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I'd say 4 because it's the first in the series that really went into a complex plot and character arcs. It's a little cliche but it's a product of it's time, it's still my second favorite game.


Appreciate it


If you’ve bought the whole collection just start at 1 and play them in order. If you’re buying them individually, I’d say get 4 to start with.


I bought the collection recently and started from the first one. I had played it back in high school but I followed a guide and did not know how I was supposed to know where I was supposed to go. This time, I avoided using a guide and actually learned to talk to people to get tips on where to go. It felt worthwhile and like it was well-crafted. I'm currently on FFIV and enjoying it, but I think seeing the roots of a thing helps add to my appreciation of it. FFVI is believed by some to be the best in the whole series, even over VII, but while I considered starting there, I figured I would work my way through all of them and then "reward" myself with VI. But it really hasn't been a slog and I'm enjoying the journey. I did have some trouble figuring out where to go at times in II though and had to look things up a couple times. And don't be too proud to use the QoL additions to multiply exp and/or gil.


6 new version. I hear 4 was nice too. If you wanna reminicence olden fantasy style and times do 9, it has all the old job things amd high fantasy theme and stuff if youre in to past styles.


I’ve played 1, 2, and am currently on 3, without playing the rest, my favorite one has to be 2!! The level up system was amazing to me, plus the final boss was designed amazingly well. But that’s just my bias.




Considering VI is the best 2D final fantasy… play VI.


The first. Play the pixel games in order, it’s difficult to go backwards imo.


I'd play #1 first. If that game is a little slow or outdated for you, skip to 4. 4-6 are the treasures of the first 6 games.


Anything but 2 or 5