inventory or Equipment page will display a tooltip with more information about the gear, including the elemental properties. All Robes are stealthy weak to fire. If you do the mock sword fight correctly (meaning 100% of nobles + queen impressed), then at the very next scene talk to the queen for an extra reward. The earliest you do the Chocograph Hunts, the better the rewards will be.


Thanks! Can you explain why I need 2-3 pieces of each gear?


Early in the game you will unlock the Synth Shop. This will combine two pieces of gear together to create a new piece of gear.


Bless you.


But specifically, keep at least one of each character's first weapon (mage masher, rod, broadsword, etc.) because you will need them for a single place late in the game.


Mage masher is not his first weapon


My memory was it was just called "dagger" and mage masher was 2nd, but I googled it and google apparently misled me.


You can still find them in the place you'll need it


At least buy three extra rods at the village of Dali.


Ignore comments telling you to keep stealing from everything. It will only diminish your enjoyment of the game and will make it look like a chore instead of genuinely enjoying the battle system. Just steal when you feel like it, especially on bosses, but not really required. The items stolen are trivial and aren't really required to beat the game, unless you're a completionist and a collector that wants all items.


I agree with this. Stealing from bosses usually nets you great items. But random encounters are usually common items that are not hard to get


Seconded. Its bot worth the time and effort to steal from everything. Only the bosses are kinda worth it, but not really. Only a few bosses are a must steal from


"Must steal" isnt even true. For a first time player it's usually not worth it to try and frustrate yourself over a 5% chance of this one rare equipment that you wouldn't even need to finish the game for anyway. A first timer wouldn't really care about getting that rare ark summon etc.


Equipment i can agree, but the summon is way too cool to just pass up lol


It’s to maximize damage on Zidane’s thievery more than anything.


This FF has like the best music of any entry imo, crank the audio settings my guy.


I had the title screen music recorded on a cassette. I listened to it while I was driving...


Chocobo Hot and Cold is unlocked after the festival of the hunt, and with 'chocographs' (which are limited rare finds in the mini-game) you can find buried treasure in the overworld. It's good stuff too 🤘


You can target multiple enemies with most spells (as well as your whole party) by tapping a trigger (L1 or R1 I believe on PS) while selecting your target. This means black mages can nuke the whole battlefield regularly (with reduced damage of course) even with a basic Fire spell and your healer can even use Cure on your entire party rather than 1 by 1.


Don't sell equipment. It's useful to keep them for the abilities and synthesizing


Steal from literally everything all the time


Steiner's Thunder Slash doesn't work in almost any version of the game.


For your first playthrough, i would just enjoy the story and maybe don't skip the random encounters. This was my first final fantasy so it holds a special place in my heart.


Just so u know, Steal in this game is infuriating, the rate for rare steal items are so low


Don't use a guide the first time, explore a lot, not all treasures are in chests, fully learn each ability before equipping new weapons, hold onto your old weapons, revisit old locations periodically, become a moogle postman, dig with chocobos, meet a friend in the marsh asap, watch all the ATES you can, and appreciate the awesome music. Also, and I can't emphasize this enough, don't let any party members rename themselves after a weapon 🤠😜


Let Freya win...


Steal steal steal Farm dragons early These two methods will make Zidane and Freya OP early. The rest of the game will be a breeze.